
Pigeon breeding technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pigeon breeding technology

Pigeon culture is a relatively mature bird culture project in China. Due to the high nutritional value of pigeons and the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for pigeons is increasing, so the breeding of pigeons is becoming more and more popular. Although the breeding technology of pigeons is relatively simple and easy to feed, it is not easy to raise pigeons. Let's follow the editor to learn the techniques of pigeon breeding.

1. Construction of breeding farms

In fact, pigeons are relatively timid and easy to be frightened, so farms generally choose places that are quieter but more convenient for traffic and water conservancy. The breeding of pigeons is generally a three-dimensional method. Mainly uses the cage way, but also must have the certain movement space, at the same time we can also use the simple greenhouse to breed, so the cost of building the farm will be greatly reduced. The farm needs to be surrounded, because the pigeon has the ability to fly, and if it is not surrounded, it will fly away.

2. Seed selection and breeding

The choice of breeding pigeons is the most basic condition for breeding pigeons. We need to choose pigeons with strong immunity, strong resistance and strong fecundity as breeding pigeons. Breeding pigeons should be able to reproduce at least six pairs of pigeons every year. At the same time, mixed breeding of pigeons can be carried out, and the weight of breeding pigeons should not be overweight. In the process of breeding, we should make a good record, and then select the best quality breeding pigeons for core breeding, and the rest can be eliminated properly.

3. Feeding technology

Breeding technology is the key to the success of pigeon breeding. If there is a lack of knowledge and technology in aquaculture, the economic benefits that can be obtained are not high. Feeding is mainly divided into breeding period, young pigeon breeding, breeding pigeon breeding and meat pigeon breeding. There are also differences in the way they are raised. During the breeding period, we have to force pigeons to eat and let them feed on their own. On the other hand, young pigeons need to strengthen their immunity and maintain nutritional balance so that they can grow normally. Breeding pigeons need to be divided into pre-egg breeding and post-egg breeding, and more attention should be paid at this time. Meat pigeons are raised mainly for fattening and selling, so it is necessary to strengthen the feeding of concentrate and eat a balanced diet to make it fatter quickly.

4. Daily management

The daily management of pigeon breeding is mainly to pay attention to the sanitary cleaning of the farm and the pigeon cage. Normally, cleaning is carried out every two to three days or so, and thorough disinfection is carried out every half a month or so. The second is to do a good job of escape prevention measures, can prevent pigeons from escaping, causing unnecessary losses.

5. Disease prevention and treatment

Now pigeon breeding is increasing, and the incidence of pigeon disease and pigeon disease is also increasing, so we should prepare for disease prevention in advance. Among them, the most common are pigeon Newcastle disease and pigeon pox. We should use targeted vaccines to inject, and the dosage should be determined according to the age of pigeon growth. At the same time, when the disease is found, isolation treatment should be carried out in time to avoid infecting other pigeon flocks.

These are some of the key points about pigeon breeding technology sorted out by the editor, many of which are simply introduced. If you want to know more details, you can continue to follow us, or consult us directly.