
A little trick for raising asparagus: one plant becomes more and more, the greener the leaves, the greener the new buds, and the more prosperous they grow.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus is as green as a cloud, is a particularly elegant and elegant potted flowers, although few flowers, but its branches and leaves are full of green, ethereal and beautiful, people who like asparagus are more literary and artistic. A friend who raised asparagus.

Asparagus is as green as a cloud, is a particularly elegant and elegant potted flowers, although few flowers, but its branches and leaves are full of green, ethereal and beautiful, people who like asparagus are more literary and artistic. There are many friends who raise asparagus. If there happens to be a pot of asparagus at home, which is still luxuriant, you can try ramet breeding. It is suitable for ramets in both spring and autumn.

Asparagus so divided into plants, a simple small step, one plant becomes more than one plant, the more raised leaves are greener, and the buds grow luxuriantly!

Asparagus has two ways of reproduction, one is sowing, which takes time, and the other is plant reproduction, which is very simple and easy to operate. Xiaoya does this every time. Some friends say that asparagus can be cut, in fact, it is impossible, ramet is the most simple and easy to use way of propagation. It is not a problem to separate three or four asparagus from a well-cultivated and luxuriant asparagus. Because asparagus is clustered, as long as it grows to three years, new seedlings will emerge from the roots, which will make the plants grow stronger and stronger.

The ramet technique of asparagus

Choose the time, Spring and Autumn season, when the temperature is suitable, asparagus is in the growing period. The smaller asparagus needs to change the basin, and the larger one needs to change the basin soil once a year, so the plant can be divided directly when changing the basin.

Water the pot a day in advance to make the soil a little wet, and then bring the asparagus back from the basin with the soil. Remove part of the soil and try not to hurt the roots. You can see that there are some connections on the root position, gently breaking apart. If you have a wound, you can get some carbendazim or plant ash. Dry for an hour or so. Then prepare the fertile, loose and breathable soil and plant it in pots separately.

A tree of asparagus can be divided into three to four, or even five. After planting separately, as long as there is no damage to the root system, it will take shape relatively quickly and grow vigorously. Water thoroughly at one time, put it in a place where there is no sun ventilation, just have a little astigmatism, keep the soil a little moist, and you can maintain it normally after a week.

Maintenance of asparagus after split

Asparagus is suitable for growing at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Pay attention to keeping warm and avoiding the cold in winter. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in summer, it needs to be placed in a cool and ventilated place. When the temperature is high and the air is dry, spray water to maintain a certain degree of air humidity. When the soil is dry, it needs watering, but no water can be accumulated.

Asparagus is sensitive to light, so it can not be directly exposed to the sun, just keep it in a place of astigmatism. If asparagus grows taller, it can be trimmed.

Usually fertilization, to thin fertilizer, diluted organic fertilizer water-based, for example diluted fermented soybean water, Amoy rice water and so on. In this way, it can continue to sprout new buds and roots and grow luxuriantly!