
The steps of raising Wealth trees by Water

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The rich tree is a kind of plant planted in water, which is of great ornamental value, and it is easy to breed and can purify the indoor air. In the initial stage of raising rich trees with water, we should pay attention to changing water in time and trimming the roots. Attention should be paid to details such as light, moisture, temperature and so on after rooting.

The rich tree is a kind of plant planted in water, which is of great ornamental value, and it is easy to breed and can purify the indoor air. In the initial stage of raising rich trees with water, we should pay attention to changing water in time and trimming the roots. Attention should be paid to details such as light, moisture, temperature and so on after rooting.

Pay attention to pruning the root when inserting for the first time

When inserting for the first time, remove the leaves at the base so as not to affect the growth of the tree, depending on the size of your vase, and remove the leaves below the mouth of the bottle. In addition, you need to use scissors or knives to tilt and subtract a small part of the root, so that the bamboo can better absorb water, and the cutting should be as smooth as possible.

II. Water quantity control and selection of water consumption

The water can reach 1/3 of the vase, not more than 2/3. Before taking root, change the water every 3 days. Don't change the water after giving birth. Just add water to the vase. Spray water on the leaves when the weather is dry and muggy. It is best to use well water or pure water. If tap water is used, it is best to store it for a day before using it.

Third, maintain the indoor temperature

The rich tree is suitable for growing between 16 and 26 degrees, and the cold is easy to cause plant death. In winter, do not put in the balcony, windows and other colder places, do not let the water freeze. Anti-freezing measures can be taken when necessary.

Fourth, ensure adequate light

Water plug wealth trees are generally placed indoors, although the requirements of sunlight is not high, but if completely out of contact with the sun, it will also make the leaves withered and yellow, poor growth. Therefore, it should be placed in a bright and ventilated environment as far as possible to make it fully exposed to light.

Fertilizing once a month

For water-raised plants, we generally ignore fertilization, but in fact, fertilization can make the plant grow better, water can be inserted into the rich tree once a month, you can go to the flower market to choose professional fertilizer, or add a few drops of dissolved vitamin C1 when adding water.

Introduction to the methods, steps and matters needing attention of raising rich trees by water

Rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, sexual preference for warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, rich tree avoid sun exposure, otherwise it will wither and die. Usually accustomed to the method of potted soil culture, then what should hydroponics look like? today, I will take you to a specific understanding of it.

The steps of raising Wealth trees by Water

Pay attention to pruning the root during the initial insertion

In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate wealth trees by water, so prepare the equipment (special equipment for hydroponics). Then it's time to prune the rich tree.

Take the rich tree out of the soil and remove the leaves at the base so as not to affect the growth of the plant. When pruning, according to the size of your flowerpot, remove all the leaves under the mouth of the bottle.

In addition, cut off part of the root with a knife, so that the root can be better absorbed and keep the cut smooth. Put the plant in a cool place to dry, wait for the incision to dry, and insert it into a hydroponic container.

Water quantity control and selection of water consumption

The water can reach 1/3 of the vase, not more than 2/3.

Before taking root, change the water every 3 days. There is no need to change the water after giving birth. Just add water to the vase. Spray water on the leaves when the weather is dry and muggy. You can choose Rain Water, well water, or pure water. If tap water is used, it should be kept for 1 day before use.

Keep the room temperature

The suitable growth temperature of rich tree is between 16 and 26 ℃, and hydroponic culture is no exception. In winter, do not put the plant on the balcony, windowsill colder place, always observe the growth of the plant, do not let the water freeze. When it is too cold, necessary measures can be taken to keep warm.

Ensure adequate light

Hydroponic rich trees are usually kept indoors for maintenance and do not require high sunlight, but they need to receive 2-3 hours of light every day. If the plant lacks light, the leaves will turn yellow and grow poorly. So try to put the plant in a bright and ventilated environment and fully receive light during the period.

Fertilize once a month

For hydroponic plants, fertilization is often ignored, but proper fertilization can make plants grow better. Hydroponic rich trees can be fertilized once a month, you can go to the flower market to buy professional chemical fertilizer, or add a few drops of dissolved vitamin C1 to add water.

Matters needing attention in making a fortune and raising trees in water

Hydroponic rich trees should be placed out of reach of electric fans and air conditioners.

Check the growth status of the plant frequently. If there are rotten roots, the rotten roots should be removed in time. If the water has a bad smell, you should change the water in time and check if there are rotten roots.

When the leaves turn yellow, you should check whether there is too much fertilizer or not enough light.

The above is the introduction of the methods, steps and matters needing attention of water-raising rich trees today. I hope it will be helpful for you after reading this article. If you want to know more, please continue to pay attention to our succulent flower beds!

Can the rich tree be raised by water? the method of raising the rich tree by water

Can the rich tree be raised by water? The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family. Recently, the editor found that many flower lovers fell in love with hydroponic culture to make a fortune, so the editor inquired about the information combined with the experience of many flower friends? U > lip gloss flounder Sapporo ⒉ cut  to remove pepper? / p >

Can the rich tree be raised by water?

Recently, the editor found that many flower friends love hydroponic rich trees, so this paper combines the experience of many flower friends to talk about the specific methods of hydroponic rich trees. It has been proved that the rich trees originating in the tropics have strong rooting ability and strong adaptability to the water environment. Through cultivation and domestication, it is a good plant for hydroponics and ornamental.

Introduction to the Wealth Tree

The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family. The rich tree is native to Costa Rica, Australia and some small islands in the Pacific Ocean in Latin America, and is also distributed in the tropical areas of southern China. Rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, sexual preference for warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, rich tree avoid sun exposure, otherwise it will wither and die.

The rich tree is a popular potted plant, which can be sown when the temperature is above 20 ℃, and the germination rate is still very high. Compared with the cuttage potted plant bought, the rich tree sown by oneself is easier to maintain.

1. Morphological characteristic strain

Rich tree small tree, 4-5 meters high, crown is loose, young branches chestnut brown, glabrous.

Leaves: leaflets 5-11, shortly stipitate or subsessile, oblong to Obovate-oblong, acuminate, base cuneate, entire, upper glabrous, abaxially and petioles rusty stellate velutinous; central leaflet 13-24 cm long, 4.5-8 cm wide, lateral leaflet gradually smaller The surface of the middle rib is flat, the abaxial surface is strongly raised, the lateral veins are 16-20 pairs, almost flat and extended, connecting to the margin into a circle of wavy gathering veins, during which the reticulate veins are fine, all raised abaxially; the petiole is 11-15 cm long.

Flowers: flower solitary branch apical leaf axil of rich tree; pedicel stout, 2 cm long, yellow stellate velutinous, deciduous; calyx cup-shaped, subleathery, 1.5 cm high, 1.3 cm in diameter, sparsely stellate pilose, inner surface glabrous, truncated or with 3-6 inconspicuous shallow teeth, persistent, with 2-3 circular glands at base; petals yellowish green, narrowly lanceolate to linear, up to 15 cm long, upper part revolute. Staminal tube shorter, divided into numerous stamen bundles, each subdivided into 7-10 slender filaments, filaments with staminal tube 13-15 cm long, lower yellow, turning red upward, anthers narrowly linear, arcuate, 2-3 mm long, transverse; style longer than stamens, crimson, stigma small, 5-lobed.

The flowering period of the rich tree is from April to May.

Fruit: the capsule of the rich tree is nearly Pyriform, 9-10 cm long, 4-6 cm in diameter, pericarp thick, woody, a few yellowish brown, outside glabrous, inside densely woolly, dehiscent, with many seeds per locule. Seeds large, irregularly trapezoid-cuneate, 2-2.5 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide, epidermis dark brown, white threaded, containing polyembryos.

The pericarp of the rich tree can be eaten when it is not ripe, and the seeds can be fried. The fruit matured one after another, and the seeds germinated naturally after falling to the ground. The fruit period of the rich tree is from September to October.

2. Ecological habits

The rich tree likes warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The hot and humid season in summer is very beneficial to the growth of rich trees, which is the fastest growing period, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened at this stage to make them grow healthily. In winter, not less than 5 ℃, it is best to maintain 18 ℃ to 20 ℃. Avoid cold and wet, in a humid environment, the leaves are prone to collapse-like frost spots, hindering viewing.

The rich tree is suitable for growing in a warm, humid and ventilated environment, likes the sun, is also slightly resistant to shade, and grows best in loose, fertile and well-drained soil.

Aquaculture methods of rich trees in water culture

First, the steps of raising rich trees with water

The rich tree is a kind of plant planted in water, which is of great ornamental value, and it is easy to breed and can purify the indoor air. In the initial stage of raising rich trees with water, we should pay attention to changing water in time and trimming the roots. Attention should be paid to details such as light, moisture, temperature and so on after rooting.

1. Pay attention to pruning the root during the first insertion

When inserting for the first time, remove the leaves at the base so as not to affect the growth of the tree, depending on the size of your vase, and remove the leaves below the mouth of the bottle. In addition, you need to use scissors or knives to tilt and subtract a small part of the root, so that the bamboo can better absorb water, and the cutting should be as smooth as possible.

2. Water quantity control and selection of water consumption.

The water can reach 1/3 of the vase, not more than 2/3. Before taking root, change the water every 3 days. Don't change the water after giving birth. Just add water to the vase. Spray water on the leaves when the weather is dry and muggy. It is best to use well water or pure water. If tap water is used, it is best to store it for a day before using it.

3. Keep the indoor temperature

The rich tree is suitable for growing between 16 and 26 degrees, and the cold is easy to cause plant death. In winter, do not put in the balcony, windows and other colder places, do not let the water freeze. Anti-freezing measures can be taken when necessary.

4. Ensure sufficient light

Water plug wealth trees are generally placed indoors, although the requirements of sunlight is not high, but if completely out of contact with the sun, it will also make the leaves withered and yellow, poor growth. Therefore, it should be placed in a bright and ventilated environment as far as possible to make it fully exposed to light.

5. Fertilize once a month

For water-raised plants, we generally ignore fertilization, but in fact, fertilization can make the plant grow better, water can be inserted into the rich tree once a month, you can go to the flower market to choose professional fertilizer, or add a few drops of dissolved vitamin C1 when adding water.

2. Key points for water culture in bottles of rich trees

1. Before inserting into the bottle, cut off the blade at the base of the cutter and cut the base with a knife. The cut should be smooth to facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients. Change the water every 3-4 days, do not move or change direction within 10 days, the rich tree can grow silver-white fibrous roots in about 15 days.

two。 It is not suitable to change water after rooting, and water can be added in time only after water evaporation is reduced. Frequent change of water is easy to cause yellow leaves to wither.

3. After the rich tree takes root, it is necessary to apply a small amount of compound fertilizer in time, the leaves will be oil-green and the branches will be stout. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the plant growth is thin and the leaves are easy to yellowing. However, fertilization can not be too much, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause overgrowth. Compound fertilizer should be applied once a month in spring and autumn. According to the data, in order to prevent overgrowth, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution, so that the leaves can keep green.

4. Do not put the wealth tree next to the TV set or where air conditioners and fans often blow, so as to avoid leaf tip and leaf edge drying up.

III. Matters needing attention in getting rich and raising trees with water

Do not put it where the electric fan and air conditioner blow.

If there are rotten roots, the rotten roots should be removed in time.

If the water has a bad smell, you should change the water in time and check if there are rotten roots.

When the leaves turn yellow, you should check whether there is too much fertilizer or not enough light.