
Control measures of rotten roots and yellow leaves of green plants in autumn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, Rain Water is very abundant, but it also brings a lot of problems, such as green plants, yellow leaves, scorched leaves are easy to produce. The following is to introduce the prevention and control measures of rotten roots and yellow leaves of green plants in autumn.

At present, the green plant flower industry is developing very fast. Because green plant flowers have high economic value and ornamental value, there is an upsurge of planting flowers and green plants in many places in China, and flower agriculture is more and more, especially in Guangdong.

Because the temperature in Guangdong is relatively suitable and the rent is cheap, many flower farmers from other places come here to plant flowers, and many flower farmers also earn money through planting green plants. Although green plants and flowers can bring economic value, some diseases of green plants are a headache for many flower farmers, especially the phenomenon of yellow leaf rotten roots, which can be said to be a devastating blow.

Recently, the rain is very abundant, but it also brings a lot of problems, such as green leaves, scorched leaves phenomenon is easy to produce. Why is that? Don't worry, everyone. Let Huinong Net Xiaolin answer for you.

Green plants appear yellow leaves, dead leaves, it is obvious that there is a problem with the root system of the plant. Due to the continuous rainy weather, the humidity of the soil increased, serious root rot and root rot occurred, and the root system of the plant became yellow, so the leaves on the green plant appeared yellow and scorched. Green plants are used for viewing, and the yellow leaves can be said to be devastating. So how do we prevent it?

We need to do a good job of supplementing phosphorus and calcium for green plants in time. Why? Because phosphorus supplement can provide necessary nutrients for green plants to grow, and calcium supplement for green plants can effectively promote the healthy development and growth of white root hair roots.

Leaf yellowing, not only will appear root rot phenomenon. Due to the lack of trace elements in green plants themselves, it will also affect their normal photosynthesis. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to supplement zinc, magnesium, boron, copper, iron and other photosynthetic elements in time, which can help the leaves to restore green and prevent the appearance of yellow leaves and premature aging symptoms of green plants.

Kobayashi is also here to remind you flower farmers friends, we should choose the right products according to the actual growth situation to supplement the nutrition needed by green plants and flowers, do not blindly apply medicine oh!

How to raise gold heart hanging orchid gold heart hanging orchid cultivation method

Golden heart spider plant can absorb harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene in the air, and its odor can also kill germs in the air. It is a common office and home potted plant. How should we raise golden heart spider plants? The following is a brief introduction to the cultivation method of golden heart spider orchid.

1. Change soil and basin

Potted spider orchid in management, in order to seek luxuriant stems and leaves, in March of each year should be changed soil, change pot 1 time. If the basin is deeper and the base month is sufficient, the basin can be changed once every two years. When turning over the pots, knock the plants out of the pots, cut off the withered roots and redundant roots, replace them with new culture soil rich in humus, and then apply livestock hoof slices or decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.

After planting, put in a warm place in the shade to slow down the seedlings. The optimum growth temperature of spider plant is about 25℃. After the plants recover and grow healthily, hang the flowerpots under the eaves or at appropriate positions indoors. The general height is not appropriate to meet, and pay attention to ventilation.

2. Appropriate lighting

Chlorophytum prefer a semi-shady environment. Spring and autumn should avoid strong sunlight direct sun, summer sunlight is particularly strong, only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50% of the sun a 70%, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the mosaic varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight, Phnom Penh spider orchid in the weak light will grow more beautiful, yellow Phnom Penh more obvious, leaves more shiny.

But winter should make it see more sunshine, in order to keep the leaves tender green. Family potted plants should be placed in the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose luster and even wither.

3. Appropriate amount of fertilizer

Chlorophytum is a relatively fertile foliage plants, if the lack of fertilizer, easy to scorch head senescence, yellow leaves, loss of ornamental value. From late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer solution can be applied once every 7 to 10 days, but for flower varieties such as Phnom Penh and Jinxin, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied less, so as to avoid flower color fading or even disappearing, affecting beauty. Can be properly applied bone meal, eggshell and other organic fertilizer retting system, to be fully fermented, take the right amount of diluent, every 10-15 days irrigation 1 time, can make flowers and leaves bright.

4. Proper watering

Chlorophytum hi humid environment, to keep the pot soil moist, summer watering should be sufficient, around noon and evening should also spray water on the branches and leaves, in case the leaves dry. Indoor often more dust, such as hanging orchid dust more, both affect its growth, but also damage the branches and leaves fresh, fresh, so often spray wash branches and leaves, keep branches and leaves bright and beautiful. Lower dead leaves, yellow leaves should be picked at any time, usually to maintain normal humidity, should not be dry or too wet.

5, pest control

Chlorophytum plant diseases and insect pests are few, mainly physiological diseases, yellow leaf front end, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. Regular inspection, timely wipe out the leaves of scale insects, whiteflies and so on. Chlorophytum is not easy to occur diseases and insect pests, but if the pot soil ponding and poor ventilation, in addition to causing root rot, may also occur root rot, available carbendazim WP 500-800 times solution irrigation roots, once a week, 2-3 times can be used.

The golden heart spider orchid likes warm and humid environment and is not cold-resistant. It is less cold-resistant than the general green leaf spider orchid. It is afraid of high temperature and strong light exposure, and is not resistant to drought, salinity and ponding. The suitable temperature for growth is 13-28℃, and the ambient temperature in winter should not be lower than 7℃. After frost, the lowest temperature in the morning may be close to 4℃, which will bring obvious chilling damage to the plants of Chlorophytum goldenatum.

Although it could not be shown immediately at that time, after being moved indoors, due to insufficient light, dry air, high room temperature and poor ventilation, the chilling damaged plants must show green stripes on the leaves and brown edges.

However, as long as its fleshy roots have not rotted and necrotic due to cold damage, etc., it can be moved to a bright place, controlled pot watering, increased foliar spray, turned over the pot to change the soil before coming out of the room in the next spring, pruned off the withered and necrotic leaves at the same time, and strengthened fertilizer and water management. The plant can quickly recover vigorous growth. Family potted spider orchid, in general, also often prone to leaf tip drying, leaves gradually lose luster and other phenomena.

6, breeding points

Chondrus goldenheart prefers warm, humid and semi-shady environments. It's less strict about the intensity of light. Its vigorous growth period is from March to September, and it can grow normally in winter as long as the temperature is not lower than 7℃. It grows better in regular wet conditions.

Because it has fleshy roots, it can endure dryness for a period of time, so watering should pay attention to dry and wet, spring and autumn generally watering once every two to three days, summer generally watering once a day, winter plant growth is slow, appropriate reduction of water. Dry environment, low air humidity, often lead to leaf tip dry, affecting growth and viewing effects, so regular spraying, improve air humidity is more conducive to growth.

Golden heart spider orchid in the growth period can be fertilized once a month, outdoor cultivation can be applied thin decomposed cake fertilizer water, human excrement; placed indoors, can apply some compound fertilizer. Generally every one to two years for a basin, basin soil available loose, fertile, well-drained sand.

What if the happy tree leaves fall? Happy tree leaves fell off the solution

Recently, many flower friends reflect that the situation of happy tree falling leaves is very serious. What is the reason for this? How to prevent it effectively? Don't worry, the next small series will introduce you in detail the reasons for the leaves of the happiness tree and the solutions to help you better plant the happiness tree.

Happiness tree can be made into small and medium-sized potted plants, placed in indoor and balcony, etc., is a good furniture embellishment green plants, its exuberant vitality always brings good luck and happiness to people.

So, happiness tree leaves how to do, do you know how happiness tree leaves? Below, for you to analyze the reasons for the happy tree leaves and the corresponding solutions:

1, caused by too high or too low temperature

Reason: kidney bean tree likes warm and hot environment, suitable temperature for growth is 20℃ to 30℃.

Solution: During the summer heat, when the ambient temperature reaches 30℃ or more, it is necessary to properly shade the canopy, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a ventilated and cool place with shade for summer. Fall late autumn, when the ambient temperature dropped to about 10℃, it should be moved to the shed in time.

2. Insufficient or too strong light

Reason: kidney bean tree is a light-loving plant, but also a little shade, full sunshine, semi-shade environment can be. Its seedlings are more tolerant of shade, summer to build a shed shading.

Solution: potted plants, in the indoor display period should be placed in sufficient light in front of the window or indoor. If it is placed indoors in dim light for a long time, it is easy to cause falling leaves. Family potted plants, during winter can be placed in front of the window or balcony before the higher parts, so that it can receive more light.

3. Too much watering or insufficient water

Solution: When cultivating, the soil and display environment are required to be relatively moist. During the seedling period, keep the seedbed moist. Supply enough water in the high temperature season. Spray the plants 2 to 3 times a day in the high temperature season. Summer and autumn plants placed outdoors for conservation. Winter put in indoor plants, plants into dormancy, not too much watering, to avoid rotten roots.

4. Wrong soil selection or insufficient fertility of the soil itself

Solution: potted kidney bean tree, should choose loose fertile, good drainage permeability, rich in organic matter culture soil. Usually garden soil: rotten leaf soil: decomposed organic fertilizer: river sand =5:3:1:1 mixture preparation. During the growing season, loosen the soil once a month to ensure that the roots are always in a good state of permeability. Under normal circumstances, small and medium-sized plants as family potted plants can be turned over once a year at the beginning of April to meet the requirements of soil fertility for their annual growth.

5. Insufficient or excessive fertilizer for growth


(1) See if there is too much fertilizer, whether the applied organic fertilizer is decomposed, etc. At this time, you can dilute the fertility of the pot soil with water, but be careful not to cause ponding.

(2) When fertility is insufficient, in addition to adding appropriate decomposed cake fertilizer and 3% multi-element compound fertilizer to the cultivated soil, topdressing should be given continuously. During the growing season, quick-acting liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month, usually with decomposed cake fertilizer water. A small amount of potted plants in families, or large-scale potted plants displayed in public places for a long time, can be regularly buried with a small amount of multi-element slow-release compound fertilizer particles, or can be irrigated with 0.2% urea plus 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture.

6. Environmental mutation or metabolism


(1) Because of the sudden change of the environment, there is no need to worry about this kind of situation. Measures can be taken to reduce the degree of environmental change, and the happiness tree can adapt.

(2) Happiness tree growth all the time in metabolism, there will be dead leaves withered phenomenon, if the growth is normal, there is no problem, you can directly cut yellow leaves, do not need special maintenance.

7, happiness tree without roots caused by

Solution: If you just bought it, you can return it or rest the happiness tree to wait for it to sprout new roots.

[Happy Tree Potted Cultivation Tips]

1, the principle of watering: watering is poured thoroughly, the frequency should not be fixed for a long time.

2, from time to time to turn the basin full range of sunlight, keep the air humidity moist, can promote coordinated good growth.

3, can spray water on its leaves 2 to 3 times a day, can effectively prevent the new leaf tip yellow.