
I. Culture of Fugui Bamboo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Fertilization. The pot cultivation of rich and precious bamboo can be planted with the same amount of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and river sand, or coconut bran or rice bran and rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of dried chicken manure and pig manure as culture soil. 6 plants per pot, changing pots every 2-3 years, and applying rotten peanut bran fertilizer, chicken manure, pig manure or compound fertilizer

1. Fertilization.

The pot cultivation of rich and precious bamboo can be planted with the same amount of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and river sand, or coconut bran or rice bran and rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of dried chicken manure and pig manure as culture soil. 6 plants per pot are appropriate, and the pot is changed every 2-3 years. Change the soil and apply rotten peanut bran fertilizer, chicken manure, pig manure or compound fertilizer to make it grow strong, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 20 minutes.

2. Transfer water.

Spray water once a day in summer, wash the foliar dust, improve humidity; usually like to be moist, the growing season should keep the soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves, but the water will grow, affect beauty, generally keep the soil moist.

3. Control light.

Fugui bamboo likes semi-shade, suitable for growth under bright scattered light, leaf tip yellowing under strong light, leaves will be burned, especially in April-September to avoid strong light direct light, exposure or too dry, otherwise leaves scorched, no light, usually like the appropriate sunshine, generally put back to the north sun balcony is better, light 3 times a day for 4 hours, in order to keep the leaves bright.

4. Keep warm.

Fugui bamboo is fond of high temperature and strong cold resistance, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-30 ℃. The summer high temperature and humid season is very beneficial to its growth, and the overwintering temperature is above 8 ℃.

How to cultivate rich bamboo culture methods of rich bamboo

Rich bamboo, also known as Kaiyunzhu, is meant to be auspicious. There is a message of peace in China, and rich bamboo represents wealth and auspiciousness, so many families like to cultivate rich bamboo, and a pot of rich bamboo is placed on the coffee table in the living room to add happiness and auspiciousness. Rich bamboo can bring good luck, while the bamboo leaves are greenish and beautiful, giving people a sense of serenity and elegance. Let's take a look at how to cultivate rich bamboos and how to cultivate rich bamboos.

How to cultivate rich bamboo culture methods of rich bamboo

First, how to cultivate rich bamboos? the temperature and sunny places are very important to rich bamboos in winter. The soil temperature of rich bamboos should be maintained above 5 degrees, otherwise rich bamboos will begin to produce freezing damage. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to keep warm in winter.

Second, how to cultivate rich bamboo-- the soil of rich bamboo can be mixed with humus and fertile soil, for example, peat soil, rotten leaf soil and sand are mixed in a ratio of about 6: 3: 1, and then you can start planting rich bamboo.

Third, how to cultivate rich bamboo culture method-fertilizing rich bamboo likes fertilizer, but tends to thin fertilizer and mature fertilizer, spring, summer and autumn are suitable for fertilization to rich bamboo, the dilution ratio of six hundred cups is very suitable for rich bamboo, while rich bamboo is not suitable for fertilization in winter.

How to cultivate Fugui Bamboo Culture methods and points for attention

Usually the most suitable decorative plant in the living room is rich bamboo, but how to raise rich bamboo? The following wed114 wedding network editor shares the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo.

Rich bamboo

First: when we buy back the bamboo stem, we should remove the leaves at the base, and then cut the base into a bevel, which can increase the absorption of nutrients. It is necessary to change the water 3 to 4 days before rooting, in which two small pieces of charcoal can be put to rot. Do not move the rich bamboo position casually within half a month. It is not good for the bamboo that has not taken root. After half a month, you can basically see the white fibrous root.

Rich bamboo

Second: if we choose aquaculture after growing roots, then we should not change water frequently at this time. Water with well water is the best, if it is tap water, it is necessary to precipitate for a day, water should be clean, there can be no grease, dirty water, hard water may lead to rotting roots.

Rich bamboo

Third: if you want soil culture, wait until the roots grow more before transplanting into the soil. Sandy loam was used in pot soil, 3-4 plants per pot. Then pour some water every day to keep the soil moist.

Rich bamboo

Fourth: although the rich bamboo likes the shady and wet environment, the lighting is also fastidious, and the place where it is placed had better be exposed to scattered sunlight, not next to the TV, where fans and air conditioners can blow, so as not to cause the leaves to wither.