
How does the orchid spring up? What details need to be paid attention to?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchid friend asked me: how on earth does orchid vernalization? Abandoning the technical terms in books and using my own experience to say things, this is the characteristic of a farmer, and it is the only ability I have. What we are talking about here is Chunlan and Huilan, both of which are needed.

Orchid friend asked me: how on earth does orchid vernalization?

Abandoning the technical terms in books and using my own experience to say things, this is the characteristic of a farmer, and it is the only ability I have. Here we are talking about Chunlan and Huilan, both of which need vernalization. Vernalization can make the bud stop growing, accumulate energy and then bloom at a certain temperature, accumulating and producing the fragrance of a gentleman.

At the same time, the accumulation of vernalization energy is also a kind of self-protection behavior of species. Figuratively speaking, orchids know that they are about to blossom and bear fruit, and they will soon follow in the coming year. Then if we do not accumulate energy reserves during this period of time, it is likely to hurt our old capital in the coming year. Therefore, the vernalization of orchids is necessary, but also a very important link, not only for flowering, but also for the sustained and healthy growth of orchids.

Orchids in the natural state do not need to make a clear distinction between vernalization temperature and time, just let the season decide. If artificial vernalization, it should be noted that after vernalization, do not immediately move to a place where there is no sunshine.

In January 2016, an orchid friend in the county introduced a pot of multi-bud spring orchids from a good farmer. In fact, it was already fully vernalized. He runs a hotel, so he puts the orchid basin on the hotel bar, and it is conceivable that the room without sunshine can be ventilated in winter. as a result, after a month, the bud did not move, and later found that it slowly darkened and broke off with a gentle dial, which had already disappeared.

With regard to artificial vernalization, the good farmer thinks that Lanyou needs to pay attention to:

First, the end of vernalization can be arranged on its own, as long as there is more than a month of full vernalization, you can set the end of vernalization according to your own flowering time, of course, on the premise that you do not suffer frost injury.

Second, there must be sunshine during vernalization, including sunshine after vernalization. Sunshine is the necessary medicine for orchids to blossom and bloom well.

Third, no matter when, the requirement of orchid ventilation is even higher than water and fertilizer, the top priority, poor ventilation is impossible to raise orchids.

Lan friends can use it for reference. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a message in the comments section.