
Daily Maintenance of Fortune Tree and Treatment of Yellow Leaf Rotten Root

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What about the yellow leaves and rotten roots of the rich tree? Below, Xiaobian will talk to you about the daily maintenance of Fortune Tree and the treatment of yellow leaf rotten roots.

Fortune tree: it means to attract wealth and treasure, good luck, and is loved by flower growers. The leaves are green and lovely all the year round, especially beautiful in atmosphere. However, in the process of cultivating rich trees, minor maintenance problems and the most common root rot phenomenon are often encountered. Next, the editor will talk to you about the daily maintenance of the rich tree and the treatment of yellow leaves and rotten roots.

The rich tree is a tropical foliage plant, which likes warmth and shade; likes moist but avoids stagnant water. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn can raise the rich tree outdoors, but avoid the direct sun, the rich tree is afraid of the cold, and it should be moved indoors in winter to prevent frostbite. The suitable temperature for its growth is 1830 degrees.

The root system of the rich tree is underdeveloped, so it is not suitable to use that kind of big and deep flowerpot to cultivate the rich tree. When you move the basin, you will find that the root of the rich tree is thin and small, which is in sharp contrast to its huge trunk, so most of the rich trees we see are planted in submerged pots in order to avoid stagnant water.

The rich tree likes a humid climate, but it doesn't matter if the soil is slightly wet in winter, or even dry, but don't overwater it, which is responsible for its yellow leaves and rotten roots.

The rich tree likes slightly acidic soil and loess does not like clayey black soil. It is suggested that rotten leaf soil, garden soil, river sand (or perlite) should be mixed at 1:1:1. Before putting on the basin, a small amount of organic fertilizer can be added to the bottom of the basin to ensure its adequate energy supply. At ordinary times, the leaves can be sprayed with ferrous sulfate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution of 1RU 1000 to maintain the humidity of the leaves and the surrounding air.

If there are yellow leaves, you can cut off the yellow leaves in time and find out the reason: long-term shade, leaves without water for a long time and the temperature is too low will lead to rich tree yellow leaves. If you find that the bark falls off and there is mucus residue around the roots, your rich tree must have rotten roots!

In fact, we are not afraid of rotten roots. We can dig out the roots of the rich tree, dig out the rotten roots with a sterilized knife, disinfect them in 1RV 2000 potassium permanganate solution for 2 hours, and then take them out to dry and change the soil to pot again. Before potting, the root can be smeared with some rooting powder to promote its rapid rooting. Do not rush to water after potting, put it in a cool place for a few days and then pour a small amount of water to prevent secondary root rot.

How to protect the rich tree from rotting yellow leaves

Bonsai Flower Network Guide: today, the editor of the Flower Bonsai Network is to share with you an article on how to maintain rich trees without rotten roots and yellow leaves. Let's take a look.

The rich tree has a good meaning, symbolizing the good fortune and good fortune. People like the rich tree, and the rich tree is also a kind of plant that is super easy to maintain, because it does not need watering very much, and it can grow super well without watering for a month.

However, many friends find it difficult to raise a rich tree. Yellow leaves, fallen leaves, rotten roots, no growth and other problems.

The editor has told you many times that 90% of the reasons why rich trees cannot be raised are due to too much water. Many friends like to water the wealth tree easily, and even some friends pour water into it no matter what.

In view of these problems, the editor thinks that the hydroponic rich tree is suitable for everyone, and the hydroponic rich tree may not be easily watered, and it is easier to take care of it.


1. Take the rich tree out of the original basin, clean the soil, rinse it with clean water, and cut off the overlong, rotten, root system, old, yellow and diseased leaves with scissors.

2. Then put the rich tree in a container containing water, and be careful that the water level is not too high, just touching the bottom of the root system.

When the rich tree grows new white roots, it is also necessary to slowly lower the water level, so that most of the roots are exposed in the air, and do not let the whole roots soak in water.

3. Before the rich tree grows new roots, it is necessary to change the water frequently. After the white roots grow, the number of times of changing water will be reduced. If there is less water, just add water directly. If you change water frequently, it will lead to yellow leaves.

4. Add nutrient solution once a month so that the rich tree can grow luxuriantly.

But don't add nutrient solution in summer. If the temperature is too high, the nutrient solution will make the bacteria in the water grow and cause the root system to rot.

5. Don't move or change direction for 10 days. If you have to move, wait for new roots to grow.

6. Hydroponic rich trees are generally kept indoors for maintenance, and the requirements for sunlight are not high, but they are not completely out of contact with sunshine, and it is best to keep them in a bright and ventilated environment.

Note: there are many friends like to put the wealth tree next to the electrical appliances, it is best not to put the wealth tree next to the TV set or where air conditioners and fans often blow, so that the leaf tips and edges of the wealth tree will easily dry up.

Introduction to the maintenance methods of wealth trees in summer high temperature weather! Yellow leaves and rotten roots are not afraid.

The rich tree is a favorite indoor foliage plant, which not only has beautiful plant shape and green leaves, but also has a very beautiful meaning. However, with the arrival of the hot summer weather, many friends found that their wealth trees were either yellow leaves or rotten roots. So, in the hot weather, how to maintain the wealth tree? Let's take a look.

Picture: fortune tree

First, watering

Watering is the top priority for the maintenance of rich trees in summer. The reason why we put watering at the beginning is to make friends pay more attention to it.

1. Reason: I don't know if you have found that although the wealth tree is large and its trunk is thick, its root system is very few. An one-meter-high wealth tree has less roots in the basin than the small orchid. Therefore, if you water a lot, but the root system does not absorb it, it will be stuck in the soil, so the root will rot.

two。 Methods: summer home is generally dry, evaporation is also large, so watering once a week, a week to spray water on the leaves, it is more appropriate, but must be adjusted according to their own specific conditions. Some areas are moist and less watered on the basis; in some areas, if they are dry, they will be watered a little more; large pots of soil will emit more slowly and less; and small pots of soil will emit less quickly and water more. In short, when you see the soil dry, the leaves wilt slightly before watering, and water them in the evening.

Picture: fortune tree

Second, lighting

During this period, high temperature warnings have been issued one after another, and you can imagine how much the sun has to be exposed. People can't stand it, let alone get rich.

1. Reason: although the rich tree is happy, the too hot sun will also burn the leaves of the rich tree. The rich tree can bask in the sun in spring and autumn, but not now.

two。 Method: if you put it on the balcony or window, it is best to be in the sun at noon, that is, from 12:00 to 3 p.m., properly shade and block a piece of paper shell on the glass. Do not turn the basin of the rich tree 180 °every other week, otherwise it will grow big on one side and small on the other because of the tendency to light, that will not be beautiful.

Picture: fortune tree

3. Location

I believe that many of your wealth trees are put in the dining room, and even in the kitchen. But do you know where the wealth tree should be placed?

1. Reason: the rich tree is easy to rot and needs to be placed in a well-ventilated position. Relatively speaking, the living room and kitchen are not well ventilated. Now that summer is coming, the weather is muggy, and the location of the rich tree needs to be paid more attention, otherwise a careless tree will rot its roots and leaves.

two。 Method: if there is an unclosed balcony at home, it is best to put the wealth tree inside the balcony for testing, that is, on one side of the wall, often open windows for ventilation. If the balcony temperature at home is too high, worry about the health of the rich tree, then put in the living room about 3 meters from the window, often open the window to get some air.

Picture: fortune tree

IV. Fertilization

1. Reason: may to September is the growing period of rich trees, which requires a lot of fertilization, so it is necessary to strengthen the management of water and fertilizer. But rich trees need less water, and their roots are not well developed. if they are too fat, they will turn their leaves yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to apply soothing fertilizer, such as slow-release fertilizer.

two。 Method: but the problem that the rich tree can't move the yellow leaves makes people dare not to add fertilizer casually. If you are really worried, let me give you a move. Don't we usually have to water it? Then we can do some small articles in watering, for example, diluting and watering with fish culture water, Rain Water, and fermented rice water, then we can solve the two problems of watering and fertilization at one time.

[editor's conclusion] watering, light, location and fertilization are the key to the maintenance of rich trees in summer. Above for you to introduce the summer high temperature weather rich tree maintenance methods, I hope to help you!