
Cultivation method of potted small fortune tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Small fortune tree is from seed sowing or cuttage propagation, but the base expansion for sowing seedlings, no expansion for cuttage seedlings. Its growth habits are the same as those of Dafa, and the growth temperature is between 18-30℃. requires well-drained soil

The small rich tree is propagated by seed sowing or cutting, but the base expansion is the sowing seedling, and the non-expansion is the cutting seedling. Its growth habit is the same as that of Dafa, and the growth temperature is between 18 and 30 ℃. Soil with good drainage is required to be irrigated with heavy water outdoors or not watered indoors for more than ten days, but do not water too much indoors, otherwise the roots will be suffocated and the leaves wilt and yellow leaves. Both Yin and Yang, summer should avoid direct sunlight, placed in a place with scattered light, there should be sufficient sunlight in winter.

There are five key points to raise a small rich tree:

1. Temperature: when small rich trees are cultivated indoors, the lowest temperature in winter should be kept at 15-18 ℃, below which the leaves turn yellow and fall off; below 10 ℃, it is easy to die.

2. Light: the rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in the open field in Guangdong and other places. However, the small rich tree has a strong ability to tolerate shade and can enjoy it continuously for 2-4 weeks in places with weak indoor light. And then put it in a place with strong light.

3. Moisture: the small rich tree should have sufficient water in the high temperature growing period, but it has strong drought tolerance and will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. But avoid stagnant water in the basin. Reduce watering in winter.

4. Air temperature: small rich trees like higher air temperature during their growth period, and can often spray a small amount of water to the leaves.

5. Change the basin: for the small rich tree, the basin can be changed in spring according to the need.

Matters needing attention for families to raise small Wealth trees

1. Families raise small wealth trees, and if they are porcelain flowerpots, it is recommended to water less to avoid rotting roots, because porcelain flowerpots are good-looking, but their air permeability is not strong, and water is slow, so they should be watered less.

two。 If it is an ordinary tile basin or plastic basin, it is recommended to use loose soil, do not have direct sunlight, the daily light is not easy to be too long, especially the newly sprouted leaves, easy to yellow, please pay attention to ventilation.

3. Small rich trees also like to be fat, you can pour some rotten bean cake water, but to dilute, do not pour too thick.

Above about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of small rich trees, the following is to introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of big rich trees.

The breeding methods and matters needing attention of the big rich tree the selection of the pot soil of the rich tree

Flowerpot: ash flower friends all know that growing flowers depends on the size of the flowerpot, the breathability of the flowerpot, the depth of the flowerpot, and choose according to the habits of the flowers.

Because the root system of the rich tree is underdeveloped, it is impossible to choose the kind of pots with poor air permeability, too deep and easy to accumulate water, and it is easy to cause rotten roots because of the watering problem, so it is suggested that the method of large pots and small pots can be used to raise wealth trees. in this way, you can solve both the aesthetic problem and the stagnant water problem.

Soil: rich trees generally use loose vegetable garden soil or peat soil, rotten leaf soil, coarse sand, plus a small amount of compound fertilizer or chicken manure as base fertilizer and culture soil.

Water and Fertilizer Management of Rich Tree

Watering: watering is an important link in the process of maintenance and management of rich trees. If the amount of water is small, the branches and leaves will grow slowly; if the amount of water is too large, it may lead to the death of rotten roots; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic. Watering should adhere to the principle that it is better to be wet than dry, followed by the principle of "more and less", that is, more watering in summer and less in winter; more watering for large and medium-sized plants with vigorous growth, and less watering for small plants newly planted in pots.

Fertilization: rich trees are fertilizer-loving flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than that of common flowers and trees.

When changing the basin every year, we should apply sufficient base fertilizer, the proportion of fertilizer and soil is about 1:3, or even more. The growth period of the rich tree is from May to September, fertilizing once every 15 days, and using mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

The light and temperature of the rich tree

Light: the rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, and can not be shaded for a long time. Family maintenance should be placed in a sunny place indoors. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. Also can not be long-term shade suddenly moved to the sun, the leaves are easy to burn.

Temperature: the best temperature for the growth of wealth trees is between 20 and 30 degrees, so they are afraid of the cold in winter. When the temperature drops to 10 degrees, they should enter the house. If the temperature is lower than 8 degrees, cold injury will occur, light fallen leaves and heavy death. In winter, we should pay attention to measures to prevent cold and keep warm.

In addition, every 3 to 5 days, spray water to the leaves with a spray can to increase leaf moisture and air humidity, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make branches and leaves more beautiful.

The Propagation method of Rich Tree

There are two main propagation methods of rich trees, which can be sown or cut. Sowing and propagation can be carried out when the temperature is kept above 20 degrees, and cuttings can be removed from May to June for propagation.

Matters needing attention in the culture of rich trees

Change the basin of the rich tree

According to the need, the basin can be changed in spring, and the branches and leaves can be trimmed once to promote the renewal of branches and leaves.

Common diseases and insect pests of rich trees

The common diseases of rich trees are root rot and leaf blight, and the larvae of sugarcane moth will be harmed in the process of growth. In addition, it should be noted that the rich tree will also appear leaf yellowing, leaf shedding phenomenon, timely observation, early prevention.

The pruning of the rich tree

If the rich tree is planted outdoors, it does not need to be pruned and allowed to grow, but if it is not pruned in time, it is easy to grow too fast and affect the ornamental. Timely pruning can control its growth rate and change its shape to make the plant more ornamental.

Cultivation methods of potted small rich trees matters needing attention in raising small rich trees in families

The meaning of the rich tree is festive and is loved by the majority of owners. The wealth tree is evergreen all the year round and has a beautiful figure, which is used to beautify the hall, hall and house. It has the meaning of "making a fortune", in order to achieve good luck. The rich tree can play a very good effect in purifying indoor air and absorbing harmful gases such as formaldehyde. As the name of the rich tree is very popular among the Chinese, and the plant is beautiful in shape and bright in leaf color, it is suitable for layout and beautification at home after being potted, so every holiday, citizens rush to buy it and pray for good luck. So how should a small plate of rich trees be raised, and what should be paid attention to in family breeding? Let me tell you something.

Culture methods of potted small rich trees

1. Temperature: when small rich trees are cultivated indoors, the lowest temperature in winter should be kept at 15-18 ℃, below which the leaves turn yellow and fall off; below 10 ℃, it is easy to die.

2. Light: the rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in the open field in Guangdong and other places. However, the small rich tree has a strong ability to tolerate shade and can enjoy it continuously for 2-4 weeks in places with weak indoor light. And then put it in a place with strong light.

3. Moisture: the small rich tree should have sufficient water in the high temperature growing period, but it has strong drought tolerance and will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. But avoid stagnant water in the basin. Reduce watering in winter.

4. Air temperature: small rich trees like higher air temperature during their growth period, and can often spray a small amount of water to the leaves.

5. Change the basin: for the small rich tree, the basin can be changed in spring according to the need.

Matters needing attention for families to raise small Wealth trees

1. Families raise small wealth trees, and if they are porcelain flowerpots, it is recommended to water less to avoid rotting roots, because porcelain flowerpots are good-looking, but their air permeability is not strong, and water is slow, so they should be watered less.

two。 If it is an ordinary tile basin or plastic basin, it is recommended to use loose soil, do not have direct sunlight, the daily light is not easy to be too long, especially the newly sprouted leaves, easy to yellow, please pay attention to ventilation.

3. Small rich trees also like to be fat, you can pour some rotten bean cake water, but to dilute, do not pour too thick.

What are the breeding methods of small potted rich trees? what should be paid attention to in breeding small potted rich trees?

The rich tree is a popular indoor ornamental plant in recent years, which not only means well, but also increases the oxygen and brings visual comfort. Today, I would like to introduce to you what are the breeding methods of small potted rich trees and what should be paid attention to.

The rich tree likes warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The hot and humid season in summer is very beneficial to the growth of rich trees, which is the fastest growing period, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened at this stage to make them grow healthily. In winter, not less than 5 ℃, it is best to maintain 18 ℃ to 20 ℃. Avoid cold and wet, in a humid environment, the leaves are prone to collapse-like frost spots, hindering viewing. Small pot culture method 1, temperature: indoor culture of small rich trees, the lowest temperature in winter needs to maintain 15-18 ℃, below this temperature the leaves turn yellow and fall off; less than 10 ℃ is easy to die. 2. Light: the rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in the open field in Guangdong and other places. However, the small rich tree has a strong ability to tolerate shade and can enjoy it continuously for 2-4 weeks in places with weak indoor light. And then put it in a place with strong light. 3. Moisture: the small rich tree should have sufficient water in the high temperature growing period, but it has strong drought tolerance and will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. But avoid stagnant water in the basin. Reduce watering in winter. 4. Air temperature: small rich trees like higher air temperature during their growth period, and can often spray a small amount of water to the leaves. 5. Change the basin: for the small rich tree, the basin can be changed in spring according to the need. Points for attention of small potted rich trees 1. Families raise small wealth trees, and if they are porcelain flowerpots, it is recommended to water less to avoid rotting roots, because porcelain flowerpots are good-looking, but their air permeability is not strong, and water is slow, so they should be watered less. two。 If it is an ordinary tile basin or plastic basin, it is recommended to use loose soil, do not have direct sunlight, the daily light is not easy to be too long, especially the newly sprouted leaves, easy to yellow, please pay attention to ventilation. 3. Small rich trees also like to be fat, you can pour some rotten bean cake water, but to dilute, do not pour too thick. The above are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of small potted rich trees. I believe everyone has a little understanding of cultivating small potted rich trees and breed healthy rich trees.