
The correct method of watering rich trees, the methods of cutting propagation and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The most suitable time for rich tree cutting is from late June to early August, preferably on a cloudy day in summer or in the morning and evening. What kind of cuttings should be chosen for the rich tree? ① needs to choose to grow healthily, and it is best to cut the semi-lignified branches on cloudy days or windless mornings.

When is the best time for rich trees to be cut?

The cutting time is from late June to early August, preferably on a cloudy day in summer or in the morning and evening.

What kind of insert should be chosen by the rich tree?

① needs to choose to grow healthily, and the branches of the same year are semi-lignified, which are best cut on cloudy or windless mornings.

② cutting length is 6 to 7 cm, the lower incision is inclined, located under the leaf or axillary bud, the incision should be smooth, conducive to the formation of healing tissue.

③ usually has two palm leaves for each cutting. be careful not to hurt the leaves to facilitate photosynthesis.

How to cut the rich tree

When cutting ①, put 1/2 of the cuttings in rooting solution, soak for 20 to 24 hours, and rinse off with clean water, which can make it easier for rich trees to sprout.

② inserts the prepared cuttings into the perlite medium, the cuttings can be cut straight for a short time, and the cuttings can be cut obliquely when the cuttings are longer. The cutting depth is not skewed, generally 3 to 5 cm. If the branches are too long, the depth can be increased appropriately.

③ cuttings should be watered and shaded properly to avoid direct sunlight.

Matters needing attention after cuttage of rich tree

① cuttings were ventilated every 3 days.

② has high temperature and fast water evaporation from June to August, spraying water once in the morning and evening, the temperature is kept between 23 and 25 degrees, and the humidity is about 80% of the field capacity.

Rich tree cutting propagation method step 1. Rich tree cuttage: select good soil quality

2. Rich tree cuttings: conditions for rooting

3. Rich tree cuttings: cultivating tips

4. Rich tree cuttings: a correct demonstration

If ③ wants to Lignify the rich tree as soon as possible, it can spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate before the end of August to prevent fungal infection, spraying methyl topiramate or carbendazim on the border every 7 days.

The Cuttage Propagation method of Rich Tree

The rich tree grows slowly and can take root from February to March by cutting propagation. After rooting, strengthen the maintenance, properly watering, grow new leaves can be transplanted, 3-5 plants for a pot. Soon one basin becomes two pots, two pots become three pots, and the money is continuous.

Cutting propagation of rich tree

Cutting temperature

The best temperature for cutting is 25 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night. Cutting propagation can be carried out in the south in April, while in the north, the suitable temperature should be carried out at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Cutting hastily, the survival rate is low.

Cutting medium

Ordinary pastoral soil, covered with perlite.

Cuttage container

A plastic flowerpot with a caliber of 25cm and 35cm. If you want to plant beautiful bonsai, you can choose art flowerpot.

Cuttings preparation

Combined with heavy pruning in spring. Cuttings select current year's semi-lignified branches with strong growth, no diseases and insect pests, cut in cloudy or windless morning, with a length of 6 to 7 cm, the lower incision is horseshoe-shaped, located under leaves or axillary buds, and the incision should be smooth to facilitate the formation of healing tissue. Generally speaking, each insert has 2 palm leaves. Be careful not to hurt the leaves to facilitate photosynthesis.

Operation method

Insert the prepared insert into the perlite medium with a depth of about 18 cm, and 10 or more can be inserted in each basin. Pour enough water after cutting and pay attention to shading to avoid direct sunlight.

Maintenance after cuttage

After cutting, spray water on the leaf surface every day to keep the soil moist; the basin at the bottom of the basin should be kept dry for ventilation and easy to take root.

The cuttings can take root 2-3 months after cutting. after rooting, strengthen the application of nutrient solution, twice a week, and wait until new leaves can be planted.

[rich tree cutting] step diagram of the method of cutting propagation of rich tree

The cutting propagation of rich trees is easy and can be carried out all the year round in South China. Northern lovers might as well do it in May-August, when the temperature is relatively high every year. Compared with the sowing seedlings, the rich tree cuttings have the defects of no expansion of the head stem or only slightly expansion, and the stalks are not beautiful. This method is not used in horticultural production, and is only limited to family interest cultivation. The following is a detailed description of the rich tree cutting method.

Cut branches as long as about a year of plant type, then it is easy to survive, about 10 to 15 centimeters of branches on it, it is best to cultivate roots in coarse sand, coarse sand to cultivate branches to take root is extremely easy, look at the following effect, almost 100%.

Pay attention to keep the river sand slightly moist, the temperature between 20 and 30 degrees is the most suitable.

Of course, hydroponic reproduction can also be carried out, but it will be slower, and the leaves should not touch the water, and it is best not to touch the weak branches. You can use pebbles to cover the branches. Do not have too much water.

Change the water every 3 days before taking root, preferably Rain Water, pure water or tap water after two days.

Pay attention to the integrity of the incision, it is easy to soak rooting powder or potassium permanganate, sterilization and disinfection is also necessary, reproduction and hydroponics rot.

Place the environment to pay attention to ventilation, bright light, of course, the most important thing is the temperature, the temperature between 20 and 30 degrees is more appropriate. (the hydroponic rich tree pictured above has white roots, which is not rotten.)

In fact, although cuttings like the above picture can take root, but it is not the most standard, branches do not need to soak too much water, it is best to have something to support, let the stem contact with water about 5 cm, soaking too much is easy to rot. It usually takes about 20 to 30 days to take root and sprout.

This is very suitable, the pot is directly fixed next to the container, so that the whole plant will not be soaked in water, the effect of hydroponic rooting is also the best, branches like this can be transplanted into the soil.

The rich tree cultivated in this way is very small, suitable for small pot maintenance, and suitable for cultivation in sandy soil with loose soil and good drainage. Do you think it is very simple to try a few more times and succeed?

The rich tree is one of our common indoor ornamental plants, which not only has the function of purifying the air, but also has an excellent meaning. Many flower friends will raise a rich tree at home. It is also very important to water the rich tree, so how often do the rich tree water it? What is the correct way to water the rich tree?

Rich trees are watered every five days, depending on the season

Many flower friends are very confused about how to water the rich tree, and have not mastered the correct method of watering the rich tree, so it is said that the pot plants of the rich trees raised by themselves are not as good as those raised by others.

How often do you water the rich tree? Generally speaking, spring is watered every 5 days, when summer comes, water is watered every day after sunset, and in autumn, the rich tree is almost dormant in winter. so as long as you keep the basin soil moist, you don't have to water it often.

However, there are great differences in climate between the north and south of our country, and flower lovers should also know how to be flexible in watering, not that they are required to do so after a few days. When we are watering, we must observe the dry humidity of the soil. Generally speaking, we should water the soil when it is dry, but we must pay attention to that it cannot be watered thoroughly.

Especially in some areas or seasons, the air humidity is high, and the water in the basin soil volatilizes very slowly, so if you still follow the routine watering for a week or a month, it will cause rotting roots, so flower friends must touch the soil when watering, wring dry do not get wet. Even if you don't water it for two months, you won't necessarily die.

Second, the correct method of watering rich trees

In the culture method of rich trees, it is also important to master the correct method of watering rich trees for ten minutes. Watering the rich tree too much will lead to rotten roots. Many flower friends are also very concerned about how to save the rotten roots of the rich tree. We have introduced it before, and now the focus is on the problem of watering the rich tree.

Watering the rich tree must pay attention to watering as little as possible, rather dry than wet, otherwise it will lead to rotting roots. Generally do not need to use nutrient solution, as long as the surface of the basin soil can be replaced and fattened.

Moreover, the rich tree has a strong adaptability to water, and if it is watered outdoors or not watered indoors for more than ten days, the leaves will not turn yellow due to waterlogging and drought. Rich trees need to spray their leaves and wash dust frequently.

Third, how to judge whether the rich tree needs watering

1. Observe the leaves

Through the rich tree crown leaves have no performance of lack of water, commonly known as wilting, if the branches and leaves are tall and straight, the color is green, or there are new tender yellow and green leaves, this is the realization of no shortage of water, do not water.

2. Observe the soil

Use a thin bamboo stick to insert about 6-10 cm into the flowerpot along the edge of the flowerpot, then take out the bamboo stick and touch the bamboo stick with your hand to see if there is any moisture on it. If there is little or no water, it is time to water.