
How to maintain hydrangeas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When the soil chooses early spring, the survival seedlings of Hydrangea can be transplanted into the basin. When potted, the culture soil was mixed with rotten leaves, garden soil, river sand and cake fertilizer in the ratio of 4 to 3 to 2 to 1. Pour water into the basin, put it indoors for maintenance, and come out of the room in early May. Hydrangeas should be changed in early spring every two years.

Soil selection

In early spring, the surviving hydrangea seedlings can be transplanted into the basin. When potted, the culture soil was mixed with rotten leaves, garden soil, river sand and cake fertilizer in the ratio of 4 to 3 to 2 to 1. Pour water into the basin, put it indoors for maintenance, and come out of the room in early May.

Hydrangea should be changed every two years in the early spring, into the new culture soil. Part of the old soil and rotten roots should be removed and trimmed when changing the basin.

Fertilization method

Hydrangea like fertilizer, during the growth period, generally about half a month should be applied thin pancake fertilizer and water. In order to keep the acid reaction in the basin soil, ferrous sulfate can be added when liquid fertilizer is applied, and calcium superphosphate soaking solution can be applied twice in the bud stage to promote the flower to be big and colorful.

Watering method

Water the basin soil frequently in spring and summer to keep the basin soil moist; water once in the morning and evening in the high temperature period, and pay attention to appropriate shade; in autumn, the weather is getting cooler, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of water to make the branches grow strong, so as to facilitate dormancy in winter; less watering in winter, as long as the humidity of the basin soil is maintained.

Lighting requirement

Hydrangea likes shade. After leaving the room in spring, it should be kept in a semi-shady environment and moved to a well-ventilated shady place in midsummer to prevent sunburn in leaves. After September, the light intensity weakens day by day. In order to promote flower bud differentiation, flowerpots should be moved to places with more light.

Temperature requirement

The optimum temperature for the growth of Hydrangea is 18-28 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Flower bud differentiation takes 6-8 weeks under the condition of 5-7 ℃. The temperature of 20 ℃ can promote flowering, maintain 16 ℃ after anthesis, and prolong the flowering period. But the heat makes the flowers fade quickly.

Now we no longer have to worry about the maintenance of hydrangea at a loss, once there is anything to worry about, and then review the breeding methods provided by the editor! I hope everyone will raise hydrangeas with large flowers and bright colors in the future.

Environmental requirements for hydrangea culture pot cultivation of hydrangea

Many people like hydrangea because the flowers are very dense, similar to hydrangea, but because hydrangea is very demanding to the environment, many people do not know how to raise hydrangea. Today, let's follow the editor to take a look at the environmental requirements of hydrangea culture and the pot conservation of hydrangea culture.

Environmental requirements:

Lighting requirements: too strong light will inhibit the normal growth of the plant, hydrangea in the case of sunlight exposure, the leaf color is easy to yellowing, the growth is relatively slow, so the plant should be placed in a place with scattered sunlight for management, in the shade condition, hydrangea not only leaves hypertrophy, but also strong growth. Hydrangea is a short-day plant, its flower bud should be in the dark period of more than 10 hours, after 40-50 days treatment, the plant can form flower bud, so shading treatment can promote the plant to blossom in advance when necessary.

Temperature requirements: the most suitable growth temperature of Hydrangea is 18-28 ℃. The temperature of flower bud differentiation should be 5-7 ℃. When the general ambient temperature reaches 20 ℃, it will blossom. If the ambient temperature can be reduced, the flowering period can be prolonged. The winter temperature of hydrangea should not be lower than 5 ℃.

Humidity requirements: hydrangeas like to be moist, indoor humidity can be kept at 50%. It does not like the wet soil, otherwise the leaves will rot; in the plum rain season, we should pay special attention to the drainage of the soil, and after winter, the basin soil should be kept dry.

Soil selection: Hydrangea prefers well drained, humic and fertile light acid loam (if cultivated in alkaline soil for a long time, the leaves are easy to yellowing).

Fertilizer and water management:

Hydrangea likes to wet and avoid waterlogging, so watering should not be too much, and it is advisable to keep the soil moist. When it is hot and dry in summer, pour clear water or spray the foliar surface with clear water at 3 pm every day. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots. After the winter, it will be watered again when it is dry.

Topdressing is applied once a week in the peak growing season, and fertilization should be properly controlled in hot and dry summer to prevent overgrowth of plants. In addition to applying appropriate amount of horseshoe slices as base fertilizer at the base of the flowerpot, thin liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10 days for a period of time before flower bud differentiation.

Hydrangea is a more fertile tree species, when sufficient fertilizer and water, the growth is particularly exuberant, not only the flowering period is prolonged, and the branch length is arched, can support branches on the shelf to form a flower rack or aisle, flowering time is very spectacular. Fertilization should be carried out after flowering, fertilizer can be used mature human feces and urine, chicken manure water. Immediately after fertilization, the fertilizer is watered so that the fertilizer goes deep into the soil layer and is used by the plant.

Hydrangea will consume a lot of soil nutrients during the flowering period. During this period, special attention should be paid to replenishing fertilizer and water, and long-term compound fertilizers can be put before flowering.

Pot conservation of hydrangea culture:

1. Upper basin

It is suitable to use soil matrix.

2. Potted light

Like bright light, but avoid strong sun exposure, it is better to plant in the east balcony, after flowering can be placed in a bright indoor decoration.

3. Pot temperature

Prefer cooler air temperature, the suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃. Avoid high temperature and humidity, and strive to be ventilated and cool in summer. it is not easy for the flat land in South China to pass the summer. If the weather is cold in winter, the plant will lose its leaves and dormant. The winter temperature had better not be less than 5 ℃, and the temperature should not be kept too high from the north to winter, and it would be better if the temperature is below 10 ℃.

4. Potted plant watering

Like to be wet, but also afraid of being waterlogged. Do not let the potted soil be completely wiped out, while birds are prone to leaf shedding, bud death, flower withering and so on. Usually wait for the surface of the basin soil to be watered, water twice a day when necessary in summer, and often spray water to the leaves when the air is dry. In winter, the basin soil should be drier.

5. Pot fertilization

The compound fertilizer of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium at 1:1:1 is usually applied every half a month, and fertilization is stopped during the winter dormant period.

6. Pruning

After the seedlings were put on the pot, the heart was removed twice to promote branching. Usually pay attention to cut off the withered and yellow leaves at the base. Cut the branches short after the flowers fade. The plants were re-cut before changing pots in spring, leaving only 3-4 nodes for each branch to germinate new branches. When there are too many new branches, remove some too dense and weak branches.

7. Reproduction

In spring, the shoots of about 8 cm long are taken as cuttings, the lower leaves are removed, and the upper leaves are cut in half, inserted in a matrix composed of sand and peat and placed in a shaded place to maintain high air humidity and make it easy to take root.

8. Change the basin

Change the plant to a larger flowerpot every spring.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.

How to cultivate Hydrangea how to cultivate hydrangea

Hydrangea is known as ball orchid, also known as eight Immortals, Ziyang Flower, Seven changes, Hydrangea, Noodle Flower, originated in Sichuan, China and Japan. It is a deciduous shrub of Hydrangea of the family Hydrangea of Cornus. The flowers are almost asexual, and the so-called "flowers" are just sepals. The eight Immortals were cultivated earlier in China, and hydrangea was planted in the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The park built at the beginning of the 20th century is also inseparable from the planting of hydrangea. Modern parks and scenic spots are planted in pieces to form a landscape. Artificially cultivated hydrangea flowers are colorful, with blue, white, purple, pink, pink and other colors, is a common ornamental flowers and trees.

Growth habits of Hydrangea

We must first understand the growth habits of hydrangea before we can pertinently master the breeding methods of hydrangea. Hydrangea is native to the Yangtze River Basin in China and is fond of warm, moist and semi-shady environment. Afraid of drought and waterlogging, it is not cold-resistant. In cold areas, the aboveground parts wither and die in winter, and new shoots will not sprout again until the next spring. Hydrangea likes the light loam which is fat, moist and well drained, and has strong adaptability. The acidity and basicity of the soil had a great influence on the flower color of hydrangea, which was blue in acidic soil and red in alkaline soil.

Propagation method of Hydrangea

Cuttings, ramets, striping and grafting are commonly used for propagation, mainly cuttings. During the Meiyu period, strong twigs on young mother trees can be selected as cuttings, with nodes at the base of cuttings, stained with mud, about 20 cm long, and the lower leaves can be removed. The suitable temperature of cuttings is 1 3-18 ℃, shade is needed after cutting, it is often kept moist, rooting takes place in about 15 days to 1 month, and can be transplanted in the second year after survival. Ramet propagation should be carried out before sprouting in early spring. Separate the rooted branches from the mother plant, pot directly, watering should not be too much, maintain in the semi-shady place, wait for new buds to sprout and then transfer to normal maintenance. Striping propagation can be carried out during bud germination, grow after 30 days, cut off from the mother plant in the following spring, transplant with soil, and blossom in the same year. In general, high pressure is carried out from March to April in spring, and it can take root from June to July, and it can be cut and planted in the same year. Grafting propagation uses Qionghua seedlings as rootstocks, cutting in spring, easy to survive. Transplanting should be carried out after defoliation or before budding. The main branch is easy to sprout and grow, and it needs to be pruned properly after flowering to shape the tree.

Cultivation and Management of Hydrangea

The optimum temperature for the growth of Hydrangea is 18-28 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Flower bud differentiation takes 6-8 weeks under the condition of 5-7 ℃. The temperature of 20 ℃ can promote flowering, maintain 16 ℃ after anthesis, and prolong the flowering period. But the heat makes the flowers fade quickly. Hydrangea is a short-day plant, which is treated in the dark for more than 10 hours every day and forms flower buds in about 45-50 days. Potted hydrangea is commonly used in 15cm pots. Potted plants should be fully watered after sprouting in spring to ensure that the leaves do not wither. During the florescence from June to July, there should be sufficient fertilizer and water, and fertilization should be applied once a month. Usually cultivation should avoid the hot sun, and 60%-70% shading is the best. When the light is too strong in midsummer, proper shading can prolong the flowering period. The stem of the flower is removed after flowering to promote the formation of new branches.

The sandy loam with loose, fertile and well-drained soil is better. However, the flower color is affected by soil acidity and alkalinity, acidic soil flowers are blue and alkaline soil flowers are red. The basin soil should be kept moist, but it should not be watered too much, especially in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots caused by waterlogging. It is better to dry indoor potted plants in winter. If it is too wet, the leaves will rot easily. Change the basin every spring. Trim properly to keep the plant shape beautiful.

Upper pot pruning of hydrangea

The propagation of hydrangea is carried out in spring and autumn, but it is the best in late spring and early summer (from the end of April to July). At this time, the hydrangea flowering period has basically ended in May, and new branches and leaf buds have grown after picking and pruning the leaves of the remnant flowers. at this time, the top branch and bud can be cut as cuttings. Cutting can also be carried out from late September to October, and many new branches and leaf buds will sprout after pruning the terminal buds of Hydrangea in early spring, and it is suitable for cutting propagation because of the cool weather.

1. In addition to the nursery bed made of brick, in order to facilitate moving and management, the foam box can be used as the seedbed. Cut a few holes at the bottom of the box and cover it with tiles, fill it with a layer of coarse sand and then put it into the culture soil (3 parts of sand and 2 parts of aseptic mountain soil), flatten it and cut it. Cut the cuttings into 10-15 cm segments, cut off the lower leaves of the terminal branches, leaving only the top 2-3 leaves. After cutting, tie up the cuttings. In order to make the cuttings heal and take root as soon as possible, soak the cuttings with a strong rooting agent (about 0.2 kg per packet of water) for 5 minutes and 10 minutes. After cutting, the soil around the branches should be pressed tightly with your fingers to make the cuttings closely combine with the soil. Then use a sprinkler to water once, as long as the bed soil is wet, there is no need to water, but to often spray on the cuttings leaves and keep the environment around the seedbed moist. If the weather is hot and sunny, shade should be built. In this way, under careful management, the wound began to heal for about 25 days, and new roots grew on the branches.

2. Pot cultivation and maintenance: Hydrangea has survived after about 25 days of careful management, and new leaf buds grow upward from the terminal bud, which must be separately planted and managed in pots. For the cultivation of hydrangea, the coniferous soil (with high acid content) is added with bran, and the compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (according to the content of coniferous soil) is mixed and accumulated with the soil for more than half a year, and it can be used after opening and drying for several days before use. After the seedling survives, the top branch can be topped for the first time to promote the lower part to sprout new leaf buds: when several branches and buds grow to a certain length, top for the second time, and let their growth balanced and luxuriant, when the trunk is strong, only 3 or 4 branches are left to grow. During the period from pot survival to branch setting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer for 3 to 4 times, and the fertilizer is mainly potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Disease and pest control of Hydrangea

1. The main diseases and insect pests of hydrangea are wilt, powdery mildew and leaf spot, which can be controlled by spraying 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times.

2. Insect pests are harmful to aphids and bug bugs, which can be sprayed with 1500 times omethoate EC.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Hydrangea

1. Hydrangea is toxic, and accidental consumption of hydrangea stems and leaves will cause colic, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, hematochezia and so on. In everyone's imagination, hydrangea is as edible as marshmallows and buns, but in fact, once you eat hydrangea, abdominal pain occurs a few hours later. other typical symptoms of poisoning include skin pain, vomiting, weakness and sweating, as well as reports of coma, convulsions and a breakdown of blood circulation in the body. Fortunately, an antidote for hydrangea poisoning has been developed. In addition, it should be noted that hydrangea is easy to cause allergies, generally not recommended in the bedroom. It is suggested that flower friends had better vary from person to person when planting flowers, choose flowers that they like and are harmless, do not grow too many flowers indoors, and pay attention to maintaining good ventilation.

2, hydrangea culture should pay attention to watering properly, the Beginning of Spring must let hydrangea have rain and dew, sunshine, water sooner or later.

The above is the editor to introduce you to the breeding methods of hydrangea. Do you have any hydrangeas in your family? I hope it will help you!