
Planting methods of sunflower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, First, sowing seeds before sowing, wet paper towels should be covered with wet paper towels on the seeds for about 1 to 2 days, which is called budding. After the bud is ready, you can begin to sow the seeds. Because the seeds of sunflowers are relatively small and cannot hold up too much soil, poke several holes that are not too deep with your fingers when sowing and put the seeds into

1. Sowing

Before sowing seeds, wet tissues should be covered on the seeds for about 1 to 2 days, which is called germination. Once the buds are ready, you can start sowing. Because sunflower seeds are small and cannot be filled with too much soil, poke your finger into a few holes that are not too deep and insert the seeds. After planting, water every day to keep the soil moist.

II. Planting

After the seedlings grow 4 to 6 leaves, they are planted. The flower pot can be No. 5 medium pot, that is, the diameter of the flower pot is about 15cm. In terms of plant nutrients, 70% nutrient soil +30% vermiculite and 30g decomposed chicken manure are selected as base fertilizer. The seedling block can be directly embedded into the pot. Small pots of false planting carefully take out seedlings with soil, with soil planted in new pots. Water it thoroughly. If properly maintained, flowers can bloom in about 50 days.

Today's introduction is here. After reading the article, do you think it is very simple to grow sunflowers at home? Then act quickly!

How to grow sunflower seeds

Sunflower is a plant that everyone is familiar with. Its seeds are people's favorite snacks, and its seeds can be used to extract oil after collection. Now sunflower is one of the most important oil plants in China. Its economic benefits after planting are particularly high. Many people want to plant it in large areas, but they don't know much about its planting methods. Today, Xiaobian will introduce it to you.

How to grow sunflowers

1. Choose seeds and land

Usually planting sunflower must choose those high-yield disease-resistant sunflower varieties, now a new generation of hybrid seeds, high yield, high oil yield is the best choice for people to plant sunflower. The choice of land is also important when planting sunflower. It is not suitable for continuous cropping and likes loose and fertile soil. After planting, the land should be deeply turned, fertilized and leveled.

2. Sowing time

Sunflower is a plant with strong cold resistance, which is especially suitable for early sowing when planted at ordinary times. If you choose plastic film mulching, you can choose to plant it in early March every year, and open field planting needs to be sown in late March or early April. The best time to sow sunflowers in summer is between late June and early July.

3. Field management

Field management of sunflower planting is also very important. When it grows the first true leaf after emergence, it is necessary to carry out seedling determination. In its growth period, weeding should be carried out twice. The first time can be combined with intertillage. After the second weeding, soil cultivation should be carried out in time to avoid lodging of sunflower.

4. Fertilizer and water management

Fertilizer and water management is also very important for planting sunflower. This kind of plant requires less fertilizer in the early stage after planting, but more fertilizer in the later stage. If spring sowing is selected under the condition of applying enough base fertilizer, it can be applied after sunflower grows eight pairs of true leaves. When topdressing can choose carbonate or uric acid. Sunflower drought resistance is relatively strong, usually can not let the field appear in time, after it enters the flowering period if the weather drought needs timely watering.

Sunflower cultivation methods and precautions

Sunflower is also known as sunflower, sunrise flower, sunflower seeds we eat is sunflower seeds, but because sunflower is a relatively large flower, so few flower friends will plant at home, and in daily life, we do not often see sunflower figure. If your yard is big enough and you are interested in planting your own sunflower, you can refer to the cultivation method of sunflower organized by Xiaobian for you.


1, planting on the pot: if the seedling tray transplanting method breeding, sowing should be in the deep seedling tray, seedlings can be transplanted two weeks after sowing. The optimum soil temperature for transplanting seedlings was 15℃. The best density of colonization was 12×12cm. In winter frost-free areas, it can grow in the field every year, while in winter cold areas, it needs to be cultivated in greenhouse protected areas. Soil is tilled and loosened before sterilization and seeding to improve soil structure and drainage. Good soil permeability is essential for sunflower growth.

2. Light regulation: Sunflower is a short-day crop. But it's not very sensitive to sunlight. Sunflowers like plenty of sunlight, and their seedlings, leaves and flower disks have strong phototropism. Sufficient sunshine at seedling stage, strong seedlings; adequate sunshine at middle growth stage, can promote stem and leaf growth and flower bud differentiation.

3, temperature control: sunflower origin tropical, but the adaptability to temperature is strong, is a kind of thermophilic and cold-resistant plants. Sunflower seeds have a strong ability to withstand low temperature. When the ground temperature is stable, the seeds begin to germinate above 2℃; when the temperature is 4~5℃, the seeds can germinate and root; when the ground temperature reaches 8~10℃, the seeds can germinate and emerge. The optimum temperature for sunflower germination was 31~37℃. The optimum temperature for its growth is 18~30℃ during the day and 10~18℃ at night. Sunflower in the whole growth process, as long as the temperature is not lower than 10℃, it can grow normally. Within the appropriate temperature range, the higher the temperature, the faster the development. Ventilation should be carried out to prevent temperature above 25℃ at noon, and insulation heating should be carried out to prevent temperature below 13℃ at night.

4. Water and fertilizer management: Sunflower sowing and transplanting require soil moisture, and then soil moisture is required. When the flowers mature, reduce the number and amount of watering. Ornamental sunflower plants are taller than other grass flowers, leaves are more dense and more water-consuming crops. Sunflower has different water requirements in different growth stages. From sowing to budding, it is relatively drought-resistant and requires little water. And proper drought is beneficial to root growth and enhance drought resistance. From budding to flowering, water demand peaks. The lack of water during this period has a great impact on flower yield. If it is too dry, it needs irrigation. Sunflower likes nitrogen fertilizer, so it can be fertilized by drip irrigation system with mixed fertilizer and water. The fertilizer can be alternately applied with calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate with concentration of 175~200ppm. Ammonia nitrogen can be used to promote the growth of stem. Use liquid fertilizer according to leaf color to keep bottom leaves from turning yellow due to lack of fertilizer. Avoid excessive fertilizer and control the use of liquid fertilizer after budding. Family potted or horticultural friends can use organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, but also can use irrigation fertilizer topdressing.

5, cultivation management: sunflower soil requirements are not strict, in all kinds of soil can grow, from fertile soil to barren soil, dry land, saline-alkali land can be planted, there is a strong saline-alkali resistance and drought resistance. The optimum soil pH for growth is 5.8-6.5. Chlormequat can be used when the plant height is easy to elongate in high temperature facility culture. It can be used once after cotyledon development until true leaf development, and once again when the plant height is about 20 cm. Family potted friends can use peat soil or seedling soil mixed with ordinary soil according to random proportions to become cultivation soil.

In windy seasons, prop nets should be erected to prevent plants from falling. Some varieties can remove the top bud is conducive to the growth of lateral branches, so that the size of lateral flowers uniform. After this treatment, 7~10 saleable flower stems can be harvested from a plant, the stem length is 70~80cm, and the height of the whole plant can reach 120~170cm. Some varieties will grow side buds at each node, which need to be removed in time to facilitate the growth of main buds. Sunflowers grown in greenhouses grow taller. Sunflower cultivation points are: adjust the temperature difference between day and night, use low nutrition start-up fertilizer, and control water, fertilizer and light to control plant growth.