
This little thing concerns that no matter how busy the child is in the future, he has to do it for the child.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Faced with the college entrance examination, candidates are under great pressure, and some parents are more nervous than their children. In fact, as long as there is no college entrance examination, as long as parents help their children, every examinee has a chance to counterattack! Today's article, share a family's high school entrance examination.

Faced with the college entrance examination, candidates are under great pressure, and some parents are more nervous than their children. actually,

As long as there is no college entrance examination, as long as

Parents give their children a hand, and every examinee has a chance to counterattack!

Today's article shares a family's inspirational story about the college entrance examination. In

College entrance examination

At the last critical moment, the mother helped her son counterattack 985 and witnessed the child's "magical changes" before the college entrance examination. You must think her son is a "high achiever", but the truth is

In the period before the college entrance examination, children could not even be admitted to ordinary universities!


Math is a drag. I can't even be admitted to an ordinary university.

Mathematics is the easiest subject to open the gap in the college entrance examination. as long as you don't pay attention to a detail, you may lose dozens of points. Xiao Jie's other subjects are all right, that is, math has been dragging his feet, and the total score can never be raised.

Xiao Jie felt a headache when he saw those lengthy mathematical formulas and geometric figures, and there was no way to start with the slightly more difficult big questions in the math exam. Others can get more than 130 points in math, while Xiao Jie can only get more than 70 points.

This is how the gap between him and the top students was opened.


When Jay's mother saw her son's miserable math paper, she could only shake her head and sigh, but her math score could not be improved.

Not to mention 985, even ordinary ordinary universities can't be admitted!

As the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, Jie Ma has tried almost all the methods in order to improve her child's math performance.

First of all, he bought a bunch of supplements for the child to improve his memory. Then he went to the bookstore to buy all kinds of mathematical materials for his children, such as "three-year college entrance examination five-year simulation", "induction of math questions in the college entrance examination," and so on. Finally, Jie's father made a study plan for his son, thinking that as long as he did more questions, his math scores would naturally be improved. But after the exam, Xiao Jie's math is still a mess!

Jay's mother felt desperate.

Does math really depend on talent?

My son's math is so poor, what should I do in the college entrance examination?


The mother spelled it out for the children's college entrance examination!

In the last semester of the third year of senior high school, Xiao Jie's math became the biggest obstacle to the college entrance exam. no matter how much children stayed up late to do exercises, their grades just couldn't get on. Jay's mother could not help crying silently as she watched her child stay up late.

The college entrance examination not only tortures children, but also parents!

Just when Jay's mother was desperate, Jay's father happened to see what a parent shared in a parent exchange group.

"high achiever's notes help children improve 200 points."

I clicked in the article and read it, and one of the teachers talked about it.

Six skills of raising Mathematics scores in College entrance examination

Jay's father thought it was a good speech, so he recommended it to Jay's mother.

At first, Jay's mother was very anxious and blamed her husband loudly. At this time, she still believed that advertisements were a waste of time, but her eyes lit up after watching the teacher's class.

If you don't let the child have a try, it's free anyway.

The online education institution where the teacher high achiever works is called one-on-one, and there are free auditions. (I would like to remind all parents to choose supplementary lessons institutions, no matter how big the brand is, who is invited to endorse them.

We have to listen to it before we decide.


Jay left her contact information, and soon someone contacted and patiently introduced their teachers and courses. Teachers are all teachers from famous schools above 985. Every year, the real question database summed up from tens of thousands of sets of learning materials, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude according to different teaching materials and regions, and can often press the college entrance examination questions.

Jay's mom still thinks

Seeing is believing

Before the child has a specific experience

You can't believe blindly.

. Soon the teacher made a math plan for Xiao Jie, which made Jay feel good. Even if it was just an audition, they did it very attentively.


A counterattack with math scores from 72 to 137!

Teacher high achiever, who teaches Xiaojie, is very young. He is a graduate student of Fudan University. He is a few years older than Xiaojie, so

There is no generation gap between children and teachers.


This trial lecture is about the nature of commonly used functions. The teacher told Xiao Jie directly that this part is the top priority of the college entrance examination and belongs to the required content. Instead of following the script, the teacher explained it according to the college entrance examination site, from the principle to the form and type of questions in the college entrance examination.

All this is for the college entrance examination to get points.


After one class, Xiao Jie unexpectedly said that he had never heard the teacher give a lecture like this. He completely understood the basic nature of the function and could solve it quickly with the real questions in the college entrance examination, which made Jay's mother more excited than her children.

After the class, the teacher assigned the real questions for the children online, and automatically generated a set of study reports for this class, so that Xiao Jie could review anytime and anywhere.

Xiao Jie also seems to see hope.


Why didn't you let me try this method earlier?


In terms of effect, Xiao Jie's math results can be described by leaps and bounds, which is no exaggeration at all. after just a few weeks of study, Xiao Jie got more than 110 points in math and got points for basic questions. In the end, Xiao Jie gradually overcame the math problem through the "number one notes" sent by his teacher.

I got 137 points in the college entrance examination and was successfully admitted to 985.

Many people think it is a miracle. In fact, only Jay Mom knows that this is Xiao Jie following teacher high achiever, who is in charge of one to one.

Achievements made one step at a time


In addition to thanking the master for one to one, Jay's mother would also like to remind all parents that their children's grades in a certain subject should not be delayed, as long as they can counterattack with the right method!

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