
Can't the longevity flower grow well? And that's how you do it. Flowers bloom, crop after crop.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Longevity flowers are popular among potted flowers, not only because of their bright and lush flowers, but also because of their pleasant flowering. They bloom around Christmas in late winter and can last from late December to May, so it is essential for New Year's Eve flowers.

Longevity flowers are very popular among potted flowers, not only because of their bright and luxuriant flowers, but also because of their pleasant florescence. They bloom around Christmas in late winter and bloom from the end of December to May. Therefore, longevity flowers are indispensable in the Lunar New year Flower. Whether it is decorating the house or giving gifts to relatives and friends, it is a festive and auspicious choice!

Although longevity flowers are easy to raise, many flower friends react to longevity flowers with soft leaves and listlessness. If your longevity flowers have this situation, you should pay attention to it, otherwise it will affect the next bloom.

Check basin soil

If the leaves wilt and soften after changing the basin soil for a period of time, it is generally caused by the change of soil. Longevity flowers like sandy soil with good permeability. If the basin soil is too hard and hardened, it will naturally wither and soften.

Replenish light

Longevity flowers like warm, sunny growth environment, if the leaves are soft is likely to be caused by lack of light, at this time to supply sunlight, ensure about 7-8 hours of light every day, as long as after sufficient light treatment, there will be buds in about 20 days.

Controlled watering

Too much moisture and too much water are also the reasons for the softening of the leaves. After the temperature becomes lower, it is necessary to strictly control the water, keep the basin soil dry, "dry and wet". If you can't control the watering time, you can insert a dry stick into the basin soil. if the basin soil is dry, you can water it thoroughly at one time. Avoid watering many times.

Maintain temperature

Longevity flowers are not very cold-resistant, the growth temperature should be maintained at about 15-25 ℃, too low temperature will cause leaves to turn red and soft, and the flowering period will be postponed, the best temperature is about 15 degrees, the flowers bloom, one after another, if the room temperature is too high, it will also restrain their flowering, so the longevity flowers moved into the room, do not put next to the heating, placed in a farther position is the best.

Pest control

Longevity flowers are very tolerant and generally have fewer diseases and insect pests, but if the leaves are soft, you should also pay attention to check to determine whether they have been infected with diseases and insect pests. If you are infected with diseases and insect pests, you should also pay attention to maintaining indoor ventilation. If you do not open windows for a long time, it will affect the growth of longevity flowers. In order to avoid low temperature, you can open windows regularly at noon for ventilation.

Check the root system

If the longevity flowers grow badly and the leaves are soft, the flower friends should check whether the roots at the bottom of the flowerpots are black. if they are black, it is probably because the roots are rotting, so they should quickly take off the pots and then change the soil and move the pots again to see the light slowly. it won't be long before you can thrive.


Before, some flower friends have asked themselves that the leaves of longevity flowers are small and thin, and they are also very dense. in fact, this is not a question of pruning and pruning. Weak branches and lateral buds should be pruned in autumn and spring. Too many lateral branches will not only affect the air permeability of longevity flowers, but also divide the nutrition of plants with high density.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and longevity flowers are about to enter the time to differentiate flower buds. Flower friends can take advantage of the pre-flowering period to check and deal with problems as soon as possible, so that they can bloom continuously.

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