
Matters needing attention in breeding Buddha beads and orchids

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Buddha bead orchid likes wet soil, it can withstand drought and has strong vitality. When raising it, you should be careful not to pour too much water, as long as you keep the soil moist, too much water will cause its roots to rot. Buddha beads and orchids prefer a semi-overcast environment and should not be placed in places where the sun is too strong.

Buddha spider orchid likes wet soil, it is drought-resistant, has a strong vitality. When raising it, be careful not to irrigate too much water, as long as the soil is kept moist, too much water will cause it to rot.

Buddha spider orchid likes semi-shady environment, can not be placed in the sun too strong place, otherwise the leaves will easily turn yellow-green, lack of vitality and no ornamental value, may also lead to wither death, so to keep the humidity of the environment in the shade.

Above we understand the precautions for breeding buddha spider orchid, in addition, we also know the cutting method of buddha spider orchid, if there is a buddha spider orchid friend at home can turn them into a pot, put them in various places more beautiful; no buddha spider orchid friends, you can buy a pot or go to a friend to cut a branch to plant their own. Pay attention to the above precautions, your Buddha beads hanging orchid will easily explode!

Notice of breeding buddha spider orchid

The buddha spider plant should use moldy leaf soil and then add a small amount of base fertilizer as the base soil. Change the soil every 2 to 3 years and recondition the culture soil.

The drought-resistant ability of the Buddha spider orchid is relatively strong, but it needs a lot of water when it grows vigorously from March to September, so it should be watered frequently or sprayed. After autumn, you can reduce the amount of watering and apply nitrogen twice a year. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be excessive, otherwise it will cause its lines to become less obvious.

How to cultivate Buddha beads spider orchid in the cultivation of Buddha beads spider orchid precautions

Buddha beads hanging orchid is often said by flower friends pearl hanging orchid, named after a string of bulging, full green oval leaves after growing up, Buddha beads hanging orchid is a good hand to purify indoor air, so many people will put a pot at home after decoration. What is the cultivation method of the buddha spider orchid? Let's take a look.

[Cultivation Method of Buddha Beads Hanging Orchid]

1. Introduction to Buddha beads and spider orchid:

Buddha beads hanging orchid also known as jade beads, is a very common succulent plant, except with "brocade", there are generally two kinds on the market: a round, a teardrop-shaped. And because of the different names around, common names to "pearl spider orchid, Buddha beads, lover tears" three main.

Second, the cultivation method of Buddha spider orchid

1: The method of propagation

The propagation method of buddha spider orchid is mostly cuttage method, branches and leaves can be trimmed, each section 8-10 cm, then inserted into the pot soil, half covered, humidity control between 50% and 60%, 10 days to half a month rooting, supplemented by careful care, can survive. At this time strictly control the amount of watering, keep the pot soil in the state between dry and wet, the most beneficial to plant growth.

Detailed explanation of the cultivation method of Buddha spider orchid: 2: cultivation management

Better dry than wet is a focus of buddha spider culture. In addition, thin fertilizer is also an extremely important point. The so-called dry rather than wet is because the Buddha spider orchid from southern Africa likes warm environment, and is more drought-tolerant, can not tolerate waterlogging, so it would rather be placed in a dry environment, not because of excessive watering caused by its poor development. Thin fertilizer and frequent application means that fertilizer should be applied frequently, but each time it is light fertilizer, not too much fertilizer at a time, resulting in problems with its growth.

Detailed explanation of the cultivation method of Buddha spider orchid: 3: pest control

In fact, there are very few pests in the Buddha beads, but there are still such cases. Generally speaking, the most common disease of buddha spider orchid is aphid disease, which occurs in spring. When encountering such phenomena, it should be killed by 500 times omethoate. In summer, mites appear, which can be killed by 1000 times dicofol. When pests, pay attention to increasing the humidity of the page to reduce pests, and ventilation facilities should also be in place.

[Precautions in the cultivation of buddha spider orchid]

1. Because the leaves are succulent and succulent, they are drought-resistant. One of the keys to success in cultivation is to water dry rather than wet. When the weather is dry, you can spray water on the leaves and vines to make up for the lack of water and keep the pearls green and full. More like half shade, exposure may burn beads, too weak light growth is not strong.

2. The root system of Buddha spider orchid is very shallow and can be planted in shallow pots. Generally use tile bottom hole, and spread a layer of cinder or coarse sand to increase ventilation and water filtration, soil is best to use rotting soil, mixed with a certain amount of sand, soil, sand ratio is about 1:3.

3, Buddha spider orchid likes warm and humid, cold, high temperature resistance, the best temperature is about 20℃~28℃. It grows slowly at high temperature and low temperature, especially in the high temperature environment above 30℃. It should be watered and fertilized less, otherwise it is easy to rot roots. This is also one of the keys to successful cultivation.

4. In spring and autumn, when the cymbidium rostrata grows vigorously, it should be "thin fertilizer and frequent application." Spraying 1-3‰ nitrogen fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves is beneficial to make the beads more green and plump and improve the ornamental value.

5. There are few diseases and insect pests in the buddha orchid. Aphids in spring are one of them, which should be wiped off or sprayed with 1500 times omethoate in time to kill them; mites in summer and autumn are the second, which should be killed with 1000 times dicofol. Attention to ventilation and increased leaf humidity can reduce mite infection.

[How to place Buddha beads hanging orchid]

placed in the kitchen.

There may be a lot of harmful gases in the kitchen, some toxic substances produced in the room when cooking, at this time put on a pot of Buddha hanging orchid can not only beautify the monotonous pattern of the kitchen, but also purify the air, really kill two birds with one stone, need to pay attention to is placed in the position must choose north-facing, so that you can reduce the cold. This shade-loving plant fits perfectly into the kitchen.

it can be put in your bedroom

In the bedroom, the general rest place is relatively quiet, warm, so the selection of Buddha beads hanging orchid can play a role in making couples harmonious, physical and mental relaxation, just decorated house formaldehyde, hanging orchid is a good hand to absorb formaldehyde.