
Plant whatever you want to eat, buy some chestnuts, throw them in the basin, and cultivate them in the soil.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What kind of food series, autumn is a good scenery, there are fallen leaves, of course, there are all kinds of food you like. What sweet potato chestnut, radish cabbage are seasonal. So the freshest of the freshly picked is the most sown!...

What kind of food series, autumn is a good scenery, there are fallen leaves, of course, there are all kinds of food you like. What sweet potato chestnut, radish cabbage are seasonal. So the freshest ones that have just been picked are the ones that have been sown! Girl today will give you an introduction, chestnut how to plant!

Now the supermarket on the fresh chestnut, buy their own steamed, especially sweet, but chestnut is not allowed to eat, leaving a few, try to plant it at home!

Step 1: budding

Choose a few full chestnut, put it in a bag, tie it tightly, put it in the house without tube, 3-5 days later, you will find that hey sprouted! Here is a tip, before sealing the bag, spray water on the inner wall of the plastic bag (a thin layer can be) to ensure that the chestnut has a relatively humid environment, so that germination will be faster!

Step 2: Planting

In fact, planting chestnut is not as difficult as you think! After germination, the chestnut bud down, buried into the disciples stay, pay attention to this process do not break the bud! Pay attention to water spray every day.

Step 3: Conservation

Soon you will see small buds grow next to the small green leaves, this is successful! At this time can move to the sun, bask in the sun, seedlings will grow faster!

Chestnuts grow on trees, so if you want to eat your own chestnut, it's best to plant chestnut seedlings in the yard. If only for viewing, press a small basin is enough. Water less often to avoid excessive growth. Long too tall also can affect beautiful!

Or there is also a good way to directly root long leaves of chestnut hydroponics up, how high it does not matter, are very good-looking.