
The jade hairpin flower should be planted in this way, the tuber can blossom like a bell after buried in the flowerpot for two months.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flowers and plants like to bathe in the sun, but I wonder if you have noticed some plants and flowers that like to grow in dark corners. They don't need enough sunshine, they just like to hide in shady corners silently.

Many flowers and plants like to be bathed in the sun, but I wonder if you have ever noticed some plants and flowers that like to grow in dark corners. They do not need enough sunlight, but only like to hide in the shady corners silently. With very little sporadic exposure, they can grow green leaves and flowers. Today, the editor will introduce to you a shade-tolerant plant, which is the jade hairpin flower.

Perhaps some people are not very familiar with the jade hairpin flower, which is a plant that specializes in breeding with massive rhizomes. At the beginning, I bought a pot to raise it, but after a year or two, when I needed to turn it over, I separated the tubers from its roots and used it to grow a new pot.

Generally speaking, it only takes about three months to flourish and blossom quickly. Some flower friends will throw withered jade hairpin flowers, in fact, it is not necessary, as long as the roots are not fundamentally hurt, they can continue to be used to grow, regenerate buds and grow tender leaves.

There are many varieties of jade hairpin flowers, the most common in the market is the variety of green leaves, and some white and green leaf varieties, each of which has its own form. The jade hairpin flower likes the shady growth environment, its posture is usually relatively small, so it is very suitable to be raised as a potted plant. In autumn, it will grow very long pedicels, which are crowded with beautiful little flowers.

Hosta flower is not very cold-resistant, although it will not freeze to death in winter, but the leaves may turn yellow or even fall, indicating that it has stopped growing and entered the dormant period, so it uses the way of abandoning a few leaves to preserve enough nutrients for the whole plant. When waiting for the spring flowers to bloom, it will be able to flourish and grow again, and it will be properly watered at this time.

Jade hairpin flowers grow very fast after germination, and can grow to five centimeters in about seven days, which needs to increase the supply of water to make the soil moist enough. In about ten days, its leaves can fully stretch out, and the plant can grow to about eight centimeters tall. After fifteen days, it can grow to twenty centimeters. At this time, it will slow down the growth rate and make the leaves grow more luxuriantly.

In spring, you can fertilize properly to add a little nutrients to the plant, which can make the leaves grow better and help blossom better later. After about three months of maintenance, the hairpin flowers will be able to bloom lovely little flowers in summer.

A string of florets, which look beautiful and generous, are small and exquisite and very likable. After the flowers and bones are completely in full bloom, the small bell-like flowers appear in people's line of sight with charming fragrance, what a wonderful visual enjoyment!