
Maintenance methods of lily of the valley

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lily of the valley in the initial stage, because the root system is weak, so we must take good care of it, including daily weeding, loosening the soil, and maintaining soil moisture. When noticing that the leaves of the lily of the valley show signs of withering, shallow liquid fertilizer should be applied to ensure the fertility of the soil. Lily of the valley likes a shady environment, but the growth of plants is inseparable from the sun.

Lily of the valley in the initial stage, because the root system is weak, so we must take good care of it, including daily weeding, loosening the soil, and maintaining soil moisture.

When noticing that the leaves of the lily of the valley show signs of withering, shallow liquid fertilizer should be applied to ensure the fertility of the soil. The lily of the valley likes a cool environment, but the growth of plants is inseparable from the sun, so we have to do semi-shading to the lily of the valley.

The above is the introduction of some planting methods of the lily of the valley, the friends who want to plant the lily of the valley can learn about it. In addition, the growth of lily of the valley is inseparable from careful maintenance, if you want to raise the most beautiful lily of the valley, we must pay attention to daily maintenance methods.

The culture method of lily of the valley, Liliaceae, the genus of lily. Morphological characteristics: perennial root herbs, 20-25 cm high. Rhizome spreading and much branched, apex with elliptic terminal bud. Every spring, 2 or 3 ovate leaves with curved veins grow from the top bud, with several sheath leaves at the base, the flower stem drawn from the sheath leaf, and the raceme biased to one side. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, drooping and fragrant. Berries globose, red. Geographical distribution: originated in Europe and Asia, now there are many introduction and cultivation in various countries. There is wild distribution under the forest in Northeast and North China. Ecological habits: warm, moist environment, cold-resistant, shade-resistant, hot and dry. It grows well on the sandy loam with moist, semi-shaded, cool and deep humus. Propagation and cultivation: it is mainly propagated by individual plants, and it can also be propagated by sowing. There are many buds of different sizes on the rhizome. After the shoot withered in autumn, the rhizome was dug up, and each terminal bud with a stem segment was cut off and planted, that is, it could grow into a new plant and blossom every year. Sowing and propagation is that after washing the seedling seeds from the red-ripe fruits in autumn, the seedlings are sown directly on the open-field seedbed, which can germinate in spring. The seedbed should be kept moist and properly shaded, and weeds should be pulled out in time. The seedlings grow slowly and usually take 3 to 4 years to blossom. Garden use: Lily of the valley plant is short, fragrant flowers, strong shade tolerance, is an excellent shady ground cover seedlings under the forest. Cluster planting in natural rock garden or mixed planting with lawn and flower diameter, and sloping land planting have elegant ornamental effect.

How to raise the lily of the valley the breeding method of the lily of the valley, also known as Junyingcao, valley lily, is the only species of the genus. The lily of the valley plant is short, the flower is clear and beautiful, all the flowers bloom downward as if they are small bells, which is of high ornamental value. Many people like lily of the valley, so do you know how to keep it? Next, the editor will introduce the breeding methods of the lily of the valley. Growth habits of lily of the valley

The lily of the valley prefers a semi-shady, moist and cool environment, and avoid hot weather. As long as there is a suitable shady environment, the lily of the valley will propagate rapidly by spreading the roots. Lily of the valley likes shade and moist and fertile soil, and breeding of lily of the valley requires rich humus loam and sandy loam. The temperature of cultured Lilia should not be too high, otherwise it will not blossom, and the leaves of Lilia will be withered and yellow if the temperature is as high as 30 ℃. The lily of the valley goes dormant in summer. How to cultivate lily of the valley in open field, it is better to cultivate deep ploughing and fertile land. Planting lily of the valley needs to cover more than 5 cm of soil, water thoroughly after planting, and the orchid should be planted every 3-4 years. During the growing period, the soil should be kept loose and moist, and fully fermented topdressing should be applied in early spring and late autumn respectively.

How to raise the lily of the valley after germination in spring, topdressing once every 15 days, pay attention to watering during drought, and stop fertilizing after the flower stem is extracted. After the lily orchid withered, the pedicel should be cut off in time, and then topdressing 1-2 times. After the shoot withered in late autumn, it was covered with rotten leaves and cow dung to protect the rhizome and its dormant buds to survive the winter. Potted lily can plant the rhizome treated with low temperature, and the temperature is maintained at about 18-20 ℃ during the whole cultivation period. Pay attention to fertilizer and water management and keep the soil moist. Lily can blossom in about a month. Lily of the valley should be cut off the stems and branches as soon as possible after flowering, so that nutrients are concentrated to supply the rhizome. Potted Lily Orchid chooses fat and large rhizome buds, with 4-5 buds per pot, which needs to be changed once a year. The culture method of lily of the valley is strong in nature and extensive in management. if the rotten cake fertilizer is often applied after sprouting in spring, the lily of the valley will blossom and flourish. It is necessary to stop fertilization after the scape of the lily is extracted, and resume fertilization for 1-2 times after flower fade, which can promote the germination of new tillers in the rhizome of the lily.

The culture method of lily of the valley is generally used for split propagation, but also can be used for sowing propagation. There are many young buds of different sizes on the rhizome of the lily of the valley. After the shoot withered in autumn, the rhizome was dug up, and each terminal bud with a stem segment was cut off and planted, that is, it could grow into a new plant and generally blossom in the second year. The sowing and propagation of the lily of the valley is to take out the seeds from the red-ripe fruits in autumn, sow the seeds directly on the open-field seedbed, and sprout in the following spring. Lily of the valley seedbed should be kept moist and properly shaded, and weeds should be pulled out in time. Lily of the valley seedlings grow slowly, usually 3-4 years before flowering. The function of lily of the valley can not only be appreciated as an ornamental plant, but also can purify the air. Lily can inhibit the growth and reproduction of tuberculosis, pneumococci and staphylococci. Lily of the valley also has the role of dust removal, the valley of the valley can absorb floating particles and smoke in the air, reducing the impact of dust on household cleanliness.

The role of the valley of the valley also has a certain medicinal value, the valley of the valley warm yang and diuresis, promoting blood circulation and dispelling wind. The lily of the valley mainly treats heart failure, edema, strain injury, avalanche and leakage, leucorrhea, fall injury. Summary: how to raise the lily of the valley is introduced here, the lily of the valley is a very fresh and beautiful indoor flowering plant, deeply loved by everyone. Today, after understanding the culture method of the lily of the valley, we can create a good growth environment for the lily of the valley.