
The styling maintenance of Fugui bamboo is very important.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rich bamboo has become a hot ornamental plant, as a gift, it represents auspiciousness and wealth.

Nowadays, rich bamboo has become a hot ornamental plant, and some people give it as a gift, because it represents the meaning of auspiciousness and wealth. Then the modeling and maintenance of Fugui bamboo become extremely important, and its modeling design, apical bud control and scientific maintenance technology are briefly described as follows.

First, styling.

(1) pagoda type. Fugui bamboo has strong growth, strong vitality, strong fecundity and easy management. according to these characteristics, a large number of new bamboos are used to intercept many stems of different lengths to form a pagoda, and the upper end of each stem must carry bamboo shoots. retain the bud eye so that the top of each pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda. The first layer of the four-story pagoda intercepts 36 stems, each with 3 stem nodes, 7 cm in length; 23 in the second layer, each with 4 stem nodes, 10 cm in length; 18 in the third layer, 5 stem nodes in each branch, 13 cm long; 11 in the fourth layer, each with 6 stem nodes, 16 cm in length; the stem nodes used in the pagoda should be combined immediately to avoid losing too much water. In combination, we first take a 16 cm long stem and a 2.5 cm diameter plastic cylinder as the center of the pagoda, then 11 16 cm long stems are arranged in a circle along the periphery of the plastic cylinder on the same plane, and the lower ends are fastened with plastic thread to form the fourth layer of the pagoda; another 18 stems are each 13 cm long, and the lower ends are arranged along the periphery of the fourth pagoda on the same plane to form the third layer of the pagoda. 23 stems 10 cm long are arranged on the periphery of the third layer to form the second layer of the pagoda. The bottom layer uses 36 7 cm long stems to circle around the periphery of the second layer to become the first layer of the pagoda. After the pagoda is made, in order to improve the ornamental effect, gold paper is used to paste the iron wire on the outside of the binding line, or the iron wire is wound into gold bars with gold paper, and tightened three times around 2mi on the original binding line to make the pagoda more spectacular; then another stone-carved multi-storey pagoda can be decorated at the top of the pagoda to form a pagoda on top, making it strange and spectacular Flowerpot with pink semi-shallow pot, about 6 cm high, 2 cm larger than tower base, the bottom of the tower will be immersed in water, about 3 weeks later, each section can take root and long leaves, green leaf red pot, pleasing to the eye.

(2) Green columns. Put two pots of rich bamboo on both sides of the hall screen, do not move for a long time, do not prune, let it grow freely, so that it can grow more than 1 meter high, forming a green column.

(3) bottle bonsai. Cut off the stem and tail of Fugui bamboo about 20 cm long, cut it in a vase or hanging vase, put water 5 cm deep, change water once a few days, and usually put it on several cases of cool and ventilated indoor, which can keep the leaf color green and interesting for a long time.

(4) jungle bonsai. After growing up, Hsinchu cut off the old, weak and dense bamboo, trimmed properly and made it into a jungle style; after shaping, peeling off the dry and withered lower layer of the bamboo stem and the old leaves, you can see the green, bright and glossy bamboo knots, embellishing mountains and rocks and improving the ornamental effect.

Second, control the apical lateral buds. After the rich bamboo is made into a pagoda, the branches and leaves often grow endlessly, which is very nerve-racking. If it is not handled, the pagoda will be destroyed and the ornamental effect will be affected. In order to maintain the chic and unrestrained green leaves, the ways to restrain the growth are as follows:

(1) Control watering. Maintain at low temperature (below 18 ℃) and change water frequently to prevent root rot

(2) pick the heart. When the top bud of each stem segment grows to 1 cm, remove the tip, that is, fix the bamboo tower with the left hand, carefully squeeze the tip two leaflets of the right thumb and index finger, and pull out the heart leaves with great effort, so as not to hurt other lobules.

(3) chemical control. Irrigate with 1200 mg / L paclobutrazol once a month, or spray with 95% paclobutrazol 3000 mg / L, once a month, or spray with 500 Mel 1000 mg / L, once a month, or spray 60 mg / L with 50% paclobutrazol once a month, or directly prick the apical bud with a growth inhibitor dipped in a syringe needle.

Third, scientific maintenance.

(1) fertilization. The pot cultivation of rich and precious bamboo can be planted with the same amount of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and river sand, or coconut bran or rice bran and rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of dried chicken manure and pig manure as culture soil. 6 plants per pot are appropriate, and the pot is changed every 2-3 years. Change the soil and apply rotten peanut bran fertilizer, chicken manure, pig manure or compound fertilizer to make it grow strong, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 20 minutes.

(2) transfer water. Spray water once a day in summer, wash the foliar dust, improve humidity; usually like to be moist, the growing season should keep the soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves, but the water will grow, affect beauty, generally keep the soil moist.

(3) controlling light. Fugui bamboo likes semi-shade, suitable for growth under bright scattered light, leaf tip yellowing under strong light, leaves will be burned, especially in April-September to avoid strong light direct light, exposure or too dry, otherwise leaves scorched, no light, usually like the appropriate sunshine, generally put back to the north sun balcony is better, light 3 times a day for 4 hours, in order to keep the leaves bright.

(4) heat preservation. Fugui bamboo is fond of high temperature and strong cold resistance, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-30 ℃. The summer high temperature and humid season is very beneficial to its growth, and the overwintering temperature is above 8 ℃.

After reading, do you feel that modeling design, apical bud control and scientific conservation technology are very important for raising rich bamboo, so there are people who raise rich bamboo or sell rich bamboo? you can refer to the above knowledge for modeling and maintenance of rich bamboo. More agricultural technology knowledge is available in Huinong School. You are welcome to pay attention to it every day and learn more about agricultural technology.

The water culture method of rich bamboo 1. The water culture method of rich bamboo, also known as green leaf immortal, longevity bamboo, green leaf bamboo banana, is a perennial evergreen shrub. Rich bamboo likes a warm, humid and shaded environment, likes scattered light, avoids scorching sun exposure, and is suitable for loose and fertile soil. Rich bamboo can be cultivated in pots or in bottles. The family water is raised in transparent glass bottles, and the new and old roots are yellow and white in the clear water, making it more vibrant. Bottled water to raise rich bamboo to master the following essentials: 1, change water to add water after rooting should not change water, water evaporation can only add water in time. Often changing water is easy to cause yellow leaves and branches to wilt. The added water is best to use well water, tap water should be stored in utensils for a day, the water should be kept clean and fresh, do not use dirty water, hard water or mixed with oily water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots. 2. Before cutting the bevel at the base of the cuttings into the bottle, remove the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base into an oblique edge with a sharp knife, and the knife edge should be smooth to increase the absorption area of water and nutrients. Every 3-4 days, change the water, can put in a few pieces of charcoal antiseptic, do not move within 10 days and change direction, about 15 days can grow silver white fibrous root. 3. Do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set or where the air conditioner and electric fan often blow, so as not to dry up the leaf tip and edge. 4. Fertilize water in time to raise rich bamboo in order to prevent excessive growth, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution; you can also use 500g water to dissolve a powdered half piece of aspirin or a piece of VC, and drop a few drops when adding water to keep the leaves green. It is suggested that rich bamboo is the growing season from April to October in the north of China. The basin soil should be kept moist and humic acid liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month. Summer in the outdoor maintenance to shade, too strong light will make the leaves yellow, put in the north balcony or shade is better. Spray water to the ground and leaves once or twice a day when the climate is dry. From November to March of the following year, it should be maintained indoors, where the sun can be seen in front of the south window, and can grow slowly if it is kept above 10 ℃. Change the basin and soil from March to April in spring, and the cultivated soil can be made of peat soil and 50% garden soil. The basin bottom is padded with 2 cm to 3 cm thick ceramsite or coarse gravel as drainage layer, and then add culture soil. Keep the pot soil slightly wet after planting, and normal water and fertilizer management can be carried out after the new buds are issued. After about two years of cultivation, the plant should be cut and replanted, and the plant can be cut off from 5 to 6 nodes, and the cut-off part can be cut or raised in water. The binding-shaped "open bamboo" is raised with more water. It should be put in a bright part of the room on weekdays. The water can be changed every 7 to 10 days when the temperature is low, and every 3 to 5 days in the spring and autumn growing season. All-element compound fertilizer can be added to the water. It is best to use cold boiled water during the summer high temperature period to avoid rotting roots or breeding algae. Stop fattening in winter. In the severe cold season, the indoor water without heating facilities in the north is vulnerable to freezing damage, so it can be planted with river sand in early October, covered with plastic bags and pots when it is cold, and put it in a place where the indoor cold wind can not blow, about 5 ℃ can safely survive the winter. It can be cultivated in potted soil or washed away from the river sand in spring. If there are rotten stems and rotten roots during maintenance, they should be removed in time, and soak the roots and stems with 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times aqueous solution for 30 minutes, rinse with clean water and continue to be raised in water. If the plant has been very weak, it should be rejuvenated by soil planting. Propagation tips: cut the truncated stem into 5 cm to 10 cm leafless stem nodes in spring, or cut the basal branches with stem tips, insert them into clean coarse river sand, water them thoroughly, cover them with plastic bags, keep the substrate moist, place them in a bright part of the room, and take root in about 25 days. Or insert the cut branches into the water and take root in about half a month after 25 ℃. Special reminder: in the north, it is better to buy rich bamboo in spring, and it will enter a suitable growth period after buying it back. Those with heating facilities in winter can also be purchased before the Spring Festival. Potted plants should be selected with glossy green leaves, bright Phnom Penh stripes, no dry tip, no foot removal, plant height of less than 30 cm, with 3 to 6 branches. For water-raised plants of various shapes, plants with uniform stem thickness, beautiful shape, and no rot at the base and root system should be selected. It is particularly reminded that the rich bamboo grows poorly in alkaline soil and dry climate, and the leaf tip is easy to dry up. Long-term growth in the indoor shade is also thin, and the leaf color is dull and dull, which should be paid attention to. Second, the role of rich bamboo, rich bamboo has two basic functions in the application of fengshui, one is to absorb bad aura, the other is to activate the aura of space. The so-called bad absorption of gas means that plants can absorb some energy or molecules that are not good for the human body, such as carbon dioxide, foul gas, electromagnetic field, geomagnetic field and visible gas. The gas field of the activation space is that the plant itself absorbs carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, releases oxygen, and purifies indoor turbid gas. Therefore, if we understand the characteristics of plants, we can effectively use plants to change the aura of the home, and use electric fans to deliver fresh air and improve the fengshui environment. However, the fan should not be too close to the person, otherwise the current emitted will cause nervous breakdown and eye discomfort. Fans help balance the aura, and ceiling fans are the most effective. Fugui bamboo grows luxuriantly, and the whole plant is green, rich in chlorophyll, which is conducive to photosynthesis, what is more rare is that she is one of the few greening and decorations that can be placed indoors for a long time. Therefore, many people have the same feeling: make the rich bamboo prosperous and prosperous. Third, whether bamboo is a tree or grass, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are equally famous, and they all belong to flowers and plants. Bamboo is one of the plant groups with unique morphological structure. China is one of the distribution centers of bamboo in the world, and it is very rich in bamboo resources. According to records, there are more than 50 genera and more than 1300 species of bamboos in the world. However, there are more than 30 genera and 500 species of bamboo naturally distributed in China. Bamboo has a long history as one of the traditional ornamental auspicious plants in China. According to "Shangshu Yugong" and "the Bamboo Arrow of Southeast Mei Huiji", it shows that the ancients knew how to appreciate the beautiful bamboo forest scenery at that time. Through the ages, there are numerous poems and songs about bamboo, and a unique bamboo culture has been gradually formed. Bamboo plants are green in four seasons, tall and straight and vigorous, chic and refined, graceful, modest and unrestrained, not afraid of frost and snow, and have many ornamental characteristics. According to the fact that the underground stems of bamboo can be divided into scattered, tufted and mixed types, and the ground bamboo can be divided into large, medium and small ones, it can form a dense and unique landscape in the landscape art, or alone into a landscape, or with other plants, or matched with mountains, stones, water and so on. From its formation on the ground: 1, can be seen culm, and sub-view culm shape, such as square bamboo, Buddha belly bamboo, Luohan bamboo, etc.; view culm color, such as spotted bamboo, purple bamboo, golden bamboo and so on. 2. considerable leaves, such as Phyllostachys pubescens with green leaves with white stripes, new leaves yellow with green stripes, etc. 3. Bamboo shoots, bamboo sheaths, bamboo sheaths such as Phyllostachys pubescens, flower-fed chicken bamboos, black chicken bamboos, or bamboo sheaths with peculiar shapes or colorful colors and patterns are suitable for viewing. Bamboo can be integrated with the natural scenery, and has a significant effect in the garden layout, garden space and the treatment of the surrounding environment of the building. it is easy to form an elegant and quiet landscape, which is pleasing to the eyes, and the garden with bamboo configuration has a typical oriental garden charm. According to the characteristics of bamboo and specific environmental needs in the garden configuration, large and medium-sized bamboo can be dominated by bamboo, in the form of group planting and sheet planting to create a more independent bamboo forest landscape. It can be planted with pavilions, halls, buildings, pavilions and other buildings, which can not only bring out the beauty of buildings, but also soften the texture of hard buildings, and bring a wonderful place of "sunrise with clear shadow, moon with clear shadow, wind with clear sound, rain with clear rhyme". Different forms of bamboo can be used to block the garden space and create a quiet environment by group planting and isolated planting to suppress the scene, barrier scene, frame scene and so on. It can also be mixed with rocks and other plants, such as bamboo and peach, to form a mood that "peach blossoms have just bloomed outside the bamboo forest, and ducks in the river are the first to feel the smell of spring." In addition, bamboo can also be potted or cultivated on the ground. Summary: new house decoration should not only pay attention to the beauty and practical value of the house, but also pay attention to fengshui sometimes. Add such a pot of rich bamboo to make your life more prosperous. I hope everyone can understand the aquaculture methods of transporting rich bamboos and the role of rich bamboos, and clarify whether bamboo is a tree or grass.

Secret books on the maintenance of 12 kinds of indoor plants

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network editor and you share is about 12 kinds of indoor plant maintenance secret book article, let's take a look.

1 green pineapple

Function: adsorption of impurities, purification of air, viewing

Green pineapple not only has high ornamental value, but also can effectively absorb and remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and other pollutants in indoor air. It is a natural "air purifier".

Maintenance method

1. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and rich in organic matter.

2. Green pineapple is required to grow in an environment with higher temperature and stronger scattered light.

3. While watering moderately and keeping the basin soil dry, water is often sprayed to the leaf surface and back. Spray water on leaves in the morning, middle and evening every day in summer and autumn to increase humidity

4. If the dilute liquid fertilizer is applied once every 10 to 1 days, the plant will have more branches and should be pruned properly.

2 aloe vera


Aloe vera is a new star of edible, medicinal, cosmetic and ornamental plants. In China, aloe vera is used as a natural medicine for beauty, hair care and treatment of skin diseases. Aloe gel has a certain anti-itching effect on mosquito bites.

Maintenance method

1. Like other plants, aloe needs sunlight to grow. For the newly planted aloe, it is best to let the aloe see the sun in the morning and avoid being exposed to direct sunlight at noon.

2. Aloe vera needs to be born in places with good drainage performance, so when planting, the soil can be mixed with some gravel to prevent soil consolidation, reduce the water-soaking permeability of aloe roots and hinder root respiration.

3 white palm

Function: purify air and absorb impurities

White palm can inhibit the exhaust gases exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone, and it can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air.

Maintenance method

1. Potted plants require loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and do not use clayey soil.

2. Liquid fertilizer must be applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season.

3. Always keep the basin soil moist, spray water to the leaves during the high temperature period to improve the air humidity; reduce the amount of water in late autumn and winter to keep the basin soil slightly moist; pay attention to cold protection and heat preservation in winter, while keeping the basin soil moist.

4 cactus


It has the functions of anti-radiation, air purification, food, medicine and so on.

Maintenance method

1. Plenty of sunshine is required, but there can be no strong light exposure in summer.

2. The time of watering should be early morning in summer, sunny afternoon in winter, morning and evening in spring and autumn.

3. Summer is the growing period of cactus, with high temperature and large water demand, so it must be fully watered; watering should be controlled during winter dormancy so as to keep the basin soil from being too dry.

5 get rich tree


The rich tree is beautiful in shape and the stem leaves are green all the year round. It is a very popular indoor foliage plant. The seedling branches are soft and resistant to pruning, and can be processed into various artistic pile landscapes and bonsai.

Maintenance method

1. Rich trees have strong drought resistance, so they do not need to be watered too much when they are farmed. Generally speaking, the times of watering rich trees should be limited to once a week. When the summer temperature is high, the transpiration effect is greater, which can properly water the rich tree; in winter, the temperature is lower and the growth of the rich tree is slow, which can appropriately reduce the frequency and amount of water.

2. During the growing period, fertilizer is applied twice a month. For the new leaves, we should also pay attention to spraying water to maintain a high environmental humidity to facilitate its growth.

6 ivy


Ivy can purify indoor air, absorb harmful gases such as benzene and formaldehyde, and effectively resist carcinogens in nicotine.

Maintenance method

1. Ivy cultivation and management is simple and extensive, but it needs to be planted in the place where the soil is moist and the air is well ventilated.

2. Potted plants can bind all kinds of brackets, traction and plastic surgery.

3. Shade maintenance is needed in summer and put indoors in winter. Spray water around the plant indoors to maintain the humidity of the air, and the basin soil should not be too wet.

7 rich bamboo


In China, there is a message that "the flowers are rich and the bamboo is safe". Because the stems and leaves of the rich bamboo are delicate, graceful and full of bamboo rhyme, they are very popular with people, and are usually used for family vase or pot care.

Maintenance method

1. Rich bamboo likes a shady and humid environment, but the lighting is also fastidious, and it is best to get scattered sunlight in the place where it is placed.

2. Don't put it next to the TV, where fans and air conditioners can blow, so as not to cause the leaves to wither.

3. The water-raised rich bamboo can dissolve and grind into half a piece of aspirin or a piece of VC with 500g of water, which can keep the leaves green.

4. Soil-cultivated rich bamboos should be applied potassium dihydrogen phosphate once a month, with a dosage of about 1 to 2 grams per pot.

8 pocket coconut


It can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air at the same time, and it is a "high efficiency air purifier" in plants.

Maintenance method

1. Watering should be based on the principle that it would rather be dry than wet, and the basin soil should always be kept moist; when the air is dry in summer and autumn, water should often be sprayed to the plant, and the amount of water should be reduced appropriately in winter to facilitate overwintering.

2. In general, liquid fertilizer was applied twice a month in the growing season, with little or no fertilization at the end of autumn and winter.

9 tortoise back bamboo


Tortoise back bamboo leaves are green all the year round, extremely shade-tolerant, is a famous indoor large potted foliage plant. Phyllostachys pubescens has the characteristics of preferential adsorption of formaldehyde, benzene, and other harmful gases to achieve the effect of purifying indoor air, so it is an ideal indoor plant.

Maintenance method

1. The water content of the tortoise back bamboo should be sufficient, and the culture soil should always be kept moist, once in the morning and once in the evening, in order to keep the air and the leaves bright. In winter, 3Mel is watered once every 4 days. Daily watering can be done once a day.

2. Tortoise back bamboo likes warm and humid environment, avoid drought, and is afraid of direct sunlight. Summer should be placed indoors or under the shade, not on the balcony where the sun is too strong. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in winter, it should be moved into the room to keep warm.

3. Tortoise back bamboo is more fond of fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly. Dilute liquid fertilizer was applied twice a month from April to September. Fat feet make the leaves look lovely.

10 loose tail sunflower


Potted sunflower is a high-grade potted foliage plant decorated with living room, dining room, conference room, family room, study, bedroom or balcony.

Maintenance method

1. Watering should follow the principle of "dry and wet" according to the season, more watering should be appropriate in the dry and hot season, and watering should be controlled in low temperature, overcast and rain.

2. Liquid fertilizer can be applied all the year round, nitrogen-containing organic fertilizer can be applied properly in summer, and organic flower fertilizer such as sesame sauce residue can be applied in winter.

3. Rotate the flowerpot regularly, often trim the lower and inner withered leaves, and pay attention to trimming the crown.

11 asparagus


Asparagus is a very high ornamental plant, can be placed in the living room, study, purify the air at the same time also add bookish flavor. Root medicine can treat acute tracheitis and has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough.

Maintenance method

1. Asparagus is suitable for growing in warm and humid soil with rich rotten branches and good drainage.

2. Watering should be reduced in spring and autumn, and watering should be controlled in winter.

3. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main growth season in spring and summer. The mature thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month. When the plant is stereotyped, fertilization should be properly controlled to avoid excessive growth and affect the beauty of the plant type.

12 gardenia


Gardenia jasminoides is resistant to sulfur dioxide and can be used as medicine and edible.

Maintenance method

1. Potted Gardenia jasminoides is only watered after flowering in August, and the amount of water is controlled.

In October, Cold Dew moved indoors and placed in the sunny place.

3. Watering is strictly controlled in winter, but clear water can be used to spray foliage.

4. From May to July every year, when the growth will stop, the plants will be pruned to remove the top shoots so as to promote branch germination.