
Keep the golden branches and jade leaves well. don't water them indiscriminately. The more you water, the faster you will die.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How often are the golden branches and jade leaves watered? In fact, for how long to water this question, we should according to their own maintenance environment ventilation, as well as the basin soil situation to decide the specific we can according to the following parties.

How often are the golden branches and jade leaves watered? In fact, with regard to the question of how often to water, we should make our own decision according to the ventilation of our maintenance environment and the situation of the basin soil, and we can analyze it according to the following aspects.

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Jinzhi Yuye likes a warm and dry environment, its growth is relatively fast, his branches are easier to Lignify, and his branches have a more vigorous feeling, which is very suitable for bonsai.

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First, take a look at the ventilation

Because there are many maintenance plants with poor environmental ventilation, after watering, the water is not easy to evaporate quickly, resulting in the water in the basin soil is not easy to dry, the root system is often soaked in this moist soil, the respiration is weak, there is not a dry-wet alternating process, the root system is very easy to rot, so we grow flowers, most of the time we have to see dry and wet.

Keep the golden branches and jade leaves well and don't water them indiscriminately. The more water you pour, the faster you will die!

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Second, look at the composition of the soil.

Golden branches and jade leaves like loose and breathable, very good sandy loam soil, if it is your soil, it is not easy to permeate after watering, and it is easy to cause stagnant water and rotten roots. There is a simple way to insert a bamboo stick in the flowerpot. When you want to water it, pull it out and have a look. If the humidity is high, you don't need watering. If there is no humidity, you should water it thoroughly.

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Third, look at its leaves.

The leaves of golden branches and jade leaves are very crystal clear and full and thick. If they are short of water, their leaves will be soft. When watering, you can pinch their leaves. If there is a slight softness that can be curled up, you can water them. If it is relatively hard and plump, then you don't have to water it.

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Succulent golden branches and jade leaves, when should be watered, look at the leaves, so as not to water the wrong roots!