
Matters needing attention in cultivation of Golden Bell Flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Bogey bright golden bell flower likes the sun, but the strong summer sun will also make its leaves yellow and dry, so we should pay attention to proper shade in summer. if it is planted in pots, we can move it to the semi-shady part of the house for breeding, so as to ensure the light and avoid the strong light. 2. Avoid stagnant water. Golden bell flower is not tolerant to drought.

1. Avoid glare

Although the golden bell flower likes the sun, the strong summer sun will also make its leaves yellow and dry, so pay attention to proper shade in summer. if it is planted in a pot, you can move it to the semi-shade of the house for breeding, so as to ensure the light. and avoid strong light.

2. Avoid stagnant water

The golden bell flower is not resistant to drought or waterlogging. In the process of maintenance, we should not only pay attention to timely watering, but also pay attention to the root not to accumulate water, so as not to cause root rot.

3. Avoid low temperature

The northern region is cold in winter, so it is necessary to move the golden bell to a warm indoor in winter, and make sure that the temperature in the house is not less than 5 degrees Celsius. When the temperature is high at noon, you can move it outside to receive two or three hours of light, which can also increase its cold resistance.

The golden bell flower will take root about a month after cutting. at this time, in addition to watering and fertilizing and improving the light, we should also pay attention to picking the heart to promote more side branches. In the maintenance, in order to appreciate the need, but also to timely repair bentgrass, can make the crown plump, flowers large and beautiful.

Culture method of golden bell flower 1. Growth habit

If you want to cultivate Golden Bell, you must first understand its growth habits. Golden Bell likes sunshine and can bear shade slightly, but it is not cold-resistant and likes a warm and humid environment. But its vitality is strong, so the demand for soil is not high, but if it blossoms more and grows thickly, it is better to have a fertile and slightly acidic soil.

2. Planting method

Most of the golden bell flowers are propagated by cutting. It is generally carried out from June to August, and 1-2-year-old strong branches or semi-lignified twigs of the same year are selected for cuttings. The length of cuttings is about 10 cm. Remove the lower leaves and insert them into half of the soil or 1 / 3 deep in the soil.

3. Water and fertilizer

Golden bell flowers like to be warm and moist, so they should be watered in time after cutting to keep the soil moist. Pay attention to adequate watering during the growing period, but not too much, as long as the soil is not dry. Golden bell flower sprouting and growing period of fertilizer requirements are still higher, fertilizing once or twice a month, which can ensure exuberant growth.

The above is the introduction of the breeding method of Golden Bell. Although the golden bell flower is said to be strong in growth, it can grow normally and exuberantly as long as it is well watered and fertilized. However, some matters should be paid attention to in aquaculture and maintenance to ensure that it grows more vigorously and blossoms more luxuriantly.

The culture method of how to raise golden bell flower

Golden Bell flower has a strange shape, bell-shaped, orange, with fuchsia veins, which is very popular. Then how to raise the golden bell? What are the breeding methods? Let's learn about it next.

First, how to raise Jinling flowers

1. Soil: Jinling flower does not have strict requirements on soil, and it grows best in sandy soil with good drainage.

2. Watering: Jinling flower is not tolerant to drought, but it is necessary to maintain sufficient water in the growing season to ensure the growth demand. Proper water should be deducted during the transparent color of flower buds to control its leaf growth, so that nutrients are concentrated on flowers, and watering should be reduced in winter.

3. Lighting: Jinling flowers like sunny environment, suitable for growing in sunny places, and resistant to semi-shade.

4. Temperature: Jinling flower has poor cold resistance, so it should be moved indoors in winter to ensure that the temperature is controlled at 0 ℃ to 10 ℃, so that it can sleep naturally.

5. Fertilization: Jinling flower needs to apply more fertilizer and water during the sprouting period in spring, and apply some organic fertilizer every winter or spring to make the plant grow exuberantly and bloom luxuriantly. But fertilization should not be too much, which will affect the flowering period.

6. Insect pests: common red leaf mites are the most common diseases and insect pests, and the harm of small green leafhoppers and cotton leafhoppers should not be underestimated. 5% carbaryl powder can be sprayed.

7. Pruning: Jinling flower is resistant to pruning, it can be trimmed and shaped according to the needs, and the withered branches and leaves can be cut into pieces to ensure the lightness. Pay attention to warm treatment in winter. And it is best to cultivate its plant shape into a shrub.

Second, the culture method of Jinling flower

Jinling flower propagates by cuttage. Use 1-2-year-old strong branches or current year semi-lignified twigs as cuttings. Pruning plants to promote branching is beneficial to flowering. Greenhouse cultivation is done in the area north of the Yangtze River in China. Young plants can be pruned at the top to improve light conditions, increase lateral branches, enlarge the crown and promote flowering.

The plant height of 2-year-old golden bell flower is about 2 meters and the diameter of the main stem is 2-3 cm. The stem is grayish green, and the stem of perennial plant is gray or grayish brown. The ability of sprouting new shoots in spring is very strong, the branches germinate in the leaf axils, the current year's branches are emerald green, the degree of Lignification is low, and the branches are soft.

There are two kinds of leaves of Golden Bell, one is oval, 10 cm long, with long petiole, the whole petiole is uniform, and the other is palmate, 12-18 cm. The leaves are arranged in a whorled state, with 4-9 leaves in a whorl. In good light or strong plants, the leaves are generally palmate, and in poor light or weaker plants, the leaves are oval.

Jinling flower should grow in fertile, moist and well-drained sandy loam. Cuttings take root after 25-35 days, water after insertion, shade, often spray water to the leaves, and pay attention to pick the heart, promote multiple side branches, constantly improve light conditions, make the crown plump, flowers big and beautiful.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods of Jinling flowers. Golden bell flowers can be used as potted plants and hanging flower baskets to decorate the home. I hope the above contents will be helpful to everyone.

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