
The method of cutting and points for attention in cuttage of tiger orchid

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The editor went to a friend's house two days ago and saw that a good-looking tiger Pilan also wanted to raise a pot, but what if he didn't want to spend money on planting? I believe that many friends are like editors. Is there any way to grow flowers without spending money?

As we all know, tiger skin orchid is a foliage plant, including Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid, short spike tiger tail orchid and onion leaf tiger skin orchid. The leaves are pretty. But it will also blossom, the petals are slender, beautiful and fresh, and the taste is refreshing. In fact, if you want to grow tiger skin orchid, you can grow it without spending money in this way.

The first method: leaf cutting method

Look for some leaves of tiger skin orchid from relatives and friends, cut them into segments of about ten centimeters, put them in a cool place, dry them for two days, and insert them into the river sand, or perlite and vermiculite, with a depth of three centimeters. As long as the temperature is 15 degrees, you can cut it at any time, or in autumn, it will take root in a month or so.

And then new buds grow from the bottom. You can plant it in a pot. If you take care of yourself in the sun, you can survive.

In Hua you's office, there was a tiger Pilan dying and thought he was going to die. Then he broke a leaf and inserted it into the soil. When he thought of it, he watered it. Unexpectedly, he found it took root and sprouted a few weeks later. A leaf can grow into a forest. It feels like a big surprise. Leaves can take root and sprout whether they are made into a piece or the whole piece of soil.

The second method: split plant method

There are usually some small seedlings popping up in the pots where tiger skin orchids are planted. Pour out a pot of tiger skin orchids and separate these burst cubs. It is better to bring a little root, or you can split several trees and plant them in other flowerpots. Such a pot of tiger skin orchid can grow three pots.

How should tiger skin orchid be raised at ordinary times? In order to grow luxuriantly, blossom and burst pots, we need to pay attention to the following points:

Tiger skin orchid rarely watered, because it is a very drought-tolerant plant, so usually do not water too frequently, do not water too much. Otherwise, the leaves will turn pale.

How to tell if watering is needed:

Insert it into the basin with a stick. If the surface of the soil and the basin soil on the second layer are very dry, it needs watering. In late autumn and winter, it is especially necessary to control water, which makes it easier to get through the winter more safely. It's okay to do it a little bit, because it's during the dormant period. The temperature rises in the spring before watering. Will come back to life and thrive again.

Tips for applying fertilizer to Tiger Pilan:

Usually do not need how to fertilize, in the spring and autumn growth, with a handful of cooked soybeans, dig a small hole in the soil at the edge of the flowerpot, fill it. Cover the soil. Then put it on the ventilated balcony and keep the sun shining. Tiger Pilan will grow better and better, even blossom and bear small fruits.

In fact, Tiger Pilan should be lazy and should not be too diligent. A pot of tiger skin orchid raised by relatives was left on the roof for a few months, but usually no one watered it, but Rain Water would be drenched when it rained. A few months later, the leaves were wide, thick and green, and the pot burst.

What if the tiger skin orchid has rotten roots?

The rotten roots are probably caused by long-term stagnant water in the basin soil. you can pour out the basin soil, wash the roots with water, and then disinfect them with potassium permanganate and carbendazim solution for 30 minutes. After taking it out, soak it in water for two days and replant it in the new basin soil. It will grow new roots.

How does tiger skin orchid propagate, matters needing attention

Tiger skin orchid, also known as tiger tail orchid, is a kind of strong vitality foliage plant, is a root hair plant, generally speaking, only need to plant a few plants, a year later, can harvest a full pot. Then how does Hu Pilan propagate in separate plants? What matters should be paid attention to in the ramets of Tiger Pilan?

How does tiger skin orchid propagate in separate plants

Cutting and ramet are the most commonly used propagation methods. Compared with leaf cutting propagation, the biggest advantage of split propagation is that it can keep Phnom Penh's Phnom Penh, which is generally combined with changing pots in spring.

Ramet operation method:

The overgrown foliage is cut into several clumps, each with leaves, but also a section of rhizome and sucking buds, which can be planted in pots. When planting, first put part of the soil under the basin, and then plant it from one side of the basin and plant it evenly in the basin.

Matters needing attention of the ramets of Tiger Pilan

Take the plant out of the basin and separate the daughter plant from the mother plant with a sharp knife. Try to avoid damaging the root system and let the separated sub-plant carry as many roots as possible. After separation, the seeds should be placed in a dark place indoors to prevent rain and control watering, so as not to cause the rot of the incision, and wait for the new leaves to grow before they can be transferred to normal maintenance.

Tiger Pilan is lax on the environment and easy to maintain, and its biggest feature is that it can purify the air and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. A few pots of tiger orchid can absorb indoor harmful gases in the newly renovated home.

The method of Cuttage Propagation of Tiger skin Orchid how to raise it in winter

Although the tiger skin orchid does not often bloom and its appearance is not as gorgeous as other flower varieties, it does not affect people's love for it. It is often used in the living room and office, it not only has a high ornamental value, it can absorb formaldehyde, purify the air this characteristic is also incomparable to general flowers. And for the flower lovers who want to raise it, of course, they are most concerned about its breeding method.

The method of Cuttage Propagation of Polygonum cuspidatum

1. Cutting propagation time

Cymbidium can be propagated by cuttage all the year round.

2. Selection of cuttings.

Medium and large species of tiger tail orchid is suitable for split leaf cutting, and small species of tiger tail orchid is suitable for whole leaf cutting. healthy and thick leaves should be selected as cuttings.

3. Methods of cutting propagation.

Cut the leaf into several pieces with an equal distance of 5-8 cm, and insert the leaf block obliquely into a clean medium, which should first be soaked with water and placed in a semi-shady place to wait for the cuttings to sprout. When the seedlings grow out, they can be transplanted to a larger round basin to raise seedlings.

How to raise tiger skin orchid in winter

1. Curing temperature

Tiger skin orchid likes a relatively warm growing environment, and its suitable growth temperature is between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃. So when raising Tiger Pilan in winter, try not to put it outdoors.

2. Controlled watering

The general temperature in winter is relatively low, Hu Pilan is a desert plant, more afraid of frozen leaves afraid of waterlogging, so it is best to control watering in winter. Wait until spring to resume watering. If the room is not warm enough, it is best to stop watering and wait until the temperature picks up.

3. Do not apply fertilizer

In winter, the growth of Hu Pilan slows down, and a lot of fertilizer is not needed at this time, because the demand for fertilizer is not very high in winter.

4. Anti-freezing in winter

Tiger skin orchid in winter, must pay attention to anti-freezing, because tiger skin orchid is a plant with relatively high water content in leaves, if frozen in winter, the cells will break, causing its death. Therefore, we should pay attention to anti-freezing, do not say that tiger skin orchid is dead.

Disease and control of tiger skin orchid

1. Leaf spot

Harmful symptoms: mainly occurred in the leaves, the leaves appeared nearly round or oblong spots at the initial stage, the edge of the spot was light yellow, slightly sunken. The disease spot of the leaf is easy to fuse, the leaf is dead, and the disease spot is shedding and perforating in the later stage. Disease spots near the ground are prone to rot, resulting in stem base rot or whole plant folding.

Control methods: reduce watering in the process of maintenance, keep the soil slightly wet and reduce the soil moisture, which can effectively prevent leaf spot disease. During the onset of the disease, Bordeaux solution can be selected at the initial stage, and 2000 dry suspension can be killed by 53.8%. It is sprayed 2-3 times continuously, with an interval of 5-7 days. Change the agent timely during spraying to prevent the plant from developing drug resistance.

2. Rot disease

Harmful symptoms: at the initial stage of the disease, water-stained disease spots will appear on the plant leaves, and after gradually expanding, the disease spots will be round to irregular, dark gray, soft rot, slightly sunken; then the disease spots dry and sunken, and black mildew spots will appear on the leaves in the humid environment.

Prevention and treatment: remove the diseased leaves in time when diseased plants are found, and change pots and soil. The soil should be disinfected before replanting. When the disease is serious, spray 50% carbendazim or methyl topiramate 800 times solution, once every 5-7 days, can be stopped as soon as it is good.

3. Bacterial soft rot

Harmful symptoms: after the plant is infected, the leaves will change from green to light yellow to grayish yellow, and the stem base near the ground will appear water-stained soft rot, which will gradually fold in the later stage, and the roots will rot and die.

Prevention and control methods: the temperature in winter and spring should be controlled above 10 ℃, watering should be controlled and shade should be properly shaded. In the peak growing season in spring and autumn, appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the disease resistance of the plant. Remove the diseased plant and clean it up in time. If found in time, you can choose streptomycin sulfate 2000 times solution, 5-7 days spraying once, continuous spraying 2-3 times.

How does tiger skin orchid propagate in separate plants

1. Cutting

Sparse do not need to tube, here is mainly to cut the dense tiger skin orchid leaf clump into several clumps. There should be not only leaves but also rhizomes and sucking buds on each foliage. Only in this way can Hu Pilan survive.

2. Potted planting

First of all, spread a layer of culture soil at the bottom of the flowerpot, then place the leaves of Hu Pilan evenly in the flowerpot from one side of the flowerpot, and finally, fill the gaps in the flowerpot with the culture soil.

3. Maintenance

Do not put it after planting in the pot. Water should be watered for the first time, and then the amount of water should be controlled.

4. Points for attention of ramet

When cutting, try to make the roots on each clump a little more evenly, and try to avoid damaging the roots, and of course, don't hurt yourself.

The planted tiger skin orchid should be taken care of in a cool place and moved into the house on rainy days. It should not be caught in the rain for a long time to prevent the roots from rotting.

Although Tiger Pilan has a very strong ability to adapt to the environment, it is still necessary to control key factors such as light, water and fertilizer after family breeding. In the later stage, we should also prevent more diseases and insect pests. There are detailed prevention and control methods above. If these can be done well, then the growth of Tiger Pilan will not be very bad, and there may be beautiful florets.