
Dripping Guanyin long worm

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mites are commonly known as red spiders. This is the most serious pest to Dishui Guanyin. Red spiders are generally born on the back of leaves. They not only absorb the nutrients of leaves, but also spread various viruses. It greatly affects the growth of plants, so you must check it frequently and treat it immediately once it is found. Available mite clean, sweep mite clean


That is commonly known as red spider. This is the most serious pest to Guanyin drip. Red spiders are generally born on the back of leaves. They not only absorb nutrients from leaves, but also spread various viruses. Greatly affect the growth of plants, so be sure to check frequently, once found, immediately treat. Available mite clearance, sweeping mite net, imidacloprid and other drugs for treatment. Imidacloprid and other drugs for treatment.

In addition, common diseases and insect pests of Dishui Guanyin also include snails, scale insects, ants, earthworms and aphids. The following methods of prevention and control are introduced respectively:


The shell is slightly thick, glossy, oblong, 130mm high and 54mm wide. There are 6.5-8.0 helicoid layers, the spiral part is conical, and the helicoid layer is enlarged. Commonly used artificial killing or 1-2 cotton sticks with dichlorvos, inserted in the basin soil, and then covered with plastic bags, fumigated for 2 hours after picking.

scale insects

The insect body is orange, with black hair and white wax on the back, some stick to the branches of flowers and trees, some lie in the middle of the veins on the front or back of the leaves, yellow leaves fall off after absorbing the juice, the branches dry, and some stick to the branches and fruit stems of flowers and trees like cotton (due to the large number of scale insects, they are not listed one by one). Commonly used soft brush gently brush, and then coated with diluted dichlorvos; or in addition to Jiening control.


Insect smaller, dark brown, what kind of specific long, you should know it. Cotton balls with dichlorvos are often used, stuffed into holes in the bottom of the basin or immersed in water to destroy it.

Earthworm-Symmetrical on both sides, segmented; no bones, covered with a thin pigmented cuticle. Deltamethrin 500-fold dilution is often used to irrigate the pot soil or calcium superphosphate dilution is used to drive earthworms out of the pot.


It is a kind of green-yellow insect with many kinds, most of which occur in the buds, tender stems, tender leaves or buds of flowers. 40% dimethoate emulsion 3000 times or 80% dichlorvos diluted with water 1000 times spray. In the use of pesticides must pay attention to some plants have allergies to pesticides and pesticides should not be used too thick.

Dishui Guanyin not only needs our attention to pests, but also should pay attention to prevention and control of diseases. Dishui Guanyin disease reaction in the leaves, there are generally two kinds, one is leaf spot disease, one is anthracnose. Let's take a look!

Modern flower farmers embellish Soviet life

"Immortal flowers and plants" has always been an important part of "rolling immortals" activities. In 2015,"Immortal flowers and plants" attracted many citizens and tourists because of the integration of modern elements, and were exhibited as a regional highlight in Shilu Food Street, Sun Square and other places. Among these "modern flower farmers" who love gardening, one is particularly noticeable. She is Chen Aixiang, a graduate of horticulture major in agricultural school. She has a lot of insights into modern flowers and plants.

One of the reasons why flowers and plants can be loved and paid attention to is their beauty and the different meanings of various flowers and plants. In the home put on different colors, different forms of flowers and plants, really can make people pleasing to the eye. In addition to ornamental, modern people raise flowers and plants, pay more attention to function. "Modern flowers have three main functions: one is to improve and beautify the environment; the other is to improve humidity, such as dripping Guanyin, green radish, etc.; and the third is to emit fragrance and smell, such as lavender. In addition, there are different flowers in different seasons. In summer, Acacia plum and Platycodon grandiflorum are more popular."

Chen Aixiang's "Su Hui Gardening" has been open for more than ten years. She feels lucky and satisfied to be able to run her own flower shop. Over the past decade, more and more customers and customers have come to her flower shop to buy flowers customers will slowly become her regulars. Not only because the price is real, but also because Chen Aixiang can answer and inform customers one by one on a series of questions involving professional knowledge such as flowers, grass, insects, yellowing, sunshine, moisture, etc., so that customers will naturally be happy if they are well nurtured for a long time. In recent years, vase flower arrangement and meat plants have been sought after by people, especially young people. Chen Aixiang can grasp the fashion and integrate her own creative dress elements to give customers some advice.

In 2015, Chen Aixiang took her flowers and plants to participate in the activity of "rolling immortals" for the first time, integrating modern flowers and plants into traditional cultural customs."Last year, we brought mainly potted plants with multiple meats. Although 'rolling immortals' is a traditional festival, more and more young people participate in it now. Meat plants just meet young people's hobbies. They sell for 15-20 yuan per box. The sales volume is generally very good." Not only is the sale of flowers, meat, whenever someone comes forward to ask maintenance knowledge, Chen Aixiang can also accurately recommend flowers and plants according to each other's needs and inform the correct maintenance methods of flowers and plants.

"In order to encourage a new batch of modern flower farmers, the street will continue to invite them to participate in it, and specially open up venues, free of all fees, etc., so that the 'fairy flowers' can also be stained with modern flavor and decorate more Soviet style homes." Shi Lu Pedestrian Street Management Office Director Fei Guofang said.

7 Rules of Green ≠ Healthy Home Plant Placement For a long time, we all think that green is healthy, and the living environment is also "green" the more healthy, so many people try to move all kinds of flowers and plants to the home, but everyone knows that not all plants are suitable for planting in the family room, some are easy to grow insects, some will compete with people for oxygen, some are even poisonous.

living room

The living room usually has a large space, can put some relatively large ornamental green plants and bouquets, and relatively belongs to the busy place of people, the air is also relatively circulated, do not care too much about whether the smell of plants is irritating or whether it will release carbon dioxide, but still according to the size of the living room area to choose plants, if the proportion of plants is too high, there will still be problems of increasing indoor carbon dioxide concentration.

Recommended practice:

·If the living room area is large, you can buy some large potted plants such as Fu Lutong and Happy Tree, which can also absorb dust particles in the air.

·If the area is not large, it is only recommended to put medium-sized green radish, fortune tree and orchid on the tea table and TV cabinet, which can adjust the indoor temperature well and have a significant effect on purifying the air.

Green dill, in particular, can produce highly efficient photosynthesis in low light or high carbon dioxide concentrations.

·Potted fig water evaporation is very good, can increase indoor humidity, purification of toluene, carbon monoxide, ozone effect. Potted coconut trees can also increase indoor humidity and purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde.

·However, be careful not to put large potted plants of conifers, because their smell stimulates the stomach and affects appetite; and many people like to put dripping Guanyin is not suitable, because once broken, it will produce toxins, which is not conducive to health.

·Wet flowerpots are prone to fungi and insects, so plants with high water requirements are not suitable for indoor storage.


Bedroom is a place to sleep, not as open as the living room, generally speaking, the ventilation condition will not be too good, the area will not be very large, so must not put the fragrance is very heavy or very exciting flowers, oxygen demand plants are not suitable, because at night will "compete" with people for oxygen, but let the indoor oxygen have decreased.

Recommended practice:

·Because potted plants with soil are more likely to grow insects, it is more recommended to plant hydroponic plants in the bedroom for clean housewives, such as green radish.

·Healthy sleeping environments require plenty of oxygen, so don't put broadleaf plants, which absorb oxygen at night and are prone to root rot and insects. In addition, needle-like plants such as yew also have the problem of "robbing oxygen". It is recommended to raise tiger skin orchid, which is called "air vitamin" plant has the effect of purifying the air, and can absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen at night, especially suitable for bedroom.

·Some fresh cut flowers can be placed in the bedroom, but avoid lily, tulip, evening primrose and orchid. For example, evening primrose will emit a lot of exhaust gas at night, which is unfavorable to health. It will cause dizziness, cough and insomnia for a long time. It will also aggravate the condition of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients. If you want to raise them, you should move them outdoors at night. Rosemary and tulip will also make people dizzy. Although orchids are beautiful, the aroma they emit can also make people over-excited and lead to insomnia.

·When arranging bedroom plants, pay special attention to family allergy history. If you are allergic to pollen, don't put fresh cut flowers, especially lily, orange stem, narcissus and other pollen exposed flowers. You can put some foliage plants, which will be safer.


The air on the balcony is very circulated, so there is no need to be entangled in whether it is toxic and carbon dioxide production. Moreover, because it is an open space, some relatively large potted plants can be placed, and even water features can be arranged.

Recommended practice:

Ivy: Climbing plants are good air fresheners and have a very good purification effect on benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, etc. Suitable for balconies and courtyards. Can climb walls, climbing shelves, covers less land, convenient to create a good exercise and relaxation environment on the balcony.


Toilet is very difficult to ventilate, and it is easy to form a dark and humid environment, and the smell is heavy. Therefore, we should put some green plants that purify the air, produce oxygen, and grow in the shade. It is best not to put flowers with heavy fragrance, which will make the smell more mixed and unpleasant.

Recommended practice:

·It is recommended to raise a clump of bamboo, because bamboo has a strong ability to release oxygen, can grow in the absence of sunlight, and has the function of purifying chlorine and ammonia.

·Toilet area is usually relatively small, can put some small, can hang in the corner of the plant, hanging orchid, green radish, tiger orchid and so on are very suitable, among which water plants are appropriate, relatively not afraid of moisture.


Chinese kitchens are no better than foreigners ', always with heavy fumes, high temperature and high humidity. Therefore, similar to the bathroom, it is still more suitable for plants with good adsorption and backlight growth.

Recommended practice:

·It is recommended to raise ferns in the kitchen. These plants have good water evaporation and can purify the air.

·Or some hydroponic hanging orchids can also be placed on the top of the cabinet, which does not take up space and is very fresh. In addition, hydroponics of white crane taro is also very suitable, can effectively purify the chemicals in the air, put on the stove side, can help remove the smell of oil smoke and a variety of volatile substances.


Many people are used to working in the study, books, computers, etc. will be placed in the study, so the plants placed in the study should be able to absorb radiation, and help refresh the mind, do not put a heavy smell, will make people dizzy flowers.

Recommended practice:

·First of all, it is definitely recommended that cactus, cactus or cactus has a strong oxygen production capacity, and can absorb radiation within 1 square meter around it, especially suitable for use in a study with a computer to continuously purify the air. Of course, hydroponic plants such as green radish can also be hung in the corner of the bookshelf, which does not take up space and can purify the air with efficient photosynthesis.

·If you want to put flowers, it is recommended to put a small bunch of daisies, daisies have a strong evaporation effect, can also purify formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances, suitable for putting on the desk, in the company desk can also put a cluster.

These flowers are poisonous.

Although some flowers and plants are beautiful and eye-pleasing, they actually contain toxins, which are harmful to the human body, especially if there are young children at home, they should be more careful, and they will be easily poisoned by eating or touching by mistake.


Oleander stems, leaves and even flowers are poisonous, its smell will make people drowsy, intelligence decline, if eating it secretes milky juice will be poisoned.


The white juice in its stems and leaves will stimulate skin allergy redness, such as eating stems and leaves by mistake, there will be the risk of poisoning death.


Its bulbs contain latin toxins, ingestion can cause vomiting, enteritis; leaves and flower juice can make the skin red and swollen, do not let the juice into the eyes.

young Merr yreal

Yu Meiren contains poisonous alkaloids, and its fruit is the most toxic. If eaten by mistake, it will cause poisoning of the central nervous system.


Flowers poisonous, containing a large number of calcium oxalate crystals and alkaloids, etc., eating by mistake will cause coma and other toxic symptoms.


The pollen it emits can trigger asthma or aggravate cough symptoms if exposed to it for too long.


It contains mimosine. Too much exposure to this toxin can cause thinning eyebrows, yellowing hair and even loss of hair. So don't fiddle with it too much.


Mosaic contains oxalic acid and asparagus element, after eating will cause oral cavity, throat, esophagus, gastrointestinal pain, serious damage to vocal cords, so that the voice becomes hoarse.

Chinese rose

It emits a strong fragrance, will make individual smell suddenly feel chest discomfort, breathing difficulties.


If the fragrance it emits smells for too long, it will make people's central nervous system over-excited and cause insomnia.


It emits particles that, if in contact with people, can cause itching in some people's skin.