
What are the methods of controlling voles by planting peanuts?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the methods of controlling voles by planting peanuts?

Peanut is a very common plant, and voles in peanut fields can give those farmers who grow peanuts a headache, especially when sowing and harvesting, which seriously affects the survival rate and yield of peanuts. And you can hardly see them during the day, and at night they start to commit crimes in gangs. So let's find out what methods there are to control voles.

1. Drug prevention and treatment

The main purpose of drug control during sowing is to prevent peanut seeds from being eaten by voles, so before sowing, some targeted drugs that have no effect on seed germination but harmful to voles can be mixed on the seeds. or sowing at the same time in the seed in the place to control voles some pesticides, these two methods are the simplest and quickest way to prevent voles during the germination of the seeder.

2. Trapping and killing prevention

This method can be used during sowing and the whole stage of peanut growth, that is, to prepare some food that voles like to eat, and then mix the rodenticide into these foods, and then sprinkle them on the field, of course, voles are also smart, so we, we can't put it too obviously, we have to be a little hidden, to make them feel like they're trying to find their own food, which is also a good way to kill rats.

3. Agricultural prevention and control

Agricultural control means to make use of agriculture and some of the characteristics of the land itself for prevention and control. One is to carry out rotational farming. Voles have their own living environment, so we can plant them in water in one season and dry in the next season, making voles feel unable to survive. The second is that we can plant it uniformly in a certain area, which can also disperse a harm from the vole. The third is that we usually plough up a little bit of soil on the surface, so voles will always live there, so we will dig as deep as possible and destroy vole nests, which can also cause some harm to voles.

4. Ecological control.

Ecological control means the use of natural ecosystems for prevention and control. To put it simply, snakes and cats are natural enemies of voles, so we can use snakes that already exist in the fields to deal with voles. At the same time, we can raise cats ourselves. Cats also like to hunt rats in the fields at night.

In fact, there are more and more ways to deal with voles, so voles are getting smarter and smarter, but in the end, voles can't beat us. The above are several methods for the prevention and control of voles introduced by the pro-agricultural network today. Follow the pro-agriculture network for more useful information.