
Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in Dishui Guanyin

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The most common diseases and insect pests in dripping Guanyin are red spider aphids. The symptom is that the leaves are yellow, there are white spots on the surface, the plants are thin, and the leaves have a net. The treatment method can be cleaned with a light soapy water rag, and the north front should be cleaned. Then rinse with clean water, and large basins can be cleaned with spray.

The most common diseases and insect pests in dripping Guanyin are red spider aphids, the symptom is that the leaves are yellow, there are white spots on the surface, the plant is thin, and the leaves have a net, the treatment method, you can use a light soapy water rag to clear the leaves, and the north front should be cleaned with clean water. then rinse with clean water, large basins can be cleaned with spray, once two or three days for a week, the effect is more obvious.

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Control methods of diseases and insect pests in Dishui Guanyin

There are generally two kinds of diseases of dripping Guanyin on leaves, one is leaf spot, the other is anthracnose. Leaf spot disease can be sprayed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim 800 times, 2-3 times in a row, every 7 days. Anthracnose needs to be foliar sprayed with 75% methyl topiramate 500 times, once every 7 days, 2-3 times in a row, basically controllable. Because Guanyin is a foliage plant, once the leaves get sick, it will inevitably affect its ornamental effect, so we should give priority to prevention.

Reaction on the stem, there is a Fusarium wilt, caused by bacterial infection, this disease is not easy to detect at first, once found, it will be very serious. If it is found that the stem is crooked to one side, or there is wilting, it must have given birth to Fusarium wilt, and the disease can be removed with a knife. The boundary between the disease and the non-disease is very clear, and it can be broken off by hand. If the diseased area is less than 1/3 of the stem, you can apply a layer of chlorothalonil solution to the non-diseased area and keep it dry. Apply it again every 10 days, and you can basically recover after 20 days.

The most serious pest in Dishui Guanyin is the mite, commonly known as the red spider. Red spiders are generally born on the back of leaves. They not only absorb the nutrients of leaves, but also spread various viruses. It greatly affects the growth of plants, so you must check it frequently and treat it immediately once it is found. It can be treated with mifengqing, Saomijing, imidacloprid and other drugs. Imidacloprid and other drugs were treated.

(this article comes from the website, please visit more

In addition, common diseases and insect pests in dripping Guanyin also include snails, shell insects, ants, earthworms, and aphids. Here are the prevention and control methods.

(this article comes from the website, please visit more

Snail-shell is slightly thick, shiny, oval in shape, shell height 130mm, shell width 54mm. There are 6.5-8.0 spiral layers, the spiral part is conical and the body spiral layer is dilated. Commonly used manual killing or 1-2 cotton swabs with dichlorvos, inserted in the basin soil, then covered with plastic bags, fumigated for 2 hours and then removed.

Scale insects-the insect body is orange, with black hair and white wax on the back, some stick to the branches of flowers and trees, and some lie in the middle of the veins on the front or back of the leaves. After absorbing the juice, the leaves are yellow and shrunken, and some adhere to the branches and fruit stalks like cotton (because there are many species of shell insects, they are not listed one by one). Brush gently with a soft brush and apply diluted dichlorvos, or use Jiening to prevent and cure it.

Ants-the insect is small, dark brown, exactly what it looks like, you should know. Cotton balls commonly used with dichlorvos are stuffed into holes in the bottom of the basin or immersed in water to wipe it out.

Earthworms-symmetrical and segmented on both sides of the body; have no bones and are covered with a thin layer of pigment on the surface of the body. A 500-fold dilution of deltamethrin is used to irrigate the basin soil or the dilution of calcium superphosphate is used to drive earthworms out of the basin.

Aphids-A small bluish yellow insect with many species, most of which occur on the buds, stems, leaves or buds of flowers. Spray 3000 times of 40% dimethoate or 1000 times diluted with 80% dichlorvos and water.

When using pesticides, it should be noted that some plants are allergic to pesticides and do not use too strong when using pesticides.

The above is the prevention and control methods of Dishui Guanyin diseases and insect pests introduced by the editor. I hope I can help you. For more information about Dishui Guanyin diseases and insect pests, please continue to follow the Flower Channel.

Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in Dishui Guanyin

Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in Dishui Guanyin

There are generally two kinds of diseases of dripping Guanyin on leaves, one is leaf spot, the other is anthracnose.

Leaf spot disease

Leaf spot disease can be sprayed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim 800 times for 2-3 times in a row, each time every 7 days.


Anthracnose should be sprayed with 75% methyl topiramate 500 times, once every 7 days, 2-3 times in a row, basically controllable.

Fusarium wilt

Reaction on the stem, there is a Fusarium wilt, caused by bacterial infection, this disease is not easy to detect at first, once found, it will be very serious. If it is found that the stem is crooked to one side, or there is wilting, it must be Fusarium wilt, and the disease can be removed with a knife. The boundary between the disease and the non-disease is very clear, and it can be broken off by hand. If the diseased area is less than 1/3 of the stem, you can apply a layer of chlorothalonil solution to the non-diseased area and keep it dry. Apply it again every 10 days, and you can basically recover after 20 days.

Dripping Guanyin is a Guanyin plant, once the leaves get sick, it will inevitably affect its ornamental effect, so the disease of dripping Guanyin should be mainly controlled.

The most serious pest in dripping Guanyin is the mite, commonly known as the red spider.

Red spider

Red spiders are generally born on the back of leaves, it not only absorbs the nutrition of leaves, but also spreads various viruses, seriously affecting the growth of plants, so we must often check, a single discovery, immediate treatment. It can be treated with mifengqing, Saomijing, imidacloprid and other drugs.