
Use it to wash beriberi and stink to avoid you. Even the dead skin is gone.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I am most afraid of being a guest in someone else's house, because as long as I take off my shoes, the air will freeze instantly, and all of you here will show an unspeakable expression. It's all because of smelly feet! Because of the smelly feet, now the cat in the house has been hiding away.

I am most afraid of being a guest in someone else's house, because as long as I take off my shoes, the air will freeze instantly, and all of you here will show an unspeakable expression.

It's all because of smelly feet!

Because of the smelly feet, now the cat in the family has gone to Lao Wang's house next door.

And thieves were caught as a result. This. The size of the world

Foot odor is not treated for a long time, once fungal infection

Not only will it pollute everyone's nose, but they will also feel special itching on their feet.

No matter how you rub it, it's not good enough.

And will produce all kinds of foot diseases.

Such as gray toenails, ringworm of the foot, etc.

What's even more terrifying is that

Beriberi is an infectious disease!

Some families share a foot basin to wash their feet, share a towel to wipe their feet, and put their shoes in the same shoe cabinet.

This is bound to cause cross-infection.

It can be said to be:

If one person gets beriberi, the whole family will suffer!

Today I would like to recommend one to you.

Korean Murphy tender foot soap that is popular all over Japan and South Korea

, using

Han prescription of traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years

Sterilization for beriberi

Directly eliminate fungi and inhibit itching

Let smelly feet and itchy feet become a thing of the past. After several times of use, the dead skin and peeling will be cleaned, and the foot skin will return to normal.

Smooth as before




Sterilize and remove beriberi and bid farewell to fungi

Both Japan and South Korea have the habit of being barefoot indoors, regardless of cold or summer, as long as they enter the door, they will take off their shoes, walk indoors with socks, do housework and eat, and are extremely sensitive to foot odor. This Korean user is

Suffering from beriberi

Oh, they all got caught on their feet.

be besmeared with blood


Washed my feet with maffeline tender foot soap several times.

The fungus was killed

Stitching dead skin and peeling on soles and toes

Greatly reduce

The skin of the foot returns to normal.

Murphy's tender foot soap has been passed down for a hundred years.

Chinese prescription for treating beriberi

, using

North Artemisia argyi, persimmon leaves, mulberry leaves

And other traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, with

Relieve itching, inhibit fungal growth and anti-inflammation

The role of.

Bei Ai

Folk as a substitute for "moxa" (home moxa), with warm qi and blood, cold and dampness, hemostasis and other effects, often used for eczema, traumatic bleeding, etc.

Effectively relieve skin itching


Persimmon leaves

Has the effect of preventing hemolysis.

Inhibit fungi and relieve burning heat


Mulberry leaves have strong anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects.

It has a good inhibitory effect on the growth of most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as some yeast bacteria. Moreover, the required bacteriostatic concentration is low, the pH range is wide (4-9), and the thermal stability is strong. Rutin in mulberry can significantly inhibit traumatic edema.

Cinnamon component

Can be very effective

Inhibition of bacterial growth


Tender foot soap is synthesized by modern process.

Higher absorption and utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine.

The killing rate of fungi has reached an amazing level.


Once young and insensible used a hormone-containing ointment, which made beriberi more and more serious and painful. The bloody athlete's foot scratched because of itching was finally saved!

The effect of maffeline tender foot soap is so powerful that it is all due to

Traditional Chinese medicine with a long history

Because Koreans attach importance to feet, Han Fang, a special traditional Chinese medicine for beriberi, came into being and has been passed on for hundreds of years.

Millions of beriberi patients have been cured.



Stop sweating and deodorize and liberate your feet

In addition to the itching caused by beriberi, the resulting foot odor is even more embarrassing. I dare not have slippers at all when I go out. And maffeline tender foot soap can also handle it!

The plant essence of maffeline tender foot soap can wash feet.

Infiltrate into the root of the sweat gland

To clean up the trash in the sweat glands

Reduce the spread of foot sweat from the root

Keep your feet dry and improve the condition of smelly and sweaty feet



Exfoliate dead skin, whitening and moisturizing


Southeast Asian palm oil

As a core ingredient, let the old cutin and dead skin fall off.

Accelerate the formation of water-locking molecules and collagen

Regenerate the delicate new skin and restore the bright and white color of the feet.

A drop of palm oil contains

Five kinds of nutrients

Linolenic acid regulates skin, carotenoids resist oxidation, squalene regulates skin tone, skin moisturizes, vitamin An increases elasticity, vitamin E reduces foot wrinkles, keeps feet from rough and cracked, and may even be whiter than before.

Pre-use skin

Dark and dark

And very

Dry and rough

Has a thick layer of cutin, after use, the skin color

Brighten up obviously

It is several degrees whiter than before, and you can achieve cream muscle by using it a few more times.

The comparison of water content is also super obvious, before use.

Moisture 20%, oil 27%

Dry until the tester shows a red alert. After use

Moisture 41%, oil 33%

The moisture content is twice as high!



Mild and non-irritating, internationally certified

Super dense foam, very gentle and moisturizing to use, no matter how delicate the skin can use!

Mofeilin tender foot soap was developed by South Korea Chengwon Co., Ltd.

More than 40 years

It has a good reputation in the skin care industry, and has obtained international certification such as FDA and ISO 9001 in the United States, and has been found in Japan, Europe, the United States and Southeast Asian markets.

Tens of thousands of levels

Fans of.


800 bits

South Korean Internet celebrities and anchors personally tested that they had been live for several hours and cared more about the dryness and comfort of their feet, which were warmly respected by them after the trial.


Natural non-irritation

The traditional Chinese medicine ingredients can be safely used by all kinds of people, such as children, the elderly and pregnant women.

The shape is a small foot.

Oh, super cute, just picked up with one hand.

As long as you persist in washing a few times, you can bid farewell to fungi and itching on your feet and reproduce tender and smooth skin. These are all small case!

It is a hot seller this week.

You can buy it by pressing the QR code.


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And can also be purchased