
Daily maintenance and management of the rich tree:

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. If dead leaves are found, they should be removed immediately and do not let them continue to rob healthy leaves of nutrients. two。 Maintenance should be strengthened appropriately. The rich tree likes the humid climate, but watering should pay attention to the method, some can not be watered dry and some wet, which will also lead to the formation of withered leaves.

1. If dead leaves are found, they should be removed immediately and do not allow them to continue to rob healthy leaves of nutrients.

2. Conservation should be appropriately strengthened. Fortune tree likes humid climate environment, but watering should pay attention to the method, can not be watered some dry and some wet, this will also lead to it has dead leaves generated, it is best to spray with a watering can.

3. Usually pay more attention, rich trees like light, but can not be in strong direct sunlight, if your rich trees are still in direct sunlight, then quickly move in, to scattered light irradiation is appropriate.

4. At ordinary times, we should also give plants some nutrient solution to increase some nutrients and prevent leaves from yellowing.

5, too much watering of the rich tree, the pot soil is too wet for a long time, causing oxygen deficiency in the soil, so that part of the fibrous roots rot, hinder normal respiration and absorption of water nutrients, causing the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. If this kind of deciduous situation occurs, the watering should be controlled immediately, the fertilization should be suspended, and the soil should be loosened frequently to make the soil ventilated well.

6, rich tree drought dehydration. Raising flowers and plants taboo watering wet under dry, so the same effect on plant nutrient absorption, but also easy to cause leaf color dull luster, leaf wilting droop. The lower part of the old leaves of the rich tree first turn yellow and fall off, and gradually turn yellow and fall off from the bottom to the top. At this time, a small amount of watering and spraying water are needed to make the rich tree gradually recover and then turn to normal watering.

7. The rich tree has long been fat. Long-term no ammonia fertilizer or no change pot change soil, soil nitrogen and other nutrients lack, resulting in thin branches and leaves, thin and yellow leaves. Encounter this kind of circumstance to make a fortune tree to pour basin in time directly, change new loose fertile culture soil to increase gradually apply thin decomposed liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer.

8. Rich trees are over-fertilized. Fertilization too much will appear new leaves hypertrophy, and more uneven, old leaves dry tip yellow fall off, should immediately stop fertilization, increase watering, so that fertilizer from the bottom of the drain hole out, or immediately pour the pot, wash the soil with water and then re-planted into the pot.

9. The hot temperature of the rich tree. Summer indoor air is too dry, if the sexual love cool fortune tree placed in high temperature to let strong light direct sun, easily cause young leaf tip and leaf edge withered coke, or leaf yellow fall off. It is necessary to move the fortune tree to a well-ventilated shade in time.

10. The shade of the rich tree is excessive. If you put the sun-loving fortune tree in a shady place or a place with insufficient light for a long time, it will lead to yellowing of the branches and leaves.

11. The rich tree is not ventilated. If the rich tree applies too much nitrogen fertilizer, the branches and leaves grow into luxuriant, plus long-term unpruned, resulting in insufficient light in the inner bore branches and leaves, easily causing yellow leaves to fall off. Fertilization should be rational and pruning should be strengthened to make it ventilated and transparent.

Discussion on the Daily Maintenance Methods of Potted Fortune Tree

Because of its good name, Fortune Tree is loved by many flower friends. Many businessmen plant Fortune Tree in their own offices for the sake of luck. Today, Xiaobian will tell you how to maintain potted Fortune Tree.

Rich tree sex likes high temperature wet and sunshine, cannot shade for a long time. Therefore, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors during conservation management. When placed, the leaves must face the sun. Otherwise, due to leaf phototaxis, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. Potted fruit tree growth temperature is 20~30 degrees, winter indoor temperature should be maintained above 10 degrees, suitable for loose, fertile, good drainage of slightly acidic sandy loam, common cultivars have hair leaf fruit tree, big flower fruit tree.

Daily cultivation tips:

Fortune tree is a fertile flower, and its demand for fertilizer is greater than that of other common flowers. When changing pots every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1/3 or even more. It should be noted that rich trees should avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizer in spring and autumn to avoid excessive plant growth. Generally, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied once every 15~20 days to promote base hypertrophy. The source of fertilizer soil is extensive. The deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees can be collected, and a little pastoral soil and miscellaneous bone powder and bean cake residue can be mixed. This fertilizer is highly effective and easy to obtain, but it should be fully decomposed to avoid "burning" the leaves yellow. Watering during the growth period, not only to keep the pot soil moist, but also to prevent ponding in the pot, pot soil too wet or too dry are unfavorable to plant growth, will cause yellow leaves to fall off. The first principle of watering is to be wet rather than dry, followed by "two more and two less", that is, more watering in summer high temperature season, less watering in winter once a month or not dry, appropriate increase of foliar spray to improve indoor air humidity; large and medium-sized plants growing vigorously should be watered more, and small plants newly planted in pots should be watered less. Because of the obvious advantage of the top growth of the rich tree, it can be removed from the top to promote the germination of lateral branches. In winter it is placed in a sunny place in a room facing south.

In addition, when planting seedlings, seedlings stem can be arbitrarily woven modeling, so that the stem intertwined growth. The pot is usually turned once a year.

Many flower friends bought hundreds of thousands of pots of rich trees, because improper maintenance caused rotten roots to die, very sad, here we briefly introduce the cuttage propagation of rich trees, do two preparations.

The seedlings propagated and survived by cuttage method are placed in pots, and the pot soil is prepared by mixing 1/3 of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand or peat soil and river sand equally, and applying sufficient decomposed pig manure as base fertilizer, and laying tiles on the bottom of the pot to facilitate drainage. Usually 3 plants are planted in a pot. When planting in the upper pot, do not be too deep, and it is appropriate to expand the basal stem to expose the soil surface. After pouring water on the basin, it is placed in a ventilated shade place for 15 to 20 days, and it is placed in a ventilated half-sunshine and half-shade place.

Summary: The above is the knowledge about how to maintain potted wealth trees, hoping to help the planting of flower friends.

Cultivation and Conservation Management Technology of Fortune Tree

Fortune tree, also known as melon chestnut, malabar chestnut, belongs to the evergreen small tree of kapok family, originated in Mexico and Costa Rica, and is now widely cultivated in southern China. Because the name of "fortune tree" represents good luck, plus its beautiful shape, bright green leaves, easy to manage, potted suitable for indoor decoration and beautification use, holidays, hotels, restaurants and most of the public actually purchase, so, fortune tree in recent years in China's flower market has developed rapidly, cultivation of fortune tree has become a good project for the majority of growers to get rich, today we will introduce to you the cultivation technology of fortune tree.

Biological Characteristics of Fortune Tree

1. Morphological characteristics of Fortune Tree: Fortune Tree is an evergreen tree with an upright trunk. The tree can reach a height of about 10 meters. It has a plump fleshy root system, an expanded stem base, smooth green bark of the young trunk, and can also be braided. The leaves of Fortune Tree are palmate compound leaves, with petioles 10~28 cm long and 5~9 leaflets on them. The fruit of the tree is a hard capsule. When the fruit matures, the pericarp changes from green to yellow brown. Each fruit has 10-20 seeds, the seed coat is light brown, and the abdomen has umbilic-shaped scars. The flowers of the tree are pale yellow, the filaments are slender, and there are 2-3 bracteoles.

2, the growth habits of rich trees: rich trees like light and shade, in full sunlight, half sunlight or shade environment can grow, but long-term lack of light will make its growth weaker. The suitable temperature for the growth of the rich tree is 20-30 degrees Celsius, and it can grow below 10 degrees Celsius, but it is easy to produce diseases below 5 degrees Celsius, causing defoliation in light cases and death in heavy cases. The tree has swollen roots and stems, which can store a lot of water, so it is more drought-tolerant. Too much water in the soil will cause the fleshy roots to rot. Fortune tree cultivation on the soil requirements are not too strict, as long as the drainage is good, can grow normally.

3, the shape of the rich tree: the shape of the rich tree can be divided into single-pole shape and braided shape, braided shape is more traditional, there are "three dragons","five dragons","seven dragons" and other common on the market, it has the feminine beauty of the twining branches, graceful, graceful. The single-pole shape, natural beauty, strong vitality, and can grow into a spectacular stump, very stylish, become the new darling of the market, for growers, the cultivation techniques of the two are basically the same.

The reproduction of fortune tree

The propagation of fortune tree can be divided into seed propagation and cuttage propagation. Cuttage propagation is rarely used in horticulture production because of its defects such as unexpanded head stem and unattractive seedling stem. The seed sowing and seedling propagation has the characteristics of uniform emergence, straight roots and smooth seedlings, easy braiding and round and lovely "radish head", which has become a common breeding method adopted by the majority of flower growers. The specific methods are as follows:

1, seed collection and selection: rich tree blossoms twice a year, can also harvest seeds twice, the first flowering in April-May, July-August fruit maturity, the second flowering in September-October, December fruit maturity. Growers should choose mature and full seeds, remove dried, cracked and moldy seeds, and cannot use inferior trees or seeds with obvious diseases.

2. Sowing: Before sowing, we should deeply rake the land and divide the seedbed suitable for seed growth. At both ends of the seedbed, we pull a rope respectively, insert a bamboo stick every 0.3 meters to set the row spacing, and connect the bamboo sticks on both sides with a wooden board to draw a straight shallow ditch. On this shallow ditch, plant a seed according to the plant spacing of 0.1 meters. One mu of land can raise about 10,000 seedlings. When putting seeds, pay attention to the navel facing down, so that the rich tree will grow straight. Seed cover soil thickness is about 2-3 cm, not too thick, so as not to affect the emergence of rich trees. After covering the soil, pay attention to covering the seedbed with a black sunshade net to avoid the seeds from being burned by the sun. Until the seeds germinate, the protection of the sunshade net can be removed.

Daily management of seedlings: After 4 days, seedlings can emerge, and the following management should be done after emergence.

① Watering: After removing the sunshade net, water should be poured once every 1-2 days. The nozzle should be installed before the water pipe. It is not allowed to water directly with the faucet. Watering should be done until the surface of the land is fully wetted. After the seedlings are fully planted, they should be watered once every 3-5 days. After 1-2 months, they should be watered according to the weather and temperature.

Fertilization: The whole seedling period can be fertilized 3-5 times, the first time after the seedlings, the compound fertilizer can be used, the dosage per mu is about 2.5 kg, the artificial spreading method is adopted, because the root system of a single seedling accounts for a small area, so it is very important to spread the fertilizer evenly on the soil, which requires the fertilizer personnel to have special experience, the swing speed of the hand and the walking speed should be uniform, and the leaf surface should be washed with water after fertilization, so that the fertilizer can be absorbed quickly. Fertilize every 1-2 months, gradually increase the amount of fertilizer, the amount per mu between 2.5-7.5 kg.

③ Weeding: Due to the high growth density of seedlings and the need for a lot of nutrients, if there are too many weeds in the seedbed, it will affect the growth and development of seedlings, so growers should pull out the weeds on the seedbed in time.