
How to cultivate white palm by water culture in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to cultivate white palm by water culture in winter

White palm is a very popular foliage plant, no matter in China or in Europe, its flower has no petals, only a piece of white bract and a thick spike of flesh, it looks like a palm, because its color is white, so it is named white palm, white palm can be cultivated not only in soil but also in water, what should we do if it does not blossom in water? Next, Shuai Shuai will tell you about the solution of hydroponic white palm not blooming.

1. Unreasonable lighting

Flowers such as white palm prefer cool and ventilated growth environment, and like to grow under scattered light, with an intensity of about 60%, but without enough light, it will lead to insufficient plant growth and insufficient nutrients in the bud, which affects the conditions of flowering. if the light is too strong, it is easy to lose leaves, especially in summer, the water evaporation rate on the leaves is very fast. The flowers are burned more easily than the leaves, so it will affect the flowering of the bud, and even cause the bud to fail to form.

Second, the temperature is inappropriate

The hydroponic white palm is more able to tolerate high temperature than the soil-cultured white palm, but there is a certain limit to the tolerance to the cold environment. If the temperature is too low, it will cause abnormal flowering, or the flowering period will be delayed. So if you want white palm to blossom smoothly, you must keep the surrounding temperature above 20 degrees, but not too high. Once it exceeds 35 degrees, it will cause it to stop growing. It is best to control the temperature of the environment between 20-28 degrees, hydroponic white palm to control the temperature.

III. Water quality

The use of hydroponic culture has high requirements for water quality. in general, hydroponic dishes are easy to grow clear algae. On the one hand, not only the ornamental effect will become worse, but also will compete with the white palm for nutrition, and the oxygen consumption in the water will increase. If the change of water is not diligent enough, it is disadvantageous to its growth and flowering.

White palms should change water every other week in summer. The Beginning of Winter should reduce the frequency and frequency of watering, about every half a month. When changing water for white palms, you only need to submerge 1/2 of the root. No more than 2/3, and the rest can be exposed.

IV. Insufficient fertilizers

Fertilizer is also very important for the growth of white palm. White palm water culture should buy the corresponding culture medium of white palm, or nutritious solvent can also be purchased. Every time the water is changed, it can be poured down slowly. When it comes to the budding stage, it can be watered with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, about three times.

The above is the reason why hydroponic white palm does not blossom and the solution. There is still a certain difference between hydroponic culture and soil culture. when hydroponic culture, moisturizing only needs to maintain the air humidity of the culture bottle and the surrounding environment. Usually found that the temperature is too high and the air is very dry, you can spray more water on the leaves, but you can not spray too much and change water frequently to avoid the production of anaerobes in the water and harm its roots.