
The leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1, light rich bamboo is a shade-tolerant plant, pay attention to, oh, shade tolerance is not like shade; this requires that it is best to grow under bright scattered light, to avoid direct sunlight. In the darkroom or in direct sunlight can cause rich bamboo leaves to turn yellow. 2. The optimum temperature for the growth of rich bamboo is 20-28 ℃.

1. Lighting

Fugui bamboo is a shade-tolerant plant, pay attention to it, it is shade-tolerant not shade-loving; this requires that it is best to grow under bright scattered light to avoid direct sunlight. In the darkroom or in direct sunlight can cause rich bamboo leaves to turn yellow.

2. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of Fugui bamboo is 20-28 ℃, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ during the overwintering period, otherwise the room temperature should be increased. Do not put in the balcony, window and other colder places in winter, and do not put it next to the TV set, air conditioner or electric fan in order to heat up, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves or even die.

3. Nutrients

Rich bamboo grows relatively slowly in winter, generally does not need to absorb additional nutrients, fertilization will also lead to yellow leaves. Hydroponic rich bamboo should choose room temperature cold boiled water or pure water to cultivate rich bamboo, it is best to refuse hard water (that is, tap water). Generally rich bamboo after a period of time, grow a lot of small roots, after entering the winter should not change water, water evaporation can only add water in time.

Note: when yellow leaves and rotten roots appear, they should be cut off in time, and then re-nurture it.

The reasons and methods of yellowing leaves of rich bamboo in winter are introduced. In fact, in the normal process of breeding, it often appears the phenomenon of yellowing leaves, especially the rich bamboo which has been raised for a long time. Although the branches grow very tall, they have yellow leaves all day. It's so annoying! Look at the following content, you can easily solve this problem.

What if the rich bamboo leaves turn yellow? Causes and Solutions of yellowing leaves of Fugui Bamboo

Leaf hair yellow rich bamboo in the growth process, often appear leaf yellowing, and do not know the reason? Most of the reasons are due to the imbalance of cultivation and management. Too much water, too little sunlight and too little fertilizer will cause leaves to turn yellow, but the situation of yellowing is different, so we should carefully observe and analyze the reasons and correct them.

Water yellow: the young leaves are dark yellow and dull, the old leaves have no obvious change, the branches are small and yellow-green, and the new shoots are not long, indicating that they are overwatered. Remove the flowers from the pot and place them in a ventilated, cool, self-drying soil mass and then put them back into the basin.

Dry yellow: lack of water yellow is different from water-rich yellow, water-deficient yellow is leaf tip or edge withered, dry, old leaves withered and yellow shedding from bottom to top, but the growth of new leaves is relatively normal. Pay attention to watering enough and thoroughly.

Burning yellow: the strong sun shines directly on some shade-loving flowers (such as hanging orchids, hairpins, etc.), which can easily cause the withering of the leaves' tips and edges, and macula in the sunny part of the leaves. Just move to the shade.

Lack of light and yellow: put in a shady environment for a long time, the leaves can not get enough sunlight, can not form chlorophyll, the whole leaves turn yellow and then fall off, supplementary light can avoid the disease.

Fat yellow: flowers yellowing caused by excessive fertilization or excessive concentration, showing dry brown at the tip of new leaves, generally thick and dull, concave and convex, and old leaves are scorched yellow and shedding. Fertilizer should be stopped immediately and some fertilizers should be washed with a large amount of washing.

Lack of fat yellow: the color of the young leaves becomes lighter, yellow or light green, while the old leaves are more normal or gradually change from green to yellow. Check the basin soil, if there is a dry phenomenon should change the soil, usually apply thin fertilizer frequently and timely pour some alum (Fugui bamboo is foliage plants should be nitrogen-based fertilizer).

Seasonal change: now that it has entered autumn, it is easy for the temperature to drop or the temperature difference between day and night. The normal growth temperature of rich bamboo is above 15 degrees, and yellow leaves will appear when it is below 15 degrees. As long as you adapt to it, there will be no problem.

Excessive change of water: rich bamboo does not like living water (like rotten water), it is not suitable to change water after taking root, and water can only be added in time after water evaporation is reduced. Frequent change of water is easy to cause leaf and yellow branches to wither, which may be the main cause of your flower disease. As old people often say, growing a flower depends on its own creation, and it is not good to take care of it too much.

Yellowing caused by the environment: do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set or where the air conditioner often blows, so as not to dry up the leaf tip and edge. As well as the room that has just been decorated, it is best to place some plants such as orchid, aloe, tequila, tiger tail orchid and other plants can play the role of absorbing formaldehyde.

The cause of yellowing leaves of rich bamboo raised by water what to do about yellowing leaves of rich bamboo?

Water raises rich bamboo, we often encounter the problem of yellowing leaves, some people do not know the specific reason when they encounter this problem, and then blindly go to "save", so sometimes it will be counterproductive. What if the leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow? Today, the editor of Huayu Network will specifically tell you about the causes and remedies for the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves raised by water.

Causes and remedial methods of yellowing leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens cultured in water

Before we know what to do about the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves, we first need to know what is the reason for the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves. Under normal circumstances, there are several reasons for the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves in water. We must first find out what causes it, and then prescribe the right medicine:

1. Water quality: the most important thing is to see whether the root system is novel or not. if the root rot is caused by water quality, cold boiled water should be used instead.

Remedy: what if the rich bamboo leaves turn yellow because of the water quality? Can cut off the yellow leaves first, when the symptoms are not severe, it is appropriate to often change the water, put it in a ventilated and sunny enough position for restorative maintenance; when the symptoms are severe, you should properly spray pesticides or participate in a small number of fungicides in the water plate.

2, lack of light: the normal growth of flowers should have a certain intensity of light, such as too dark light, muggy wind, dry air, etc., will form leaves yellowing, will cause a large number of fallen leaves.

Remedy: in this case, you can first cut off the yellow leaves, and also cut off the decaying roots, and then create a clean, warm, cool, humid and better scattered light condition for it.

3. The temperature is too low: flowers with warm sex and poor cold resistance, when the ambient temperature is lower than the safe overwintering temperature, due to the weakening of plant physiological activities and the decrease of absorptive capacity, in order to reduce water consumption, plants will shed some leaves to adapt to the low temperature environment. In severe cases, the leaves will be completely bare, leaving only the bare rod.

Remedy: what if the leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow? Since it is caused by the low temperature, it is necessary to adjust the temperature properly.

4. Lack of ventilation: if the air is not ventilated indoors, the oxygen content of water in hydroponic plants will drop sharply, resulting in yellowing and losing leaves due to lack of oxygen.

Remedy: move it to a well-ventilated place in time in case of this situation, and then take care of it.

5. The change of water is not timely: if the time interval of changing water is too long, the oxygen in the water can not meet the needs of flower growth, coupled with the increase in the number of microorganisms, it will often cause rotting roots of hydroponic flowers. As flowers rot roots and greatly reduce the absorption of water and nutrients, it will cause a large number of fallen leaves.

Remedy: what if the leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow? If it is because of the untimely change of water, just remember to change the water frequently.

6. The concentration of nutrient solution is too high: too high concentration will lead to fertilizer poisoning, resulting in defoliation.

Remedy: if you give the rich bamboo should be too high, then reduce its nutrition, do not "fertilize" too often, this will also cause the rich bamboo leaves to turn yellow.

I hope that through the above introduction, you will no longer worry about the problem of how to turn yellow leaves of rich bamboo raised by water, and you can easily judge what the reason is, so as to "save" rich bamboo and raise green rich bamboo.