
Application techniques of cutting Propagation and cultivation of Pinus elliottii

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In this paper, the cutting propagation techniques of Pinus elliottii were summarized, and its cultivation and application techniques were introduced.

Luohansong, also known as Luohanshan, Taxodium, Luohanbai, is a plant of the genus Luohan pine of the family Luohans. it is native to the hilly areas of the southern hemisphere. it is mainly distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces south of the Yangtze River in China. It is not cold-resistant and has a long life. In the northern region, Luohansong can only be used as a potted plant, and the requirements for soil are: loose and fertile, humus-rich, slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Because the branches and leaves of Luohan pine are dense, strange and elegant, it can be used as a good foliage tree species in gardens, temples and courtyards. At the same time, the leaves of Luohan pine are very small, are resistant to pruning, and are easy to make various shapes, so they are often used in bonsai production.

Hardwood cutting: Hardwood cutting refers to cutting thick branches completely lignified in the previous year in the dormant stage where sap has not yet flowed from February to March in early spring. Hardwood cutting in early spring should pay attention to increasing the soil temperature and controlling the temperature in the shed.

How do I raise potted podocarpus?

1. Soil: Podocarpus likes sandy loam with good drainage, strong adaptability to soil, and can survive on saline-alkali soil. Cultivation requires slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage. In alkaline soil, leaves are yellow, grow slowly, and have a long life span, which can reach hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

2, transplant: Podocarpus transplant in spring from March to April is the best, seedlings need to bring soil, big seedlings with soil balls, can also be potted. After planting, it should be irrigated thoroughly, the soil should be kept moist during the growth period, and it should be maintained in semi-shade during the high temperature season in midsummer. Fertilization should be applied once every February. Winter potted plants pay attention to cold, pots can be buried in the soil, and reduce watering.

3. Watering: Podocarpus is not a pine plant and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Podocarpus is resistant to humidity, and it is necessary to pay attention to regular watering during the growth period, but it is not suitable for waterlogging. Shunde area in summer sunny days to pay attention to regular watering, generally in the morning and evening watering once, in addition to regular spraying foliar water, so that the leaves are bright green, good growth. Summer rain is usually more, Podocarpus is not tolerant of waterlogging, pay attention to prevent long-term ponding.

4, sunshine: Podocarpus is a neutral shade tree species, can accept strong light, but also can grow in a shady environment. Although the summer temperature is higher and the sunlight is strong, it is not necessary to shade the Podocarpus tree in summer because the Podocarpus tree is conducive to maintaining the tree shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Podocarpus seedlings due to tissue tender, not for a long time strong light exposure, it is recommended that the best in the shade of conservation.

5, temperature: potted in the northern region, when the outdoor temperature is stable at about 10 ° C, out of the room, outdoor leeward maintenance, after summer moved to semi-shade, Winter temperature does not drop to 5℃ should enter the room, after entering the room control watering, in the condition of no ice can safely winter.

6, fertilization: Podocarpus like fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer application, fertilizer mainly nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer supplemented, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting made alum fertilizer water. Spring combined with pot change, apply enough base fertilizer, growth season apply some thin alum fertilizer, and often apply 0.1% urea and 3% of the remaining beer, can make the leaves thick and green. Fertilization can be applied once every 1~2 months during the growth period, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (water and fertilizer ratio is 9:1).

7, plastic: Podocarpus is a rotation of branches, according to the trunk has been customized potential, cut off random branches, in the right place to retain 2~3 branches, with metal wire tied branches, so that the main branch slightly drooping, hair technology is not strong. Every year in June, July each pruning once, usually to pick the main (generally should wait for the twig lignification after picking).

8. Diseases and pests: The diseases of Podocarpus podocarpus mainly include leaf spot disease and anthracnose disease, which can be sprayed with 500 times solution of 50% methyl thiophanate wettable powder. Podocarpus pests as long as there are scale insects, red spiders and large moth, etc., available 40% omethoate EC 1500 times liquid spray kill.