
How to eliminate pests in flowerpots? Control methods of common flowerpot pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The pests in the flowerpot can never be killed? Why don't you try these tricks to get rid of potted pests easily?

Recently, there are always flower friends asking questions about killing insects. Today, the editor will give you a tip. As long as you find timely and timely measures, I believe your flowers will get rid of insect pests and become sturdy, shiny leaves and more flowering.

I. aphids

Which plants are harmed?

Rose, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, rhododendron, hyacinth and so on.


1. Detergent and white vinegar

1. Prepare 550ml plastic bottle, fill it with water, drop 4 or 5 drops of detergent, pour 2 bottles of white vinegar with more than 2 caps, shake well and spray where there are bugs.

two。 Generally, spraying 2 or 3 times can solve the problem.

2. Cut tobacco

1. Take 5 or 6 cigarettes, pick out the cut tobacco and soak it in water for 2 days, take out the clear liquid, where there is insect spray.

2.2, 3 days later, spray again, usually 3 or 4 times, the aphids will die. Cut tobacco water can also be diluted 10 times before filling the root.

Scale insects

Which plants are harmed?

Succulent plants, orchids, happiness trees and so on.


1. Washing powder

The detergent is diluted with water according to 1RV 500 or 1Rd 600, and the problem can be solved by spraying the worms once every 3 days and then spraying it for 3 times.

2. Alcohol

Dip in alcohol with cotton swabs, wipe the leaves and stems again, and wipe them again after 2 or 3 days.

Third, red spider

Which plants are harmed?

Milan, jasmine, begonia, sweet-scented osmanthus, rose and so on.


Aika mite, Jinmanzhi

1. Ika mites are diluted with water, and the ratio of Eka mites to water is 2500. After dilution, spray directly on the leaves. Don't forget to spray on the back as well.

After 2.3 days, use Jinmanzhi and dilute it with water. The ratio of Jinmanzhi to clear water is 11500. spray branches and leaves.

3. In three days, Ika mite will be sprayed. Generally, two kinds of drugs can be sprayed alternately for 2 or 3 times to solve the problem of red spider.

Fourth, Xiao Hefei

Which plants are harmed?

Dahlia, impatiens, crape myrtle, acacia, calamus, carnation and so on.


Plant ash

Collect plant ash and soak it with water. the ratio of plant ash to water is 1:5. After soaking for 1 day, the clear liquid can be sprayed with flowers for 1 or 2 times. Or paving with plant ash can also put an end to insect eggs and solve the problem of insect pests.

White whitefly

Which plants are harmed?

Gardenia, hydrangea, peony, Fusang, five-colored plum and so on.

Solution method

1. Chlorpyrifos

1. Dilute with clear water, the ratio of chlorpyrifos to water is 1RU 300, spray foliage or directly irrigate roots.

two。 After killing the insects, clean the river sand and give the flower shop surface after the sun exposure, effectively preventing the insects from laying eggs in the basin soil.

2. Protecting the god of flowers

1. Dilute the flower protector with clear water, the ratio of the flower protection god to the water is 1: 200. After dilution, it can be used to spray branches and leaves and kill insects, spraying once every 3 or 5 days.

two。 Dilute the flower protector with water. The ratio of the flower protector to the water is 1: 500, and then irrigate the root, once a week.

How to prevent plant pests?

First, start with the soil

If you want to cure diseases and insect pests, you should start with the soil, especially when you change the basin, remember to change the sterilized soil.

1. Exposure to the sun

After the soil is ready, spread it on a clean platform and let it be exposed to the sun. Remember to turn the soil every 2 or 3 days and use it again for 7 or 8 days.

two。 Use of carbendazim

Add carbendazim to the soil, the ratio of soil to carbendazim is 1: 800, stir it carefully and cover it with a plastic film. After 2 or 3 days, it can be used to grow flowers.

3. Cooking

Put the nutritious soil in a steamer and cook it at high temperature for 1 hour, then take it out to cool it and then use it.

2. Pruning plants in time

If the plant grows too thick, its interior is not easy to be ventilated, and the muggy environment is easy to get worms, so it is necessary to prune the plant in time.

Third, skillfully use tin foil

Collect tin foil and spread it on the basin, which will help the plant to receive light in all directions, and it will be difficult for pests such as aphids to survive in strong light.

Learn to interplant

When growing flowers, put a pot of cat mint or dry lotus next to them, these two tricks ladybugs, and ladybugs are the natural enemies of aphids, which can kill aphids.

Five ways to eliminate winter potted flower pests!

Although the Beginning of Winter has already arrived, it is still difficult for pests with first-class vitality to freeze to death even if it is as cold as an ice cellar. In order to make potted plants grow healthily, necessary and effective measures should be taken to kill pests.

The most convenient: sprinkling cigarette ash

In life, people often shake cigarette ash off in flowerpots, although this behavior is not very civilized, but over time, careful flower friends will find that flowerpots with soot are free of pests. This is because the harmful substances in soot can kill pests. If soot is scattered on the surface of the basin soil, it can infiltrate into the soil through water, so that the pests have nowhere to hide.

Specific methods:

Soak tobacco ash and cut tobacco in clean water for about 3 days, and then pour the ash water directly into the basin soil.

Most nutritious: add eggshell

Eggshell contains a lot of calcium carbonate, after burning, the eggshell will become hydrated lime. Ants wait for worms to eat, they are basically dead.

Specific methods:

1. Wash the eggshell and dry it first, then bake it slightly over fire. After the eggshell is slightly charred, it can be crushed and used.

2. Sprinkle egg powder on the surface of the basin soil.

The most thermal insulation: plant ash

Plant ash is not only rich in potassium, but also can play a role in sterilization and detoxification. In addition, plant ash is a good thermal insulation medium, for the pot is about to spend the winter, just to meet the needs of warm roots.

Specific methods:

First sprinkle plant ash on the basin soil, and then spray a little water on it.

Most breathable: sawdust

The warm effect of sawdust is very remarkable. If the temperature is below 0 ℃, you can spread a layer of sawdust at the bottom of the flowerpot to prevent freezing and keep warm, but also help to enhance water permeability.

Specific methods:

1. Put the sawdust in the sun for 2 days to remove the glue from the sawdust.

2. First lay a layer of sawdust about the thickness of the bottom of the flowerpot, and then spread the pot soil on it. Remember not to let the root system of the plant come into direct contact with sawdust so as not to burn the root.

Most delicious: cinnamon powder

It is understood that ants, fruit flies and other bugs do not like the smell of cinnamon powder. If there is a black fly in the flowerpot, cinnamon powder can be sprinkled on the top of the pot soil, sterilization and disinfection, but also can improve the rooting survival rate.

Specific methods:

Sprinkle a small amount of cinnamon powder evenly around the basin soil.

Common flower pests and their control

(1) grub. Grubs are beetle larvae, milky white, orange or yellowish brown head, cylindrical body, often bent into 0 shape. It is widely distributed and has mixed food habits, which harms the root and root neck of flower seedlings. When the damage is serious, the plant will wither and die. Potted flowers often attract beetles to drill into the potted soil to lay eggs due to the application of waste water from washing fish and meat. After hatching, the roots of potted flowers are harmed. The control of this kind of underground pest should adopt the combination of aboveground and underground control, and the combination of larva and adult control. In the sowing period, pesticides can be used for seed treatment, and poisonous soil and poisonous water can be controlled during the crop growing period.

(2) slugs. Slugs are molluscs with no shell and are dark gray, grayish red or yellowish white. Omnivorous, scraping flower leaves, but also due to feces resulting in bacteria invading human leaf tissue, causing decay. Most of them are born in dark and humid places, afraid of light and heat, after rain, the ground is moist or dewy, and the harm is also serious. Its prevention and cure can spread lime to the ground surface or flowerpot, dilute ammonia water into 70-100 times liquid spray poison.

(3) snails. The snail has a snail shell in vitro, which is oblate and spherical, the shell is hard, yellowish brown or reddish brown, and the shell mouth is horseshoe-shaped. It likes Yin and dampness, harms flowers during the day and night, scrapes leaves and stems with tooth tongue, and bites off young seedlings in serious cases. The prevention and control can be achieved by using 1: 15 tea cake water or sprinkling 8 * busheline on the rhizosphere of flowers.

(4) aphids. There are many species and wide distribution of aphids. Adults and nymphs suck nutrient juice on the back of leaves or twigs with stinging mouthparts, and the injured branches and leaves are often curled, resulting in stagnation of plant growth and even withering and death. 39 °natural pyrethrum, 2.5 * rotenin 800 × 1 200 fold solution and 209 °synthetic pyrethroid 2000 × 1000 fold solution can be used for prevention and control.

(5) crustaceans. Crustaceans include many different genera and species. Nymphs and adults suck the sap of woody flowers and leaves, excrete honeydew, cause bituminous coal disease, and cause branch and leaf withering or even whole plant death. Before the nymphs are waxed, the nymphs can be sprayed with 200x solution of 25 °carbaryl powder, 1500 times of 509o Andeli emulsion or 800,000x of 50% dichlorvos emulsion.

(6) earthworms. Earthworms are annelids with many species and wide distribution. Although it can improve soil or be used as bait for poultry and fish, it is often harmful to potted flower seedlings and roots. Saltane and carbaryl powder have a good effect on S control in potted soil. , 1