
What are the cutting techniques for raising seedlings of Euonymus tomentosa?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Euonymus tomentosa is evergreen all the year round and has strong adaptability, so it is one of the indispensable evergreen tree species for urban greening in northern China. In recent years, using all-light spray seedling technology to carry out softwood cutting, the survival rate can reach more than 95%.

Euonymus tomentosa is evergreen all the year round and has strong adaptability, so it is one of the indispensable evergreen tree species for urban greening in northern China. In recent years, using all-light spray seedling technology to carry out softwood cutting, the survival rate can reach more than 95%.

1. Seedling facilities and inserting beds are made of bricks and cement to form a seedbed with a height of about 20 centimeters and a width of 18 centimeters, with a matrix of 18 centimeters thick, with fine sand in the lower layer and fine sand in the upper layer. Set up a water pipe at a height of 50 cm from the bed, and install a centrifugal or four-body sprinkler every 1.5 meters for spray. Before cutting, the seedbed was disinfected with 0.3% potassium permanganate solution.

Second, material collection and processing cuttings can be carried out from June to October. Cuttings cutting: the sturdy, disease-and pest-free semi-lignified shoots of the current year were cut from the middle, upper and outer parts of the crown of Euonymus tomentosa, harvested and placed indoors or in a cool place, then cut into cuttings with a length of 10 cm, flat upper end and oblique lower end, leaving 2 leaves in the upper part of the cuttings, and the rest leaves were removed to reduce water evaporation and remove tender buds.

Third, cutting and cutting bed management cuttings can be quickly dipped in naphthalene acetic acid solution or cut directly before cutting. The cutting depth and cutting density are 2 ~ 3 and 60 ~ 70 plants / m ~ 2 respectively. After cuttage, the substrate was disinfected by spraying 1000-fold carbendazim solution with 800ml. Spray immediately after the seedbed is full, spray twice in the morning and afternoon in sunny days, spray every half an hour at noon, and increase the number of sprays in hot summer to reduce the temperature.

After a week of cutting, calli can be produced, and about 90% of them will produce new roots in about 20 days. After rooting, attention should be paid to reducing the number of sprays to prevent rotting roots, and 0.2% Mel 0.3% urea or compound fertilizer and water should be sprayed to carry out extra-root topdressing to promote the robust growth of cutting seedlings.

One month after planting, the plastic film was gradually opened and removed to make the plant gradually adapt to the open environment. After one month, the Lignification of the new root was enhanced, and the transplant could be carried out. When transplanting, the root system should be kept intact as far as possible, and watered with planting to ensure the survival of transplanting. By using this method, the seedlings of Euonymus tomentosa can be propagated three times a year, which can greatly shorten the breeding period and improve the quality of seedlings.

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Rapid Seedling raising technique of Euonymus tomentosa in Autumn

Euonymus tomentosa is an evergreen shrub of Celastraceae, its leaves are dark green and glossy, and it is often used as a hedge in landscaping, and the demand for greening is increasing year by year. Due to the drought and high temperature in spring and summer and severe cold in winter in North China, it is not conducive to the propagation and breeding of Euonymus tomentosa. The author has repeatedly tried the rapid seedling raising technique in autumn for many years, realized the seedling raising in autumn, transplanted it in the next spring, and bred commercial tree seedlings in one year, which created better economic benefits. The experience is now introduced as follows:

The main results are as follows: 1. the cutting time should be carried out at the end of August and early October, preferably in the middle and late September, when the new shoots have stopped growing, the branches contain more nutrients, the ability of tissue division is strong, the soil temperature and air humidity are suitable, the management after cutting is simple, and it is easy to root.

Second, the best bed preparation is to go through the summer deep turning of the leisure land as a seedbed, required to make a flat bed, 120 cm wide, 30 cm trail, 6 to 7 meters long. Build a semicircular shade shed with a height of 1.8 meters from the bed surface and a light transmittance of 50% Rich 70%.

Third, cuttings are collected and pruned to collect annual branches from plants that are growing vigorously and free of diseases and insect pests, wrapped in wet sacks and transported back for processing. Cut the collected yellow poplar strips into cuttings 10 to 15 centimeters long, keep 2 leaves in the upper part, and remove the rest. The upper end is cut into a flat mouth and the base is cut into a bevel.

4. Before cutting, the seedbed was watered thoroughly. Under the moist condition of the seedbed, the lower part of the cuttings was inserted into the seedbed with a row spacing of 3 × 5 cm. After the cutting, the seedling bed was watered again and covered with a shade net.

Fifth, plug-in management

1. Water every 3 to 5 days and always keep the seedbed moist. In the first ten days of October, most seedlings began to take root, and the watering times gradually decreased.

two。 Cover the film in late October, remove the original shade net, generally pour overwintering water, and replace it with overwintering film. Before the heavy snow is frozen, the plastic film should be compacted with soil to keep warm. Because the underground temperature of the nursery bed is relatively high and the ground temperature is relatively low, the cuttings have little or no branches in winter to promote the root development of seedlings. At the same time, do a good job of weeding and watering in the shed to make the seedlings survive the winter safely.

3. Early spring management temperature rebounded in early March, it is necessary to pour back green water in time. Follow watering 5 to 10 kilograms of urea per mu. In the middle of March, remove the plastic film, remove the weeds and strengthen the comprehensive management.

VI. Seedling transplanting

1. The transplantation time is generally in late March and early April, and the survival rate is high.

two。 The transplant bed is in the nursery field that is deeply turned into a field with a width of 1.5 meters (with a ridge) and a length of about 10 meters. Along the long side, a trench of 10 centimeters deep is opened every 30 centimeters, and the seedlings are placed 15 to 20 centimeters apart. Cover the soil while pouring the root water. Fully water after transplanting and keep it moist.

3. Fine management transplant seedlings are small, should be carefully managed, timely watering, loosening soil, weeding, to promote the rapid growth of seedlings. When the saplings grow to 20 centimeters high, the heart is removed, which promotes multiple branches.

Rapid breeding technique of Euonymus tomentosa

Rapid breeding technique of Euonymus tomentosa.


1. Cutting time

The traditional cutting period in the north is mostly from late October to early November, that is, the dormant period, which can not take root in the same year because of the late cutting season and low temperature, so it must be replanted after taking root in the following spring, and the transplanting time is postponed accordingly. As a result, the growth period of seedlings in the year of transplanting is short and the growth is small, and the seedlings can not come out of the nursery until the fourth spring and autumn. That is, it takes 2.5 to 3 years from cutting propagation to coming out of the nursery.

In order to raise seedlings quickly and shorten the seedling cycle, we change the cutting time, that is, in the growing season (from May to early October). The cuttings from May to August can be transplanted in the same year, and those from August to early October will be transplanted early after soil thawing in the next spring to prolong the growth period of the transplanting year, and the growth of seedlings will be large, laying the foundation for rapid seedling formation. In a word, the time of early cutting, early transplanting and early coming out of the nursery is half a year to one and a half years shorter than that of the traditional dormant period. During the growing period, the whole process of cutting seedlings takes about one and a half years to two years, and because it can be propagated in batches from May to early October, it alleviates the shortage of supply and demand of seedlings and basically ensures the annual supply of seedlings.

2. Key points of cutting techniques.

A seedbed is laid in a high and dry place with a width of 1.2-1.5 meters, and the length depends on the location and the amount of seedlings used. After leveling and removing impurities, clean river sand with a thickness of about 20 cm is spread on the top, and 0.3% potassium permanganate solution is sprayed through the sand bed for disinfection. The cuttings used in the growing period should grow robust and free from diseases and insect pests, cut the branches above the degree of semi-Lignification into 10-15 cm long, remove the middle and lower leaves, retain the middle and upper robust leaves, and soak the base of the cuttings in 100mg/kg indole butyric acid solution for 4-6 hours, or use 500mg/kg indole butyric acid solution quickly dipped in treatment to promote rooting. Punch holes in the prepared sand bed with a thin bamboo stick or steel bar according to the row spacing of 4-5 cm, and then insert the treated cuttings into the hole, with a depth of 1 inch 2-1 stroke 3 of the length of the cuttings, and press the sand at the cuttings by hand to make them close to each other so that they can absorb water later. After the cutting is finished, water or spray through the sand bed, which is arched with plastic film, and the top of the film is shaded by materials such as bamboo curtain or Reed curtain or sunshade net.

3. Plug-in management

After insertion, keep the high air humidity in the arch shed about 80% Mur90%, the humidity of the sand in your hand and disperse at a touch, the water content is about 60-80%, the temperature is controlled below 35 ℃, and 25-30 ℃ is appropriate. After about 30-40 days, the cuttings can be gradually ventilated, the shading materials can be removed to refine the seedlings, and after about 10-15 days, the seedlings can be transferred and planted.


It is appropriate to transplant seedlings before cloudy or rainy days. Seedlings without long-term storage and transportation can be transplanted with bare roots without soil masses and at a density of 20 × 25 cm. Watering immediately after transplantation, the second and third times of water are very important for the survival of seedlings, especially in the summer high temperature season. According to the weather and soil moisture, the second watering time can be within 3-7 days after the first water.

Key points of cultivation during the growing period

1. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water

Seedling transplantation combined with soil preparation with appropriate amount of rotten organic fertilizer, if there are no conditions, crushed straw can be applied, urea 7kg is applied every 666.7 square meters, 8kg urea, 3kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on can be recovered during the growing period. Fertilization combined with watering, after September to control the flood and stop the application of nitrogen fertilizer, in order to make the seedlings full and strong, prevent greedy green from growing in the later stage, resulting in dry branches in winter and spring. Pour enough anti-freezing water on the soil before freezing to prepare for overwintering, and pour enough germinating water before germination in spring to produce a little in spring. In addition, in order to facilitate the growth of seedlings, water-saving and drought-resistant cultivation can be carried out in the soil, and the principle of fertilizer and water management during seedling growth should be grasped.

2. Pruning

Commercial seedlings require not only a certain height (generally more than 60 cm), but also a certain number of branches (generally 5-7 longer branches per plant) and a certain crown width, so it is necessary to strengthen reasonable shaping and pruning at the seedling stage. After transplanting, the plants with less than 4 branches can be coring to promote the lateral buds to germinate into long branches; for the branches that grow too much in spring and summer, remove the top and pick the heart at any time to balance the growth power of the whole branch; after entering September, we should coring the uncapped branches to control lengthening growth, promote branch enrichment, and improve the level of nutrient accumulation of the whole plant, which is conducive to overwintering and anti-freezing and sprouting, branching and leaf spreading in the following spring. Before starting to grow in spring, the plants with less than 4 long branches were truncated to stimulate lateral buds to germinate and grow branches.