
Why doesn't white palm bloom? Introduction to the cautions and basin division methods of white palm water culture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Mention white palm flower friends will not feel strange, it is easy to feed, and means "smooth sailing", very popular with everyone. But in the process of breeding white palm, many flower friends will encounter the situation that white palm does not bloom. Why is this?

White palm perennial evergreen herbs, like semi-shade environment, but also very tolerant of shade, water-raised white palm is perennial sunshine will not die. White palm, just like its good name "smooth sailing", means everything goes smoothly and safely. Because it is easy to feed, the meaning is good, very popular with everyone. However, in the process of white palm cultivation, many flower friends found that white palm did not bloom, why is this? And Huinong network Xiaobian together to see the white palm water maintenance precautions and white palm basin method.

White palm water care precautions:

1. Although the white palm could live as long as there was water, it still needed to be managed with some effort to maintain it. Fertilization is necessary if white palm grows well. Nutrient solution should be put in the container water, so as to ensure the nutrient supplement needed for white palm growth. If white palm has deficiency symptoms, nutrient solution can also be used for element supplement.

2. Although it likes shade, flower friends should not always put it in the shade. Proper light is needed during the growth of white palm, so that white palm can grow flowers. This is also an important reason why many white palms do not bloom.

White palm basin method:

1. White palm basin is very simple, avoid flowering, directly split into two, put into the flowerpot, comb good shape.

2. Avoid direct sunlight, and so on new shoots can grow drops of nutrient solution, at least once a week for water, package feed.

The above is the white palm water cultivation precautions and sub-basin methods compiled by Huinong Net. In general, white palm cultivation is relatively easy, mainly with more maintenance and sufficient nutrition. White palm flowering is still easy to achieve.

Home white palm culture method white palm does not bloom reasons and solutions

With the improvement of people's living standards, people have more spare time and money to enrich their lives. For example, female friends like to use their leisure time to cultivate some particularly exquisite and beautiful flowers and plants at home. White palm is one of the potted flowers we like to grow at home, not only in soil culture, but also in water culture. Let's take a look at the method of cultivating white palm together with Xiaobian below!

Family white palm hydroponic culture method

1. Vase

If you want to take the water culture method, you can buy a vase with a large bottom, or a medium-sized fish tank is also good.

2. Temperature

Only the right temperature can help it grow, 5-30 degrees are relatively normal, in this range, it will not be hurt, can grow normally.

3. Light

It should be given scattered light, which is the most suitable light, not necessarily let it bask in the sun, especially in summer, do not put it in the sun directly.

4. Water and fertilizer

In high temperature season, add water to it about a week, and change it once every 10 days and 15 days in winter. Each time you add water, you can add a little special hydroponic nutrient solution, and you can mix it according to the instructions. Green algae grow easily in the bottle, the roots become unsightly, and oxygen is consumed. When you add water, you should wash the dirt off the roots, cut off the dead roots, and wash the bottles. The bottle needs only half or two-thirds of the water above the root, leaving the rest exposed to help it absorb matter.

5. Humidity

In order to avoid its leaves withered, affecting the viewing, you can often spray water to its leaves humidification, it is best to spray foliar fertilizer once a week, not only can increase nutrients, so that the leaves are more shiny, but also make it safer to winter. Before flowering, you can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves, the amount is 0.3%, two or three times can help it bloom more densely.

The reason why white palm does not bloom

1. Maintenance environment is not suitable

White palm is called lazy flower, but it is not easy to make it bloom. If the white palm grows in a place with insufficient light or too strong sunlight for a long time, it will cause poor growth and difficulty in flowering, especially in April to May before flowering. The light is insufficient and the air is dry. The white palm will not bloom in time.

2. Insufficient growth space

White palm grows faster, generally 1-2 years plant will grow full pot, leaves crowded, improper ventilation, the leaves inside difficult to accept sunlight, difficult to bloom.

3. Long-term lack of fertilizer

White palm long-term no fertilizer, not conducive to healthy growth of plants and affect flowering, in May to September growth period into a number of granular compound fertilizer every month, so that both long leaves and flowering.

4. The growth period is not enough

White palm flowering itself also needs conditions to limit, bought from the flower market has blossomed white palm growth years are more than 3 years, basically can bloom normally. However, under normal circumstances, 4 - 6-year-old white palm can bloom normally; if it is sown, it takes 5 - 6 years to bloom; after the seedling is divided, it takes 2 - 3 years to bloom. If your white palm is in its infancy, it is normal for it not to bloom, and you need to wait slowly!

White palm does not bloom solution

1. Strengthen daily maintenance

Put the plants in a bright place for maintenance, pay attention to watering in time to ensure air humidity. From April to May, water is often sprinkled around the plant to improve the relative humidity, and fertilizer is applied once a month. The amount of fertilizer can be appropriately increased before flowering to ensure sufficient nutrients for flowering.

2. Induction and flower promotion

White palm flowering needs induction, spraying gibberellic acid one month before flowering to induce flowering artificially.

3. Change the large basin in time

White palm leaves grow rapidly, according to its growth situation in time to change pots loose soil. Every year in early spring, change a large basin for white palm and replace it with loose soil. After pot change, keep the plants in the shade for 1 week and then maintain them normally. When the plant branches and leaves are too dense and the ratio of plant to spray is 3:1, it is necessary to change pots in time. For potted plants that grow very quickly, they can be replaced in the autumn.

What should I do if the white palm flowers bloom smaller and smaller?

If it is too dense, trim the plants, trim off all branches and leaves that are weak, have been eroded by pests, etc.; at the same time, remove the older leaves; if yellow leaves are found, they should also be removed. In addition to increasing plant transparency and air permeability, this can also avoid unnecessary loss of nutrients.

If the nutrients are insufficient or the soil is not fertile enough, half of the original soil can be dumped and replaced with new fertile soil, and then the daily fertilization work should be done. Fertilization should also be done after flowering, which is conducive to the next flowering. Many friends think that plants can be treated loosely after flowering, which is wrong.

These two reasons belong to the most direct reasons. I believe everyone now has a certain understanding of this problem. Xiao Bian wants to say that there are problems with plants, which must be related to our improper maintenance. Therefore, as long as we pay more attention to maintenance, then flowers will definitely be healthy!

As mentioned above, in fact, sometimes hydroponics white palm will be more convenient and beautiful, and there is no soil, do not worry about dirtying the home oh! Not only was it cultivated in soil or water, the white palm was so exquisite and elegant!

Which hydroponic plants are best to grow? 8 kinds of good looking and good growing hydroponic plants introduced

There are more and more people raising green plants, which can be divided into many types. One kind is professional breeding plants, to raise plants for a living; one kind is love flowers and plants, can also be said to be hard-working gardeners; there is also a kind of stocking planting, not much time and energy to take care of, flower friends are what kind? However, Xiao Bian knows that no matter what kind of flower friends are from the heart of love for green plants and flowers, I hope they can grow healthy and beautiful, but many flower friends can not raise anything well, flowers can not be raised, evergreen plants can not, if this is the case, Xiao Bian suggested that hydroponic plants can be considered. The following eight species of hydroponic plants can be said to be immortal.

Calycea arvensis

The name contains the meaning of good luck and wealth. The shape is very similar to the copper coins in ancient times. The leaves are compact and the shape is round and lovely. It is also very simple to raise. Even if the leaves droop, they can stand up by watering; or cut off the old leaves to grow new buds without worrying about death.

rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is an evergreen plant, meaning four seasons such as spring, auspicious wealth, is a very popular domestic plants. Rich bamboo exquisite unique, ornamental high. Put on a pot of rich bamboo, can give a person a kind of freshness.


Hyacinth has a variety of colors, very bright. Meaning of the meaning of life, all by the blessing of this flower, life is full of vitality, is the best choice to send people.

white palm

Water-raised white palm can not only enjoy flowers, but also enjoy the elegant demeanour of its roots, but also has the advantages of clean environmental protection, simple maintenance, etc., which makes people relaxed and happy.


A new generation of foliage plants. Ivy perennial evergreen, not only can decorate the indoor environment, but also can effectively absorb formaldehyde and other harmful substances, purification of living space. Ivy is very adaptable to the environment, whether it is water or soil can be raised lush.

money tree

Money tree, also known as snow iron taro, is a perennial evergreen plant, thick leaves, like a series of coins, hence the name. Money tree implies wealth, glory and wealth.

Hong Yun dang TOU

It means good luck. Lucky head flower red, flowers and leaves luxuriant, blooming red, very festive. Businessmen and office workers love it, hoping it brings good luck.


Belong to perennial herbs, strong roots and short stems, large flowers, rich colors. Gerbera mysterious, not afraid of difficulties, implies the pursuit of rich life.