
One kind of material was added to the basin, and his green radish grew into a green waterfall in 2 months.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the essential plants for raising flowers? If he didn't do it, he thought, it must be green radish! However, this green radish really has a temper. If it is raised well, the green radish will grow slowly. If it is not raised well, it will have to learn from others! This...

What are the necessary plants for every flower-growing family? If you don't do it, he thinks, it must be a green apple! However, this green pineapple really has a temper, raise good flower friends, green pineapple is to rub long, raise bad flower friends, but you have to learn from others! This is not, Huahua has recently explored the secret of the green pineapple god, hasten to share with you ~

For two months, the green turnip turned into a waterfall.

Flower friend "Flower Rabbit" bought several pots of green apples two months ago and put them on the flower rack in the corridor. Unexpectedly, they developed a green waterfall as soon as they were raised.

(photo author: rabbits who like to grow flowers)

Take a look at the green pineapple I just bought two months ago. As soon as I bought it and put it on the shelf, it was just a few, and it was finished as soon as I finished it.

(photo author: rabbits who like to grow flowers)

Now, it is difficult to move a house for Luluo. It seems that it is destined to be raised in the corridor. Fortunately, the hallway is not cold in winter, otherwise what can I do with you?

(photo author: rabbits who like to grow flowers)

Green Luo can be more than one god, and then look at the flower friend "Juanjuan lusia" home green Luo, unexpectedly climbed half of the living room, flower at a glance, did not find where the pot is ~

(photo by Juanjuan lusia)

This is also a strong Luo master, green Luo has grown into a TV background wall, Huahua takes you as the goal, it is sure to leave a large sum of money for decoration.

(photo by zhaopeiyuanvi)

Add it to the green apple and rub it for a long time.

Isn't it fascinating to watch others develop the green pineapple of the waterfall? Then look at their own green apple, inexplicably have a kind of hate iron into steel feeling.

(photo author: rabbits who like to grow flowers)

Don't worry, Huahua has found out all the secrets of the god of raising Luo, and I will tell you secretly.

(photo by a1bearth)

1. Little secrets in the soil:

The great god of raising flowers uses coconut soil, rotten leaf soil and perlite, so it is breathable and will not rot the roots. usually nothing is done to hold the flowerpot and water it once when it feels lighter.

2. The little secret of watering:

Watering can not follow the trend, look at others to water once every other day, green turnips rub long, that is because other people's soil permeability is good, the environment is ventilated, you do the same, resulting in a large pot of yellow leaves.

Therefore, watering can not be calculated according to the day, do not know whether the green apple is short of water, insert a small stick in the soil, pull it out and have a look, if the stick is dry, it can be watered!

If you want the green apple to grow fast, the god watered the fish culture water, especially when changing the water for the fish tank, Amoy poured green apple, there are fish poop and fish food dissolved in the water, to ensure that the green apple grows vigorously.

3. The secret of nutrition supply

If you want the green pineapple to grow into a green waterfall in 2 months, it is not enough to rely on nutrients in the soil and fish culture water alone. Regular fertilization is the truth of its growth.

(photo by lan_ying6858)

Usually we can rett some rice water, soybean water, can supplement nitrogen fertilizer for green pineapple, and then rett some banana peel water, supplement potash for green pineapple, retting for two or three weeks, diluted 10 times can be used!

The secret of raising pineapple with flower handle

I told you in secret.

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