
The 15th law of raising succulent plants almost half of the meat lovers agree with the first one.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The 24th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

24 April


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

Reply to succulent names such as "White Peony, Ruby, Raul" to view the latest succulent brochure.

Welcome to put the original basin friend circle ~ if you need to reprint or contribute, please contact Huichang Wechat duorouzw01.

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It is rare to post a long post with words, and there is nothing useful to share. Think of it as a record... Academically or in life, there are always a lot of laws, but what I didn't expect is that there are many laws for raising meat.

Broken window effect / meat scrap effect

If the window of a car on the side of the road is broken and not repaired in time, the car will be more and more damaged and even disassembled. In the succulent circle, if you cripple the succulent plant and throw it outside, it will become more and more beautiful. Stolen.

Barrel law / platter law

The bucket law means that how much water a bucket can hold depends entirely on its shortest plank. The law of succulent circle platter is that whether the succulent plants planted together are good-looking or not depends on the succulent plants that are least tolerant to light or like water the most, and those with similar habits are better together.

Twenty-eight law

The law of twenty-eight is widely used in all scenarios. For example, 80% of the results of your work come from 20% of your efforts, while 80% of your efforts only get 20% of your results. For example, 80% of a country's wealth is in the hands of 20% of its people.

In the succulent circle, the more all kinds of twists and turns, it does not mean that the succulent will be more beautiful, such as watering every day, moving this and that later, spraying this medicine and that medicine when something is wrong, succulent plants often need not so much, dew raise less tube, more likely to be wanton beautiful. In addition, 80% of succulent plants are not widely known, and 20% of succulent plants are talked about.

Maximum temperature effect / Beauty after Summer

The hottest day is always around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we always think that the sun is the strongest at this time, but in fact, the sun is already to the west, and it is no longer the time to supply the maximum heat. The highest temperature at this time is only due to the previous heat accumulation. As we all know, the succulent plant in autumn and winter is the most beautiful, but it does not come from the accumulation of summer, no matter how badly it is destroyed in summer, succulent plants will be beautiful back! But... That will still be alive after the summer.

Conformity effect

The herding effect is also called the herding effect, which means that people are often influenced by the majority and follow the thoughts or behaviors of the masses. In some professional succulent forums, such as Xianzhen, succulent base camp, succulent beauty map all kinds of drying, more and more people jump into the succulent pit one after another to buy.

Veblen effect / expensive is expensive

The higher the commodity price is set, the more favored it will be by consumers. The higher the price of goods, the more consumers are willing to buy, which was first noticed by the American economist Veblen, so it was named the "Van Buren effect".

Dozens of succulent goods in shopping malls are very worthwhile, buy! For example, succulent goods are classified directly according to expensive goods, rubbish goods and general goods. Expensive goods are always popular, even if ordinary goods are as beautiful as expensive goods.

Celebrity effect / celebrity meat effect

Celebrity effect, is the emergence of celebrities to attract attention, strengthen things, expand the influence of the effect, or people imitate the psychological phenomenon of celebrities. For example, celebrity endorsement advertising can stimulate consumption, celebrity charity activities can promote social care for the weak and so on.

Every year, there are always a few succulent very popular, although expensive, still can not stop the enthusiasm of succulent enthusiasts, buy.

The law of wine and sewage / the law of scale insects

It means that if you pour a spoonful of wine into a bucket of sewage, you get a bucket of sewage; if you pour a spoonful of sewage into a bucket of wine, you still get a bucket of sewage. In other words, it does not lie in the amount of sewage, as long as it exists, it will cause damage as a whole.

Putting a succulent plant with disease or insect pests together with other succulent plants will not purify it, but may also cause other succulent plants to suffer. For example, a pot of succulent plants with scale insects. And it is put together with other succulent plants. Then other succulent plants will also have scale insects.

Murphy's law

If something bad is likely to happen, no matter how unlikely it is, it will always happen and cause the greatest possible loss. There are always scale bugs in succulent plants, whether you want to or not. If you like it or not, it will always rot in summer.

Domino effect

If we do not pay attention to the prevention and plugging of the loophole, it may produce an inverted domino effect. If there is a scale bug, without a little control, there may be more and more.

Butterfly Effect

A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest, flapping its wings occasionally, may cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later. A scale bug appears, and you may be succulent in a few weeks and get sick of coal and black rot.

Crocodile rule / out-of-pit law

Suppose a crocodile bites your foot. If you try to break free of your foot with your hand, the crocodile will bite your foot and hand at the same time. The more you struggle, the more you get bitten. So, in case a crocodile bites your foot, the only thing you can do is to sacrifice one foot.

If your partner likes succulent plants and snubs you, you must not go to stop him, otherwise she will be farther and farther away from you. The best thing you can do is to buy her a lot of succulent plants in the summer. After summer, she will wake up when she looks at a pile of empty pots.

False empathy deviation

We usually believe that our hobbies are the same as most people. If you like to play with succulent plants, you may overestimate the number of people who like succulent plants, then open a succulent shop excitedly, and finally find out in the struggle that not all the people on the street like succulent plants.

Label effect

According to psychology, the reason for the emergence of the "label effect" is mainly because the "label" has a qualitative guiding role, whether it is "good" or "bad". It has a strong effect on a person's "self-identity of personality consciousness". The result of labeling a person is often to make it develop in the direction implied by the label.

This is how Little Red clothes and quiet Night are labeled as dead in the summer, and then... They all died in the summer. The Black Prince and East Beauty are labeled as general goods. And then they won't get hot.

Birdcage effect

If you have a beautiful birdcage in your home, you will be asked the following two questions: where is the bird? Why not keep birds? In the succulent circle is, wow, such a good birdcage, used to grow succulent, just to make a succulent birdcage.