
If you want three orchids, you don't even know why you can raise them well.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Most people who raise orchids are gradually from a novice to a master, and anyone will not slowly become proficient at the beginning. Although orchids are more delicate than ordinary flowers, they are still very tolerant as long as they master their habits and breeding skills.

Most people who raise orchids are gradually from a novice to a master, and anyone will not slowly become proficient at the beginning. Although orchids are more delicate than ordinary flowers, they are still very easy to maintain as long as they master their habits and breeding skills. In the whole maintenance process of orchids, the most important thing is "three want and three don't."

Three requirements for raising orchids. 1. Keep ventilating frequently. On the issue of ventilation has been said many times before, ventilation plays a key role in growing orchids. A well-ventilated environment can make the water in the basin evaporate quickly, accelerate the air circulation in and around the basin, avoid yellow leaves and rotten roots, and avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. 2. Observe frequently. Orchid cultivation needs to be careful, to often observe the growth of orchids, to find problems to be solved as soon as possible, to deal with them in time, to cut off, to change soil, and to disinfect, so as to reduce the occurrence of inverted seedlings, rotten roots and death. 3. Read more and learn more. Most orchid farmers are novice farmers, there is no experience in the aquaculture industry, take a look at some books on aquaculture, learn more from other people's breeding experience, learn from their strong points to make up for their weaknesses, and then combined with their own actual situation to explore a suitable method of cultivating orchids.

Don't raise orchid three. 1. Don't water too often. As soon as many new orchid farmers see the surface of the flowerpot dry, they can't wait to water the orchid for fear that the orchid will dry. In fact, although the basin noodles are dry, they are still very wet inside. for such a long time, the surface looks very dry, but the plant material is wet, which will lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the roots, leading to rotten roots and blue buds. But it can not be allowed to dry out, and the dry plant material is also harmful to the growth of orchids. Therefore, a good orchid needs to learn to water first.

2. Don't apply fertilizer indiscriminately. Although the roots of orchids grow stout, they are most afraid of random fertilization. In order to make the orchid grow fast and well, some flower friends often apply some bad fertilizer to the orchid, which is counterproductive. In fact, breeding orchids choose some fertile rotten leaf soil or completely fermented bark, pine needle soil and other plant materials, there is no need to apply fertilizer at all, the nutrients in the plant materials are enough for orchids to grow for two or three years, and then you only need to change the soil again. it is better not to use plants that do not have any nutrients. In addition, if fertilizer is really needed in maintenance, we should choose some fermented organic fertilizer solution or orchid special fertilizer to make it thin and thin, light and light, and suddenly too much and too thick.

3. Don't leave it at random. Do not find a place to put orchids at home. Orchids are said to "love the rising sun, avoid the setting sun, like the south warm, fear the north cool, and fear smoke and dust". In summer, they should be placed in bright places to avoid strong direct sunlight, and it is best to put them outdoors if there are trees around them, but they should be sheltered in time to avoid exposure. In this way, orchids can receive fresh air and moisture from rain and dew. In winter, it should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, and the air permeability and humidity of the environment should be increased to make it grow healthily.