
Control methods of main Diseases in Maize

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of main Diseases in Maize

Corn is a kind of food that we can eat almost every day in our life. For example, many people grow corn in their hometown, and most of the corn is sold except for themselves, and the income from planting corn is also very good. But there are more and more diseases of corn in recent years, so Shuai Shuai will introduce some common diseases of corn and teach you how to prevent and control these diseases. Let's take a look!

1. Corn leaf spot

1. Symptoms

The disease mainly harms the leaves of corn, and if the disease is serious, it will infect the leaf sheaths and bracts of corn. At the beginning, the virus is mainly infected from the lower leaves of the plant, and then spreads from the bottom to the top. Finally, all the leaves turn brown, and then the surface begins to grow mildew, and finally the leaves die. The incidence of summer corn is generally more serious than that of spring corn.

2. Prevention and control methods

Select disease-resistant varieties, at the beginning of corn planting to appropriately strengthen its planting density, and then apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in the early stage of the disease can be treated with chemical drugs, such as carbendazim, carbendazim solution or methyl thiophanate solution, spraying about 50-70 kg per mu, once every other week, a total of two or three times.

Second, corn leaf spot

1. Symptoms

Maize leaf spot occurs over a wide period of time. Plants can be infected in both the seedling stage and the later stage of maize, and generally start from the lower leaves of corn, and then slowly spread upwards. over time, the disease spot expands and becomes in the shape of a yellow-brown spindle, which will wither the leaves in the later stage, and black fluff will be produced if the air in the environment is too humid. Its pathogens are generally parasitic in the form of mycelium on the remains of diseased plants in the winter, but its survival rate is not high, such as some places with more rainfall and poor soil fertility are prone to the disease.

2. Prevention and control methods

Selecting improved varieties with strong disease resistance, strengthening field planting management, applying more organic fertilizer, strengthening field drainage and improving plant disease resistance can be controlled by chemicals, such as carbendazim and methyl thiophanate wettable powder or mancozeb solution, spraying 50-70 kg per mu, once a week for 3 times.

3. Corn round spot

1. Symptoms

The part of corn round spot disease is the ear, in addition, it may also harm its bracts, leaves and leaf sheaths. This pathogen can make the rice ear rot, the disease spot slowly spreads and propagates, and the disease is the most serious in the ear. And sometimes it will cause the ear to die. The mycelium of this pathogen is scattered on the straw in the field for the winter, and can be eroded again in the next year.

2. prevention and control measures

Strengthen the observation of corn, spray more drugs, you can use powder to prevent and cure, the main spraying site is above the ear, the ear is the part with the highest disease.

These are the main control methods for the main diseases of corn. The main diseases of corn are the above three. There are few others, and the incidence rate is not so high, but we should also pay attention to it. Usually, we can spray more corresponding fungicides for prevention and control, which can play a role in prevention.