
Matters needing attention in Guanyin Culture in Dishui

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. During the growing season, the rarefied liquid fertilizer, which is mainly nitrogen fertilizer and mixed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, needs to be applied once or twice a month. Dishui Guanyin has a certain ability to tolerate shade, but in order to keep the leaves green, it is best to put them in the balcony or courtyard shade in spring and autumn, and move to the well-ventilated north windowsill in summer to avoid direct sunlight.

1. During the growing season, the rarefied liquid fertilizer, which is mainly nitrogen fertilizer and mixed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, needs to be applied once or twice a month. Dishui Guanyin has a certain ability to tolerate shade, but in order to keep the leaves green, it is best to put them in the balcony or courtyard shade in spring and autumn, and move into the well-ventilated north windowsill in summer to avoid direct sunlight.

2. The suitable temperature for the growth of Dishui Guanyin is about 20: 25 ℃. If the room temperature is kept above 8 ℃ in winter, it can survive the winter safely. If the temperature is low, it is easy to suffer cold damage. In winter, it should be placed on the indoor south windowsill, control watering, do not dry, stop fertilization, spray and wash the leaves with water close to the indoor temperature every 5-7 days, the leaf color can be kept dark green. As long as the air is moist, the light is suitable, and the nutrients are sufficient, the leaves will be large and stretched, and the ornamental value will be high.

3. Dishui Guanyin is often wild along the roads in the south. Like a warm, moist, semi-overcast environment. Dishui Guanyin has strong habits, simple management, and the cultivated soil is not too sticky. Like high temperature and grow exuberantly at 30 ℃. When the light is strong, in order to adapt to the strong light, the leaves will be small, thick and yellowing. Only when there is enough water to cover up part of the sun, the leaves will grow large and outstretched, full of luster.

4. Dishui Guanyin likes fertilizer and fertilizes once every two weeks during the growing period. When there is a lack of water, the lower leaves will droop, and if they replenish water in time, they will stand up. When the overwintering temperature of Dishui Guanyin is above 10 ℃ and below 10 ℃, the leaves will wither and the plants will go into dormancy. During this period, water is controlled to prevent the roots from rotting, and huge leaves will grow when the temperature picks up in the coming year. The main reason for the death of Guanyin raised by family dripping water is that the temperature in winter is low and unstable, and after the leaves turn yellow and glow, they continue to water, resulting in the death of rotten roots.

5. Dripping Guanyin juice is poisonous (hence the name "Guangdong poison"). Do not accidentally eat it or touch your eyes. if it is serious, it can be life-threatening.

According to this method, you can raise Dishui Guanyin well. If you still have problems in breeding, pay attention to the four Seasons Plant Internet Cafe. Everything you want to know is here!

What to do about dripping Guanyin leaves drooping and yellowing? matters needing attention in dripping Guanyin culture

Dripping Guanyin is a common home culture plant, its stem tissue is relatively loose, and it also has certain requirements for the temperature and humidity of cultivation. Usually, as long as we properly water and fertilize, we will certainly be able to cultivate luxuriant potted plants. but it is often found that dripping Guanyin will appear yellowing phenomenon, how on earth is this going on? Now let's take a look.

What about dripping Guanyin leaves drooping and yellowing?

1. Temperature reason

In fact, this is a very easy to raise plant, the normal temperature, it can bear almost, that is to say, in spring, summer and autumn, actually not a big problem, but it should be noted that this is a plant originating in America, therefore, it is best to keep the temperature above 10 degrees Celsius in winter, so as to prevent the leaves from yellowing.

2. Improper watering

This kind of plant still likes to be moist, the yellow leaf is very likely that the water supply is not enough, the flower soil is too dry, causing the plant to lack water, thus causing withering and yellowing; there is also a possibility that flower lovers who grow flowers should be able to guess that it is stagnant water. this situation will lead to poor breathing of plant roots and failure of nutrient transport, thus showing yellowing and wilting on the leaves. Therefore, when watering, we must pay attention to uniform watering and control reasonable water quantity.

3. Too little light

It is a light-loving plant, it is best to light at a fixed time every day in the process of maintenance. The best time is about three hours. Lack of light for a long time is also one of the reasons for leaf yellowing.

4. Fertilization errors

This is very similar to watering. Too much or too little fertilization will actually cause yellow leaves. You know, when plants lack nutrients, there will be symptoms of slow growth and yellowing of leaves. And excessive or excessive concentration of fertilizer will cause the plant to suffer fertilizer damage, root burning, root damage, the plant will naturally wilt and yellowing, the solution is the same, reasonable and appropriate fertilization operation The amount of fertilizer can be carried out according to the size of the flowerpot and plant.

5. Diseases and insect pests

Leading to this situation is that the usual cleaning work of the basin soil has not been done well, which leads to disease. And this kind of situation, must carry on the drug treatment as soon as possible, and immediately cut off the diseased leaves, in order to prevent the spread and aggravation.

Matters needing attention in Guanyin Culture in Dishui

1. Stem. Dripping Guanyin stem tissue is relatively loose, if the water quality is poor, it is easy to be polluted and cause rotten roots and stems to rot. Therefore, keep the bottle clean. At the same time, the forehead mucus on tubers and roots should be washed by changing water and culture medium, and the rotten roots should be cut off. Temperature dripping Guanyin is a very common domestic green potted plant, but because it is a tropical plant, it generally does not blossom in the north. But if the temperature at home and other conditions are suitable, it will also blossom.

2. Temperature and humidity. Dishui Guanyin can only grow well in an environment of no less than 18 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 18 ℃, Dishui Guanyin will be dormant and stop growing. Special attention should be paid to indoor ornamental cultivation. Soil does not have high requirements for soil, but it grows best in sandy loam or humus loam with good drainage and organic matter. As Dishui Guanyin naturally likes a warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, it is not cold-resistant, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist during the growing season. But it can also withstand a little drought. In summer, the flowerpot should be placed in a semi-overcast ventilated place, and water should often be sprayed around and on the leaves to increase air humidity, reduce the leaf temperature and keep the leaves clean.

3. Watering and fertilizing. Dripping Guanyin should be watered more in summer, but not too much, dry and wet when appropriate, and there can be no stagnant water in the soil, otherwise the tubers will rot. Dormancy in winter, less watering, stop fertilizing. Fertilization because dripping Guanyin grows very fast, so it likes fertilizer, applying nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 1-2 times a month (in which the proportion of nitrogen can be appropriately higher), if a little ferrous sulfate can be applied, the leaves will be bigger and greener. Long-term lack of fertilizer is easy to cause the lower end of dripping Guanyin stem empty, affecting the ornamental value. When the temperature drops into the dormant period, it can be reduced or not fertilized.

4. Toxicity. If you want Dishui Guanyin to be small and exquisite indoors, just wait until its seedlings grow to about a foot, suitable for family display, and immediately spray the whole plant with 2% paclobutrazol solution, and then the stems and leaves are no more than 40 centimeters high. and the leaves are thick, the ornamental value is very high. Spraying once in half a year or so can play a good role in controlling height. The juice in dripping Guanyin leaves has itched the skin after human contact, so be careful when you touch it.

Water training and pruning method of dripping Guanyin

When the root system of dripping Guanyin hydroponic pruning method is too long and too dense, it is necessary to properly cut off the old root and trim the long root to promote the germination of new root and enhance the root activity. In addition, if the root of the plant is rotten, the rotten root should be cut off in time, and the water should be changed every 1-2 days until the new root of the plant germinates before it is transferred to normal maintenance.

Is dripping Guanyin poisonous?

First of all, I would like to remind you that the white juice in the stem of dripping Guanyin is poisonous, and the dripping water is also poisonous. Accidentally touching or eating its juice will cause discomfort in the pharynx and mouth, and there is a burning sensation in the stomach. Special attention should be paid to preventing young children from eating by mistake. But Dishui Guanyin is not a carcinogenic plant.

Secondly, skin contact with dripping Guanyin juice will produce itching or strong irritation, eye contact with juice can cause severe conjunctivitis, or even blindness. Eating stems and leaves by mistake will have symptoms of nausea and pain, and in serious cases will suffocate, leading to heart paralysis and death. Therefore, it is best to reduce exposure to Dishui Guanyin as much as possible. families with children had better not plant, so as to avoid children's curiosity to touch Dishui Guanyin poisoning at will.

Although Dishui Guanyin looks good, we should also pay attention to its problems when planting. If the leaves are not taken care of properly, the leaves are very easy to turn yellow, and we have to be careful about its toxins to avoid unnecessary harm.

The Culture method of Dishui Guanyin matters needing attention in the Culture of Dishui Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin, the scientific name sea taro. It is a relatively high-end evergreen plant. Many people do not know much about the culture method of Dishui Guanyin. Let's explain it to you. In addition, we will share with you the matters needing attention in Dishui Guanyin culture. I hope you will pay attention to it.

The culture method of Dishui Guanyin:

Dishui Guanyin as an evergreen plant, the largest can grow to more than 2m, the leaves are like a fan, relatively large, and the petiole is very long, so the wind will have a crumbling feeling. The edge of the leaf is wavy and beautiful, and the general dwarf plant is used as a home-raised potted plant to decorate the family. So how to raise such a good plant medicine? You need to know its habits before raising it.

Dishui Guanyin is a tropical rain forest plant, so Qi likes to grow in places with high humidity and needs plenty of sunshine for the sun. The most suitable temperature is about 25 degrees Celsius. It's a semi-shade plant. For fertilizer, rotten leaf soil and some rotten soil have also been used, which should be rich in nutrition. If hydroponic culture, the nutrient solution in the water needs to be replenished in time.

Dripping Guanyin is generally divided into soil culture and water culture, but whether it is water culture or soil culture, it will blossom under suitable conditions. If dripping Guanyin is cultivated in the soil, then its rich nutrients in the soil are not so high, but it must ensure good ventilation and drainage, and if the soil is rich in organic matter, it is conducive to its growth. and in the process of breeding, the soil must maintain a certain amount of moisture.

Dripping Guanyin is an evergreen plant, but it grows very rapidly. in the process of growing up, in order to get healthy and flowering Guanyin, a certain amount of fertilizer must be applied, but not too much, eutrophication is not good. Such a well-cared-after Guanyin leaves grow big and good.

Dishui Guanyin is very fond of sunlight. If there is no sunlight, the stem will grow more fragile, and if there is less light, the leaves will become very thin, which is not conducive to photosynthesis. Regular light and proper watering can make the leaves firm.

1. Temperature: it is suitable to grow at 20 degrees Celsius, but it is not long in winter. Put it indoors to keep warm in winter, otherwise it will be easy to die.

2. Watering: be careful and appropriate for watering, practice more watering in summer, pay less tax in winter, do not have too much water in soil culture, avoid stagnant water, and water less in hydroponics to avoid waterlogging.

3. Lighting: if you let dripping Guanyin receive direct sunlight, it will cause too much transpiration, and then wilt, so raise dripping Guanyin should be placed in a cool place, but it should be scattered by light, and you should often take it out to bask in winter.

Points for attention in the culture of Dishui Guanyin:

Dishui Guanyin is easier to feed, but if you pay attention to some necessary details, it will also lead to failure. And some daily situations of Dishui Guanyin should be dealt with in a timely manner. Here are some precautions and solutions to emergencies

1. What about the rotten roots of Dishui Guanyin?

If the humidity in the basin is too high in summer and stagnant water may cause rotten roots, then the solution is to remove the rotten roots and expose healthy roots. Then it will be dried in the sun, but the time should not be too long, during which the handle of the leaves should be properly sprinkled. Wait for it to heal and plant it in the sand. Don't water it. When it is dry, then water it and put it in a ventilated place.

2. Is it because of illness that Guanyin drips in the morning

If the humidity of dripping Guanyin reaches a certain degree, it will cause the phenomenon of dripping because of the change of temperature difference.

3. Dripping Guanyin needs to pay attention to the instructions.

In order to cultivate dripping Guanyin, we should first pay attention to the light, and the water in the container belongs to stagnant water, so we should change the water regularly to ensure the content of the water to ensure the respiration of the root. It is recommended to clean the roots when changing water. And pay attention to the fact that there is not too much water, just over the root.

4. What if the Guanyin leaves collapse in Dishui?

If you do not pay attention to the watering of the leaves and petioles when watering, it will cause wet and dry conditions, and if the water supply is insufficient, the leaves will wilt, and another kind of light is too long, and the direct sunlight leads to excessive transpiration. Then dripping Guanyin falls, you can put it in a cool place and water a small amount on the leaves.

5. What if Dishui Guanyin is too tall?

Dishui Guanyin grows too high because it has plenty of nutrients, so it grows relatively fast. 2% of the multi-effect solution can be configured and then sprayed, so the air height will not exceed 50cm, and it can be sprayed once every 6 months or so, which can reach the controlled height.