
Propagation methods of Dahlia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Split root propagation in March and April, take out the root block, cut off the attached buds together, and plant them separately. 2. Cuttage propagation from June to August, lateral buds grow to 15 to 20 cm, combined with lateral buds cut along with sowing. Seeds are propagated, seeds are harvested in autumn, and sown from February to March of the following year.

1. Root-splitting propagation

In March and April of spring, take out the root, cut off the attached buds together, and plant them separately.

2. Cuttage propagation

From June to August, the lateral buds grew to 15 to 20 cm, and the lateral buds were cut and sown with cutting.

Seeds are propagated, seeds are harvested in autumn and sown from February to March of the following year. Now you know the breeding methods of dahlias, there are a variety of breeding methods, it seems that the vitality of dahlias is really strong! Well, that's all for dahlias. Dahlia has a long flowering period, a simple planting method, and bright and beautiful flowers, which is very suitable for growing in the courtyard of the home. Are you excited? what are you waiting for? go home and try it!

Culture methods of Dahlia

Before talking about the cultivation methods of dahlias, we need to tell the flower friends that the pot cultivation of dahlias is difficult and difficult to take care of, so if you are potted dahlias, you need to play a hundred and twenty thousand spirit to learn the maintenance methods of dahlias.

In order to make it easier for flower lovers to understand the culture methods of dahlias, this article will talk about the cultivation of dahlias according to different steps, so that they can master more knowledge about dahlias as much as possible.

1. Conservation of the environment

Whether potted or planted on the ground, they all need to be maintained in a sunny environment and to be leeward, because the stem of Dahlia is relatively weak, easy to break, can not stand the strong wind, and should be slightly shaded when the sun is more poisonous in summer. If long-term maintenance in the environment of lack of light, the root system is weak, the leaves are thin and the stems are thin, the flowers are small and light, and even cannot blossom.

2. Soil selection.

Because dahlias like to be wet and afraid of waterlogging, fat and excess, the soil should be fertile and loose (in fact, most flowers and plants require fertile and loose soil).

3. Planting

Dahlia is a tuber plant with huge tuberous roots. in general, what flower friends buy is tuber roots. Planting is actually very simple. What you need to talk to you here is covering soil. Generally speaking, covering soil is about 3 centimeters. At the initial stage, it is less watered and drier. Wait for the bud and then water it step by step.

4. Watering

Although Dahlia likes wet but is afraid of waterlogging, it is also afraid of drought, and its roots are easy to rot if it is watered too much, but its leaves are large, grow luxuriantly, and need more water. If it is short of water and wilts, it can not replenish water in time, and after sunlight, the edges of the light leaves are scorched, and the heavy ones fall off, so the water permeability of the soil is very important, and it also needs flexible watering according to the soil moisture.

5. Fertilization

Once the dahlias bloom, they will continue to bloom, and the ones that bloom are getting smaller and smaller, and they need a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the later stage, but dahlias are afraid of excessive fertilizer, so fertilization should be carried out in accordance with the principle of applying thin fertilizer and applying thin fertilizer every other week.

6. Maintenance measures of Dahlia in winter

(1) stop watering: stop watering immediately after the dahlias fade, forcing the stems of dahlias to go into dormancy.

(2) pruning thoroughly: when the stem of Dahlia is completely withered and yellow, cut off all the stems that are more than 6 cm above the ground. Prepare to enter the indoor storage.

(3) Storage conditions: the temperature in the storage room must be kept at 15 °C. And the storeroom must be dry and must not be watered during storage.

(4) Storage overwintering: it should also be noted that when digging up the root tuber, do not damage the root tuber as much as possible. If it is a potted plant, it is best not to take off the pot, wait until the pot soil is very dry and the outdoor temperature drops to 3 degrees Celsius, move people indoor to pile up for the winter.

If the winter temperature in the city is not suitable for the growth of dahlias, cut off the water and wither the leaves, dig up the root and plant it again in the following spring.

Propagation methods of Dahlia

Dahlia, also known as Dahlia, dicotyledonous class, Compositae. Because it is easy to survive, it is cultivated all over the world, and new varieties continue to appear. Because its stem is erect and multi-branched, stout, and the petals are in full bloom, the height can reach as high as 2 meters. As the national flower of Mexico, this kind of flower originating from Mexico is loved by people all over the world and is regarded as a symbol of wealth and beauty. Today, there are thousands of varieties of dahlias, covering colors as long as you can think of. Many flowers are shaped like peonies, but they have a little more different temperament than peonies, and they have strong ability to adapt to the environment, are easier to breed, and have a long flowering period. often planted in the courtyard or family as an ornamental plant species.

Dahlias are suitable for growing in flower beds, potted plants and courtyards. Small dahlias can be used as indoor evergreens. It is easier to survive. If you want to raise dahlias, you must first understand the habits of dahlias.

Although the living environment of dahlia is not high and easy to feed, if you want to produce a beautiful dahlia, you still need to make a reasonable allocation of its growth environment. Dahlia is a semi-light plant, the sun exposure should not be too strong, the irradiation time is about 8 hours, the seedlings should not be illuminated. Temperature requirements are not strict, below 35 degrees Celsius, more than 10 degrees Celsius can grow, but the blooming period is the cool autumn. The temperature is best around 20 degrees Celsius. Dahlias prefer water, but can not be too waterlogged, potted plants need to be watered regularly, but can not accumulate water. The best soil for planting is crisp sandy soil, which is the favorite of dahlias.

Dahlia propagation methods are generally divided into cutting and seed reproduction, general seed propagation before March, autumn harvest, adapt to the temperature of about 18 degrees Celsius, specific sowing needs to be changed according to the region and climate. In the seedling growth stage, water should be controlled, because water control can control the height of dahlias after seedling growth and regularly eliminate the accumulation in the pot. It is not suitable to spray a large amount of water in summer to reduce the surrounding temperature, otherwise it will cause wilting of dahlias or death due to too much water. After growing up, the flower buds should be fertilized, and the flower stalks should be supported by utensils.

Points for attention in dahlia culture:

1. Dahlias like cool and afraid of heat, so when the temperature is more than 30 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to cool down and grow, but be careful not to be shaded.

2. Dahlias like to be moist, but do not have too much water or insufficient water supply, as long as you keep the soil moist.

How to cultivate a single plant of multicolor dahlia: multicolor dahlia is generally cultivated by grafting, and the female parent is generally the root without bud as the female parent, and then the scions of different varieties of dahlia need to take buds, and then grafted, and then cultivated.

What if Dahlia does not blossom: if it does not blossom, it can carry out certain photosynthesis, light, and appropriate application of fertilizer, especially the base fertilizer before breeding. Finally, the temperature is controlled by more moisture.

How to change the height of dahlia: specific varieties need different methods, the basic step is to control fertilizer and water, and root-cutting measures are carried out at an appropriate time, and when the stem of Dahlia grows to about 7, 8cm, coring is carried out to promote the growth of lateral buds, and then pruned properly.