
The method of spreading seeds by plants

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Generally speaking, the ways in which plants spread seeds can be divided into two categories: one is with the help of external forces, such as the power of wind, water, animals and human beings; the other is to rely on their own strength. It can be divided into the following categories

Generally speaking, the ways in which plants spread seeds can be divided into two categories: one is with the help of external forces, such as the power of wind, water, animals and human beings; the other is to rely on their own strength. It can be divided into the following categories.

1. Rely on the power of the wind to spread

Some plants use the wind to spread their seeds and spread them to all parts of the world. The seeds of this plant are small and light, and can be suspended in the air and carried away by the wind, such as the seeds of common catkins. If we grab a ball and take a closer look, we will find that there are some small particles in it, and these are the seeds of the willow.

2. Rely on water to spread

As the saying goes, "rely on the mountain to support the mountain, rely on the water to draw water". Plants that usually grow in water and marshes, their seeds rely on water to spread, drift to various places with the current, and carry the seeds far away. For example, our common lotus root, its shape is inverted conical, and relatively light, can float on the water like a boat, carrying seeds everywhere.

3. Rely on the carrying of animals and human beings

Animals and people also help plants spread seeds, sometimes we do it unwittingly. Some seeds have spiny hairs on the outside, barbs, and at the slightest touch, they will stick to the clothes or fur, and when we find that we can pick them off and throw them on the ground, we will help them spread the seeds. There are also some plants by making their fruits very bright and beautiful, sweet and delicious, attract animals to eat, can also achieve the purpose of spreading seeds, such as grapes, cherries and so on.

4. To spread by one's own strength

There is also a kind of seeds, which rely on their own strength to spread seeds, such as our common pods, sesame seeds, and so on. After ripening, the pericarp will burst in the sun, and the seeds will burst out and fall into the distance.

Do you admire the cleverness of plants when you understand the methods of plant transmission? Do you know how many kinds of plants there are in the world?

The method of spreading seeds by plants

There are a variety of plants around us, and we are no stranger to many plants. But how much do you know about plants? So what do you know about the way plants spread seeds? What kind of plants are suitable for the room? Presumably there are still some friends who do not know much about this. I will introduce it to you by the editor below, hoping to be helpful to you.

The method of spreading seeds by plants

There are many ways for plants to spread seeds. Wind transmission is very common. When it comes to wind transmission, you will think of dandelions. Some seeds grow into wings or feathery appendages and fly in the wind. Most of the seeds with feathery appendages are herbaceous plants, such as yellow quail of Compositae, and woody plants such as willow and kapok. In addition, some small seeds have a large relative ratio of surface area to weight, so that the seeds can drift away with the wind, like orchid seeds. The achene of a dandelion of the family Compositae, whose crown hairs spread when ripe, fluttering like a parachute in the wind, spreading seeds far away. Second, water transmission is also a method for plants to spread seeds, which is mainly reflected in aquatic plants. The seeds transmitted by water do not stick to water on the surface, the peel contains air chambers, and their specific gravity is lower than that of water, so they can float on the surface and spread through streams or ocean currents. The seed coat of such seeds is often rich in fiber, which can prevent the seeds from rotting or sinking by soaking or absorbing water. Seashore plants, such as chessboard feet, lotus leaves and olives, have typical waterborne seeds. Third, the method of spreading seeds by animals and plants, I can not move, there is always something that can move, so some plants choose to let animals help them spread. Most of the seeds transmitted by birds are fleshy fruits, such as berries, drupes and cryptic fruits. Birds peck at the seeds of Lauraceae and spit them out. After the fruit is eaten, the seeds pass through the digestive tract and are excreted at will. Plants that rely on birds to spread seeds are a relatively advanced group, because birds spread seeds the farthest of all ways. Most of the transmission of mammals belongs to some medium and large succulent fruits or dried fruits. Generally speaking, mammals are relatively large in size and have large food requirements, so they will choose some large fruits. For example, macaques like to eat the fruits of hairy persimmons and plantains, which also help these plants spread. Fourth, cracking is also a method for plants to spread seeds. Some perennial wind rolling grasses, such as Polygonum polygonum, become brittle at the base of the stem when the seeds on the plant are close to maturity, and when the weather is dry and the strong wind blows over, some part of the base of the stem is separated from the root, and the plant rolls everywhere.

Some annual wind rolling grass, such as dichromatic blood grass, the ground and underground parts of its entire plant will be uprooted by the strong wind, away from the original place, and begin to roll.

Introduction of plants suitable for indoor display

Indoor suitable for which plants 1, copper grass, copper grass is easy to feed, suitable for hydroponics, do not need any chemical fertilizer and nutrients, can be placed on the windowsill or computer side, normal tap water can be fed, grow fast, the leaves are round like copper coins, so the visual effect is very beautiful. 2. Four-leaf clover is a lucky grass that needs to be cultivated in soil, but it grows amazingly fast and is easy to raise. It blossoms, has a good visual effect, and absorbs dust and dust. Can be placed on the balcony, play the role of purifying the air, so many families prefer this plant. 3. Asparagus and small aloe vera are also very popular. Asparagus is suitable for display in the study, but it is difficult to raise asparagus. However, many people like the delicate and beautiful appearance of asparagus, which is also a very aesthetic expectation. And small aloe is very drought-resistant, can be placed on the side of the TV, do not need to watch and water often, watering once a week and half a month, slightly need to fertilize, but also can take off aloe leaves to make a mask. Plant sowing methods _ what are the ways for plants to spread seeds?

Main data: it is life that makes the world colorful. Plants are one of the main forms of life and an indispensable creature in nature. How do plants reproduce and what are the ways for plants to spread seeds? let's take a look.

[plant sowing method]

Nature is a magical world, and each kind of life thrives in its own way. Plant reproduction, the continuation of species is also a normal natural phenomenon, the following we will introduce the main channels through which plants spread and multiply.

The downwind spread of the mode of communication

As we all know, plants can not walk around at will like human beings, plants are fixed, and the most important thing for the spread of plants is to rely on the wind to reproduce. The most typical plant is the dandelion. As long as the dandelion blows gently, it will float away with the wind, float in the air, spread all over the world with the wind and take root. Plants that use the wind to spread seeds are usually lighter.

The mode of transmission depends on water transmission.

Plants that grow on the edge of the water usually thrive on the action of the current, and the plants on the surface are basically spread by water. For example, the seeds of water lilies fall into the water after maturity, and long-term immersion leads to decay. The seed coat inside will float up with a sponge, flow down the water and float into the distance.

There are we often use coconut is also used in this method, coconut peel is very loose, rich in fiber, can adapt to floating in the water, coconut mature pedicel fell into the sea, floating with the sea far away.

Animal transmission in the mode of transmission

Many plants also rely on animals to reproduce. Some plants have spiny hairs and mucus on their seeds, which will stick to the animals and move with them. There are also our common fruit trees. After the birds have eaten the fruit, the seeds left behind are their seeds.

The self-communication of the mode of communication

In the survival of plants, there are also the use of their own use to reproduce, such as pods, impatiens and so on. After the impatiens and pods are ripe, after exposure to the sun, they automatically explode and eject the seeds in all directions.

Artificial communication in the way of communication

The fruit we often eat mainly depends on man-made transmission. if we throw the core on the ground everywhere, it will germinate and grow automatically, and when we walk, we will often have some plant hair on our legs and drop it wherever we go. this is also the plant spreading seeds.

Conclusion: the above is an introduction to the methods of plant seed transmission. After reading so much, you must be surprised by the spread of plants. For more wonderful information about plants, please continue to follow us.