
How to divide the seedlings of orchids? To master these keys, you are also a farmer of Landa.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchids generally change plant materials for about a year and a half, and when the orchid bushes grow too big, they should consider dividing seedlings. Do not water or get caught in the rain a week before dividing the pot, keep the plant dry, so that the damage to Langen is much less. In order to ensure the division of the basin.

Orchids generally change plant materials for about a year and a half, and when the orchid bushes grow too big, they should consider dividing seedlings. Do not water or get caught in the rain a week before dividing the pot, keep the plant dry, so that the damage to Langen is much less. In order to ensure that the orchid seedlings do not return to the grass after the seedling is divided, foliar fertilizer can be sprayed once a week before the seedling is divided.

Pour out the orchid, after years of domestication, the orchid root is mostly entangled, first with sharp scissors, cut off some of the bad roots next to it, which is conducive to split. Then the preliminary design needs to be divided into several pots and how to cut it. In theory, old, middle-aged and young people are in the same plant.

But good farmers through their own experiments found that those too old seedlings should not be separated with young and middle-aged seedlings, they will snatch nutrients. It is better to cut them separately and put them on the basin, so that there is a high probability that the old pile will produce new seedlings. I used to pot the prime seedlings alone, and one seedling could produce two new strong grasses that year, while the other pot of old, middle-aged and young people produced only one new seedling.

Divided seedlings need to be hung in a half-shaded place for half a day before potting. Generally, it is not recommended to use medicine to disinfect blisters. If it is a disease-free orchid raised by your own orchid garden, do not soak the potion!

When putting on the basin, lift the seedling in the left hand and lift the Reed head to the same height as the edge of the basin (key point, circle up to be tested! ), and then filled with plant material, after planting, you can see a small pile of steamed bread on the basin, which has the advantage that Reed head and leaf navel can accept more fresh air, which can promote seedling emergence and bud pregnancy.

In fact, the benefits of improving Reed head are more than that. good farmers have done experiments that some common diseases of orchids can also be treated by improving Reed head in addition to medication, and the effect is much better than that of single medicine.

The plant material with 20% water content is wet. after using this material, there can be no watering within a week, giving the newly divided seedlings a dry and breathable slow seedling space, which is beneficial to the basin.