
Selection of flowerpots for culture of rich trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For the choice of flowerpots, in the eyes of many flower friends can not understand, how to grow flowers also depends on the pot? What we are prepared to say is not to look at the style of the pot, but to look at the depth and size of the flowerpot. It is not good to have a pot that is too deep and too big. Now the big wealth trees on the market are all very deep and big ceramic pots, to tell you the truth.

For the choice of flowerpots, in the eyes of many flower friends can not understand, how to grow flowers also depends on the pot? What we are prepared to say is not to look at the style of the pot, but to look at the depth and size of the flowerpot. It is not good if the pot is too deep and too big. Now the big wealth trees on the market are all very deep and large ceramic pots. To tell you the truth, that kind of deep and large pots are really not suitable for raising wealth trees, because the roots of the wealth trees are not well developed, and the air permeability of the pots is very poor. It is very easy to cause the roots of the wealth trees to rot because of watering problems. Therefore, if you like big pots, it is suggested that you can use large pots and small pots to raise wealth trees, which can not only solve the problem of beauty, but also solve the problem of stagnant water in wealth trees.

Matters needing attention in how to cultivate rich trees

The rich tree is a kind of foliage plant that many people like to cultivate at home. Its leaves are green and elegant, which can beautify the environment and purify the air. But when people breed the rich tree, they usually encounter problems of one kind or another. The leaves of the rich tree either turn yellow or fall off, and sometimes die. How is this going on? In fact, the cultivation of rich trees seems simple, but there are a lot of places that need to be paid attention to. Today, I will talk about the matters needing attention in the cultivation of rich trees.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Wealth trees

1. The culture of rich trees should pay attention to water supply.

Many people often water the rich tree when they raise it at home, but they do not know that the rich tree does not like too much water. If a small amount of stagnant water appears in the flowerpot, the root of the rich tree will rot and its leaves will turn yellow. in serious cases, it will also cause the leaves to fall off or the whole plant to die.

2. Pay attention to changing pots in the culture of rich trees.

At ordinary times, if you want to raise the rich tree well, changing the basin is also very important. The rich tree is a kind of plant that grows relatively fast. It can be changed every spring, and branches and leaves can be pruned when changing the basin, so as to promote the growth of new branches and leaves. It can also make the rich tree grow more vigorously.

3. Diseases and insect pests should be paid attention to in rich tree culture.

Many people raise wealth trees because they do not know why the wealth trees have yellow leaves or withered leaves and the symptoms of death. In fact, this has a lot to do with the diseases and insect pests of the wealth trees. If the wealth trees have root rot or leaf blight, they will let the wealth trees die or their leaves will fall off. At this time, they should be sprayed with chlorothalonil in time to make the symptoms improve quickly. In addition, during the period of breeding rich trees, if red spiders or other pests are found on the leaves of rich trees, they should be caught and killed in time to reduce their damage to the leaves of rich trees.

Key points of culture of single-pole rich tree pruning of rich tree

The rich tree is native to Australia and some islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is suitable for warm, moist and ventilated environment, and it is also slightly resistant to shade. It grows best in loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Cuttings are generally used for propagation. The best time for cutting is in May and June, cut the sturdy shoots with sprouts, insert them into the sand, and pay attention to moisturizing and shading at the same time, which can take root and survive in one month. So the key points of single-pole rich tree culture and how to prune it? Come and have a look with me.

Key points of culture of single-pole rich tree

1. Light. The rich tree likes the sun, and should let it bask in the sun in spring, autumn and winter. In summer, put the rich tree in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight, and the summer sun should not be too strong. If the rich tree is allowed to see the sun directly, it will hurt it.

2. Temperature. The rich tree likes to be warm and not cold-resistant. In winter, it should be put in a heated room with a minimum temperature of 16-18 ℃. As long as the indoor temperature is not lower than 15 ℃, it can pass the winter safely. Below this temperature, the leaves turn yellow and fall off; when the temperature is below 10 ℃, it is easy to die.

3. Light. The rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in open field in Hainan Island and other places. However, the plant has a strong ability to tolerate shade and can enjoy it continuously for 2-4 weeks in places with weak indoor light. And then put it in a place with strong light.

4. Watering. Although the rich tree has strong drought tolerance, it will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. But it likes to be moist, so it is best to spray water to the leaves every day to increase the humidity of the air. Especially in the high temperature growth period to have sufficient water, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. The deep courtyard is watered less in winter.

5. Fertilization. If you want to get rich and grow well, you have to ensure the supply of fertilizer. Fertilize the rich trees and master the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently. A rich tree species is in a flowerpot with a diameter of 20 centimeters. If you apply biological fertilizer only 20 grams at a time, if you apply chemical fertilizer, mix it in a proportion of 3/1000 and pour it into the pot. The method of spraying fertilizer to the leaf surface can also be used. Fertilizer can be applied once in about 20 days. The pruning of the rich tree is generally carried out in spring, and it is usually suitable between April and May. Before pruning, it should be well maintained for a period of time to let it enter the growth state, and the supply of fertilizer and water should also be suitable.

6. Pruning. Pruning when its growth is more exuberant is conducive to the germination of more branches, the branches are also stronger, and the plant type is more ornamental. When pruning, it is generally necessary to cut all the branches short, leaving only 3-5 cm for each branch, and cutting off the others, and pay attention to the direction of the buds during pruning in order to adjust the growth direction of the branches. As a whole, the plant type should be plump and perfect. Don't deviate from the crown! After pruning, because there are no leaves, transpiration becomes smaller, so watering can not be too frequent, must be watered when the basin soil is dry (890%), the best water is fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer. The environment requires good light, and the temperature is about 28 ℃.

7. Ventilation. Should pay attention to create a ventilated environment for the rich tree, if there is no ventilation for a long time, the rich tree is easy to get insect pests.

8. Change the basin. The basin can be changed in spring as needed.

The pruning of the rich tree

The pruning of the rich tree is mainly to remove the overgrown branches. when removing, the strong branches can only leave 3-4 bud holes at the base, or about 10 cm. All the other upper branches should be cut off, pay attention to all the branches on the whole plant should be pruned, and the weak branches should be cut off from the base, because its sprouting power is weak, and it can not be kept because it competes with other strong branches for nutrients. The pruned branches should not be drenched in the rain or sprayed with water to prevent decay. The pruned rich trees should be placed in a brighter light or in the shade, and watering should be controlled, because there is no transpiration of leaves on the whole plant, so there is less need for water.