
How to cultivate Dishui Guanyin to blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Temperature dripping Guanyin likes to be warm, the suitable temperature for growth is 20: 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10: 15 ℃. It can only grow well at a temperature of not less than 20 degrees. If the temperature is lower than 15 degrees, it will cause Dishui Guanyin to be dormant and will cause it to stop growing.

1. Temperature

Dishui Guanyin likes to be warm, with a suitable growth temperature of 20: 25 ℃ and an overwintering temperature of 10: 15 ℃. It can only grow well at a temperature of not less than 20 degrees. If the temperature is lower than 15 degrees, it will cause Dishui Guanyin to be dormant and will cause Dishui Guanyin to stop growing.

2. Lighting

Dishui Guanyin needs an appropriate amount of light, but it should not be too strong, if it is too strong, it will cause Dishui Guanyin to become "wilted". The flowering period of Dishui Guanyin should be sunny, otherwise the Buddha's flame will be green and affect the quality, and it should be enough to ensure about three hours of light every day.

3. Moisture

Dishui Guanyin sprays water on the leaves at noon every day in midsummer to increase air humidity, so that the leaves of Dishui Guanyin are big and thick, and if they are too dry, they will increase but become thinner, which still affects the beauty of Dishui Guanyin. So the need for water is also essential.

4. Fertilization

Dishui Guanyin is a fertilizer-loving plant. Dishui Guanyin is fertilized every 20 days or so. Proper application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can make Dishui Guanyin leaves bigger, thicker and green. If dripping Guanyin does not apply fertilizer for a long time, it will lead to empty baldness at the lower end of the stem, yellow leaves or smaller leaves.

5. Change the basin

In the second year of Dishui Guanyin, Ching Ming Festival moved out to let the plants receive sunlight and quickly recovered their growth. Two weeks later, change the basin for Dishui Guanyin, wet the soil, remove the root soil, cut off the diseased root and rotten root, then put it on the basin, cover it with new soil mixed with base fertilizer, pour the root water thoroughly and place it in a cool place for about 1 week, and pour light fertilizer once after 2-3 days.

Friends in the north, as long as you work hard, it is possible to raise dripping Guanyin to blossom. If you want to know more about the breeding methods of Dishui Guanyin, pay attention to the four Seasons Plant Network!

How to raise Dishui Guanyin to teach you 6 ways to cultivate Dishui Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin is a common indoor plant, perennial herb. The stem is stout and has obvious effect on dedusting. Cantonese call Dishui Guanyin werewolf poison. The reason is that dripping Guanyin is toxic, so if you are a child at home, you should be very careful if you want to raise Dishui Guanyin. When the climate is warm and there is plenty of water, dripping Guanyin drips down from the tip or edge of the leaf, and the shape of the flower is very much like Guanyin. This is the origin of the name Dishui Guanyin. This paper will mainly introduce the culture method of dripping Guanyin through the aspects of temperature, fertilization, watering, sunshine and so on.

1. Basic information of Dishui Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin is a trade name, also known as "Dishui lotus" and bergamot lotus. Other common names include trace taro, wolf venom (Guangdong), wild taro, mountain taro, big root taro, big worm taro, celestial taro, Tianmeng, and so on. Taiwan's calla lotus refers to sea taro. This plant is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Alocasia-Alocasia macrorrhizos of Araceae, and has medicinal value. On that day, when the temperature is warm and humid and the soil water content is high, water will drip down from the leaf tip or the edge of the leaf, and the flower is a fleshy spike, with a large green spawn, which develops into a boat, just like the statue of Guanyin, so it is called dripping Guanyin in many places. It is native to the subtropics and likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment. It is not cold-tolerant. It is potted in the north of the Yangtze River valley in China. It is moved indoors before winter, and can grow in the open field in the south. The bulbs and leaves can be used as medicine, but they are poisonous. The entrance of its leaf juice will be poisoned.

Second, the culture method of Dishui Guanyin

1. Soil selection: it does not have high requirements for soil, but it grows best in sandy loam or humus loam with good drainage and organic matter. It can be cultivated in nutrient soil mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand and a small amount of retting cake fertilizer, or hydroponic, but attention should be paid to anti-rotting roots and adding nutrient solution. Usually change the basin once a year in spring, but loosen the soil once a month to keep the basin soil in a good state of permeability.

2. Temperature setting: first of all, if you want to cultivate good dripping Guanyin, you must know that dripping Guanyin can grow well at a temperature of not less than 18 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower than 18 degrees, it will lead to dripping Guanyin in a dormant state. At the same time, it will also cause dripping Guanyin to stop growing. The choice of temperature is also a necessary prerequisite for breeding good dripping Guanyin, which is also very important.

3. Lighting control: we all know that Dishui Guanyin likes shady plants, but Dishui Guanyin also needs an appropriate amount of light, but the light should not be too strong. If the light of Dishui Guanyin is too strong, it will cause Dishui Guanyin to become "wilted". You should know that Dishui Guanyin likes a warm, moist and shady environment, but the flowering period should be sunny, otherwise the flame will be green and affect the quality. Therefore, Dishui Guanyin still needs an appropriate amount of light time, oh, to ensure about three hours of light every day should be about enough, which should also be kept in mind.

4. Scientific watering: no matter what plant it is, water is also very important. for plants such as dripping Guanyin, it is said that there is more water in summer. In midsummer, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves at noon to increase air humidity. Only in this way can the leaves of Dishui Guanyin be big and thick, too shady, and the leaves will increase but become thinner, which will still affect the aesthetics of Dishui Guanyin. Therefore, the need for water is also essential.

5. Rational fertilization: the fertilization cycle of dripping Guanyin is once a month. Dishui Guanyin must be given every 2 weeks. And need to humidify the basin soil of Dishui Guanyin. Fertilization requirements: it needs to be assisted by nitrogen fertilizer mixed with thin liquid fertilizer such as phosphorus and potash fertilizer. When topdressing, avoid pouring fertilizing water on the leaf sheath will cause dripping Guanyin rot. If you want to drop water, the leaves of Guanyin are large and green, which can be achieved by applying some ferrous sulfate. If you want dripping Guanyin to look beautiful, it is necessary to avoid lack of fat. once there is a lack of fertilizer, the stem of dripping Guanyin will be dry and bald. Usually see the dripping Guanyin is big and small, if you want to make the dripping Guanyin culture small and beautiful, such as 40cm when the seedlings grow to the height you want, spray 2% paclobutrazol solution through the whole plant, in the later growth process of dripping Guanyin, you will find that the growth height of Dishui Guanyin will not be higher than 40cm. If dripping Guanyin continues to grow, you can spray the whole plant again. Generally, the effect of controlling height can be achieved by spraying once in half a year.

6. Pest control. There are generally two kinds of diseases of dripping Guanyin on leaves, one is leaf spot, the other is anthracnose. Leaf spot disease can be sprayed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim 800 times in a row for 3 times, every 7 days.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.

Is dripping Guanyin poisonous? the culture method of dripping Guanyin | the breeding method and precautions of dripping Guanyin

Is dripping Guanyin poisonous?

Yes, dripping Guanyin is poisonous. Planting is not recommended if there are children or pets at home. Dishui Guanyin is also known as "Dishui lotus" and bergamot. Other common names include trace taro, wolf venom (Guangdong), wild taro, mountain taro, big root taro, big insect taro, celestial taro, and so on. In Taiwan, calla lotus refers to sea taro.

Dishui Guanyin's scientific name sea taro, known in ancient times as "Guanyinlian" and "Mimosa", has the effect of removing dust from the air.

Experts remind flower friends that the white juice in the stem of dripping Guanyin is poisonous, and the dripping water is also poisonous. accidentally touching or eating its juice will cause discomfort in the pharynx and mouth and a burning sensation in the stomach. Special attention should be paid to preventing young children from eating by mistake. But Dishui Guanyin is not a carcinogenic plant.

It is precisely because dripping Guanyin is poisonous, so skin contact with its juice will cause itching or strong irritation, eye contact with juice can cause severe conjunctivitis and even blindness. If you eat stems and leaves by mistake, you will have symptoms of nausea and pain, and in serious cases, you will suffocate, resulting in heart paralysis and death. Therefore, exposure to Dishui Guanyin should be reduced as much as possible. Families with children had better not plant.

Pictures of dripping Guanyin:

The breeding method of Dishui Guanyin:

(1) ramet, sowing and other methods can be used. Every summer and autumn, Amorphophallus tubers will sprout small sea taro with leaves, which can be combined with turning the basin and changing the soil for ramet. When the fruit is ripe in autumn, the orange seeds are harvested, sown with picking, or dried and stored, and sown after the following spring.

(2) Sea taro truncation is for perennial old plants, combined with plant renewal, stem cutting propagation can be carried out at the base of the plant about 5 cm away from the unearthed surface. The dry truncation of sea taro has two advantages: first, because the plant loses its apical growth advantage, the base of nutrients accumulates to promote the root and stem base to sprout a large number of buds, which is conducive to the speed and quantity of reproduction; second, the intercepted old stem can be cut into branches about 15 cm in length, which can be placed in shade for half a day and then inserted into sandy soil for cultivation. Especially in the growing section at the top, all the molded leaves are cut off and put on the pot directly, and the cutting and cultivation are carried out at the same time. After two months of cultivation, it becomes a potted plant with strong leaves, compact branches, and strong and sturdy shape, which is quite elegant in the room. Amorphophallus cuttings are suitable for cutting in spring, summer and autumn. During the cutting period, the moisture of the substrate (6 parts of sand and 4 parts of ∶ garden soil) should be maintained, and the air humidity should be increased, so that many sturdy roots can grow in about 7-10 days. During the period of old plant cultivation, due to the shady and humid environment or spraying water on the leaf surface every morning and evening in summer and autumn, a few new plants occasionally sprouted on the old stem (especially on the stem base left after truncation treatment), and attached to many air roots. it can be planted in a pot from the junction between the daughter plant and the mother plant.

The culture method of Dishui Guanyin:

Dishui Guanyin culture method: Dishui Guanyin is a very common domestic green potted plant, but because it is a tropical plant, it generally does not bloom in the north. But if the temperature at home and other conditions are suitable, it will also blossom.

It does not have high requirements for soil, but it grows best in sandy loam or humus loam with good drainage and organic matter. As Dishui Guanyin naturally likes a warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, it is not cold-resistant, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist during the growing season.

Now that it is summer, the flowerpot should be placed in a semi-shady ventilated place, and water should often be sprayed around and on the leaves to increase air humidity, lower leaf temperature and keep leaves clean.

As dripping Guanyin grows very fast, so in the growth process, fertilization must be appropriate, 1-2 times a month to apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium thin fertilizer is good, otherwise it is easy to cause the lower end of dripping Guanyin stem empty, affecting the ornamental value.

Dishui Guanyin is a flower that likes big water and big fat. Like full light, like loose rotten leaf soil or sandy loam. In addition to proper shading in hot summer, it is best to shine all day in other seasons. in addition, dripping Guanyin especially likes the climate of high temperature and humidity. In midsummer, water is sprayed on the leaves at noon every day to increase air humidity. Only in this way can the leaves of Dishui Guanyin be big and thick.

If the leaf is too shaded, the leaf will increase but become thinner, and the petiole will be brittle. The petiole is too long and broken because of lack of light. Dishui Guanyin should be placed in a brightly lit room, such as by a window, which requires at least 35 hours of light every day. As long as the light is bright, you can't expose yourself to the sun. Dripping Guanyin likes water. If the leaves become soft, they should be watered. Regular watering of ferrous sulfate can make the leaves greener, bigger and thicker.

Culture methods:

1. Temperature. Dishui Guanyin can only grow well in an environment of no less than 18 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 18 ℃, Dishui Guanyin will be dormant and stop growing.

2. Fertilization. Dishui Guanyin likes to be fat, so we have to fertilize Dishui Guanyin every month.

3. Watering. Dripping Guanyin should be watered more in summer, but not too much, dry and wet when appropriate, and there can be no stagnant water in the soil, otherwise the tubers will rot. Dormancy in winter, less watering, stop fertilizing.

4. Sunshine. Dripping Guanyin likes yin, don't let the sun shine directly. Let Dishui Guanyin become "wilted", mainly because there is not enough fertilizer, we should pay attention to topdressing.

In summer, the flowerpot should be placed in a ventilated place where there is no direct light, and water is often sprayed to the surroundings and leaves to increase the air humidity, reduce the leaf temperature and keep the leaves clean. But don't overwater, or the tubers will rot. Sometimes dry and sometimes wet, no stagnant water is the best.

Dishui Guanyin grows rapidly in summer and has a large demand for nutrients. Liquid fertilizer such as rotten bean cake water and compound fertilizer (like nitrogen fertilizer) should be applied alternately every 15-20 days, otherwise it is easy to cause empty baldness at the lower end of the stem and smaller yellow leaves or leaves. The application of 2% ferrous sulfate solution every 20 days or so can make the dripping Guanyin leaves bigger, thicker and green. When Dishui Guanyin is long enough for family display, the whole plant is sprayed with 2% paclobutrazol solution, the plant is not only small and exquisite, but also the leaves are thick, and the ornamental value is higher.

In winter, Dishui Guanyin likes a warm, humid and slightly shaded environment, but the flowering period should be sunny, otherwise the Buddha flame will be green and affect the quality. It is necessary to ensure that the light lasts for 5 hours every day, otherwise the petiole will lengthen and affect the ornamental value. Dishui Guanyin is not cold-resistant and will be moved into the greenhouse in mid-October. In summer, under the condition of shade, we often spray water to cool and moisturize. Dripping Guanyin likes moist and fertile soil, which is often called "big fat and big water". It should be watered during the growth period.