
Flower cultivation skills: how to treat shell insects without medicine?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many ways to deal with shell insects, and the use of pesticides is the easiest and easiest, but you also need to be careful when spraying, especially indoors. What I want to share with you today is how to control scale insects without drugs.

  What is the name of scale insects? The adults secrete a substance that coats their bodies in a thick waxy shell to protect them. It is difficult for general contact pesticides to have an effect on it. It is useful to use pesticides with strong toxicity and permeability, but there is a disadvantage in using drugs: indoor management has certain risks, and it is not good for people's health.

There are many ways for    to deal with scale insects, of course, using pesticides is the easiest and most convenient, but you also need to be careful when spraying, especially indoors.

If    does not use medicine, is there any way to control scale insects? Of course the answer is yes, follow Huinong Kobayashi to have a look!

1. Wipe the stems and leaves with alcohol. Carefully poke the leaves with your hands and wipe them carefully. In order to make the insecticidal effect better, alcohol should be in direct contact with the shell insects. Once every few days, after lasting many times, it will have a more significant effect.

two。 Neem oil is a natural insecticide, which is mixed with common soap and vegetable oil to make insecticidal spray, which has a wonderful effect on killing shell insects.

3. Wash plant leaves with soapy water solvent. Excessive concentration of soap will cause burn damage to plant leaves, so pay attention to the appropriate proportion when using, and it is best to test on several leaves before washing the whole plant.

   perhaps everyone wants to find a way to completely cure shell insects to ensure that their plants are absolutely protected, but often with little success. As a matter of fact, shell insects are difficult to cure, such as the above methods can only be slightly controlled and relatively killed, so that the superficial pests are no longer so rampant, and the only thing that can really ensure the healthy growth of plants is normal attention and careful care.

   actually treats flowers and plants like children. More attention and companionship will enable them to avoid some disasters, and they will look better.

Flower cultivation skills introduction to all kinds of flower cultivation techniques and experiences

This article introduces the experience and experience of growing flowers.

Growing flowers requires professional knowledge, especially if you want to raise flowers well, you need profound professional knowledge and careful care. How to grow flowers in order to raise flowers best? By constantly learning and summing up the best experience of how to grow flowers, and then put it into practice, we can have the unique skill of growing flowers. The following is to introduce some flower-growing skills, hoping to be helpful to those who love flowers!

First, the method of drunken orchids to promote flowers

Gentleman's Ye Ye, its stem Pavilion, flowers red, shining; the whole appears elegant and dignified, especially suitable for indoor desk display, ordinary families like to raise it a few pots. However, there is often such a situation: the flowers are in full bloom when they are bought, but the flowers do not bloom and the leaves do not grow after the flowers, which seems to have become stiff seedlings. Is there any way to change this situation? Yes, this is the way to get drunk and promote flowers:

Liquor should be used, regardless of height or low degree. Yanghe Daqu is fine, so is Erguotou. If you have the economic strength, he also welcomes Maotai. After the Qingming Festival and before the late autumn, pour a glass of liquor into the magnolia basin every now and then, and be careful not to splash on the plant. In this way, after seven or eight days, you can see the effect: foil emerges, new leaves grow, stiff seedlings, resurrection. If dealt with according to the law, the magnolia will grow better and better, and the flowers will bloom like a torch.

Note: this method is very safe, there is no need to worry about the burning of magnolia. But it has not been tested on other flowers and trees, so please use it with caution. If you have no experience, you can use a small amount of it at longer intervals to make sure it is foolproof. At the same time, it can be temporarily suspended after it takes effect.

Second, daffodils promote flowers and prolong the viewing period

Although the daffodils raised by some people are lush and green, they do not blossom, or they wither soon after they bloom. Is there any way to promote the flower and prolong the florescence? Yes!

1. Soapy water promotes flowers

Narcissus contains a plant alkali, which can promote plant growth and development. Soapy water is an alkaline solution, and after daffodils are inhaled, it increases the plant alkaloids in the body, so that vegetative growth can be quickly transformed into reproductive growth, so that an appropriate amount of soapy water plays a role in promoting flowers.

2. Aspirin extends the viewing period

Grind one or two tablets of aspirin into small particles and sprinkle them into a daffodil basin. The salicylic acid component in aspirin can promote plant flower bud differentiation and flowering, so it can make the daffodil flowers large and bright, and prolong the viewing period.

Putting some salt in the daffodil pot can also promote flowers and make flowers live longer. In addition, after the daffodil blossoms, put it in a cooler environment, the effect is also good.

Third, inverted arrow

The common tactic of family breeding is cutting, but many flower friends report that the survival rate of cutting is not high, and their roots will rot if they are not careful, so cutting has been in vain for many years. Why is the cuttage of arrow lotus easy to rot? Because its fleshy stem is relatively thick, the incision is extremely sensitive to soil moisture-too wet cuttings are easy to rot, and if they are too dry, the branches are shriveled and thin. Even a branch cut that has been alive for a long time will rot if it is not careful, and all previous efforts will be wasted. There is a wonderful way to solve this problem, that is, reverse insertion.

The method is simple: cut the 10-15cm cutter with a sharp knife (the part with a leaf tip at the top), and then insert it upside down into the soil, with a depth of about 6-8cm. Because it is inserted upside down, the incision is exposed. At a suitable temperature, it can take root and survive in about 20 days, and new branches can sprout in a month and a half. At this point, you can safely turn to normal management.


1. Be careful not to spray to the upward incision when watering or spraying.

2. there is no need to control the water, you can see the dry and wet as soon as you come up.

3. The cutting substrate does not need sand or plain soil, but can be cut directly in the fertile and loose soil.

4. Insert as you cut, and the cuttings need not dry in the shade.

5. The cuttings from the new root to the old will naturally shrink and dry up in the future, and the new branches will take their place.

Fourth, filling duck fattening rose

The method of filling duck and fattening rose is aimed at the situation that the nutrients of large rose are difficult to meet the growth of rose due to the limited basin soil, which can make your rose flowers big, gorgeous and energetic. Interested friends might as well give it a try.

1. In early spring, put on or turn the basin before the rose is about to sprout, and apply enough fermented base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin.

two。 The second step is to sprout. When sprouting, apply 1-2 times urea or amine sulfate and other solid nitrogen fertilizer, in strict accordance with the proportion of water application instructions, not too thick, otherwise the root will be burned. Dozens of buds can be densely grown about a week after application, and the buds should be thinned appropriately according to the plant size and shape.

3. The third and most important step is spoon feeding:

A. after germination, we should first fully strengthen the supply of nitrogen fertilizer to make the new buds thrive. Irrigate with diluted fully fermented soybean cake liquid, spray leaves and shoots with urea solution of 1 to 1000, and use them alternately once a week.

B. when the new buds grow to about 2 inches, they begin to switch to fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Apply diluted fish intestine fertilizer or other phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to the basin soil and spray the leaf surface and branch end with 1max 1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, alternating once a week. In this way, a bud will soon appear at the end of each branch. For the uniform distribution of buds, buds can be thinned properly.

C. still use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer alternately every other week to facilitate the next batch of flowers to bloom. In the meantime, nitrogen fertilizer is applied every other month or so.

Explanation: organic fertilizer is applied in basin soil, inorganic fertilizer is applied on leaf surface, do not increase concentration at will; in case of heavy rain, it is necessary to avoid rain or shelter rain to prevent basin soil and nutrient loss; it is better to add a certain proportion of briquette ash to basin soil, which is not only breathable, but also has the function of absorbing nutrients, and the release is more balanced.

5. Thousands of miles with inserts

But in faraway places, how do you keep the cuttings without losing water, and how do you bring them home smoothly? Here's a simple way to do it: moisturizing is a problem with inserts thousands of miles away. Although it can be moisturized in a plastic bag, it is airtight, and sometimes the cuttings will rot. To moisturize and keep the cuttings fresh, you just need to buy a few fresh cucumbers and the problem will be solved. Cut the leaves off the branches, leave the petiole, and insert them from one end of the cucumber flowering, which not only maintains the moisture of the cuttings, but also prevents it from rotting (because there is an ingredient in cucumbers that can kill bacteria). In this way, as long as the cucumber does not rot, the cuttings will be fine, no matter thousands of miles, you can take it home and survive as you wish.

6. Skillfully wash old flowerpots

After a period of time, there will be more old flowerpots: some dead flowers and trees, or the remaining small flowerpots after turning the pots. It is a pity that these old flowerpots are discarded, and it is very troublesome to clean them if they continue to use (be sure to wash off the white dirt formed on the surface that hinders the breathing of flowers and trees; second, it can remove insect eggs and miscellaneous bacteria; third, it is for the sake of beauty). Don't worry, here's a simple cleaning trick:

Add a certain proportion of ferrous sulfate to a container full of water, and then put the old flowerpots together in the order of size, with the big ones at the bottom and the small ones at the top, soaking together in the solution of ferrous sulfate. After about three days, the dirt on the surface of the flowerpot can be washed clean with a brush. The reason is very simple, ferrous sulfate solution is slightly acidic, the white scale on the edge of the basin is alkaline, as soon as the two are neutralized, it is very convenient to clean.

After using this method, the flowerpot can be kept clean and beautiful for a long time. Thirdly, the basin is slightly acidic, which is also conducive to the growth of flowers and trees.

After the new flowerpot is treated with this method, it can have the same preventive effect.

Lazy people plant flowers and bury quail eggs alive

Not only want to raise good flowers, but also dislike the trouble of fertilizing, but also want to stay away from the dirt and stench of fertilizer, is there any good way? Yes! Here is a method:

Buy a few quail eggs, first gently break the small end, pierce the intima with a toothpick, when turning the basin for soil, put the quail egg small end up, gently place on the basin bottom culture soil 2 cm, and then fill it with soil normally.

Because the culture soil contains a lot of organic matter, and the basin soil is in a moist state for a long time, with the increase of temperature and the role of fungi, the egg liquid continues to decompose and spill out from the fine cracks to be turned into fertilizer for the root absorption of flowers and trees, which well meets the needs of flower growth. In the middle of summer, most flowers and trees enter the prosperous period of growth and need more fertilizer, which is also the period of active bacterial growth, and the decomposition of egg fertilizer is accelerated to ensure the supply. A small quail egg can basically maintain fertility for 1-2 years. Generally speaking, this method can not apply organic fertilizer all the year round, but when the egg fertilizer has not taken effect soon, we can apply some chemical fertilizer and so on. In this way, the ripening process of laying eggs is completed in the eggshell, so there is no case of raw fertilizer burning roots. In addition, after the eggshell is decomposed, it is also a good calcium fertilizer.

(note: the number of eggs depends on the size of the flowerpot. If one is put, it can be placed in the middle of the pot; if more than two are used, it can be placed symmetrically, 2-4 cm away from the edge of the pot. )

Seeds mixed with oil are easy to germinate

In spring sowing, people may encounter the following problems: some flower species emerge a few days after sowing; some flowers, such as magnolia, cyclamen, and asparagus, sprout slowly before they appear after thousands of calls; and some do not see you in the autumn, and do not sprout at all. Is there any way to improve it?

Specific practice: first soak the seeds in warm water with a water temperature of about 35 degrees for 24 hours, then remove the flower seeds and wrap them in a dry cloth to dry the outside water; then mix the flower seeds with some clean cooking oil (such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil and sesame oil, etc.), and then you can sow the seeds according to the usual method.

Do not underestimate this small method, it can make the seeds that are not easy to germinate emerge about 20 days ahead of time, and the seedlings thrive and grow fast; in addition, it also has a very good effect on improving the germination rate.

IX. A new air permeability method for porcelain pots and plastic pots

The tile basin is breathable and comfortable, but the ornamental is poor; the porcelain basin is strong and beautiful, the plastic basin is light and cheap, but it is not very breathable, all in a word, there are some imperfections. In fact, as long as you use your brain, you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

Before turning the pot in early spring, prepare some styrofoam (there are many in the electrical packing box) and cut it into small pieces the size of dumplings. When turning the pot, use a thick piece of paper to make a circle according to the inner diameter of the flowerpot, and then place it in the flowerpot (leave some space between the paper circle and the flowerpot). Then the plastic fragments can be filled into the gap between the two, inside the paper circle, and planted as usual, so that the whole task of turning the basin is completed.

There are plastic fragments on the inside of porcelain pots and plastic pots, which greatly increases its air permeability and has a very good effect on the growth and development of flowers. (plastic particles can also be used at the bottom of the basin)

Broken bricks and tiles to grow flowers

Growing flowers in the city, the soil is very precious. Some people continue to use the old soil after turning the basin, in fact, it is not as good as broken bricks and tiles. Broken bricks and tiles are easy to pick up and can be found everywhere.

Specific practice: beat the waste bricks and tiles into pieces, about 0.2-0.5 cm in diameter. When planting flowers, the smaller and powdery ones are placed near the roots of the plant, and the larger fragments are placed at the bottom of the pot or other parts. Other practices are like planting with soil.

Raising flowers with broken bricks and tiles has the advantages of breathability, water conservation and fertilizer conservation. Because there are many tiny voids in broken bricks and tiles, and their adsorption capacity is particularly strong, they can quickly absorb the applied water and fertilizer, which plays the role of preserving water and fertilizer; secondly, because the texture of broken bricks and tiles is firm and unsolid after burning, they are insoluble in water, and many tiny voids in them can be retained for a long time, which is conducive to the circulation of air in the soil.

Through the experiment, the pomegranate, Milan and Firethorn raised with broken bricks have developed roots, large flowers, many fruits and long flowering period. Due to the less nutrients in broken bricks and tiles, fertilization should be applied several times more than those planted in soil. )

Sesame oil against ants and aphids

If your flowers and trees are placed in a separate pot without contact with other flowers and trees, you can apply sesame oil where the flowerpot is in contact with the ground.

If you put multiple pots of flowers and trees on the flower rack, you can apply sesame oil where the legs of the shelf touch the ground. Ants usually enter the basin through the hole at the bottom of the basin, and you can also apply sesame oil to the hole at the bottom of the basin. In this way, everything OK, the problem is completely solved, you can rest easy. If you find an ant nest nearby and the mouth of the nest is dripped with sesame oil, the ants dare not come out.

XII. Alternative humidification

The balcony wants to raise the cuckoo well, but the humidity problem is a headache. Generally speaking, the climate of the balcony is drier than outdoors, but the cuckoo needs higher humidity, which forms a pair of inexplicable contradictions: either it is difficult to put in the bud, or the red incense disappears. In fact, conditions can be created and balconies can be maintained.

Specific method: find a shallow plate or other utensils slightly larger than the cuckoo pot, put two pieces of wood three or four centimeters high in the plate at intervals, then sit the cuckoo basin on the wood strips, and then add water to the shallow plate. The height of the water is flush with the bottom of the cuckoo basin or a little draught. When the water slowly becomes less exposed, you can wait for two or three days before adding water to the original level.

The reason why this method can humidify effectively is that there is stagnant water in the shallow plate all the year round or intermittently, which is equivalent to a simple humidifier with persistent upward transpiration. The higher the temperature, the faster the transpiration, which coincides with the humidity requirements of cuckoos in different periods. Secondly, the water slowly moistens the whole basin wall from the bottom up, so that it is often in a good state of not too dry and not too wet, protecting the basin soil and roots from the influence of dry air.

This method can be safely used, and the cuckoo will not rot its roots. Because the water seeps into the basin floor, its depth cannot exceed the depth of the shallow plate below; at the same time, the moisture of the water is completed in a slowly rising way, and there is a certain limit to the amount of water. What's more, the interval water supply gives the cuckoo a chance to adjust the soil air and humidity.


1. When the cuckoo turns the basin, it is best to put some foam pieces and other materials on the bottom of the basin, which is safer.

2. The amount of water to be watered should be reduced appropriately, and the amount of water given at one time is about 2 / 3 of that of ordinary potted flowers.

3. In the high temperature period, the effect will be better with measures such as spraying water to the cuckoo regularly.

13. Old trees are reborn by cutting roots in sections

The so-called lifeline means that life lies in the root, especially in plants. The root is strong, the root is old, and its life is coming to an end. So if we want to prolong the life of plants, we have to think about the roots-during the spring growing season, peel off the potted soil, cut off the whole root of the tree, and then cover it with potted soil, and thin new roots will soon grow from the old roots. This will be done in the next year and the third year, so that after three years, the roots of the trees have all been renewed. Compared with the old roots, the new roots have a significantly stronger ability to absorb water and fertilizer, so it is only natural for the old trees to regain their youth.

In addition, after cutting off the old roots, you can replace them with new soil from 1 to 3. After three years, the basin soil is equal to all the renewal, but also avoids the trouble of turning the basin, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

If the vitality of the old pile is OK, it can also be cut short in combination with modeling to make it coruscate new branches.

14. The wonderful use of sawdust turns waste into treasure

In general, when decorating a family, sawdust is often dumped as rubbish afterwards. In fact, sawdust is of great use to us flower growers. We can totally turn waste into treasure.

1. Cutting: sawdust is used as the cutting medium of rose, gardenia, pomegranate and other plants, the effect is obvious, far better than soil or water cutting, and fast rooting, many roots, strong plants. What's more, it has a great advantage: after the plant takes root and survives, the sawdust that can be connected to the block can be moved into the basin soil together, so that it does not hurt the root, is easy to grow, and sees flowers and fruits early. Even the cuckoo, which is more difficult to insert, I have tried to succeed. The tender tip of the crabapple with an inch handle can quickly take root. The reason is that sawdust has better water retention and air permeability than soil, and there is plenty of oxygen.

Specific approach: after loading the sawdust into the flowerpot, repeatedly irrigate it with boiling water several times to thoroughly disinfect it. After the temperature drops, squeeze out the excess water (so that the wet sawdust can not squeeze the water out of the hand), and you can start cutting, the method is the same as soil cutting. Keeping sawdust moist after insertion will soon take root and survive. This method can be implemented all the year round, but it needs to be placed on the sunny windowsill with heating in the house in winter.

2. As a high-pressure dressing substrate: sawdust is also superior to other substrates because of its loose texture, controllable dryness and humidity, faster rooting, safer and higher survival rate.

Specific methods: after the plant is girdled, fill the plastic bag on the bag with a half-mixed matrix of wet sawdust and loess, and then fasten both ends.

3. As fertilizer: wet saw powder is used to make fertilizer, which is nutritious, economical, simple and clean.

Specific measures: wet sawdust and an appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate or potassium phosphate or urea and other inorganic fertilizer mixed, organic fertilizer mixed with better, into the plastic bag, tight bag mouth. Turn it over every two weeks to accelerate its uniform ripening, and it can be used in about six weeks in the spring and autumn season.

Note: 50% of the soil should be mixed when using, and the sawdust should be fermented before use.

If you want good winter flowers and trees, leave some grass in the basin

Flower friends often point out that it is difficult to master the scale of watering in winter. The roots are rotten, the leaves are falling, and the flowers are dying. Is there any easy way to make people grasp the scale of watering quickly? Yes, please show mercy and leave a few weeds in the basin to get rid of the roots.

Generally speaking, most varieties of plants are dormant or semi-dormant in winter, the water supply does not need too much, as long as the soil is slightly moist. However, many flower friends often rush to water the flowers as soon as they see the soil white, thinking that they may dry out, but in fact, the soil is white, and the middle is still very wet, so it is strange that there is nothing wrong with the flowers and trees.

Leave some grass in the basin, not all grass, but the green grass that is cold-resistant and upright in winter. It's not as many as possible, as long as there are three or five trees.

When is it time to water? When shouldn't I water it? Look at the grass! If the grass is still green, don't water it; if the grass is dead and tired, water it immediately. The yardstick is that simple!

Leaving some grass in the basin can do more than that: winter protects against the cold, summer protects against the sun, and decorates the basin-what do you want to see in the bare soil? In addition, when loosening the soil, a shovel of grass buried in the soil is green manure, which is enough to compensate for the loss caused by weeds competing for fertilizer with potted flowers.

I've been watering it this way for more than a year, and it works all the time.


1. Plants that are still blooming and fruiting in winter are not in this case.

2. This method is also applicable in other seasons.

16. Reproduce the green bamboo forest by burying the joint

In the rainy season of early spring, the mother bamboo with full buds is sawed off between the two sections (that is, leaving a node scar in the middle); then the two ends of the bamboo tube are filled with moist sand, filled and compacted, and then sealed with clay at both ends of the tube, this is the first step.

Secondly, choose loose and permeable sandy loam soil, according to the thickness of the bamboo tube, dig a ditch with a depth of about 10 cm, bury the treated bamboo tube flat in the ditch, press it slightly, and then pour water through it, so that the work is done. Remember to bury the bud upward when burying the festival, and never bring it down.

Bamboo knots can sprout in about 25-30 days, such as bonsai, you can choose the rainy season.

1. Select coarse bamboo in bamboo forest and fine varieties in potted plants.

2. When sawing the bamboo tube, be careful not to crack it so as not to hurt the bud.

3. Watering should be dry and wet.

4. After burying, it is best to cover it with some bamboo branches or withered grass to block part of the sun.

Home-made rooting agents can take root quickly and quickly.

The weather gradually warmed up, the earth warmed up, and it was a good season for cutting. There are a variety of cutting methods, generally like soil or water cutting. However, the operation methods of each person are different; coupled with the differences in plant varieties, it is easy and difficult to take root, which makes the survival rate different. In order to solve this problem properly, everyone likes to use rooting agents such as naphthalene acetic acid before cutting, which is really effective, and the rooting survival rate is also improved. But if the place is remote and the goods are out of stock, what if we can't buy it for a while? Don't worry, let me introduce some home-made rooting agents to you. You don't need money to buy them, and the effect is no worse than the ones you bought.

(1) phosphate fertilizer solution ~ as mentioned above, rooting agents such as naphthylacetic acid are actually a kind of rooting hormone, in fact, phosphate fertilizer solution also has the same effect. Because, "phosphorus" this substance can effectively promote plant cell and tissue growth and development, promote plant wound healing and rooting.

Specific methods: before cutting, dilute the phosphate fertilizer solution with water, proportion water 7 to fertilizer 3, then soak the pre-treated cuttings (root) into the fertilizer, the water part accounts for 1 stroke of the cuttings, take out and rinse with clean water 2-3 hours later, then cut according to the routine cutting.

General varieties, such as camellias, roses, etc., can take root 10-22 days earlier by cutting with this method, and the roots develop well and grow vigorously.

(2) White sugar liquid is also a good rooting agent, which has been tested by many people and the effect is obvious.

Specific practice: first use hot water to melt the white sugar, the proportion is water 9 sugar 1, after the sugar water is cooled, the cut cuttings can be immersed in it. Take out about 40-60 minutes, rinse the incision with clean water, and cut off part of the incision with a sharp knife, then you can cut it according to the routine cutting.

After the above treatment, the survival rate of plants cut is much higher than that of general cuttings, even the cuckoos and camellias, which are more difficult to take root, can reach more than 90%.

(3) Willow extract is a good plant growth agent, and its liquid is rich in growth hormone, so it can survive and has strong vitality.

Specific methods: take a number of willow branches and leaves, smash the branches with a hammer, and then immerse them in water. One day later, the branches and leaves are removed, and the water is the willow extract.

The cuttings can be soaked in the next day, soaking for about 1 day, (it doesn't matter if it takes a long time, willow sap has ingredients to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria) and then cut according to the routine. The roots are fast and many, and the plant grows healthily.

18. "amphibious" cutting method

Cutting is a simple and easy propagation method that everyone is willing to use; it is now a good time for cutting, so my posts are all related to cutting. I recommend it to you. I hope it can be helpful to you.

The two most commonly used methods of cutting: soil cutting and water cutting have their own advantages and disadvantages. But both have a difficulty ~ ~ the basin must be moved after taking root. Because the new root is relatively delicate, coupled with the operation of some people are not very skilled, often wasted previous efforts, failure is on the verge of success, which is very frustrating.

A cutting method introduced below does not need to move the basin after rooting, so the survival rate of cutting is greatly improved. I call it "amphibious cuttage".

The methods are as follows:

1. Find a flowerpot of the right size and seal the bottom hole with melted wax. (other materials are also available, but be sure to open them as soon as you need them.)

2. At the bottom of the container, a cuttage soil of about 3 + 5 is placed, and the top of which is covered with about 1 + 5 of river sand to fix the cuttings. Then gently pour water to about 1 cm on the sand surface.

3. Cutting. The length of the cuttings can be about 8-15 cm, and the lower end can be flattened with a sharp knife (either horseshoe-shaped or flat), so that it is not perishable. The cuttings are inserted into the yellow sand about 1 stroke 3, and the green leaves below the surface of the water should be removed. Cuttings should not be too crowded, generally 1-3 plants are more suitable.

4. After planting, it can be placed in full sunshine environment (the cuttings in midsummer are better placed in the place of scattered light), but there can be no shortage of water on the sand surface. Please change the water once every 10 days and half a month to ensure the cleanliness of the water quality.

It takes about 25 to 45 days to take root, when the sealed basin bottom hole can be poked open from the bottom and the water will be discharged. Wait for the basin soil to dry in a few days before watering, and enter the normal management stage.


A, to choose moisture-tolerant varieties, such as gardenia, Luohansong, June snow and other plants.

B, the basin soil should be plain soil (without fertilizer).

C, if it is not sure that the cuttings take root, the cuttings can be pulled out and observed. If a new white root appears on the callus, the water can be released and transferred to dry cultivation.

19. Soilless cutting-soft paper parcels

Teach you a simple and easy cutting method, no soil, no water, just a few pieces of paper. The specific operation methods are as follows:

1. Take a piece of soft paper with strong water absorption (toilet paper, etc.), first wrap the bottom of the cuttings cut into a bevel, and the thickness should be that the slant of the incision can be seen after the soft paper absorbs water, not too thick, so that the changes such as the healing and rooting of the incision can be observed directly, and it is very important to have good air permeability.

2. Wrap the stem as much as possible with soft paper of the right size, but the leaves and bud eyes should be exposed. The thickness of the package is appropriate to ensure that the soft paper is not dry before the cuttings take root.

3. After wrapping, put the water-soaked cuttings in a container with no bottom hole, fasten and moisturize the basin mouth with thin film, and place it in a ventilated environment without direct light. in this way, your operation will be completed. after taking root, you only need to put on the basin.

Note: after the cuttings are wrapped, the thickness of the stem is 2 times or slightly thicker, you can keep the soft paper not dry for a long time, and then there is no need for deliberate maintenance, the cuttings can take root quickly.

If you use this method to cuttage poinsettia, goose palm tea, peach leaf coral, etc., the fastest 7 days to take root, flower leaf goose palm tea 9 days, rubber trees have root tips in 10 days, and sturdy and developed. Peach leaves, corals and other roots take root a little slowly, but root tips form within half a month.

This method is simple and easy, and a wide range of sources, low price, multi-layer container can be placed, saving space, one-time reproduction of a large number of flowers and trees, interested friends can have a try.

Milan, blooming every day and fragrant every day

Milan, the leaves are shiny and evergreen all the year round. When the flowers are in bloom, they are fragrant and fragrant, and the golden flowers like rice grains are also eye-catching against the green leaves. If the maintenance is in place, it will not be a problem for Milan to blossom five times a year, then can it blossom every day?

Generally speaking, after Milan blossoms once, it has to "rest" for a period of time before it can blossom again, that is, it has to accumulate nutrients to prepare for the next flowering. So it blossoms intermittently. We want her to bloom every day to artificially meet its nutrient needs, that is, through proper bud thinning to reduce the nutrients consumed by each flowering. Specifically, when Milan blossoms for the first (or second) time in spring, it can first remove the buds of 1-2 branches, and then remove the buds of 1-2 branches after 4-5 days, so that it can be carried out again and again, accumulatively more than 6-7 times, and the branches after thinning can reach more than 60-70% of all branches. In this way, all branches of Milan can bloom in turn. It has achieved the goal of blooming and fragrant every day. According to the procedure, the unthinned branches blossom first, and after about 5-10 days, the branches that sparse the buds for the first time bloom, and then bloom according to the order of the flowers. In total, a pot of Milan will allow you to smell incense every day for 7-8 months throughout the growing season. (because it has a strong fragrance, it might as well remove some.)

Main points:

1. Keep up with water, fertilizer and light.

2. The plant should not be too small, it should have at least 10 branches.

21. Beer spray and kill two birds with one stone

Among the pests, aphids and red spiders are fairly easy to deal with, the symptomatic medicine is sprayed twice, the basic ok. But the shell bug is more troublesome, he has a protective layer-wax shell, spray has little effect on it, it really has some bulletproof meaning. So, in addition to manual deworming (brush brush), is there a more simple and effective way? Yes. When you find a shell bug, don't panic. Prepare a bottle of beer, pour out some mixed with water, proportion water 6 wine 1, spray the plant again, spray all parts as far as possible. Check it carefully the next day. If the bug turns reddish brown and falls off as soon as you touch it, it must have come to an end. If there's anything alive, spray it again. Generally, after spraying three times (three days), it can be solved basically.

Principle: after the beer is sprayed, a sealing membrane is formed on the worm, suffocating it to death. But it's also possible to get drunk to death, which, of course, needs to be proved by entomologists.

In addition, beer is also a good leaf fertilizer, often sprayed, the plant can grow vibrant, extra spirit. The proportion is lighter than that of pest control, water 8 and wine 1 can be used. If you want to, you might as well try.

22. Four methods of water supply

Watering is the first hurdle for flower growers to go through, and it is also a must. Despite the simple watering, there are actually a lot of exquisite flowers in it, and many novice flowers are turned off on watering. With regard to watering, the so-called dry and wet; more watering in the growing period, less watering in the dormant period, more watering in small pots, less watering in large pots, and so on, we all know better, so I won't say much about it. Here are only a few special water supply methods--

1. Sand pillar method-- preventing basin soil consolidation.

In the flower pot or turn over the basin, first set up a few hollow pipes in the basin (bamboo tube, plastic pipe and iron pipe, etc.), and then fill the soil around it. Then pour the coarse sand into the pipe, and the upper end is flush with the soil surface. Finally, the empty tube is gently pulled out, and a sand column is formed in the basin. In the future, when watering, the water only spreads around through the sand column, which prevents the soil from hardening and has no adverse side effects.

Note: the pipe should not stand in the center, but leave the place where the flowers are planted.

2. Touring method-not pouring half of the water

Half of the water is watered, that is, the water is not thoroughly watered, the top is very wet, and the bottom is still dry. If this is often the case, flowers and trees are still immortal? There are several reasons: inexperience; basin soil is too rigid; did not turn the basin for a long time, root disk entanglement, and so on. The solution is as follows: if you have more flowers, you can water them one by one, regardless of whether they are thoroughly watered or not. After all the water has been poured, it can be watered again from beginning to end, and some of them can even be watered for the third time. In this way, half-cut water can be put an end to. Because after the first round of watering, even if it is not watered thoroughly, the basin soil has been moist and softened to a certain extent, so that after a period of time, the second round of water is easier to be absorbed.

Note: there is no need for loose basin soil. If there are not many flowers, you can do something else after watering and water them again later.

3. The method of sitting in the basin-- preventing the rotting roots of the broom.

The broom is very beautiful, it looks like a butterfly when it blooms, it looks like a flying canary when it unfolds, and it can make bonsai, so many people like to keep it. But in recent years, there are fewer and fewer people, because it is very easy to rot roots, and it will die if it is not careful. There is one method that is very effective in preventing its rotting roots, that is, sitting in the basin. Put some water in a container, plant the broom pot in it, wait until the soil is wet, that is, it has been thoroughly watered, then you can take it out.

Note: the principle of seeing dry and wet should also be followed.

4. Noon water-- make jasmine more fragrant

Watering jasmine at noon can make jasmine blossom more fragrant to the nostrils, the ancients have summed up: "to get jasmine, a ladle of soup at noon." But watering under the sun at noon is a taboo for growing flowers, just like when people are too hot to take a shower immediately. To water flowers at noon without an accident, the premise is to put the water in the sun, wait until the water temperature is close to the soil temperature before watering, so ok, insurance.

Reminder: other plants have not been tested, please use with caution.

23. Wonderful use of old towel gourd for growing flowers

In the past, villagers used it to wash bowls and pots, but now no one uses it, and it seems to be a waste. Is it really useless? No! Take off the old towel gourd and wash it to dry. When the flowers are turned over to change the soil or on the basin, cut them into small pieces of about 5 centimeters. Spread a layer of towel gourd stem in one place of the basin bottom soil, fill it with soil, then spread another layer in the basin soil, add more soil, and then you can exercise normally.

Note: before cutting, lay it flat on the ground and smash the loofah seeds with a hammer. This method can effectively improve the basin soil and make it loose and unconsolidated. And loofah tendons and seeds decompose slowly in the potted soil, which is a good long-term nitrogen fertilizer, so the potted flowers are all leaves and green flowers.

Introduction to all kinds of flower-growing skills and experiences

This article introduces the experience and experience of growing flowers.

Growing flowers requires professional knowledge, especially if you want to raise flowers well, you need profound professional knowledge and careful care. How to grow flowers in order to raise flowers best? By constantly learning and summing up the best experience of how to grow flowers, and then put it into practice, we can have the unique skill of growing flowers. The following is to introduce some flower-growing skills, hoping to be helpful to those who love flowers!

First, the method of drunken orchids to promote flowers

Gentleman's Ye Ye, its stem Pavilion, flowers red, shining; the whole appears elegant and dignified, especially suitable for indoor desk display, ordinary families like to raise it a few pots. However, there is often such a situation: the flowers are in full bloom when they are bought, but the flowers do not bloom and the leaves do not grow after the flowers, which seems to have become stiff seedlings. Is there any way to change this situation? Yes, this is the way to get drunk and promote flowers:

Liquor should be used, regardless of height or low degree. Yanghe Daqu is fine, so is Erguotou. If you have the economic strength, he also welcomes Maotai. After the Qingming Festival and before the late autumn, pour a glass of liquor into the magnolia basin every now and then, and be careful not to splash on the plant. In this way, after seven or eight days, you can see the effect: foil emerges, new leaves grow, stiff seedlings, resurrection. If dealt with according to the law, the magnolia will grow better and better, and the flowers will bloom like a torch.

Note: this method is very safe, there is no need to worry about the burning of magnolia. But it has not been tested on other flowers and trees, so please use it with caution. If you have no experience, you can use a small amount of it at longer intervals to make sure it is foolproof. At the same time, it can be temporarily suspended after it takes effect.

Second, daffodils promote flowers and prolong the viewing period

Although the daffodils raised by some people are lush and green, they do not blossom, or they wither soon after they bloom. Is there any way to promote the flower and prolong the florescence? Yes!

1. Soapy water promotes flowers

Narcissus contains a plant alkali, which can promote plant growth and development. Soapy water is an alkaline solution, and after daffodils are inhaled, it increases the plant alkaloids in the body, so that vegetative growth can be quickly transformed into reproductive growth, so that an appropriate amount of soapy water plays a role in promoting flowers.

2. Aspirin extends the viewing period

Grind one or two tablets of aspirin into small particles and sprinkle them into a daffodil basin. The salicylic acid component in aspirin can promote plant flower bud differentiation and flowering, so it can make the daffodil flowers large and bright, and prolong the viewing period.

Putting some salt in the daffodil pot can also promote flowers and make flowers live longer. In addition, after the daffodil blossoms, put it in a cooler environment, the effect is also good.

Third, inverted arrow

The common tactic of family breeding is cutting, but many flower friends report that the survival rate of cutting is not high, and their roots will rot if they are not careful, so cutting has been in vain for many years. Why is the cuttage of arrow lotus easy to rot? Because its fleshy stem is relatively thick, the incision is extremely sensitive to soil moisture-too wet cuttings are easy to rot, and if they are too dry, the branches are shriveled and thin. Even a branch cut that has been alive for a long time will rot if it is not careful, and all previous efforts will be wasted. There is a wonderful way to solve this problem, that is, reverse insertion.

The method is simple: cut the 10-15cm cutter with a sharp knife (the part with a leaf tip at the top), and then insert it upside down into the soil, with a depth of about 6-8cm. Because it is inserted upside down, the incision is exposed. At a suitable temperature, it can take root and survive in about 20 days, and new branches can sprout in a month and a half. At this point, you can safely turn to normal management.


1. Be careful not to spray to the upward incision when watering or spraying.

2. there is no need to control the water, you can see the dry and wet as soon as you come up.

3. The cutting substrate does not need sand or plain soil, but can be cut directly in the fertile and loose soil.

4. Insert as you cut, and the cuttings need not dry in the shade.

5. The cuttings from the new root to the old will naturally shrink and dry up in the future, and the new branches will take their place.

Fourth, filling duck fattening rose

The method of filling duck and fattening rose is aimed at the situation that the nutrients of large rose are difficult to meet the growth of rose due to the limited basin soil, which can make your rose flowers big, gorgeous and energetic. Interested friends might as well give it a try.

1. In early spring, put on or turn the basin before the rose is about to sprout, and apply enough fermented base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin.

two。 The second step is to sprout. When sprouting, apply 1-2 times urea or amine sulfate and other solid nitrogen fertilizer, in strict accordance with the proportion of water application instructions, not too thick, otherwise the root will be burned. Dozens of buds can be densely grown about a week after application, and the buds should be thinned appropriately according to the plant size and shape.

3. The third and most important step is spoon feeding:

A. after germination, we should first fully strengthen the supply of nitrogen fertilizer to make the new buds thrive. Irrigate with diluted fully fermented soybean cake liquid, spray leaves and shoots with urea solution of 1 to 1000, and use them alternately once a week.

B. when the new buds grow to about 2 inches, they begin to switch to fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Apply diluted fish intestine fertilizer or other phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to the basin soil and spray the leaf surface and branch end with 1max 1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, alternating once a week. In this way, a bud will soon appear at the end of each branch. For the uniform distribution of buds, buds can be thinned properly.

C. still use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer alternately every other week to facilitate the next batch of flowers to bloom. In the meantime, nitrogen fertilizer is applied every other month or so.

Explanation: organic fertilizer is applied in basin soil, inorganic fertilizer is applied on leaf surface, do not increase concentration at will; in case of heavy rain, it is necessary to avoid rain or shelter rain to prevent basin soil and nutrient loss; it is better to add a certain proportion of briquette ash to basin soil, which is not only breathable, but also has the function of absorbing nutrients, and the release is more balanced.

5. Thousands of miles with inserts

But in faraway places, how do you keep the cuttings without losing water, and how do you bring them home smoothly? Here's a simple way to do it: moisturizing is a problem with inserts thousands of miles away. Although it can be moisturized in a plastic bag, it is airtight, and sometimes the cuttings will rot. To moisturize and keep the cuttings fresh, you just need to buy a few fresh cucumbers and the problem will be solved. Cut the leaves off the branches, leave the petiole, and insert them from one end of the cucumber flowering, which not only maintains the moisture of the cuttings, but also prevents it from rotting (because there is an ingredient in cucumbers that can kill bacteria). In this way, as long as the cucumber does not rot, the cuttings will be fine, no matter thousands of miles, you can take it home and survive as you wish.

6. Skillfully wash old flowerpots

After a period of time, there will be more old flowerpots: some dead flowers and trees, or the remaining small flowerpots after turning the pots. It is a pity that these old flowerpots are discarded, and it is very troublesome to clean them if they continue to use (be sure to wash off the white dirt formed on the surface that hinders the breathing of flowers and trees; second, it can remove insect eggs and miscellaneous bacteria; third, it is for the sake of beauty). Don't worry, here's a simple cleaning trick:

Add a certain proportion of ferrous sulfate to a container full of water, and then put the old flowerpots together in the order of size, with the big ones at the bottom and the small ones at the top, soaking together in the solution of ferrous sulfate. After about three days, the dirt on the surface of the flowerpot can be washed clean with a brush. The reason is very simple, ferrous sulfate solution is slightly acidic, the white scale on the edge of the basin is alkaline, as soon as the two are neutralized, it is very convenient to clean.

After using this method, the flowerpot can be kept clean and beautiful for a long time. Thirdly, the basin is slightly acidic, which is also conducive to the growth of flowers and trees.

After the new flowerpot is treated with this method, it can have the same preventive effect.

Lazy people plant flowers and bury quail eggs alive

Not only want to raise good flowers, but also dislike the trouble of fertilizing, but also want to stay away from the dirt and stench of fertilizer, is there any good way? Yes! Here is a method:

Buy a few quail eggs, first gently break the small end, pierce the intima with a toothpick, when turning the basin for soil, put the quail egg small end up, gently place on the basin bottom culture soil 2 cm, and then fill it with soil normally.

Because the culture soil contains a lot of organic matter, and the basin soil is in a moist state for a long time, with the increase of temperature and the role of fungi, the egg liquid continues to decompose and spill out from the fine cracks to be turned into fertilizer for the root absorption of flowers and trees, which well meets the needs of flower growth. In the middle of summer, most flowers and trees enter the prosperous period of growth and need more fertilizer, which is also the period of active bacterial growth, and the decomposition of egg fertilizer is accelerated to ensure the supply. A small quail egg can basically maintain fertility for 1-2 years. Generally speaking, this method can not apply organic fertilizer all the year round, but when the egg fertilizer has not taken effect soon, we can apply some chemical fertilizer and so on. In this way, the ripening process of laying eggs is completed in the eggshell, so there is no case of raw fertilizer burning roots. In addition, after the eggshell is decomposed, it is also a good calcium fertilizer.

(note: the number of eggs depends on the size of the flowerpot. If one is put, it can be placed in the middle of the pot; if more than two are used, it can be placed symmetrically, 2-4 cm away from the edge of the pot. )

Seeds mixed with oil are easy to germinate

In spring sowing, people may encounter the following problems: some flower species emerge a few days after sowing; some flowers, such as magnolia, cyclamen, and asparagus, sprout slowly before they appear after thousands of calls; and some do not see you in the autumn, and do not sprout at all. Is there any way to improve it?

Specific practice: first soak the seeds in warm water with a water temperature of about 35 degrees for 24 hours, then remove the flower seeds and wrap them in a dry cloth to dry the outside water; then mix the flower seeds with some clean cooking oil (such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil and sesame oil, etc.), and then you can sow the seeds according to the usual method.

Do not underestimate this small method, it can make the seeds that are not easy to germinate emerge about 20 days ahead of time, and the seedlings thrive and grow fast; in addition, it also has a very good effect on improving the germination rate.

IX. A new air permeability method for porcelain pots and plastic pots

The tile basin is breathable and comfortable, but the ornamental is poor; the porcelain basin is strong and beautiful, the plastic basin is light and cheap, but it is not very breathable, all in a word, there are some imperfections. In fact, as long as you use your brain, you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

Before turning the pot in early spring, prepare some styrofoam (there are many in the electrical packing box) and cut it into small pieces the size of dumplings. When turning the pot, use a thick piece of paper to make a circle according to the inner diameter of the flowerpot, and then place it in the flowerpot (leave some space between the paper circle and the flowerpot). Then the plastic fragments can be filled into the gap between the two, inside the paper circle, and planted as usual, so that the whole task of turning the basin is completed.

There are plastic fragments on the inside of porcelain pots and plastic pots, which greatly increases its air permeability and has a very good effect on the growth and development of flowers. (plastic particles can also be used at the bottom of the basin)

Broken bricks and tiles to grow flowers

Growing flowers in the city, the soil is very precious. Some people continue to use the old soil after turning the basin, in fact, it is not as good as broken bricks and tiles. Broken bricks and tiles are easy to pick up and can be found everywhere.

Specific practice: beat the waste bricks and tiles into pieces, about 0.2-0.5 cm in diameter. When planting flowers, the smaller and powdery ones are placed near the roots of the plant, and the larger fragments are placed at the bottom of the pot or other parts. Other practices are like planting with soil.

Raising flowers with broken bricks and tiles has the advantages of breathability, water conservation and fertilizer conservation. Because there are many tiny voids in broken bricks and tiles, and their adsorption capacity is particularly strong, they can quickly absorb the applied water and fertilizer, which plays the role of preserving water and fertilizer; secondly, because the texture of broken bricks and tiles is firm and unsolid after burning, they are insoluble in water, and many tiny voids in them can be retained for a long time, which is conducive to the circulation of air in the soil.

Through the experiment, the pomegranate, Milan and Firethorn raised with broken bricks have developed roots, large flowers, many fruits and long flowering period. Due to the less nutrients in broken bricks and tiles, fertilization should be applied several times more than those planted in soil. )

Sesame oil against ants and aphids

If your flowers and trees are placed in a separate pot without contact with other flowers and trees, you can apply sesame oil where the flowerpot is in contact with the ground.

If you put multiple pots of flowers and trees on the flower rack, you can apply sesame oil where the legs of the shelf touch the ground. Ants usually enter the basin through the hole at the bottom of the basin, and you can also apply sesame oil to the hole at the bottom of the basin. In this way, everything OK, the problem is completely solved, you can rest easy. If you find an ant nest nearby and the mouth of the nest is dripped with sesame oil, the ants dare not come out.

XII. Alternative humidification

The balcony wants to raise the cuckoo well, but the humidity problem is a headache. Generally speaking, the climate of the balcony is drier than outdoors, but the cuckoo needs higher humidity, which forms a pair of inexplicable contradictions: either it is difficult to put in the bud, or the red incense disappears. In fact, conditions can be created and balconies can be maintained.

Specific method: find a shallow plate or other utensils slightly larger than the cuckoo pot, put two pieces of wood three or four centimeters high in the plate at intervals, then sit the cuckoo basin on the wood strips, and then add water to the shallow plate. The height of the water is flush with the bottom of the cuckoo basin or a little draught. When the water slowly becomes less exposed, you can wait for two or three days before adding water to the original level.

The reason why this method can humidify effectively is that there is stagnant water in the shallow plate all the year round or intermittently, which is equivalent to a simple humidifier with persistent upward transpiration. The higher the temperature, the faster the transpiration, which coincides with the humidity requirements of cuckoos in different periods. Secondly, the water slowly moistens the whole basin wall from the bottom up, so that it is often in a good state of not too dry and not too wet, protecting the basin soil and roots from the influence of dry air.

This method can be safely used, and the cuckoo will not rot its roots. Because the water seeps into the basin floor, its depth cannot exceed the depth of the shallow plate below; at the same time, the moisture of the water is completed in a slowly rising way, and there is a certain limit to the amount of water. What's more, the interval water supply gives the cuckoo a chance to adjust the soil air and humidity.


1. When the cuckoo turns the basin, it is best to put some foam pieces and other materials on the bottom of the basin, which is safer.

2. The amount of water to be watered should be reduced appropriately, and the amount of water given at one time is about 2 / 3 of that of ordinary potted flowers.

3. In the high temperature period, the effect will be better with measures such as spraying water to the cuckoo regularly.

13. Old trees are reborn by cutting roots in sections

The so-called lifeline means that life lies in the root, especially in plants. The root is strong, the root is old, and its life is coming to an end. So if we want to prolong the life of plants, we have to think about the roots-during the spring growing season, peel off the potted soil, cut off the whole root of the tree, and then cover it with potted soil, and thin new roots will soon grow from the old roots. This will be done in the next year and the third year, so that after three years, the roots of the trees have all been renewed. Compared with the old roots, the new roots have a significantly stronger ability to absorb water and fertilizer, so it is only natural for the old trees to regain their youth.

In addition, after cutting off the old roots, you can replace them with new soil from 1 to 3. After three years, the basin soil is equal to all the renewal, but also avoids the trouble of turning the basin, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

If the vitality of the old pile is OK, it can also be cut short in combination with modeling to make it coruscate new branches.

14. The wonderful use of sawdust turns waste into treasure

In general, when decorating a family, sawdust is often dumped as rubbish afterwards. In fact, sawdust is of great use to us flower growers. We can totally turn waste into treasure.

1. Cutting: sawdust is used as the cutting medium of rose, gardenia, pomegranate and other plants, the effect is obvious, far better than soil or water cutting, and fast rooting, many roots, strong plants. What's more, it has a great advantage: after the plant takes root and survives, the sawdust that can be connected to the block can be moved into the basin soil together, so that it does not hurt the root, is easy to grow, and sees flowers and fruits early. Even the cuckoo, which is more difficult to insert, I have tried to succeed. The tender tip of the crabapple with an inch handle can quickly take root. The reason is that sawdust has better water retention and air permeability than soil, and there is plenty of oxygen.

Specific approach: after loading the sawdust into the flowerpot, repeatedly irrigate it with boiling water several times to thoroughly disinfect it. After the temperature drops, squeeze out the excess water (so that the wet sawdust can not squeeze the water out of the hand), and you can start cutting, the method is the same as soil cutting. Keeping sawdust moist after insertion will soon take root and survive. This method can be implemented all the year round, but it needs to be placed on the sunny windowsill with heating in the house in winter.

2. As a high-pressure dressing substrate: sawdust is also superior to other substrates because of its loose texture, controllable dryness and humidity, faster rooting, safer and higher survival rate.

Specific methods: after the plant is girdled, fill the plastic bag on the bag with a half-mixed matrix of wet sawdust and loess, and then fasten both ends.

3. As fertilizer: wet saw powder is used to make fertilizer, which is nutritious, economical, simple and clean.

Specific measures: wet sawdust and an appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate or potassium phosphate or urea and other inorganic fertilizer mixed, organic fertilizer mixed with better, into the plastic bag, tight bag mouth. Turn it over every two weeks to accelerate its uniform ripening, and it can be used in about six weeks in the spring and autumn season.

Note: 50% of the soil should be mixed when using, and the sawdust should be fermented before use.

If you want good winter flowers and trees, leave some grass in the basin

Flower friends often point out that it is difficult to master the scale of watering in winter. The roots are rotten, the leaves are falling, and the flowers are dying. Is there any easy way to make people grasp the scale of watering quickly? Yes, please show mercy and leave a few weeds in the basin to get rid of the roots.

Generally speaking, most varieties of plants are dormant or semi-dormant in winter, the water supply does not need too much, as long as the soil is slightly moist. However, many flower friends often rush to water the flowers as soon as they see the soil white, thinking that they may dry out, but in fact, the soil is white, and the middle is still very wet, so it is strange that there is nothing wrong with the flowers and trees.

Leave some grass in the basin, not all grass, but the green grass that is cold-resistant and upright in winter. It's not as many as possible, as long as there are three or five trees.

When is it time to water? When shouldn't I water it? Look at the grass! If the grass is still green, don't water it; if the grass is dead and tired, water it immediately. The yardstick is that simple!

Leaving some grass in the basin can do more than that: winter protects against the cold, summer protects against the sun, and decorates the basin-what do you want to see in the bare soil? In addition, when loosening the soil, a shovel of grass buried in the soil is green manure, which is enough to compensate for the loss caused by weeds competing for fertilizer with potted flowers.

I've been watering it this way for more than a year, and it works all the time.


1. Plants that are still blooming and fruiting in winter are not in this case.

2. This method is also applicable in other seasons.

16. Reproduce the green bamboo forest by burying the joint

In the rainy season of early spring, the mother bamboo with full buds is sawed off between the two sections (that is, leaving a node scar in the middle); then the two ends of the bamboo tube are filled with moist sand, filled and compacted, and then sealed with clay at both ends of the tube, this is the first step.

Secondly, choose loose and permeable sandy loam soil, according to the thickness of the bamboo tube, dig a ditch with a depth of about 10 cm, bury the treated bamboo tube flat in the ditch, press it slightly, and then pour water through it, so that the work is done. Remember to bury the bud upward when burying the festival, and never bring it down.

Bamboo knots can sprout in about 25-30 days, such as bonsai, you can choose the rainy season.

1. Select coarse bamboo in bamboo forest and fine varieties in potted plants.

2. When sawing the bamboo tube, be careful not to crack it so as not to hurt the bud.

3. Watering should be dry and wet.

4. After burying, it is best to cover it with some bamboo branches or withered grass to block part of the sun.

Home-made rooting agents can take root quickly and quickly.

The weather gradually warmed up, the earth warmed up, and it was a good season for cutting. There are a variety of cutting methods, generally like soil or water cutting. However, the operation methods of each person are different; coupled with the differences in plant varieties, it is easy and difficult to take root, which makes the survival rate different. In order to solve this problem properly, everyone likes to use rooting agents such as naphthalene acetic acid before cutting, which is really effective, and the rooting survival rate is also improved. But if the place is remote and the goods are out of stock, what if we can't buy it for a while? Don't worry, let me introduce some home-made rooting agents to you. You don't need money to buy them, and the effect is no worse than the ones you bought.

(1) phosphate fertilizer solution ~ as mentioned above, rooting agents such as naphthylacetic acid are actually a kind of rooting hormone, in fact, phosphate fertilizer solution also has the same effect. Because, "phosphorus" this substance can effectively promote plant cell and tissue growth and development, promote plant wound healing and rooting.

Specific methods: before cutting, dilute the phosphate fertilizer solution with water, proportion water 7 to fertilizer 3, then soak the pre-treated cuttings (root) into the fertilizer, the water part accounts for 1 stroke of the cuttings, take out and rinse with clean water 2-3 hours later, then cut according to the routine cutting.

General varieties, such as camellias, roses, etc., can take root 10-22 days earlier by cutting with this method, and the roots develop well and grow vigorously.

(2) White sugar liquid is also a good rooting agent, which has been tested by many people and the effect is obvious.

Specific practice: first use hot water to melt the white sugar, the proportion is water 9 sugar 1, after the sugar water is cooled, the cut cuttings can be immersed in it. Take out about 40-60 minutes, rinse the incision with clean water, and cut off part of the incision with a sharp knife, then you can cut it according to the routine cutting.

After the above treatment, the survival rate of plants cut is much higher than that of general cuttings, even the cuckoos and camellias, which are more difficult to take root, can reach more than 90%.

(3) Willow extract is a good plant growth agent, and its liquid is rich in growth hormone, so it can survive and has strong vitality.

Specific methods: take a number of willow branches and leaves, smash the branches with a hammer, and then immerse them in water. One day later, the branches and leaves are removed, and the water is the willow extract.

The cuttings can be soaked in the next day, soaking for about 1 day, (it doesn't matter if it takes a long time, willow sap has ingredients to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria) and then cut according to the routine. The roots are fast and many, and the plant grows healthily.

18. "amphibious" cutting method

Cutting is a simple and easy propagation method that everyone is willing to use; it is now a good time for cutting, so my posts are all related to cutting. I recommend it to you. I hope it can be helpful to you.

The two most commonly used methods of cutting: soil cutting and water cutting have their own advantages and disadvantages. But both have a difficulty ~ ~ the basin must be moved after taking root. Because the new root is relatively delicate, coupled with the operation of some people are not very skilled, often wasted previous efforts, failure is on the verge of success, which is very frustrating.

A cutting method introduced below does not need to move the basin after rooting, so the survival rate of cutting is greatly improved. I call it "amphibious cuttage".

The methods are as follows:

1. Find a flowerpot of the right size and seal the bottom hole with melted wax. (other materials are also available, but be sure to open them as soon as you need them.)

2. At the bottom of the container, a cuttage soil of about 3 + 5 is placed, and the top of which is covered with about 1 + 5 of river sand to fix the cuttings. Then gently pour water to about 1 cm on the sand surface.

3. Cutting. The length of the cuttings can be about 8-15 cm, and the lower end can be flattened with a sharp knife (either horseshoe-shaped or flat), so that it is not perishable. The cuttings are inserted into the yellow sand about 1 stroke 3, and the green leaves below the surface of the water should be removed. Cuttings should not be too crowded, generally 1-3 plants are more suitable.

4. After planting, it can be placed in full sunshine environment (the cuttings in midsummer are better placed in the place of scattered light), but there can be no shortage of water on the sand surface. Please change the water once every 10 days and half a month to ensure the cleanliness of the water quality.

It takes about 25 to 45 days to take root, when the sealed basin bottom hole can be poked open from the bottom and the water will be discharged. Wait for the basin soil to dry in a few days before watering, and enter the normal management stage.


A, to choose moisture-tolerant varieties, such as gardenia, Luohansong, June snow and other plants.

B, the basin soil should be plain soil (without fertilizer).

C, if it is not sure that the cuttings take root, the cuttings can be pulled out and observed. If a new white root appears on the callus, the water can be released and transferred to dry cultivation.

19. Soilless cutting-soft paper parcels

Teach you a simple and easy cutting method, no soil, no water, just a few pieces of paper. The specific operation methods are as follows:

1. Take a piece of soft paper with strong water absorption (toilet paper, etc.), first wrap the bottom of the cuttings cut into a bevel, and the thickness should be that the slant of the incision can be seen after the soft paper absorbs water, not too thick, so that the changes such as the healing and rooting of the incision can be observed directly, and it is very important to have good air permeability.

2. Wrap the stem as much as possible with soft paper of the right size, but the leaves and bud eyes should be exposed. The thickness of the package is appropriate to ensure that the soft paper is not dry before the cuttings take root.

3. After wrapping, put the water-soaked cuttings in a container with no bottom hole, fasten and moisturize the basin mouth with thin film, and place it in a ventilated environment without direct light. in this way, your operation will be completed. after taking root, you only need to put on the basin.

Note: after the cuttings are wrapped, the thickness of the stem is 2 times or slightly thicker, you can keep the soft paper not dry for a long time, and then there is no need for deliberate maintenance, the cuttings can take root quickly.

If you use this method to cuttage poinsettia, goose palm tea, peach leaf coral, etc., the fastest 7 days to take root, flower leaf goose palm tea 9 days, rubber trees have root tips in 10 days, and sturdy and developed. Peach leaves, corals and other roots take root a little slowly, but root tips form within half a month.

This method is simple and easy, and a wide range of sources, low price, multi-layer container can be placed, saving space, one-time reproduction of a large number of flowers and trees, interested friends can have a try.

Milan, blooming every day and fragrant every day

Milan, the leaves are shiny and evergreen all the year round. When the flowers are in bloom, they are fragrant and fragrant, and the golden flowers like rice grains are also eye-catching against the green leaves. If the maintenance is in place, it will not be a problem for Milan to blossom five times a year, then can it blossom every day?

Generally speaking, after Milan blossoms once, it has to "rest" for a period of time before it can blossom again, that is, it has to accumulate nutrients to prepare for the next flowering. So it blossoms intermittently. We want her to bloom every day to artificially meet its nutrient needs, that is, through proper bud thinning to reduce the nutrients consumed by each flowering. Specifically, when Milan blossoms for the first (or second) time in spring, it can first remove the buds of 1-2 branches, and then remove the buds of 1-2 branches after 4-5 days, so that it can be carried out again and again, accumulatively more than 6-7 times, and the branches after thinning can reach more than 60-70% of all branches. In this way, all branches of Milan can bloom in turn. It has achieved the goal of blooming and fragrant every day. According to the procedure, the unthinned branches blossom first, and after about 5-10 days, the branches that sparse the buds for the first time bloom, and then bloom according to the order of the flowers. In total, a pot of Milan will allow you to smell incense every day for 7-8 months throughout the growing season. (because it has a strong fragrance, it might as well remove some.)

Main points:

1. Keep up with water, fertilizer and light.

2. The plant should not be too small, it should have at least 10 branches.

21. Beer spray and kill two birds with one stone

Among the pests, aphids and red spiders are fairly easy to deal with, the symptomatic medicine is sprayed twice, the basic ok. But the shell bug is more troublesome, he has a protective layer-wax shell, spray has little effect on it, it really has some bulletproof meaning. So, in addition to manual deworming (brush brush), is there a more simple and effective way? Yes. When you find a shell bug, don't panic. Prepare a bottle of beer, pour out some mixed with water, proportion water 6 wine 1, spray the plant again, spray all parts as far as possible. Check it carefully the next day. If the bug turns reddish brown and falls off as soon as you touch it, it must have come to an end. If there's anything alive, spray it again. Generally, after spraying three times (three days), it can be solved basically.

Principle: after the beer is sprayed, a sealing membrane is formed on the worm, suffocating it to death. But it's also possible to get drunk to death, which, of course, needs to be proved by entomologists.

In addition, beer is also a good leaf fertilizer, often sprayed, the plant can grow vibrant, extra spirit. The proportion is lighter than that of pest control, water 8 and wine 1 can be used. If you want to, you might as well try.

22. Four methods of water supply

Watering is the first hurdle for flower growers to go through, and it is also a must. Despite the simple watering, there are actually a lot of exquisite flowers in it, and many novice flowers are turned off on watering. With regard to watering, the so-called dry and wet; more watering in the growing period, less watering in the dormant period, more watering in small pots, less watering in large pots, and so on, we all know better, so I won't say much about it. Here are only a few special water supply methods--

1. Sand pillar method-- preventing basin soil consolidation.

In the flower pot or turn over the basin, first set up a few hollow pipes in the basin (bamboo tube, plastic pipe and iron pipe, etc.), and then fill the soil around it. Then pour the coarse sand into the pipe, and the upper end is flush with the soil surface. Finally, the empty tube is gently pulled out, and a sand column is formed in the basin. In the future, when watering, the water only spreads around through the sand column, which prevents the soil from hardening and has no adverse side effects.

Note: the pipe should not stand in the center, but leave the place where the flowers are planted.

2. Touring method-not pouring half of the water

Half of the water is watered, that is, the water is not thoroughly watered, the top is very wet, and the bottom is still dry. If this is often the case, flowers and trees are still immortal? There are several reasons: inexperience; basin soil is too rigid; did not turn the basin for a long time, root disk entanglement, and so on. The solution is as follows: if you have more flowers, you can water them one by one, regardless of whether they are thoroughly watered or not. After all the water has been poured, it can be watered again from beginning to end, and some of them can even be watered for the third time. In this way, half-cut water can be put an end to. Because after the first round of watering, even if it is not watered thoroughly, the basin soil has been moist and softened to a certain extent, so that after a period of time, the second round of water is easier to be absorbed.

Note: there is no need for loose basin soil. If there are not many flowers, you can do something else after watering and water them again later.

3. The method of sitting in the basin-- preventing the rotting roots of the broom.

The broom is very beautiful, it looks like a butterfly when it blooms, it looks like a flying canary when it unfolds, and it can make bonsai, so many people like to keep it. But in recent years, there are fewer and fewer people, because it is very easy to rot roots, and it will die if it is not careful. There is one method that is very effective in preventing its rotting roots, that is, sitting in the basin. Put some water in a container, plant the broom pot in it, wait until the soil is wet, that is, it has been thoroughly watered, then you can take it out.

Note: the principle of seeing dry and wet should also be followed.

4. Noon water-- make jasmine more fragrant

Watering jasmine at noon can make jasmine blossom more fragrant to the nostrils, the ancients have summed up: "to get jasmine, a ladle of soup at noon." But watering under the sun at noon is a taboo for growing flowers, just like when people are too hot to take a shower immediately. To water flowers at noon without an accident, the premise is to put the water in the sun, wait until the water temperature is close to the soil temperature before watering, so ok, insurance.

Reminder: other plants have not been tested, please use with caution.

23. Wonderful use of old towel gourd for growing flowers

In the past, villagers used it to wash bowls and pots, but now no one uses it, and it seems to be a waste. Is it really useless? No! Take off the old towel gourd and wash it to dry. When the flowers are turned over to change the soil or on the basin, cut them into small pieces of about 5 centimeters. Spread a layer of towel gourd stem in one place of the basin bottom soil, fill it with soil, then spread another layer in the basin soil, add more soil, and then you can exercise normally.

Note: before cutting, lay it flat on the ground and smash the loofah seeds with a hammer. This method can effectively improve the basin soil and make it loose and unconsolidated. And loofah tendons and seeds decompose slowly in the potted soil, which is a good long-term nitrogen fertilizer, so the potted flowers are all leaves and green flowers.