
Recommended | these flowers can be called transfer beads to raise a pot of prosperous people and make a good year.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Huahua recently found that our big team of growing flowers has grown a lot, and the green orchid is already an entry-level plant! Why not take advantage of the golden autumn in October, raise several pots of potted plants, watch the effect is good, and can prosper the family to gather money, let the family one.

Huahua recently found that our large team of flower cultivation has grown a lot, green radish spider orchid is already an entry-level plant! Why not take advantage of the golden autumn October, raise a few pots of potted plants, viewing effect is good, but also can Wangjia gather wealth, so that family members a year smooth, safe.

Raising potted kumquat trees, money rolling in

Kumquat tree can be planted in a flowerpot, which can not only view the leaves but also enjoy the fruits. Raising a pot at home means that the source of wealth is rolling, good luck, and it can drive away all the bad luck at home.

(Photo by Wen Ting Camille)

Like the living room's financial position must not be suppressed, put a pot of perennial green ornamental plants is good, and kumquat tree beautiful tree shape, both can decorate the room, but also can be prosperous fortune.

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Choose a beautiful tree posture, green branches, no disease, dry pot orange.

Choose fruit many, consistent size, in kumquat tree distribution symmetry, no spots on the pericarp of the best.

Maintenance tips:

Buy home kumquat trees, we had better put in a sunny environment, pay attention to a lot of ventilation.

When watering in late autumn, wait for the soil to turn white before giving water, and reduce the supply of water in winter, so that there will be more flowers in the coming year.

Nurturing pots of rich seeds, good luck and many children

Rich seed, belongs to evergreen small shrubs, autumn on each branch will bear many small red fruit, can be viewed as long as 10 months.

A string of red small fruits in the green leaves against the background, appear particularly festive, the family raised a pot, meaning auspicious wealth, many children more blessing yo ~

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Choose a potted plant with tall branches, green leaves, no diseased branches and dead branches.

Choose plants below the number of fruit hanging, fruit bright and shiny.

Maintenance tips:

Rich seeds for light demand is very weak, fear is strong light, usually put potted plants in bright places without direct light on the line.

Deep autumn and winter, the demand for water is not large, watering once a week can be.

The golden fruit of the pot, wealth and peace

The golden fruit mentioned here is actually milk eggplant. Its fruit is golden yellow and has five small protrusions. Therefore, it means that five generations live together and their descendants reproduce endlessly.

In the folk, golden eggplant fruit, there is wealth and wealth, young and old peace meaning, but this fruit has a slight toxicity, can only be viewed, must not eat oh ~

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Choose fruit with golden color, many fruits and bright skin.

Maintenance tips:

If you want to raise a good milk eggplant, you must meet the light requirements. It is suitable for growing in strong light. Once the light is insufficient, the plant is easy to grow, and the leaves are yellow and whirring.

Watering, should not be too much, lest because the water is too long branches, but also easy to cause the phenomenon of falling flowers, reduce the number of results.

These plants have good meanings.

Huahua is recommended to everyone

I wish you all the best.

A year of smooth sailing and peace

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Name of plant (such as fortune tree)

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