
Cut these three kinds of flowers in October, one branch grows and blossoms more than one pot, one pot becomes more than one pot.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Balcony terrace into the garden to raise a few pots of flowers and plants, will make the home look more full of vitality, but also can purify the air, flower cultivation is a very simple thing, does not need to spend a lot of time, energy and money. Because there are many kinds of flowers.

Balcony terrace into the garden to raise a few pots of flowers and plants, will make the home look more full of vitality, but also can purify the air, flower cultivation is a very simple thing, does not need to spend a lot of time, energy and money. Because many kinds of flowers can be cut to survive with branches, and multiple pots can be cut in one pot. There are more and more flowers on the balcony, blooming into a sea of flowers.

These three kinds of flowers, cut with one branch in autumn, bloom very much, bright and beautiful, and one pot becomes more than one pot!

Hydrangea, its flowers are very large, and can open a variety of colors, although hydrangea is very beautiful, in fact, it can also be cut, Xiaoya cuttage several times, selected in the spring and autumn season cuttings, especially easy to survive, that is, soil moisturizing, shade, it will soon take root.

Hydrangea is also very easy to maintain at ordinary times, and the potted soil remains fertile and loose. Before flowering, you can apply more fertilizer, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. It can blossom a lot in spring.

Sunflowers, whether single or double, can be cut directly. Xiaoya asked a friend for a branch of sunflower, which she took back and cut directly into a plastic cup, that is, an ordinary drinking cup. Plastic cups cut flowers without shade, and then pour a little water, as long as the pots do not accumulate water, and the buds on the branches bloom on the third day after cutting.

It's too easy to survive. And there are many colors of sunflowers, more cuttings, some red, pink and other colors in a pot, very colorful and beautiful!

Geranium, its flowers are large and beautiful, but also rich in color, flowering period is very long, can also be cut with a branch to survive. Prepare healthy branches, prepare plastic cups, put them in coarse-grained vermiculite peat soil or river sand, and cut them directly.

After transplanting survived, watering decreased, and it was more resistant to drought and waterlogging. If the temperature is right in autumn and winter, buds will emerge in winter.