
Maintenance and management methods of hydroponic banyan trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The suitable growth temperature of hydroponic plants is above 5 degrees above zero and below 30 degrees.

I. Temperature:

The suitable growth temperature of hydroponic plants is above 5 degrees and below 30 degrees. That is to say, as long as people feel comfortable temperature, plants will feel very comfortable, they can grow normally, even in winter, can also flourish, for us to add vitality.

II. Light:

Scattered light predominates.

What is scattered light? It is natural light that comes in from places such as windows and scatters naturally indoors. General plant growth as long as there is appropriate light on the line, not necessarily to the sun, in summer, but also try to avoid direct sunlight.

III. Nutrient solution:

Generally, we can use the special nutrient solution for hydroponic culture sold on the market. According to the instructions, we can prepare the appropriate concentration, such as diluting 400 times or 1000 times. Don't get the ratio wrong. When preparing, tap water should be placed for two hours to half a day, and after its temperature is close to room temperature and chlorine in the water volatilizes completely, concentrated nutrient solution is added according to proportion to form nutrient solution for cultivating hydroponic plants.

IV. Water change:

Water change is an important task for hydroponic plants. Water change refers to replacing the water with nutrient solution in the bottle. If the water is not changed for a long time, the dissolved oxygen content in the water will be reduced, which will affect the growth and absorption capacity of the roots. In addition, the plants will discharge some harmful substances in physiological activities. When the water lacks oxygen and the content of harmful substances is high, it will lead to poor growth of plants or even death. Pay attention to the following issues when changing water:

(1) Water change time: Under normal circumstances, water is changed once every 5-10 days in spring and autumn; water is changed once every 5 days in summer; water is changed once every 10-15 days in winter (after tap water is placed for half a day, concentrated nutrient solution is added in proportion). Just hydroponic flowers, require 1-2 days to change water 1 time. Summer plants grow vigorously, the temperature is high, the water is easy to deteriorate, the time should be shortened. In winter, most plants are in semi-dormancy or dormancy state, the temperature is low, and the interval time of changing water can be longer. Generally speaking, the water change interval is shorter, which is beneficial to plant growth.

(2) Cleaning of roots and containers: When changing water, the roots should be cleaned, the mucus on the roots can be washed away with clean water, and some rotten roots and old roots that have lost their absorption capacity are cut off. After using the container for a period of time, the wall of the container will adhere to a precipitate, and it is also easy to grow moss. It should also be cleaned when changing water.

(3) Depth of water: In hydroponic flowers, the roots are often immersed in water, but from the experience of cultivation, water should not be added too much, pay attention, when changing water, please expose half or one-third of the roots of the plant. Exposing a small amount of roots to the air allows them to absorb dissolved oxygen both in the water and from the air.

Note: Water change is to ensure the oxygen supply in the water, fresh water contains more oxygen, plants will grow healthier, if you do not change water for a long time, plants can also persist for a period of time, such as sometimes we go on business or vacation, ten days and a half months or even a month away from home, soil cultured plants have long been unable to stand, died, and hydroponic plants as long as you add more water, or can persist; However, if the time is too long, the water in the bottle is not fresh or deteriorated, which will affect the growth of hydroponic plants, and in serious cases, it will also cause its death.

V. Cleaning:

Rinse plant roots and containers with clean water every time you change water, trim dead branches, leaves and rotten roots. Under normal growth conditions, hydroponic plants will regularly rot part of the roots and grow new roots, so when you find rotten roots, don't panic first, use sterilized scissors (disinfected with alcohol cotton) to prune the rotten roots, and sometimes you can prune some old roots to promote the growth of new roots (note: under the guidance of professionals). But be careful not to hurt aquatic roots, otherwise it will affect the growth of plants.

The roots of hydroponic plants, those white and tender roots above are aquatic roots, some grow directly from the base of the stem, some grow from the main root, they are responsible for the absorption function of the plant, must not hurt them.

VI. Moisturizing:

There is very little moisture in the air in winter, especially in the north, and the indoor is very dry, which is unfavorable for the growth of plants, so daily spray leaves with clean water to maintain humidity, and spray water twice a day.

7. Hydroponic plants should also regularly increase the oxygen content in the water. Because the water (nutrient solution) of hydroponic plants is in a static state, the dissolved oxygen is less, which is not conducive to the growth of plants. Some measures need to be taken to increase the dissolution of oxygen.

1. Vibration oxygenation. Fix the flower plant with one hand and gently shake the vessel with the other hand more than 10 times. The dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution after shaking can be increased by about 30%.

2. Increase the number of water changes. Water change is to change the bottle added with nutrient solution of water. Under normal circumstances, the water is changed once every 5 to 10 days in spring and autumn; once every 5 days in summer; and once every 10 to 15 days in winter. Put tap water for two hours to half a day, wait for its temperature to approach room temperature, after chlorine in the water volatilizes clean, then add the purchased nutrient solution according to the proportion, and it becomes the nutrient solution that can cultivate hydroponic plants.

3. Add 1% hydrogen peroxide (3% hydrogen peroxide) to the nutrient solution.

4. The nutrient solution is oxygenated by using a miniature submersible pump or an oxygenating pump, and the plant roots can obtain sufficient oxygen in such an environment to promote the healthy growth of flowers.

The method of cultivation of fig tree

Banyan tree hydroponic preparation Preparation materials

First to buy a small banyan flower market, microphylla fig can be selected to pay attention to the trunk to plant, branches evenly distributed; green leaves delicate, no dry tip.

Find a cylindrical glass basin about 10 cm in diameter and 3 cm high. Wash it and set it aside.

Find a large Coke bottle and cut off the top of the bottle as a planting frame to stabilize it.

washing plants

After buying a small fig home, break the flowerpot. Don't be reluctant to part with it. This can avoid hurting the roots. Gently shake off the soil at the roots, rinse the roots under clean water, and cut off the rotten parts to achieve a neat and clean banyan tree.

Of course, after washing, it can also be soaked in clean water for a period of time to thoroughly remove the soil from the roots.

The water culture method of fig tree

Control the temperature above 25℃ for about 2 weeks. During this period, put the fig tree in a cool and ventilated place and change the water every day. When many white roots grow from the original roots, this is aquatic roots, and your hydroponics are successful.

After rooting, you don't need to change the water every day. You can always look at the water surface in the glass bottle to ensure that two-thirds of the roots are submerged. In addition, you can use large cola bottled water, put it on for half a day after use, so that tap water full of gas, reduce chlorine.

hydroponic fertilization

The potted plants of banyan trees in hydroponic culture are shallow, so water should be added frequently. Of course, nutrients should not be less. April to October is the growth period of banyan trees. Every month, about 30 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is put into the flower pots. Professional nutrient solution can also be used. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate liquid fertilizer is sprayed on the leaves every half month.

Hydroponic precautions

The banyan tree in hydroponic culture, because of lack of soil moisture, after 3 to 5 years, found that the banyan tree grows poorly, can be re-transferred to soil culture, according to the growth of the banyan tree, can be hydroponic again.

Ficus hydroponic form attached to stone water culture

Choose stones with good water absorption, let the roots of banyan trees attach to the stones, and the roots grow along the cracks of the stones. After 1~2 years, the roots will be closely combined with the stones. In April ~ May of the third year, the pots will be turned over, and water and fertilizer will be added in time. The stumps on the stream stones will be formed in this way.

flat root hydroponics

Choose a shorter banyan tree, or a small bonsai that has been formed, and plant the roots in a claw shape in a shallow pot. Cut roots continuously during curing to allow them to grow flat.

How to make a banyan potted plant?

How to make a banyan potted plant?

Banyan trees are plants that like moisture. In nature, banyan trees mostly grow on the banks of ponds and rivers, with roots growing on one side and submerged in water on the other. Many bonsai artists make excellent hydroponic bonsai according to this characteristic. There are two forms of culture of banyan potted plants: stone-attached water culture and flat-root water culture.

(1) Stone attached to water. Choose a stone with good water absorption (generally sand stone, sea mother stone, reed stone), and the shape of the stone should be elegant, and then plant the banyan tree on the stone. The roots of the banyan tree cling to the stone, and the roots grow along stone holes, stone ditches and processed stone crevices. Through one or two years of deep pot or set pot planting, so that the roots and stones closely associated. In April and May of the second three years, the basin was turned over to soil, and the basin was moved to a shallow water basin for maintenance. Attention should be paid to adding water frequently and applying granular fertilizer. On the basin when the attached stone banyan tree according to the tree to the left or right swing into, so that the big floating branches near the water, like a stump born on the stream stone.

(2) Flat roots and water. Select a short tree, has been shaped banyan bonsai, roots developed robust, roots arranged more beautiful for the best. To pay the root, the root cut flat, tidy up, spread into claw shape, planted in square shallow pot culture. After one or two years of growth, many fine roots and fibrous roots grow neatly from the cut parts, and the flat base can support the crown steadily, and then remove the soil in April and May of the second and third years, and put it into the basin for conservation and viewing.

Water culture potted plants are shallow, so pay attention to adding water in time and changing water frequently. The growth period of fig trees is from April to October, during which about 30g of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be added every month, and additional fertilizer can also be applied to the roots several times, that is, potassium dihydrogen phosphate liquid fertilizer with concentration of (5 ~]0)X10-5 can be sprayed to the leaves. Due to the lack of soil and less nutrients, when the tree is cultivated for 3 ~ 5 years, if the tree body is found to grow poorly, it should be re-planted and rejuvenated. Later, depending on the growth of the tree body, it should be viewed in the water basin again. Ficus potted plants in hydroponic culture have poor stability. When pruning, the crown should be cut short to improve stability.