
Mushrooms can also make balcony bonsai. It's great that I can't finish it in a month.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, More and more people like potted vegetables at home. They can not only enjoy them like potted flowers, but also eat them as vegetables. It kills two birds with one stone. Some flower lovers grow mushrooms on the balcony and use them as potted plants. They are better than.

More and more people like potted vegetables at home. They can not only enjoy them like potted flowers, but also eat them as vegetables. It kills two birds with one stone. Some flower lovers grow mushrooms on the balcony and use them as potted plants. They are more durable than green apples, orchids and orchids. Many friends don't know how to plant mushrooms for the first time. Last year, I also bought a bacterial bag on the Internet. Maybe there are too few bacteria in it. If it doesn't grow a few, it won't grow.

I have bought it from acquaintances before, but I can't finish it by pouring some water at home, so there are some deceitful things bought online. I bought 60 or 70 yuan worth of bacteria in the vegetable market last year, and the growing bacteria bought no more than 10 yuan in the vegetable market, so I won't be fooled again in the future. if you want to eat, go to the market and buy it in the supermarket. don't be deceived like me. After I started buying it last year, several of my colleagues bought it, and all of them were cheated.

When mushrooms are potted, 1 pot becomes 10 pots, and you don't need to spend any money. Eat for 2 months, every 7 days!

You can buy a bacterial bag from the Internet. After receiving the fungal bag, prepare a large plastic or carton, fill the carton with a waterproof film, pour a glass of water, tear up the newspaper and the same device as the bacterial fungus clamp, and then pack it in a plastic bucket, with a foam box, of course. Bubble paper can also be placed in the box.

You can sprinkle some water on the soil in the bag, and the bag can usually hold and store water, so it's easy to keep the bag at a later stage. Next, cover the top of the bucket with a newspaper and wet it with a kettle. Once in the morning and once in the evening, you can spray it a few more times to keep the newspaper wet.

We should pay attention to watering the newspaper, as long as we get the newspaper wet, try to avoid dripping too much water on the surface of the material. When we water the newspaper every day, we can move it. One is to let the bag below breathe, and the other is to see if the mushroom sprouts grow. If there are mushroom sprouts, you can appropriately increase the number of water spraying, not too much water, do not soak the water on the surface of the material, if water is found on the surface of the material, take out the bag in time, the excess water can be poured out.

About 7 days can be seen planting mushrooms, mushroom buds can not cover the newspaper, you must open the newspaper every day to strengthen the water. Mushroom growth like wet, ventilated, dark environment, we can also be in the bacterial bag, put wet towels or napkins, spray water on paper towels, eat every day, keep moist.

In this growth cycle, fresh mushrooms are eaten at home. Here is a special description of picking mushrooms, but not a picking, a cluster breaking. Mushrooms can grow rapidly as long as you control the humidity and temperature needed to grow the environment.