
What are the common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers? Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers and their integrated control methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Beautiful flowers are dazzling, but charming horticultural flowers also have large and small diseases and disturbances. Today, the editor of Huinong Network brings you an introduction to the common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers and their comprehensive control methods. You must not miss those who like garden flowers.

Beautiful flowers are dazzling, but charming horticultural flowers also have large and small diseases and disturbances. Today, the editor of Huinong Network brings you an introduction to the common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers and their comprehensive control methods. You must not miss those who like garden flowers!

1 common diseases of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

1.1 Blight

After the growing flowers are infected with Rhizoctonia solani, root festering will occur directly. The expression of these flowers in the early stage of infection is brown spots on the roots and withering of the epidermis. In the later stage of infection, the most prominent performance is the phenomenon of death of the whole flower, and even after some flowers are infected with blight, the plant tissue will appear Lignification. The function of water locking in the tissue is gradually lost, resulting in flowers can not get nutrients or water through normal channels, and directly appear upright withering.

Prevention and control measures: when planting flowers, the first thing the plant nurses should do is to soak the easily infected flower seeds and mix them with Sailisan in the proportion of 1 ∶ 500 according to the seed weight before sowing. At this time, the staff should pay attention to the fact that after the implementation of this treatment step, it is necessary to replenish water to the plants that have completed the sowing step, so as to prevent water shortage and death due to the lack of timely water supply.

1.2 powdery mildew

The flower species which are easy to be infected with powdery mildew mainly include melon leaf lotus, inverted golden bell and so on. in the early stage of being infected with powdery mildew, the main situation is that the leaves of flowers are light gray. Usually, the infected area will appear a layer of white flocs, when these white flocs extend to the entire leaf surface, the new branches and leaves of flowers will be suspended. Finally, it leads to the phenomenon of wilting of flowers as a whole, and the condition under which powdery mildew can spread wantonly is a stuffy and airtight environment.

Prevention and control measures: in view of the causes of powdery mildew, staff need to create a dry and ventilated environment for the growth of flowers in the process of flower planting to meet the growth needs of flowers. Some drug prevention and control methods can be used for treatment, and the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the disease resistance and enhance the immunity of flowers. If the flowers have been infected with powdery mildew at this time, nurses need to remove the infected stems and leaves to prevent the spread of germs. Dealing with the infected parts at the source can prevent the disease from threatening the life and health of the whole flower.

1.3 Black Mold

When flowers are infected with black mildew, brown mildew spots are generally formed on the flowers and leaves, and with the deepening of the degree of infection, black mildew layers are gradually formed, which will affect the photosynthesis of leaves to a great extent, at the same time, it also has a great impact on the beauty of flowers, and even causes the death of flowers.

Prevention and control measures: the prevention and control of black mold of flowers is generally carried out in the process of indoor cultivation of flowers, such as improving the light transmittance and ventilation of the indoor environment and controlling the indoor temperature and humidity. In addition, Bordeaux solution can be sprayed on infected plants.

2 common insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

2.1 aphids

Aphids, also known as dense insects, are very common pests in the process of flower cultivation. Generally speaking, the species of aphids include chrysanthemum aphid, rose long tube aphid, peach powder aphid and so on. Aphids have strong fecundity and are often concentrated in the back of flower leaves, inside buds and medium buds. The harm of aphids will lead to the dryness of flower leaves and, in serious cases, the death of flowers.

Control measures: you can choose rotenin or pyrethrum and other chemicals for spraying, or you can choose 1 ∶ 1000 washing powder aqueous solution to spray, especially with enzyme detergent, in which the enzyme composition can cause great damage to the epidermis of aphids, thus playing a good killing effect. Generally speaking, the spraying cycle is 1 week.

2.2 Red Spider

Red spiders are also one of the common pests in flowers. Compared with aphids, red spiders do harm to many flowers, such as rose, jasmine, red flowers and azaleas. Generally speaking, summer is the stage with the highest damage rate of red spiders. these pests often web on the back of flowers and leaves and then use their piercing mouthparts to absorb sap and nutrients from the plant. Flowers harmed by red spiders grow unusually slowly and die in severe cases.

Control methods: choose dimethoate 1500 times dilution or 25% chlordimeform 800 times dilution for fog spraying, the spraying period is generally half a month. It should be noted that indoor ventilation should be ensured for a period of time after spraying.

Do you understand all of the above? To sum up, for the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in horticultural flowers, first of all, the prevention and control methods should be selected pertinently, and the prevention and control work should be carried out according to the types of pesticides and the type of infection of diseases and insect pests; secondly, accurately grasp the occurrence law of different diseases and insect pests, select the best control period, and deeply analyze the occurrence time and law of various common diseases and insect pests, so as to find the best cut-in point for prevention and control. Thirdly, we should grasp the amount of chemicals used, accurately understand the sensitivity of flowers to drugs, and spray differently for different types of flowers; finally, to use chemicals scientifically, we should change the types of chemicals regularly to prevent drug resistance. More content related to garden flower knowledge can be found in Huinong net!

Common diseases and insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

In life, many people like to raise flowers and plants to cultivate sentiment, and there are also many people who plant a large number of flowers to provide market demand. Although flowers are delicious when they are open, they will encounter a lot of problems in the process of planting. This requires the careful maintenance of our flower-growing friends, and the greatest harm to flower growth is diseases and insect pests! So how to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests of flowers? Cherry little sister to teach you a few horticultural flowers common diseases and insect pests and their control techniques!  

1. Common diseases of horticultural flowers and their control techniques   

1. Fusarium wilt   

After the growing flowers are infected with Rhizoctonia solani, root festering will occur directly. The expression of these flowers in the early stage of infection is brown spots on the roots and wilting of the epidermis. The most prominent manifestation in the later stage of infection is the phenomenon of death of the whole flower, and even the Lignification of plant tissue will occur after some flowers are infected with bacterial blight. The function of water locking in the tissue is gradually lost, resulting in flowers can not get nutrients or water through normal channels, and directly appear upright withering.   

Prevention and control measures: when planting flowers, the first thing the plant nurses should do is to soak the easily infected flower seeds and mix them with Sailisan in the proportion of 1 ∶ 500 according to the seed weight before sowing. At this time, the staff should pay attention to the fact that after the implementation of this treatment step, it is necessary to replenish water to the plants that have completed the sowing step, so as to prevent water shortage and death due to the lack of timely water supply.


two。 Powdery mildew   

The flower species which are easy to be infected with powdery mildew mainly include melon leaf lotus, inverted golden bell and so on. in the early stage of being infected with powdery mildew, the main situation is that the leaves of flowers are light gray. Usually there will be a layer of white floc in the infected area, and when these white flocs extend to the entire leaf surface, the growth of the new branches and leaves of flowers will be suspended. Finally, it leads to the phenomenon of wilting of flowers as a whole, and the condition under which powdery mildew can spread wantonly is a stuffy and airtight environment.   

Prevention and control measures: in view of the causes of powdery mildew, staff need to create a dry and ventilated environment for the growth of flowers to meet the growth needs of flowers in the process of flower planting. Some drug prevention and control methods can be used for treatment, and the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the disease resistance and enhance the immunity of flowers. If the flowers have been infected with powdery mildew at this time, nurses need to remove the infected stems and leaves to prevent the spread of germs. Dealing with the infected parts at the source can prevent the disease from threatening the life and health of the whole flower.   

3. Black mildew   

When flowers are infected with black mildew, brown mildew spots are generally formed on the flowers and leaves, and with the deepening of the degree of infection, black mildew layers are gradually formed, which will affect the photosynthesis of leaves to a great extent, and have a great impact on the beauty of flowers, and even cause the death of flowers.   

Prevention and control measures: the prevention and control of black mold of flowers is generally carried out in the process of indoor cultivation of flowers, such as improving the light transmittance and ventilation of the indoor environment and controlling the indoor temperature and humidity. In addition, Bordeaux solution can be sprayed on infected plants.


Second, common insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques   

1. Aphid   

Aphids, also known as dense insects, are very common pests in the process of flower cultivation. Generally speaking, the species of aphids include chrysanthemum aphid, rose long tube aphid, peach powder aphid and so on. Aphids have strong fecundity and are often concentrated in the back of flower leaves, inside buds and medium buds. The harm of aphids will lead to the dryness of flower leaves and, in serious cases, the death of flowers.   

Control measures: you can choose rotenin or pyrethrum and other chemicals for spraying, or you can choose 1 ∶ 1000 washing powder aqueous solution to spray, especially the enzyme components in the enzyme detergent can cause great damage to the epidermis of aphids, thus playing a good killing effect, usually the spraying cycle is 1 week.   

two。 Red spider

Red spiders are also one of the common pests in flowers. Compared with aphids, red spiders do harm to many flowers, such as rose, jasmine, red flowers and azaleas. Generally speaking, summer is the stage with the highest damage rate of red spiders. These pests often web on the back of flowers and leaves, and then use their piercing mouthparts to absorb the sap and nutrients of the plant. Flowers harmed by red spiders grow unusually slowly and die in severe cases.   

Control methods: choose dimethoate 1500 times dilution or 25% chlordimeform 800 times dilution for fog spraying, the spraying period is generally half a month. It is important to pay attention to ensuring indoor ventilation for a period of time after spraying.   

To sum up, for the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in horticultural flowers, first of all, targeted control methods should be selected, and the prevention and control work should be carried out according to the types of pesticides and infection types of diseases and insect pests; secondly, we should accurately grasp the occurrence rules of different diseases and insect pests, select the best control period, and deeply analyze the occurrence time and rules of various common diseases and insect pests, so as to find the best cut-in point for prevention and control. Thirdly, we should grasp the amount of chemicals used, accurately understand the sensitivity of flowers to drugs, and spray differently for different kinds of flowers; finally, we should use chemicals scientifically and change the types of chemicals regularly to prevent drug resistance.

Common diseases and insect pests of potted flower geranium and their control methods common diseases and insect pests of potted flower geranium are mainly divided into two categories, as the name implies, diseases and insect pests are diseases and insect pests, and this kind of situation will basically occur in daily maintenance. different treatment schemes should be taken according to the size and degree of influence. Such as aphids and red spiders. These two are common pests, aphids are easy to manage, and red spiders are almost stubborn diseases for most people. Therefore, in view of these daily diseases and insect pests, should be achieved in advance prevention, a small number of timely treatment. Geranium diseases 1. Geranium fungal leaf spot caused by fungi there are mainly two kinds of geranium fungal leaf spot: black spot and brown spot. Black spot disease mainly occurs in the lower part of the old leaves of the plant, the primary water stain-like spots, gradually expanded into necrotic spots. The disease spot has concentric wheel lines, and there is a small amount of black mildew in the upper life. In severe cases, the disease spots converge, the leaves shrink, blacken and die. The injured leaves of brown spot produced small yellow spots on the tip at the beginning, and gradually developed into brown spots, the edge of the disease spot on the front of the leaf was slightly raised, and the back of the leaf was slightly sunken. The seriously diseased leaves turn yellow and fall off easily, and light black mildew is produced on both sides. 1. Incidence regularity: black spot is caused by Alternaria, and brown spot is caused by Pelargonium. The two pathogens belong to semi-knowing subphylum. Under the condition of warm and damp, the disease is more serious. 2. Prevention and control methods: strictly control watering times and water quantity, timely ventilation and dehumidification, and pay attention to improving lighting conditions. Remove the diseased leaves in time, remove the diseased body and burn it centrally. Early spraying 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800x, or 70% methyltopiramate wettable powder 800x 1000x, or 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder 1000 times, or 1 ∶ 1 ∶ Bordeaux solution. Second, Botrytis cinerea of pelargonium mainly causes flower blight, leaf spots and cuttings rot. When the flower was injured, the middle floret was the first to be infected, and the flower withered and fell off ahead of time. When the weather is wet, the disease grows out of the gray mold layer, and the rotting florets stick together. The leaves appeared irregular waterlogged brown spots, soft rot and gray mold layer, and became dry and wrinkled in the later stage. After the damage to the stem and petiole, brown spots with unclear edges were formed and rotted. 1. The regularity of the disease: caused by Botrytis cinerea. It occurs more often in a cool and humid environment. The most important cause of the disease is frequent watering at low temperature. 2. prevention and control methods: potted soil for planting infected flowers must be replaced or sterilized before it can be used. Timely removal of diseased flowers, diseased leaves, pull out seriously diseased plants, focus on destruction, so as not to expand the infection. When planting, we should apply sufficient base fertilizer, appropriately increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. To avoid watering on cloudy days and at night, it is best to water in the morning on a sunny day, and should be ventilated and drained after watering. One watering should not be too much, try not to water on the leaf surface. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% Sukeling wettable powder 2000 times, or 50% propofol wettable powder 1500 times, or 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder 800 times 1000 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% nonglidine wettable powder 1500 times, or 65% metalaxyl wettable powder 1500 times for foliar spray. Spray once every two weeks for 3 times in a row. If possible, use 10% Ludi EC 300 times 500 times or 15% Ludi wettable powder 500 times 700 times. Third, when the geranium was damaged by rust, reddish-brown blister spots appeared on the leaves, petioles and stems, and the leaves faded and fell off when the disease was serious. 1. The law of disease: the pathogen is a kind of stalk rust. The pathogen was attached to the disease by summer spores and could survive for 6 months and became infected when the conditions were suitable. 2. Prevention and treatment: diseased leaves should be removed in time, or even diseased plants should be removed and burned thoroughly. In the early stage of the disease, spray 1000 times of 15% verapamil wettable powder, or 4000 times of 40% diazolone wettable powder, or 500 times of 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder, or 2000 times of 30% Teflin wettable powder, or 3000 times of 20% verapamil EC, or 3000 times of 40% diazolidone EC, or 90 000 times of 40% Foxing EC. Spray every 10 to 15 days, 3 times in a row. 4. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum this disease mainly occurs at the base of the stem of the geranium. At the beginning of the disease, the spot was light brown, waterlogged, slightly sunken, backward and upward, and the tissue of the disease was rotten. When it is wet, the disease produces white mildew. In the later stage, the white mildew in the stem produces black mouse fecal sclerotia. 1. Incidence regularity: the pathogen of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The temperature of about 20 ℃ and the relative humidity of more than 85% are beneficial to the growth and development of the bacteria. The pathogen overwintered in diseased tissue and soil with sclerotia. Under suitable conditions, sclerotia germinated, ascospores spread by wind and rain, and hyphae spread reliably. The occurrence of disease can be aggravated by heavy and humid soil, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, over-dense plants, low air temperature, high humidity and so on. 2. control methods: flowerpots should not be placed too close, so as to improve ventilation and light transmission among plants, strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply more fully mature organic fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, so as to improve the disease resistance of plants. Before and at the early stage of the disease, plant ash and hydrated lime were mixed according to 4 ∶ 1, and sprinkled on the soil surface of the middle, lower part and stem base of the plant. In the early stage of the disease, the medicament can be used for early spray prevention and treatment: more than 40%-600 times of sulfur suspension, 500 times of 500 times of thiophanate methyl wettable powder, 600 times of 50% mixed sulfur suspension, or 500 times of 50% sclerotia net wettable powder, or 1500 times of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 1000 times of 50% promethazine wettable powder. Fifth, geranium bacterial leaf spot (different from the first fungal leaf spot), also known as geranium bacterial blight, mainly harms leaves, but also infects stems and branches. After the leaves were infected, there were water-stained brown spots at the initial stage, and then expanded into dark brown round or irregular spots. In severe cases, the disease spots become patches, and the leaves are necrotic and dry. After the stem and branches were damaged, the vascular bundles turned brown or black, the stem branches blackened and contracted, showing dry rot, the leaves on the stem withered and fell off, and the dead spots were polygonal. 1. The regularity of the disease: the disease is caused by a kind of Xanthomonas. Bacteria can spread through the contact of cuttings, the spatter of water droplets and the migration of insects. If the plant is cultivated too densely, it is easy to get sick when it grows. High temperature and humidity and improper fertilization are also beneficial to the disease. The disease of the old leaves in the lower part of the plant is serious. The resistance of different varieties to the disease is very different. The large-flowered geranium is highly resistant to disease, and the pelargonium is highly susceptible to disease. 2. Prevention and control methods: soak the flowerpot with 10% bleach powder for 10 minutes, the soaking solution should be ready for use, or use 40% formalin and water to form 2% solution, soak the flowerpot for 10 minutes. Remove all diseased leaves and branches, the plant should not be too dense. Temperature and humidity should be well controlled. Watering method and time should be reasonable, do not spray directly on the plant, in order to avoid splashing water droplets to spread disease. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% copper dicarboxylic acid (DT) wettable powder is sprayed in time, which can not be used in combination with other drugs. Or 60%DTM wettable powder 500x liquid, or 77% WP 400x solution, or 70% Chlorothalonil WP 500g 600x solution, or 72% streptomycin sulfate 4000 fold solution, or neophytomycin 4000 times solution, foliar spray, once every 7 to 10 days, 3 times continuously. Sixth, geranium root cancer disease, also known as crown gall disease, mainly occurs in the rhizome of geranium, and some also occur in stems and branches. Small tumors can be seen at the initial stage of infection, and then gradually expand and harden, the surface is cracked and rough, gray to flesh color, of different sizes, and many hairs often grow on the surface of the tumor. The injured plant is dwarfed, the leaves are small and often fade, the flowering period is short, and in serious cases, the fallen leaves and branches wither, and even the whole plant dies. The main results are as follows: 1. The disease is caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which lives in the cancer surface and soil, spreads with Rain Water and irrigation water, invades from the wound, and the plant soil surface rhizome is easy to be infected. The disease is serious when there are wounds in continuous cropping and rhizome. 2. Prevention and control methods: when the carrying rate of seedlings is high or diseased plants are found, soak the stem base of seedlings with 1% copper sulfate for 5 minutes, and soak in 2% lime water for 1 minute. At the initial stage of the disease, the tumor was removed with a knife, and then the wound was smeared with lime-sulfur mixture or 1purl 100-fold Bordeaux solution, 25% thiumazole 400-fold 500-fold solution, and 90% streptomycin 2000-3000-fold solution. In addition, injections of penicillin and streptomycin are also effective. 7. Edema of pelargonium is a physiological disease, which occurs in a series of hanging varieties. When the plant absorbs a large amount of water and cannot evaporate through the leaf surface in time, it will show this symptom. At first, the symptoms appear below the leaves in the form of blisters. When the plant is stressed by water, light, PH and other environmental conditions, the blisters will burst. The symptoms are similar to those damaged by spider mites. In the process of growth, the occurrence of this disease can be effectively controlled by the following operations to ensure that the plant will not be short of water and dry, especially when the ambient temperature is relatively high, do not over-irrigate the plant in January and February, try not to use flowerpot trays, ensure adequate empty circulation, keep relative humidity below 75%, and heat and ventilate when the humidity is high. Shading treatment was carried out to avoid sudden strong light exposure; the PH value was kept between 5.6 and 5.7, and there was no iron deficiency in the matrix; the irrigation time was chosen in the early morning, and calcium nitrate fertilizer was supplemented regularly. Pelargonium pest 1. Black spot Spodoptera litura larva: the body length of the last instar larva 32mm. Brown head, black spots on both cheeks; yellowish green carcass, 8 light longitudinal lines on the back, yellowish valve line; 3 pairs of chest feet, black; 2 pairs of abdominal feet; 1 pair of tail feet, yellowish green. Adult: about 17mm, wingspan 34mm, dark brown, with brown hair on the back of the posterior chest and the 1st and 3rd ventral segments. There are prominent silver spots and U-shaped crazes in the center of the forewings; the hind wings are light brown and the outer margin is dark brown. Egg hemispherical, yellowish green, surface mask vertical and horizontal grid. Prevention and control methods 1. Trapping adults with black light during the occurrence period. 2. Spray 90% Wanling water agent 4500 times or 75% Lavein 4000 times, imidacloprid 2500 times, Yitaibao EC 3000 times, 5.7% permethrin EC 3000 times. Second, whitefly has piercing and sucking mouthparts, adults and nymphs feed on plant sap, and the damaged leaves fade, yellowing, wilting, and even the whole plant dies. In addition, because of its strong fecundity, fast reproduction, large population, clustering and secreting a large amount of honey, it seriously pollutes the leaves and plants. Morphological features: the adult is about 0.9-1.4 mm long, yellowish white or white, both male and female have wings, the whole body is covered with white wax powder, the female is larger than the male, and its ovipositor is needle-shaped. The egg is oval, about 0.2-0.25 mm long, yellowish at first birth, then dark brown, with egg stalk, on the back of the leaf. Larvae (or nymphs) are oval and flat. Yellowish or dark green, with uneven waxy filamentous protrusions on the body surface. The pupa is oval, about 0.7-0.8 mm long, slightly raised in the middle, yellowish brown, with 5-8 pairs of uneven wax filaments on the back. Control measures 1, can be sprayed to control, there are 600-800 times thistle lice 1, acetamiprid, 0.30% (matrine), thiazide, acetamiprid, chrysanthemum EC, zinc cyanide EC, cypermethrin, cypermethrin or Uranus and so on. Third, aphid plants affected by aphids have a variety of different symptoms, such as reduced growth rate, leaf spots, yellowing, dysplasia, leaf curling, reduced yield, wilt and death. The ingestion of juice by aphids leads to the lack of vitality of plants, and the saliva of aphids is also toxic to plants. Control measures 1. Select a series of imidacloprid products to use according to the instructions, which is easy to prevent and cure.