
Matters needing attention in the Culture of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cymbidium is the most fertile of all kinds of orchids. In terms of fertilizer spraying, we must not be careless. The flower bud differentiation period of Cymbidium is from August to September, and there must be obvious temperature difference in order to promote flower bud differentiation, that is, about 25 ℃ in daytime and 12-15 ℃ at night. In the meantime

Cymbidium is the most fertile of all kinds of orchids. In terms of fertilizer spraying, we must not be careless. The flower bud differentiation period of Cymbidium is from August to September, and there must be obvious temperature difference in order to promote flower bud differentiation, that is, about 25 ℃ in daytime and 12-15 ℃ at night. During this period, pay attention to temperature and fertilizer.

The germination of Cymbidium requires high temperature. If the temperature exceeds 15 ℃ at night, it will cause the flower bud to wither. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to that good ventilation is a favorable condition for the growth and development of Cymbidium. If there is no timely ventilation, especially in summer, it is not conducive to the normal growth and development of Cymbidium, affecting the differentiation of flower buds, resulting in the phenomenon of only long leaves but no flowering, which is very sad.

It is necessary to learn the matters needing attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium, especially if the family has planted Cymbidium, if your family does not blossom, there may be something wrong with the breeding method. Earlier, a friend asked the editor if Cymbidium didn't blossom. Did you find the reason? That's all for today. Thank you for reading!

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is native to tropical plants in India, and was later introduced into southern China and bred after crossing with local orchids. This plant has bright colors, large flowers and good ornamental value. It can be cultivated in scenic spots or potted indoors. However, many people do not understand its breeding methods and do not know what to pay attention to in cultivating this kind of plant. Today, the editor will give you a specific introduction.

Culture method

1. Soil

In order to cultivate Cymbidium, the choice of soil is very important. It likes loose, breathable and well-drained soil. It can usually use rotten leaf soil to grow Cymbidium, and it can also use moss charcoal shavings and bark blocks to prepare basin soil. It can not use ordinary culture soil, because their ventilation and drainage are relatively poor, after planting will lead to the root rot of Cymbidium.

2. Moisture

Cultivation of Cymbidium can only be properly watered to make it grow normally. Cymbidium, a plant that likes high temperature and high humidity, should give sufficient water to its roots in spring, summer and autumn, and spray water to the leaves in time. However, after flowering in early spring, Cymbidium will enter a short dormant period, which is necessary to reduce the water supply and wait for the new buds to grow larger before they can be watered more.

3. Sunshine

Cymbidium is a sunny plant, it likes to grow in a sunny environment, but it can not accept strong light, it is best to put it in an environment with plenty of scattered light, but after entering the flowering period, Cymbidium should be placed in a place with weak light, so that its flowers can be more beautiful.

Matters needing attention

During the cultivation of Cymbidium, we must pay attention to the prevention of diseases and insect pests, leaf spot disease, gray mold and other diseases should be timely sprayed carbendazim, after the occurrence of insect pests should be caught in time, or spray drugs. In addition, when cultivating Cymbidium, we should also pay attention to pruning. Its pseudobulbs generally contain more than four leaf buds, so that their nutritional molecules must be removed completely.

Culture methods and points for attention of Cymbidium grandiflorum

Cymbidium, also known as Cymbidium, with tall and straight stems, large flowers, dignified shape and magnificent momentum, is favored by people. How do you raise Cymbidium? What do you need to pay attention to in the breeding process? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of Cymbidium.

Cymbidium pictures

I. Culture methods of Cymbidium

The main results are as follows: 1. The selection of cultivation substrate and basin: the long barrel basin with porous bottom and four walls should be selected, the bark block or fern root with good air permeability and water permeability should be selected, and charcoal and ceramsite should be added in the lower part of the basin to facilitate drainage.

2. Fertilization and watering: it is not suitable to water immediately after ramet planting. If it is found to be dry, water can be sprayed to the leaf surface and basin surface to prevent the leaves from drying up, falling off and pseudo-bulbs from shrinking. Wait for new buds and roots to grow before watering. Watering in cultivation should depend on the weather and vibration. It depends on the wet and dry conditions. Adequate water should be supplied to the ministry during the vigorous growth period, and timely watering should be needed in the dry and hot seasons. When the temperature is low in winter, the watering times can be reduced. The pH of watering water should be 6.5. Cymbidium prefers fertilizer, and compound fertilizer with a concentration of 0.1% Mel 0.2% nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a week after new buds grow in spring. Or rotten thin cake fat and water. In the bud stage, the available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in advance.

3. Lighting and ventilation: avoid direct sunlight, need sufficient scattered light, and shade about 50% under strong summer light. There can be a little more sunshine in autumn-conducive to flower bud formation and overwintering. In winter, greenhouse light can be placed in areas with strong sunshine and high temperature in the south of China, which should be cultivated in the shade all the year round. In order to facilitate ventilation, overhead placement should not be too dense.

4. Temperature and humidity: 25 ℃: during the day, 10 ℃ at night. If the temperature at night is higher than 20 ℃, it will wither the buds or affect flowering. The winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, but it should not be higher than 15 °C, otherwise the flower bud will suddenly elongate. In addition, in summer and when the climate is dry, we should often spray water to the leaves and the ground and shelves. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of various diseases and insect pests.

Cymbidium pictures

2. Matters needing attention in Cymbidium culture

1. Fertilization: the content of fertilizer components in the growth period and catalytic period of Cymbidium is different, so it can not be generalized. In the growing period, it is necessary to apply a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, while in the catalytic period, it is necessary to appropriately increase the content of phosphorus and potassium, usually at 1:2:2. Fertilizers should also be strictly controlled by PH, which is generally between 5.8 and 6.2. If the object of fertilization is small seedlings, the concentration of fertilizer should be controlled at 3500 to 4000 times, while for medium and large seedlings, the concentration should be reduced to about 2000,500 times. Except for summer, fertilizer is usually applied every three days. High temperature in summer can be maintained twice a month.

2. Organic fertilizer: if the plant is in the tissue culture period, it should be applied once a month, which is composed of bean cake and bone meal at the ratio of 2:1 during the growing period.

3. Watering: watering and fertilization are generally used alternately. In May and September, they are usually watered once a day. The high temperature in summer is twice a day from July to August. After entering the autumn to enter the flowering period, keep watering every 2 murals every 3 days.

Cymbidium pictures

The above is the breeding methods and points for attention of Cymbidium. After reading it, there must be no doubt about how to raise Cymbidium. You might as well try a pot at home.

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