
Common diseases and insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many people in life like to raise flowers and cultivate sentiment, there are also many people planting a large number of flowers to provide market demand, flowers open although delicious, but in the process of planting will encounter a lot of problems, which requires our flower friends careful maintenance, the flower growth caused the greatest harm to belong to pests and diseases

In life, many people like to raise flowers and plants to cultivate sentiment, and there are also many people who plant a large number of flowers to provide market demand. Although flowers are delicious when they are open, they will encounter a lot of problems in the process of planting. This requires the careful maintenance of our flower-growing friends, and the greatest harm to flower growth is diseases and insect pests! So how to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests of flowers? Cherry little sister to teach you a few horticultural flowers common diseases and insect pests and their control techniques!  

1. Common diseases of horticultural flowers and their control techniques   

1. Fusarium wilt   

After the growing flowers are infected with Rhizoctonia solani, root festering will occur directly. The expression of these flowers in the early stage of infection is brown spots on the roots and wilting of the epidermis. The most prominent manifestation in the later stage of infection is the phenomenon of death of the whole flower, and even the Lignification of plant tissue will occur after some flowers are infected with bacterial blight. The function of water locking in the tissue is gradually lost, resulting in flowers can not get nutrients or water through normal channels, and directly appear upright withering.   

Prevention and control measures: when planting flowers, the first thing the plant nurses should do is to soak the easily infected flower seeds and mix them with Sailisan in the proportion of 1 ∶ 500 according to the seed weight before sowing. At this time, the staff should pay attention to the fact that after the implementation of this treatment step, it is necessary to replenish water to the plants that have completed the sowing step, so as to prevent water shortage and death due to the lack of timely water supply.


two。 Powdery mildew   

The flower species which are easy to be infected with powdery mildew mainly include melon leaf lotus, inverted golden bell and so on. in the early stage of being infected with powdery mildew, the main situation is that the leaves of flowers are light gray. Usually there will be a layer of white floc in the infected area, and when these white flocs extend to the entire leaf surface, the growth of the new branches and leaves of flowers will be suspended. Finally, it leads to the phenomenon of wilting of flowers as a whole, and the condition under which powdery mildew can spread wantonly is a stuffy and airtight environment.   

Prevention and control measures: in view of the causes of powdery mildew, staff need to create a dry and ventilated environment for the growth of flowers to meet the growth needs of flowers in the process of flower planting. Some drug prevention and control methods can be used for treatment, and the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the disease resistance and enhance the immunity of flowers. If the flowers have been infected with powdery mildew at this time, nurses need to remove the infected stems and leaves to prevent the spread of germs. Dealing with the infected parts at the source can prevent the disease from threatening the life and health of the whole flower.   

3. Black mildew   

When flowers are infected with black mildew, brown mildew spots are generally formed on the flowers and leaves, and with the deepening of the degree of infection, black mildew layers are gradually formed, which will affect the photosynthesis of leaves to a great extent, and have a great impact on the beauty of flowers, and even cause the death of flowers.   

Prevention and control measures: the prevention and control of black mold of flowers is generally carried out in the process of indoor cultivation of flowers, such as improving the light transmittance and ventilation of the indoor environment and controlling the indoor temperature and humidity. In addition, Bordeaux solution can be sprayed on infected plants.


Second, common insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques   

1. Aphid   

Aphids, also known as dense insects, are very common pests in the process of flower cultivation. Generally speaking, the species of aphids include chrysanthemum aphid, rose long tube aphid, peach powder aphid and so on. Aphids have strong fecundity and are often concentrated in the back of flower leaves, inside buds and medium buds. The harm of aphids will lead to the dryness of flower leaves and, in serious cases, the death of flowers.   

Control measures: you can choose rotenin or pyrethrum and other chemicals for spraying, or you can choose 1 ∶ 1000 washing powder aqueous solution to spray, especially the enzyme components in the enzyme detergent can cause great damage to the epidermis of aphids, thus playing a good killing effect, usually the spraying cycle is 1 week.   

two。 Red spider

Red spiders are also one of the common pests in flowers. Compared with aphids, red spiders do harm to many flowers, such as rose, jasmine, red flowers and azaleas. Generally speaking, summer is the stage with the highest damage rate of red spiders. These pests often web on the back of flowers and leaves, and then use their piercing mouthparts to absorb the sap and nutrients of the plant. Flowers harmed by red spiders grow unusually slowly and die in severe cases.   

Control methods: choose dimethoate 1500 times dilution or 25% chlordimeform 800 times dilution for fog spraying, the spraying period is generally half a month. It is important to pay attention to ensuring indoor ventilation for a period of time after spraying.   

To sum up, for the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in horticultural flowers, first of all, targeted control methods should be selected, and the prevention and control work should be carried out according to the types of pesticides and infection types of diseases and insect pests; secondly, we should accurately grasp the occurrence rules of different diseases and insect pests, select the best control period, and deeply analyze the occurrence time and rules of various common diseases and insect pests, so as to find the best cut-in point for prevention and control. Thirdly, we should grasp the amount of chemicals used, accurately understand the sensitivity of flowers to drugs, and spray differently for different kinds of flowers; finally, we should use chemicals scientifically and change the types of chemicals regularly to prevent drug resistance.

What are the common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers? Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers and their integrated control methods

Beautiful flowers are dazzling, but charming horticultural flowers also have large and small diseases and disturbances. Today, the editor of Huinong Network brings you an introduction to the common diseases and insect pests of garden flowers and their comprehensive control methods. You must not miss those who like garden flowers!

1 common diseases of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

1.1 Blight

After the growing flowers are infected with Rhizoctonia solani, root festering will occur directly. The expression of these flowers in the early stage of infection is brown spots on the roots and withering of the epidermis. In the later stage of infection, the most prominent performance is the phenomenon of death of the whole flower, and even after some flowers are infected with blight, the plant tissue will appear Lignification. The function of water locking in the tissue is gradually lost, resulting in flowers can not get nutrients or water through normal channels, and directly appear upright withering.

Prevention and control measures: when planting flowers, the first thing the plant nurses should do is to soak the easily infected flower seeds and mix them with Sailisan in the proportion of 1 ∶ 500 according to the seed weight before sowing. At this time, the staff should pay attention to the fact that after the implementation of this treatment step, it is necessary to replenish water to the plants that have completed the sowing step, so as to prevent water shortage and death due to the lack of timely water supply.

1.2 powdery mildew

The flower species which are easy to be infected with powdery mildew mainly include melon leaf lotus, inverted golden bell and so on. in the early stage of being infected with powdery mildew, the main situation is that the leaves of flowers are light gray. Usually, the infected area will appear a layer of white flocs, when these white flocs extend to the entire leaf surface, the new branches and leaves of flowers will be suspended. Finally, it leads to the phenomenon of wilting of flowers as a whole, and the condition under which powdery mildew can spread wantonly is a stuffy and airtight environment.

Prevention and control measures: in view of the causes of powdery mildew, staff need to create a dry and ventilated environment for the growth of flowers in the process of flower planting to meet the growth needs of flowers. Some drug prevention and control methods can be used for treatment, and the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the disease resistance and enhance the immunity of flowers. If the flowers have been infected with powdery mildew at this time, nurses need to remove the infected stems and leaves to prevent the spread of germs. Dealing with the infected parts at the source can prevent the disease from threatening the life and health of the whole flower.

1.3 Black Mold

When flowers are infected with black mildew, brown mildew spots are generally formed on the flowers and leaves, and with the deepening of the degree of infection, black mildew layers are gradually formed, which will affect the photosynthesis of leaves to a great extent, at the same time, it also has a great impact on the beauty of flowers, and even causes the death of flowers.

Prevention and control measures: the prevention and control of black mold of flowers is generally carried out in the process of indoor cultivation of flowers, such as improving the light transmittance and ventilation of the indoor environment and controlling the indoor temperature and humidity. In addition, Bordeaux solution can be sprayed on infected plants.

2 common insect pests of horticultural flowers and their control techniques

2.1 aphids

Aphids, also known as dense insects, are very common pests in the process of flower cultivation. Generally speaking, the species of aphids include chrysanthemum aphid, rose long tube aphid, peach powder aphid and so on. Aphids have strong fecundity and are often concentrated in the back of flower leaves, inside buds and medium buds. The harm of aphids will lead to the dryness of flower leaves and, in serious cases, the death of flowers.

Control methods: you can choose rotenin or pyrethrum and other chemicals for spraying, or you can choose 1 ∶ 1000 washing powder aqueous solution to spray, especially with enzyme detergent, in which the enzyme composition can cause great damage to the epidermis of aphids, thus having a good killing effect. Generally speaking, the period of chemical spraying is 1 week.

2.2 Red Spider

Red spiders are also one of the common pests in flowers. Compared with aphids, red spiders do harm to many flowers, such as rose, jasmine, red flowers and azaleas. Generally speaking, summer is the stage with the highest damage rate of red spiders. these pests often web on the back of flowers and leaves and then use their piercing mouthparts to absorb sap and nutrients from the plant. Flowers harmed by red spiders grow unusually slowly and die in severe cases.

Control methods: choose dimethoate 1500 times dilution or 25% chlordimeform 800 times dilution for fog spraying, the spraying period is generally half a month. It should be noted that indoor ventilation should be ensured for a period of time after spraying.

Do you understand all of the above? To sum up, for the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in horticultural flowers, first of all, the prevention and control methods should be selected pertinently, and the prevention and control work should be carried out according to the types of pesticides and the type of infection of diseases and insect pests; secondly, accurately grasp the occurrence law of different diseases and insect pests, select the best control period, and deeply analyze the occurrence time and law of various common diseases and insect pests, so as to find the best cut-in point for prevention and control. Thirdly, we should grasp the amount of chemicals used, accurately understand the sensitivity of flowers to drugs, and spray differently for different types of flowers; finally, to use chemicals scientifically, we should change the types of chemicals regularly to prevent drug resistance. More content related to garden flower knowledge can be found in Huinong net!

Integrated Control techniques of Flower Diseases and insect pests in protected area

In view of the special ecological environmental conditions of flower protected areas, and on the basis of full investigation, this paper expounds the damage degree, occurrence conditions, harmful varieties and control techniques of main flower diseases and insect pests in protected areas. it is also put forward that the prevention and control of flower diseases and insect pests in protected areas should adhere to the policy of "prevention is more important than control", actively adopt agricultural control methods, and strengthen ecological control on the basis of enhancing plant resistance. Purposefully take biological control and physical control, regular chemical control and timely use of high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides for control, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling diseases and insect pests and achieving the purpose of high efficiency in flower production. Key words: protected flowers; diseases and insect pests; integrated control technology large-scale development of protected cultivation provides convenient conditions for the annual production of flowers for ornamental purposes. However, the special environmental conditions of high temperature and humidity also provide a place for the breeding and spread of a large number of diseases and insects. The occurrence and development of flower diseases and insect pests in protected land has its own characteristics, which is different from that in open field. Flowers as a kind of ornamental products, once infected with diseases and insect pests, some or all of their ornamental value will be lost, which will cause greater economic losses, and it is difficult to achieve satisfactory results by adopting a single control method. Therefore, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in protected areas must adhere to the policy of "prevention is more important than control", give full play to the effectiveness of comprehensive control, and control the diseases and insect pests below the allowable level of flower ornamental value. On the basis of full investigation and combined with several years' production experience, this paper discusses the occurrence regularity and comprehensive control countermeasures of the main infectious diseases and insect pests of flowers in protected areas, in order to provide scientific basis for the comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in protected areas. 1 main diseases and insect pests of flowers in protected areas and their occurrence conditions 1.1 main diseases and their occurrence conditions (1) Botrytis cinerea is the most common and most harmful fungal disease in protected flowers. It is very easy to occur under the condition of damp and low temperature. The complex symptoms include blight, canker, rot of organs such as bulbs, bulbs and seeds, and quenching of seedlings, which often occur at the leaf tip and edge of the leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, the disease is mostly watery spots, but in the later stage it is often covered with gray mildew layer, and the host range is very wide, mainly harming cyclamen, begonia and so on. (2) powdery mildew: mostly harmful to leaves, branches, flower organs and tender shoots. At the initial stage of the disease, the disease grew out of a layer of white powdery mildew and turned gray in the later stage. In the vigorous growing season, high temperature and heavy rain, more nitrogen fertilizer, high planting density, lack of light or poor ventilation are conducive to the occurrence of diseases. Mainly harmful to rose, melon and leaf chrysanthemum and so on. (3) anthrax: mainly harmful leaves and stems, at the beginning of the disease leaves are mostly round, oval reddish brown spots, and then expand into dark brown spots, the center of the spots produce striated small black spots, the edge is dark green; when the stem occurs, often produce round or nearly round light brown spots. It is mainly caused by overly dense potted flowers, cross-infection of leaves, high temperature and stuffy heat and poor ventilation. Mainly harm orchids, jasmine, evergreen and other foliage plants. (4) Leaf spot, including black spot, brown spot, ring spot, etc., is caused by local infection, local necrosis of leaves and various colors and shapes of disease spots or perforations. There are all kinds of dots or mildew layers on the disease spot. It often occurs under the conditions of low temperature and foggy, poor ventilation and light transmission, extensive management and so on. It is mainly harmful to rose, gentleman orchid, camellia and foliage plants. (5) Mosaic virus disease is a worldwide disease, mainly harmful to leaves and flower organs. In the early stage of the disease, the leaves began to fade and turn brown gradually, and the diseased leaves were yellowed and twisted, which was mainly caused by the virus of seed seedlings. It mainly harms Gladiolus, cyclamen, carnation and so on. (6) bacterial rot mostly occurs on succulent tissues, namely bulbs, bulbs and tubers. The disintegration of the disease part is characterized by the disintegration of tissue and the flow of foul-smelling sap. The environment with high temperature and humidity and more nitrogen fertilizer is conducive to occurrence and epidemic. It mainly harms cyclamen, iris, gentleman orchid and so on. 1.2 main insect pests and their occurrence conditions aphids, whitefly, red spiders and scale insects are the four major insect pests in protected areas. The main results are as follows: (1) aphids are harmed by adults and nymphs gathering on branches and young leaves to suck juice, the damaged leaves often curl, the buds are not easy to expand, and the honeydew secreted by them can easily lead to coal fouling disease and virus disease. It is easy to occur when the climate is dry and the temperature is suitable. It mainly harms lilies, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, tulips and so on. (2) White whitefly, also known as small white moth, is one of the important pests harmful to flowers. Adults or nymphs gather on the back of the young leaves of the host to suck juice, and the damaged leaves fade, turn yellow, wilt, and even die. In addition, the honeydew secreted by adults and larvae is easy to induce coal pollution and virus. Breed all the year round in the greenhouse. It mainly harms rhododendron, rose, jasmine and so on. (3) Red spiders often feed on the back of the leaves, destroying the leaf tissue, often making the leaves green, showing spots, patches, or curling or wrinkling, and in serious cases, the whole leaf is scorched, like roasting. The temperature is high and it is easy to occur under dry conditions. Mainly harmful to rose, rhododendron and so on. (4) there are many species of scale insects, which are harmful to nymphs and female adults sucking juice at the branch tip and leaf dorsal midvein, which is easy to cause the leaves and branches to dry up. In addition to pricking the juice and weakening the growth potential, it also induces coal fouling disease, which is harmful all the year round in the greenhouse. It mainly harms Michelia, Haitong, banyan, camellia and so on. 2 Comprehensive control technology 2.1 to cultivate disease-free and insect-free strong seedlings strictly quarantine seeds, seedlings and bulbs before sowing, to adopt the combination of drug disinfection and warm water soaking in time to prevent provenance from carrying bacteria, and to do a good job in environmental sanitation in protected areas. thoroughly remove fallen leaves and weeds and reduce the habitat of diseases and insect pests To strengthen the seedling management, the density of flowers and trees should not be too high, and release the wind and refine the seedlings in time, control the excessive growth of seedlings, improve the stress resistance of seedlings, and find that diseased plants can be pulled out at any time. Through the above measures, the number of pests can be reduced by about 50% [2]. 2.2 to control ⑴, the nutritious soil should be exposed to the sun before planting, or treated with pentachloronitrobenzene and other chemicals to prevent carrying germs and eggs. At the same time, the application of mature organic fertilizer not only helps to improve the microbial antagonism around the rhizosphere, but also helps to reduce the occurrence of Fusarium wilt and quenching disease; ⑵ rotation stubble. Rotational planting of different kinds of flowers can effectively reduce the occurrence of soil-borne diseases such as Fusarium wilt, anthracnose and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; ⑶ high border cultivation can be irrigated by sprinkler irrigation and covered with crop straw, which can reduce the relative humidity of greenhouse and improve the performance of ventilation and light transmission, so as to reduce the incidence of disease; reasonable water and fertilizer management in ⑷. According to different kinds of flower varieties and habits, scientifically cooperate with fertilization, regulate the growth potential of flowers, enhance the ability of resistance to diseases and insect pests, and promote the robust growth of flowers. Watering time, as far as possible to make the water temperature close to the soil temperature is appropriate. The spring and autumn season should be about 10:00 and after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, morning or evening in summer and around noon in winter, which can also alleviate the relative humidity in the protected area and reduce the frequency of diseases and insect pests. (5) the greenhouse can be covered with non-dripping film or antifogging PVC film, which can reduce indoor relative humidity, increase light transmittance by 15% to 20% compared with ordinary film, improve thermal insulation performance by 2% 3 ℃, and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests [3]. 2.3 Ecological regulation and control, strengthen environmental control, timely ventilation, improve the temperature and humidity in the protected area, as far as possible so that the flower leaves do not dew, the general temperature is 20: 25 ℃, the air relative humidity is 60% to 70%, can ensure that there are no water droplets. This can reduce the occurrence of diseases such as gray mildew and downy mildew [4]. The variable temperature management should be adopted in the protected area, because the temperature of the protected area varies greatly, so as to strengthen the regulation and control, so that the pathogen can not germinate and invade smoothly. The high temperature and the temperature above 28 ℃ are disadvantageous to the sporulation of downy mildew and Botrytis cinerea, and the higher temperature can kill the pathogens. The appropriate high temperature can also activate the defense enzymes in the body, thus improving the resistance of the plant. When the greenhouse temperature reached 35-40 ℃ in sunny day for 2 hours, it could inhibit downy mildew and gray mildew to a certain extent. 2.4 where conditions permit, biological control methods should be actively adopted. The aphid wasp is the internal parasite of whitefly. When there are 1 or 2 whitefly per plant in the greenhouse, 2800 aphids / 667m2 are released, once every 7 to 10 days, twice in a row, and the control effect can reach 80% 90%. Penicillium can also be used to control greenhouse whitefly and protect it when seeing aphid flies, lacewings, ladybugs and other natural enemies, which can effectively improve the effect of biological control. 2.5 physical control methods such as heat treatment can effectively control diseases and insect pests, such as Gladiolus corm soaked in 55 ℃ hot water 30min to control Fusarium dry rot and other diseases. The silver-gray reflective film can be used to drive out aphids, and the principle of silver tin foil reflection can also be used to resist the migration of aphids, or make use of the yellowing of aphids and whitefly to set up a yellow board on one side of the greenhouse wall or at the top of the plant 10~20cm or hang yellow adhesive strips at the vents for trapping and killing. 2.6 Chemical control of flower diseases and insect pests in protected areas should be based on the principle of "prevention is more important than control". The target diseases and pests should be periodically alternately sprayed with bactericides such as chlorothalonil, methyl thiophanate, carbendazim and other insecticides, such as quick-killing insecticides, dichlorvos, mites and other insecticides, usually 2 times a month. Can also be in the protected area, when the shed is closed in the evening, the use of aerosol fumigation, both labor-saving, labor-saving, uniform dispersion, overcoming the shortcomings of uneven spray. In the greenhouse in winter, disease prevention is the main. 20% chlorothalonil smoke remover can be used regularly, 250g per 667m2 is ignited evenly, and fumigated and sterilized, which can prevent the occurrence of diseases in a large area. The following measures should be taken for the prevention and control of sudden diseases and insect pests: 2.6.1 prevention and control of ⑴ gray mold, anthracnose and blight: at the initial stage of the disease, control with 75% chlorothalonil soluble powder 600x solution or 70% methyl topiramate powder 1500 times solution. (2) powdery mildew: the powdery mildew was sprayed with 2000 times of Nongkang 120,25% Fenxiu Ning for 2 times in a row. Powdery mildew bacteria were particularly sensitive to "sulfur" and were fumigated overnight with 0.25 kg sulfur powder + sawdust 0.5kg per 250~300m2, and the control effect was good. (3) bacterial soft rot: spraying or watering agricultural streptomycin for 3 or 4 times can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. (4) Mosaic virus disease: doing a good job in the control of aphids and scale insects, and regularly spraying ribavirin has a certain effect on the control of virus diseases. (5) Leaf spot: use 25% carbendazim wettable powder 300 × 600 times once every 10 days, or use 25% carbendazim wettable powder 2000 times solution, spray once a month, the effect is good. 2.6.2 Prevention of ⑴ aphids from major insect pests: control with 3000-fold solution of 2.5% deltamethrin or 5000-fold solution of 2.5% deltamethrin, or sealed fumigation overnight with 22% dichlorvos smoke agent 0.3kg/667m2 or 10% aphid smoke agent, the method is simple and has a special effect on aphid control. (2) White whitefly: 3000 times of imidacloprid was used to control whitefly, and 1500 times of 25% buprofezin wettable powder or 2.5% Uranus EC was mixed. Lexben had special effect on the control of whitefly. The insecticide should be sprayed in the morning or evening for 2 or 3 consecutive times, which can not only alleviate the resistance of whitefly, but also improve the control effect. (3) Red spiders and scale insects: on the basis of artificial disinfestation, 1000 times of trichlorfon EC and 40% omethoate EC were used. Or 20% paraben EC 3000 / 4000 times, and add a small amount of washing powder to spray cloth evenly, spray once every 7 to 10 days, spray 3 times in a row for 4 times. The control effect of 1000 times of dicofol can also reach more than 90%. In addition, fumigation with 250 g/667m2 fumigant for 4 hours in the protected area had a certain control effect on whitefly, red spider and scale insects. (3) the occurrence of main diseases and insect pests of flowers in protected areas is closely related to the specific environmental conditions of high temperature and humidity in protected areas. The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should be based on the principle of "prevention is more important than control", take cultivation prevention as the basis, strengthen the regulation and control of ecological environment, and actively take measures such as biological control, physical control and regular use of low-toxic pesticides. According to the principle of timely control of different kinds of diseases and insect pests, we should control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and effectively improve the ornamental value of flowers, so as to achieve high benefits of flower production. Reference article 1 Hou Guilan. Pests and control techniques of flowers in greenhouse. Rural Science and Technology Development, 1998, (7): 212 Chen Xueying. Sustainable control measures of greenhouse pests. China Flower Daily, 2000, 42 and 33 Liu Mingchi. Pollution-free control technology of cucumber diseases and insect pests in greenhouse. 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